There HAS to be life on other planets..

The Twinkling Void

Comparing it to man, we should dismiss the rest of the universe just as if it was all created shortly before man arrived. It is inanimate, so it is all on a far lower level.
We've progressed much further than that on this discussion and I'm not going to go back to the creation myths. You have to read what ding has admitted to so far.
Likely .
But another odd speculation .

There is a "firewall "at the ege of the Solar System which the Voyagers found .
Therefore no waves can enter or exit . Fact , as far as I can determine
That's interesting!
Yet in 1984 we commenced SETI but only to investigate "chat"in our solar system .As it has turned out .
As a result of information from visitors we have picked up from crash retrievals . ?????
I'm not aware of SETI producing any results.
Crazy ?
Probably . But not certainly .
That is , there is considerable Chat but beyond Top Secret .
I don't think there's any secrets being hidden on extratesstrial life being found.

People like DeGrasse Tyson wouldn't try to keep it a secret. That would be completely contrary to his interests.
So are you saying you know what it was, or don't know what it was? Honest question.

it was cigar shaped & had a red light on its belly & it literally went over our car, making no noise at all - it was pretty big too. i looked up & saw it thru the windshield as it went farther out past the big movie screen ( that's when people started getting outa their cars or beeping their horns. ) this thing 'flew' rather slowly directly upwards, then down, then to the right, & then left & then shot outa there so fast. it was not any kinda helicopter or plane. i have no clue what it was & nobody else seemed to either.
It's enough for now that you're accepting the link to pond scum and so you've asked yourself the important question, in effect. Who or how was the animate life in the pond made by? Or how?

Now at least we've reached the point at which you've carelessly rejected creation. Other progress: You've admitted that the bibles can't re relied upon for truth.

If this wasn't the religion section then we could just let that part of the discussion go.
There's a lot of truth in your comment on you talking science instead of religion!

You're not going to find comfort for your doubts here, no matter how many people you put down as dummies. Nobody is going to give you something that can make any of the superstitious beliefs work for you.
But I rejected your silly belief that life began as pond scum struck by lightening, dummy. I know better.

I'm glad you accepted that God created the universe. ;)
Yes, work on your honesty.
You are not only dishonest. You are ignorant of science.

I thought we were talking about inanimate matter making the leap to living organisms. If that is what we are talking about then we are talking about long chains of organic molecules - which resemble amino acids - folding themselves in the correct sequence without any instructions to do so.

It's been awhile since I looked into this but what I remember is that long chains of organic compounds - which could mimic amino acids - could theoretically fold themselves in just the right sequence in hot wet conditions but the odds of that happening are astronomical. It's the folding in the correct sequence which is the information required for life to exist and it is a massive amount of information.

Actually I doubt very seriously life evolved from ooze or pond scum. I already told you what I believe. Long chains of organic molecules that mimicked amino acids folding themselves in the correct sequence.

Why are you - an atheist - the only one discussing God, and me - a Christian - the only one discussing science?

Start thinking about long chains of organic molecules folding themselves in the exact right sequence.
It's because you read it like that instead of creation occurred over time that you are a moron.
Don't be afraid of the 6 days theory. It's no less valid than thousands or millions of years.

Both of which are fantasies, as we've come to agree. If you're going to try to tell us that you haven't accepted Darwinian evolution, then you'll get yourself spanked.
Don't be afraid of the 6 days theory. It's no less valid than thousands or millions of years.

Both of which are fantasies, as we've come to agree. If you're going to try to tell us that you haven't accepted Darwinian evolution, then you'll get yourself spanked.
Don't be afraid of reading these accounts like an intelligent adult instead of the Westboro Baptist that you grew up as.

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