There are LIMITLESS examples of our government exerting SOCIALIST controls over us.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Thing is they do it in small steps over time.
Everything from trying to FORCE businesses to do business with those they don't want to do business with.
Trying to FORCE Americans to buy a certain type of medical insurance. (And NO auto insurance doesn't count since I am not forced to buy a car. And you can self insure with proof of financial ability)
FORCING American automakers to destroy perfectly good used cars.
Forcing me to pay into a ponzi scheme that the government freely steals from...(ss)

The list goes on and on of things that the government attempts to exert control over. Thing is they do it a little here, a little there so as to not cause a large scale backlash.

People like Timmy will mince words and try to play semantics with each situation to explain it away while at the same time proclaiming that no one can cite examples.

The so called NEW GREEN DEAL is not new at all. Those types of GOVERNMENT boot to neck policies have been used over and over throughout human history.

Is there some level of government intrusion that is acceptable? Of course but we are WELL PAST THAT at this point. Trying to control cow farting and farm tractor use is beyond the pale.

There are socialist based elements in all governments, yes. Nobody in the world is truly laissez-faire, and even as a libertarian I'm not sure such a government would function in practicality because it relies on an educated populace who actively observes and participates.
Thing is they do it in small steps over time.
Everything from trying to FORCE businesses to do business with those they don't want to do business with.
Trying to FORCE Americans to buy a certain type of medical insurance. (And NO auto insurance doesn't count since I am not forced to buy a car. And you can self insure with proof of financial ability)
FORCING American automakers to destroy perfectly good used cars.
Forcing me to pay into a ponzi scheme that the government freely steals from...(ss)

The list goes on and on of things that the government attempts to exert control over. Thing is they do it a little here, a little there so as to not cause a large scale backlash.

People like Timmy will mince words and try to play semantics with each situation to explain it away while at the same time proclaiming that no one can cite examples.

The so called NEW GREEN DEAL is not new at all. Those types of GOVERNMENT boot to neck policies have been used over and over throughout human history.

Is there some level of government intrusion that is acceptable? Of course but we are WELL PAST THAT at this point. Trying to control cow farting and farm tractor use is beyond the pale.


I don't think you have anything to worry about.
The normalization of a Russian agent who belongs to a transnational crime wing is becoming more established and accepted every day.
His minions are going to jail for lying about their connections to Russia, but as long as there's no direct contact (besides bragging to Kislyak in the Oval Office in front of the Russian press) your man-child is safe.
Yes, then we bitch slapped our government by electing Trump president :muahaha: SUCK IT you lawless government law breaking corrupt bastards!
Trust me these politicians fear the American people. We are Americans not some sheeple euro trash. Go ahead piss us off you politicians will be voted out in mass.
Thing is they do it in small steps over time.
Everything from trying to FORCE businesses to do business with those they don't want to do business with.
Trying to FORCE Americans to buy a certain type of medical insurance. (And NO auto insurance doesn't count since I am not forced to buy a car. And you can self insure with proof of financial ability)
FORCING American automakers to destroy perfectly good used cars.
Forcing me to pay into a ponzi scheme that the government freely steals from...(ss)

The list goes on and on of things that the government attempts to exert control over. Thing is they do it a little here, a little there so as to not cause a large scale backlash.

People like Timmy will mince words and try to play semantics with each situation to explain it away while at the same time proclaiming that no one can cite examples.

The so called NEW GREEN DEAL is not new at all. Those types of GOVERNMENT boot to neck policies have been used over and over throughout human history.

Is there some level of government intrusion that is acceptable? Of course but we are WELL PAST THAT at this point. Trying to control cow farting and farm tractor use is beyond the pale.

So you want to legalize discrimination. I didn't have to read further.
Fuck you & your racism & bigotry. We don't want to go to "Whites Only" bull shit.

And guess what, you stupid shit, you can get a waiver from the ACA with that sane financial proof.

Cash for Clunkers was a voluntary plan.

SS is not a ponzi scheme.

Do you assfucks ever do anything bit lie?
Thing is they do it in small steps over time.
Everything from trying to FORCE businesses to do business with those they don't want to do business with.
Trying to FORCE Americans to buy a certain type of medical insurance. (And NO auto insurance doesn't count since I am not forced to buy a car. And you can self insure with proof of financial ability)
FORCING American automakers to destroy perfectly good used cars.
Forcing me to pay into a ponzi scheme that the government freely steals from...(ss)

The list goes on and on of things that the government attempts to exert control over. Thing is they do it a little here, a little there so as to not cause a large scale backlash.

