There are LIMITLESS examples of our government exerting SOCIALIST controls over us.

Thing is they do it in small steps over time.
Everything from trying to FORCE businesses to do business with those they don't want to do business with.
Trying to FORCE Americans to buy a certain type of medical insurance. (And NO auto insurance doesn't count since I am not forced to buy a car. And you can self insure with proof of financial ability)
FORCING American automakers to destroy perfectly good used cars.
Forcing me to pay into a ponzi scheme that the government freely steals from...(ss)

The list goes on and on of things that the government attempts to exert control over. Thing is they do it a little here, a little there so as to not cause a large scale backlash.

People like Timmy will mince words and try to play semantics with each situation to explain it away while at the same time proclaiming that no one can cite examples.

The so called NEW GREEN DEAL is not new at all. Those types of GOVERNMENT boot to neck policies have been used over and over throughout human history.

Is there some level of government intrusion that is acceptable? Of course but we are WELL PAST THAT at this point. Trying to control cow farting and farm tractor use is beyond the pale.


You left off the government giving 20 billion dollars of our money to farmers to control what they do and do not grow/raise.

You left off the government putting tariffs on product to try and force us to buy what they want us to buy
I left off a lot of things. The point however, is clear.

I think you actually miss your own pointed only to one side doing it when the reality is that both sides are more than happy with their version of socialist policies.
I did no such thing. There isn't a "side" when it comes to the government. The examples I cited may come from one party but that is only because they are the most widely known recent examples.
Thing is they do it in small steps over time.
Everything from trying to FORCE businesses to do business with those they don't want to do business with.
Trying to FORCE Americans to buy a certain type of medical insurance. (And NO auto insurance doesn't count since I am not forced to buy a car. And you can self insure with proof of financial ability)
FORCING American automakers to destroy perfectly good used cars.
Forcing me to pay into a ponzi scheme that the government freely steals from...(ss)

The list goes on and on of things that the government attempts to exert control over. Thing is they do it a little here, a little there so as to not cause a large scale backlash.

People like Timmy will mince words and try to play semantics with each situation to explain it away while at the same time proclaiming that no one can cite examples.

The so called NEW GREEN DEAL is not new at all. Those types of GOVERNMENT boot to neck policies have been used over and over throughout human history.

Is there some level of government intrusion that is acceptable? Of course but we are WELL PAST THAT at this point. Trying to control cow farting and farm tractor use is beyond the pale.


You left off the government giving 20 billion dollars of our money to farmers to control what they do and do not grow/raise.

You left off the government putting tariffs on product to try and force us to buy what they want us to buy
I left off a lot of things. The point however, is clear.

I think you actually miss your own pointed only to one side doing it when the reality is that both sides are more than happy with their version of socialist policies.
I did no such thing. There isn't a "side" when it comes to the government. The examples I cited may come from one party but that is only because they are the most widely known recent examples.

The examples I cited are happening even as we speak, that seems rather recent.

I do not recall seeing you whine about farm subsides, but maybe I missed it.

I do not recall seeing you whine about tariffs , but maybe I missed those too
So true.. slowly but surely we will be under democrats control, our words, speech, our right to protect our selves.
So fuck all the regulations & leys see how far unfettered capitalism gets us.
Not only that but remember when the Government forced dealerships to close? Then gave payouts out to the unions instead of the share holders...
Thing is they do it in small steps over time.
Everything from trying to FORCE businesses to do business with those they don't want to do business with.
Trying to FORCE Americans to buy a certain type of medical insurance. (And NO auto insurance doesn't count since I am not forced to buy a car. And you can self insure with proof of financial ability)
FORCING American automakers to destroy perfectly good used cars.
Forcing me to pay into a ponzi scheme that the government freely steals from...(ss)

The list goes on and on of things that the government attempts to exert control over. Thing is they do it a little here, a little there so as to not cause a large scale backlash.

People like Timmy will mince words and try to play semantics with each situation to explain it away while at the same time proclaiming that no one can cite examples.

The so called NEW GREEN DEAL is not new at all. Those types of GOVERNMENT boot to neck policies have been used over and over throughout human history.

Is there some level of government intrusion that is acceptable? Of course but we are WELL PAST THAT at this point. Trying to control cow farting and farm tractor use is beyond the pale.


You left off the government giving 20 billion dollars of our money to farmers to control what they do and do not grow/raise.

You left off the government putting tariffs on product to try and force us to buy what they want us to buy
I left off a lot of things. The point however, is clear.


Its that you’re okay with socialism in some cases; not okay with it in others.

Just like you’re fine with Trump lying to you about Mexico paying for the wall but the moment someone you don’t like lies to you, you will be here bitching about it.

Its called having no principles….or perhaps having no principles but not having the good sense to keep quiet about it.
Do you assfucks ever do anything bit lie?


The fact is...we have a socialist/capitalist system and Most of us would want it no other way,..The REAL question is HOW much socialism is required.

Start with an honest question and we can get honest answers

Here’s an honest answer: Less, not more
Do you assfucks ever do anything bit lie?


The fact is...we have a socialist/capitalist system and Most of us would want it no other way,..The REAL question is HOW much socialism is required.

Start with an honest question and we can get honest answers

Here’s an honest answer: Less, not more
The real question is "how much" he says lololol

It's quite fucking clear to me it's already beyond too much. If it wasn't the right would never get elected.

The ONLY real question is how the hell do we shut pandoras box!
Do you assfucks ever do anything bit lie?


The fact is...we have a socialist/capitalist system and Most of us would want it no other way,..The REAL question is HOW much socialism is required.

Start with an honest question and we can get honest answers

Here’s an honest answer: Less, not more
The real question is "how much" he says lololol

It's quite fucking clear to me it's already beyond too much. If it wasn't the right would never get elected.

The ONLY real question is how the hell do we shut pandoras box!
So we should get rid of Social Security.Medicare.Medicaid/Medicaid, the VA, Public Education,and all the safety regulations,and work place rules we have?

ANd of COURSE healthcare as well..
Not only that but remember when the Government forced dealerships to close? Then gave payouts out to the unions instead of the share holders...
Terms of a bail out. GM could have rejected the bail out.
The offer NEVER should have been extended and as stated the only reason for it was to pay the unions and create a fake shortage of reliable used cars to push a green agenda.
Had they offered the cars to wounded vets down on their luck MAYBE the program could gave had merit. As it was implemented it was nothing more than a corporate give away not unlike farm subsidies ment to CONTROL the direction of the PRIVATE auto industry.

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