There Goes Holder


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Contempt of Congress Charges Being Read to Him Now...

...let's see where this goes...

Congress won't do anything.
Issa will be "suicided".

Americans will care more about the upcoming NFL season.
Contempt of Congress Charges Being Read to Him Now...

...let's see where this goes...

Who is doing this reading?


I understand from a story linked via Drudge that Issa says the "untimely" assertion by the Justice Department of Executive Privilege is not going to delay the contempt vote.

(A) the claim is actually the President's claim.

(B) until the CLAIM of Executive Privilege is addressed, properly, I think it's a mistake to vote out a contempt citation.

But, we will see soon enough, I guess.
Senator Grassley's comments...

“How can the president assert executive privilege if there was no White House involvement? How can the president exert executive privilege over documents he’s supposedly never seen? Is something very big being hidden to go to this extreme? The contempt citation is an important procedural mechanism in our system of checks and balances."
What's the punishment for contempt of congress? Do they have the willingness to pull the trigger, or will it become a party line BS?
Oh con man don't say the P word.....pardon *thumbs down* lol I'm ruining no reelection no pardon for Holder, Romney will pardon Obama though I'd guess
This is really too damn funny. CONGRESS is in contempt of Congress, ffs. There's never been as much corruption in government as there is now, and it's all bought and paid for.

Balls of steel on that bunch.
Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman who has headed efforts to investigate the Obama administration, has accused Holder of covering up information about Fast & Furious and has threatened to slap a contempt of Congress ruling against the AG because the Justice Department hasn't released documents about the operation that were congressionally subpoenaed.

Issa, however, hasn't always favored the release of documents. In 2007, when Gonzales was under scrutiny over the firing of U.S. attorneys, Issa told a local news outlet that the administration shouldn't have released documents related to the case. Issa argued that the attorneys were "at will" employees whose firing didn't need explaining to the public.

Asked to explain the discrepancy, Issa's press secretary, Becca Watkins, said that the Bush administration used executive privilege in Gonzales's case, while Obama hasn't done so. She didn't respond to further requests for an explanation.

Against Attorney General Eric Holder, GOP Is Fast and Furious - Yahoo! News

well and there was this
they are hanging themselves

their partisan asses are looking really ragged

What are you going on about?

This is about finding out the truth as to who knew what and when they knew it as someone, through the fast and furious gun program, is responsible for the deaths of 2 border angents.

That is what this is all about, finding the truth to give their families answers, closure, and justice.
The punishment is a $1000 fine and 1 year in prison, no more.

They already have proof Eric Holder lied to congress.

Refusing to turn over evidence could evolve into Obstruction of Justice charges for Holder and Obama if it is learned he is involved or has knowledge of the evidence.

This doesn't even delve into the illegality of the gun-running charges.

Executive privilege should not apply for this because the White House claims it had no involvement.

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