There HAS to be life on other planets..


Gold Member
Dec 16, 2017
I’m not talking about little green men, and I’ve never been a believer in aliens, I’ve never seen any evidence to prove to me that there are. However…there are hundreds of billions of galaxies, some say even trillions of galaxies. The odds that when the universe formed, that our planet is the ONLY one that ended up being able to sustain intelligent life would have to be astronomically high. It would almost seem impossible that what happened on on earth didn’t also happen somewhere else, or in many different places.

My thought on this is that if earth is the only place where humans ended up, you’d almost have to believe in creation to believe that.

because the little green men are out to get you John


I’m not talking about little green men, and I’ve never been a believer in aliens, I’ve never seen any evidence to prove to me that there are. However…there are hundreds of billions of galaxies, some say even trillions of galaxies. The odds that when the universe formed, that our planet is the ONLY one that ended up being able to sustain intelligent life would have to be astronomically high. It would almost seem impossible that what happened on on earth didn’t also happen somewhere else, or in many different places.

My thought on this is that if earth is the only place where humans ended up, you’d almost have to believe in creation to believe that.

Statistics doesn't produce life.

We have no idea if there is life elsewhere because we have only one data point and that is earth.

For all we know life could be so rare as to only have happen once in this universe.

This video discusses it in detail a lot better than I can can in a few paragraphs in this thread.

I’m not talking about little green men, and I’ve never been a believer in aliens, I’ve never seen any evidence to prove to me that there are. However…there are hundreds of billions of galaxies, some say even trillions of galaxies. The odds that when the universe formed, that our planet is the ONLY one that ended up being able to sustain intelligent life would have to be astronomically high. It would almost seem impossible that what happened on on earth didn’t also happen somewhere else, or in many different places.

My thought on this is that if earth is the only place where humans ended up, you’d almost have to believe in creation to believe that.


Once is enough ...

Human life may be unique in the universe ... what are the odds of a meteor killing off the dinosaurs? ... that has to happen, or no humans ... and if dinosaurs needed to get smart, they would have ... they certainly had enough time ... turns out flight is a better adaptation ...

We'll find an oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere out there ... proof positive of photosynthesis ... but we'll never be able to study it any further ... just too damn far ...
I’m not talking about little green men, and I’ve never been a believer in aliens, I’ve never seen any evidence to prove to me that there are. However…there are hundreds of billions of galaxies, some say even trillions of galaxies. The odds that when the universe formed, that our planet is the ONLY one that ended up being able to sustain intelligent life would have to be astronomically high. It would almost seem impossible that what happened on on earth didn’t also happen somewhere else, or in many different places.

My thought on this is that if earth is the only place where humans ended up, you’d almost have to believe in creation to believe that.

I’m not talking about little green men, and I’ve never been a believer in aliens, I’ve never seen any evidence to prove to me that there are. However…there are hundreds of billions of galaxies, some say even trillions of galaxies. The odds that when the universe formed, that our planet is the ONLY one that ended up being able to sustain intelligent life would have to be astronomically high. It would almost seem impossible that what happened on on earth didn’t also happen somewhere else, or in many different places.

My thought on this is that if earth is the only place where humans ended up, you’d almost have to believe in creation to believe that.


There doesn't have to be. There probably is. Whether life has formed enough seems to be much harder because it requires certain conditions.

Earth saw major catastrophes for life, which allowed for oxygen using creatures which could grow more.
I’m not talking about little green men, and I’ve never been a believer in aliens, I’ve never seen any evidence to prove to me that there are. However…there are hundreds of billions of galaxies, some say even trillions of galaxies. The odds that when the universe formed, that our planet is the ONLY one that ended up being able to sustain intelligent life would have to be astronomically high. It would almost seem impossible that what happened on on earth didn’t also happen somewhere else, or in many different places.

My thought on this is that if earth is the only place where humans ended up, you’d almost have to believe in creation to believe that.

You just went from life -- to intelligent life.


Some things in the world are rare. so, possibilities vs probabilities.
I think life depends on water and water requires a given climate range. Too hot or too cold and life will not survive.

That would mean limited numbers of planets that can sustain life. Complex life is not a given with most life probably being some type of slime or single cell.

The bigger question is not is it possible for life in the vastness of the universe, but could we ever reach them?

That is doubtful
Humans are absolutely ridiculous because they’re so completely self absorbed. It’s laughable
Humans are also brainwashed with Science Fiction.

We are convinced that we can go star trekking across the universe and screw Orion Slave girls. After all, didn't we see Cpt Kirk do it on TV?

The harsh reality is that we absolutely no proof of any life outside earth and that any speculation that it might be elsewhere is nothing more speculation. Nothing based on fact. The only thing we have is "it gotta be elsewhere".

The other reality is that the distance between the stars is so great that the chances of us ever getting to another star is so remote as to be impossible. It is very probable that the human race will die out before we ever answer the question of if there is life elsewhere.

About the only hope is if we make it to Mars and find evidence of ancient microbial life.

It doesn't look good.
Logic, as it's currently understood, would dictate that life on other worlds would exist.

But, what if there is simply nothing else out there but countless lifeless worlds stretching out into infinity and we are alone?

To be honest I've not seen any real evidence that it's not the case and I can't say it bothers me any one way or the other.

In fact the only thing that should really concern us is a ELE event from a asteroid.

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