People like Timmy will mince words and try to play semantics with each situation to explain it away while at the same time proclaiming that no one can cite examples.

The so called NEW GREEN DEAL is not new at all. Those types of GOVERNMENT boot to neck policies have been used over and over throughout human history.

Is there some level of government intrusion that is acceptable? Of course but we are WELL PAST THAT at this point. Trying to control cow farting and farm tractor use is beyond the pale.


I don't think you have anything to worry about.
The normalization of a Russian agent who belongs to a transnational crime wing is becoming more established and accepted every day.
His minions are going to jail for lying about their connections to Russia, but as long as there's no direct contact (besides bragging to Kislyak in the Oval Office in front of the Russian press) your man-child is safe.
This thread isn't about Trump, check your TDS at the door tard.
Thing is they do it in small steps over time.
Everything from trying to FORCE businesses to do business with those they don't want to do business with.
Trying to FORCE Americans to buy a certain type of medical insurance. (And NO auto insurance doesn't count since I am not forced to buy a car. And you can self insure with proof of financial ability)
FORCING American automakers to destroy perfectly good used cars.
Forcing me to pay into a ponzi scheme that the government freely steals from...(ss)

The list goes on and on of things that the government attempts to exert control over. Thing is they do it a little here, a little there so as to not cause a large scale backlash.

People like Timmy will mince words and try to play semantics with each situation to explain it away while at the same time proclaiming that no one can cite examples.

The so called NEW GREEN DEAL is not new at all. Those types of GOVERNMENT boot to neck policies have been used over and over throughout human history.

Is there some level of government intrusion that is acceptable? Of course but we are WELL PAST THAT at this point. Trying to control cow farting and farm tractor use is beyond the pale.


You left off the government giving 20 billion dollars of our money to farmers to control what they do and do not grow/raise.

You left off the government putting tariffs on product to try and force us to buy what they want us to buy
Thing is they do it in small steps over time.
Everything from trying to FORCE businesses to do business with those they don't want to do business with.
Trying to FORCE Americans to buy a certain type of medical insurance. (And NO auto insurance doesn't count since I am not forced to buy a car. And you can self insure with proof of financial ability)
FORCING American automakers to destroy perfectly good used cars.
Forcing me to pay into a ponzi scheme that the government freely steals from...(ss)

The list goes on and on of things that the government attempts to exert control over. Thing is they do it a little here, a little there so as to not cause a large scale backlash.

People like Timmy will mince words and try to play semantics with each situation to explain it away while at the same time proclaiming that no one can cite examples.

The so called NEW GREEN DEAL is not new at all. Those types of GOVERNMENT boot to neck policies have been used over and over throughout human history.

Is there some level of government intrusion that is acceptable? Of course but we are WELL PAST THAT at this point. Trying to control cow farting and farm tractor use is beyond the pale.

You're a low IQ fucktard just like Trump is. It's asshats like you that saddled the rest of us with a sleazy, lying corrupt dumb as a box of rocks screwball like Trump.

If it wasn't for Trumps daddy, he would have ended up managing flea bag roach infested flophouses down in The Bowery of N.Y.C., which is where he still belongs.
Thing is they do it in small steps over time.
Everything from trying to FORCE businesses to do business with those they don't want to do business with.
Trying to FORCE Americans to buy a certain type of medical insurance. (And NO auto insurance doesn't count since I am not forced to buy a car. And you can self insure with proof of financial ability)
FORCING American automakers to destroy perfectly good used cars.
Forcing me to pay into a ponzi scheme that the government freely steals from...(ss)

The list goes on and on of things that the government attempts to exert control over. Thing is they do it a little here, a little there so as to not cause a large scale backlash.

People like Timmy will mince words and try to play semantics with each situation to explain it away while at the same time proclaiming that no one can cite examples.

The so called NEW GREEN DEAL is not new at all. Those types of GOVERNMENT boot to neck policies have been used over and over throughout human history.

Is there some level of government intrusion that is acceptable? Of course but we are WELL PAST THAT at this point. Trying to control cow farting and farm tractor use is beyond the pale.


