Theory on Pagan Gods


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
First of all Pagan Gods are a creation not the creator. They are not Gods. Because God is the creator and there is one God, Father, Son and Spirit as one single God. But the Pagan Gods might be supernatural creations they might be Angels and Demons. Some Angels are fallen and became Demons. One of them is Satan or Lucifer the leader of the Demons. Also Paganism has "Gods" who fight "Demons" good vs. evil. The good wins usually. Today Archangels appeared to me, and suddenly Ganesha appeared to me, Ganesha is a Indian "God" I was not afraid of him but recognised him as Archangel Michael, He appeared in traditional form with sword and as light to me but also as Ganesha. Do you think Im wrong or right? Or Im mislead? Why couldnt an Archangel appear as Ganesha? Maybe it has to do with my indian ancestry.
Because God is the creator and there is one God, Father, Son and Spirit as one single God.
That's interesting. I suppose that means the Trinity has always existed and will always exist.

In which case Jesus is his own son and father. Very tricky.
Because God is the creator and there is one God, Father, Son and Spirit as one single God.
That's interesting. I suppose that means the Trinity has always existed and will always exist.

In which case Jesus is his own son and father. Very tricky.

The trinity is mafinested in the universe as elements or molecules. Think of water "ice, water and air". This is pretty clear the evidence.
The trinity is mafinested in the universe as elements or molecules. Think of water "ice, water and air". This is pretty clear the evidence.
Do you mean Jesus is not both his own father and son? How does that work if the Trinity is indivisible and has always existed?
The trinity is mafinested in the universe as elements or molecules. Think of water "ice, water and air". This is pretty clear the evidence.
Do you mean Jesus is not both his own father and son? How does that work if the Trinity is indivisible and has always existed?

Because Jesus is God as is the Father, but he is the Son not the Father. God has 3 elements, Son, Father and Spirit but they are one Single God. So replace Father with God and Jesus is God.
No, it's easy. Jesus is god and is his own son and own father because Jesus is the son of god..
Difficult to graps but God is 3 persons but still one God. Just like H2O is water, ice and air. But is H2O
Ice, water and water vapour are divisible, even though they are all composed of H20.

I believe I've been told the Trinity is not divisible and has always existed. Is what I believe I've been told true?

If it is true, Jesus is not divisible from the Trinity and if he is the son of god he must be his own son and his own father.
First of all Pagan Gods are a creation not the creator. They are not Gods. Because God is the creator and there is one God, Father, Son and Spirit as one single God. But the Pagan Gods might be supernatural creations they might be Angels and Demons. Some Angels are fallen and became Demons. One of them is Satan or Lucifer the leader of the Demons. Also Paganism has "Gods" who fight "Demons" good vs. evil. The good wins usually. Today Archangels appeared to me, and suddenly Ganesha appeared to me, Ganesha is a Indian "God" I was not afraid of him but recognised him as Archangel Michael, He appeared in traditional form with sword and as light to me but also as Ganesha. Do you think Im wrong or right? Or Im mislead? Why couldnt an Archangel appear as Ganesha? Maybe it has to do with my indian ancestry.
Pagan gods:

Essentially just powerful mortals with physical forms, viewed in a way akin to how modern voyeurs view media "celebrities"

Monotheistic God:

Not a physical being, the supreme being of the Cosmos, represents good and perfect ideals above and beyond the whims of mortals, has no physical location (e.x. the sky), but is discernable through abstraction or portrayal with symbolic imagery, akin to abstract concept such as "universal physical laws", and whatnot.
Interesting...So, then, Jesus is God and always has been. No?

Evangelicals Take Stand on Trinity


A group of 73 evangelicals and counting have joined together in a shared declaration stating that when it comes to the three persons of God, it's one-for-all and all-for one.

Titled "An Evangelical Statement on the Trinity," the document was posted in early November on and affirms that God is one being comprised of three aspects that are co-equal and co-eternal. It was a necessary move, signees say, given the lingering debate over Trinity doctrine in the Christian community.
Yesterday I had another "revealation kinda" about it. Ganesha was me, I was a kid. Ganesha was a kid. Ganesha that means me suffers, I suffer and Jesus suffers. Ganesha was me. He had my features, and he suffered and was a kid. When he suffered Jesus suffered, so he was Jesus, Im Jesus (that doesnt mean Im really Jesus the Christ but everyone of us is Jesus like and when we suffer it is Jesus who suffers). He wasnt Archangel Michael anymore, not my guardian Angel like in the last revealation but he was me he had my features, and he was a suffering kid.
First of all Pagan Gods are a creation not the creator. They are not Gods. Because God is the creator and there is one God, Father, Son and Spirit as one single God. But the Pagan Gods might be supernatural creations they might be Angels and Demons. Some Angels are fallen and became Demons. One of them is Satan or Lucifer the leader of the Demons. Also Paganism has "Gods" who fight "Demons" good vs. evil. The good wins usually. Today Archangels appeared to me, and suddenly Ganesha appeared to me, Ganesha is a Indian "God" I was not afraid of him but recognised him as Archangel Michael, He appeared in traditional form with sword and as light to me but also as Ganesha. Do you think Im wrong or right? Or Im mislead? Why couldnt an Archangel appear as Ganesha? Maybe it has to do with my indian ancestry.
Your God is just the PC version of their pagan Gods.
First of all Pagan Gods are a creation not the creator. They are not Gods. Because God is the creator and there is one God, Father, Son and Spirit as one single God. But the Pagan Gods might be supernatural creations they might be Angels and Demons. Some Angels are fallen and became Demons. One of them is Satan or Lucifer the leader of the Demons. Also Paganism has "Gods" who fight "Demons" good vs. evil. The good wins usually. Today Archangels appeared to me, and suddenly Ganesha appeared to me, Ganesha is a Indian "God" I was not afraid of him but recognised him as Archangel Michael, He appeared in traditional form with sword and as light to me but also as Ganesha. Do you think Im wrong or right? Or Im mislead? Why couldnt an Archangel appear as Ganesha? Maybe it has to do with my indian ancestry.

how come every time i get a birdie the golfing gods give me a bogey on the next hole.

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