You left off the government giving 20 billion dollars of our money to farmers to control what they do and do not grow/raise.

You left off the government putting tariffs on product to try and force us to buy what they want us to buy
I left off a lot of things. The point however, is clear.
Thing is they do it in small steps over time.
Everything from trying to FORCE businesses to do business with those they don't want to do business with.
Trying to FORCE Americans to buy a certain type of medical insurance. (And NO auto insurance doesn't count since I am not forced to buy a car. And you can self insure with proof of financial ability)
FORCING American automakers to destroy perfectly good used cars.
Forcing me to pay into a ponzi scheme that the government freely steals from...(ss)

The list goes on and on of things that the government attempts to exert control over. Thing is they do it a little here, a little there so as to not cause a large scale backlash.

People like Timmy will mince words and try to play semantics with each situation to explain it away while at the same time proclaiming that no one can cite examples.

The so called NEW GREEN DEAL is not new at all. Those types of GOVERNMENT boot to neck policies have been used over and over throughout human history.

Is there some level of government intrusion that is acceptable? Of course but we are WELL PAST THAT at this point. Trying to control cow farting and farm tractor use is beyond the pale.

You're a low IQ fucktard just like Trump is. It's asshats like you that saddled the rest of us with a sleazy, lying corrupt dumb as a box of rocks screwball like Trump.

If it wasn't for Trumps daddy, he would have ended up managing flea bag roach infested flophouses down in The Bowery of N.Y.C., which is where he still belongs.
More Trump TDS that's irrelevant to the thread.
Leftism 101: ignore the subject and go straight to personal attacks
Do you assfucks ever do anything bit lie?


The fact is...we have a socialist/capitalist system and Most of us would want it no other way,..The REAL question is HOW much socialism is required.

Start with an honest question and we can get honest answers
There are socialist based elements in all governments, yes. Nobody in the world is truly laissez-faire, and even as a libertarian I'm not sure such a government would function in practicality because it relies on an educated populace who actively observes and participates.
And there’s JIM Jones, David koresh etc intelligent people do irrationally all the time.
Thing is they do it in small steps over time.
Everything from trying to FORCE businesses to do business with those they don't want to do business with.
Trying to FORCE Americans to buy a certain type of medical insurance. (And NO auto insurance doesn't count since I am not forced to buy a car. And you can self insure with proof of financial ability)
FORCING American automakers to destroy perfectly good used cars.
Forcing me to pay into a ponzi scheme that the government freely steals from...(ss)

The list goes on and on of things that the government attempts to exert control over. Thing is they do it a little here, a little there so as to not cause a large scale backlash.

People like Timmy will mince words and try to play semantics with each situation to explain it away while at the same time proclaiming that no one can cite examples.

The so called NEW GREEN DEAL is not new at all. Those types of GOVERNMENT boot to neck policies have been used over and over throughout human history.

Is there some level of government intrusion that is acceptable? Of course but we are WELL PAST THAT at this point. Trying to control cow farting and farm tractor use is beyond the pale.


You left off the government giving 20 billion dollars of our money to farmers to control what they do and do not grow/raise.

You left off the government putting tariffs on product to try and force us to buy what they want us to buy
I left off a lot of things. The point however, is clear.

I think you actually miss your own pointed only to one side doing it when the reality is that both sides are more than happy with their version of socialist policies.
Thing is they do it in small steps over time.
Everything from trying to FORCE businesses to do business with those they don't want to do business with.
Trying to FORCE Americans to buy a certain type of medical insurance. (And NO auto insurance doesn't count since I am not forced to buy a car. And you can self insure with proof of financial ability)
FORCING American automakers to destroy perfectly good used cars.
Forcing me to pay into a ponzi scheme that the government freely steals from...(ss)

The list goes on and on of things that the government attempts to exert control over. Thing is they do it a little here, a little there so as to not cause a large scale backlash.

People like Timmy will mince words and try to play semantics with each situation to explain it away while at the same time proclaiming that no one can cite examples.

The so called NEW GREEN DEAL is not new at all. Those types of GOVERNMENT boot to neck policies have been used over and over throughout human history.

Is there some level of government intrusion that is acceptable? Of course but we are WELL PAST THAT at this point. Trying to control cow farting and farm tractor use is beyond the pale.

The socialisms are gonna get us!!


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