The Zionist "State" Wants a War With Iran!!!

Do you even realize what you just did there? lol
That's why I say let everybody with a claim fight it out in a final, deciding war. So many people have fought over that shitty piece of useless desert that it's hard to distinguish who had the original rights to the land.

The vast majority of the zionist Juden who flooded into Palestine after WWll were from Europe and had no physical or ancestral connection to the land they renamed Israel. ...
Where did the Palestinians come from when the Romans kicked out the Israelis? And before that, where did the Canaanites come from? And, before that....

We just need a full-blown war to finalize this shit and declare a final victor.
We are the most murderous regime on the planet. Why do we get nukes?
The only country to actually have used nukes gets to tell other countries that they CAN'T have them.

We should just shut the fuck up and let JAPAN be the sole dictator on nukes, or nobody at all.
Did you know Japan cant legally attack anyone? According to their Constitution, they can only "defend" I thought that was interesting
I wish nukes never existed. We are so fucking stupid man.. creating weapons like that to kill our own? SMH
Yup the Romans drove some of them out. They went to three places. Babylon, Egypt and some stayed in Judea.
It had been their homeland for a millennia. I think they have a better claim on the land than the Palestinians ever will have.
The Romans expelled most of the Jews from the area and replaced it with the Roman province of Palaestina, which became populated with the people known as Palestinians.

They lived on the land for almost 2,000 years. Until the zionist juden forced them off their land at gunpoint and stole their homes and farms. ..... :cool:

Doesn't alter the fact that it was the Jewish homeland long before there were Palestinians.
The vast majority of the zionist Juden who flooded into Palestine after WWll were from Europe and had no physical or ancestral connection to the land they renamed Israel. ... :cool:

I disagree. Israel belongs to the jews.

But, is it their homeland? Or, is it the Palestinians’ homeland? “Palestinians” is the commonly used appellation for the descendants of approximately 780,000 Arabs who were displaced by a war between five Arab nations and the newly proclaimed state of Israel in 1948.

When the war began, some of the Arabs abandoned their homes in fear, while others left believing that they would soon return. Of course, they did not anticipate that the Israelis would win the war, much less such a lopsided victory. Since that time, these displaced peoples and their descendants have lived in temporary camps without a land they could call their own

How bout that. The Israeli's kicked the shit out of five Arab countries to keep their land. Many of the Arabs left thinking they would be right back. Sucks to be them. LOL

Palestine Israel Whose Land Is It, Really
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The vast majority of the zionist Juden who flooded into Palestine after WWll were from Europe and had no physical or ancestral connection to the land they renamed Israel. ...
Where did the Palestinians come from when the Romans kicked out the Israelis? And before that, where did the Canaanites come from? And, before that....

We just need a full-blown war to finalize this shit and declare a final victor.
Indeed! Doesnt Lebanon have a stake in this?
Living Descendants of Biblical Canaanites Identified Via DNA
We are the most murderous regime on the planet. Why do we get nukes?
The only country to actually have used nukes gets to tell other countries that they CAN'T have them.

We should just shut the fuck up and let JAPAN be the sole dictator on nukes, or nobody at all.
Did you know Japan cant legally attack anyone? According to their Constitution, they can only "defend" I thought that was interesting
I wish nukes never existed. We are so fucking stupid man.. creating weapons like that to kill our own? SMH

Yup. After WWII the Japanese decided they wouldn't participate in any more wars.
Did you know Japan cant legally attack anyone? According to their Constitution, they can only "defend" I thought that was interesting
I wish nukes never existed. We are so fucking stupid man.. creating weapons like that to kill our own? SMH
I fully support a constitutional amendment similar to that of Japans.

No more world police.
We are the most murderous regime on the planet. Why do we get nukes?
The only country to actually have used nukes gets to tell other countries that they CAN'T have them.

We should just shut the fuck up and let JAPAN be the sole dictator on nukes, or nobody at all.
Did you know Japan cant legally attack anyone? According to their Constitution, they can only "defend" I thought that was interesting
I wish nukes never existed. We are so fucking stupid man.. creating weapons like that to kill our own? SMH

Yup. After WWII the Japanese decided they wouldn't participate in any more wars.
That could be true, but i believe it was a condition on part of their surrender. Maybe i am wrong. I have a tendency to be lol
[ Just updating an update on what this thread is about and giving the latest news about Israel's desire to have war with Iran, as alleged by the OP ]

The mounting tension between Israel and Iran, which came to a head with Iran's firing of missiles at Israel from Syrian territory and Israel's counterattack on Iranian sites in that country, sparked a debate in Saudi Arabia regarding which side Saudis should support. Many Saudi intellectuals declared that, in case of a military confrontation between Iran and Israel, they would certainly support Israel, for Iran is the one threatening Saudi Arabia.

Iran's military involvement in the region – its presence in Yemen and its support of the Houthi rebels there, who are fighting Saudi Arabia and firing rockets at its cities, as well as its military presence in Syria and Iraq and its involvement in Lebanonare perceived by Saudis as an existential threat to their country. Israel, on the other hand, is not perceived as a threat to Saudi Arabia, but as a potential ally in the struggle against Iran.

Against this backdrop, Saudi intellectuals, journalists and writers have been increasingly expressing open support for Israel, approving of its policy towards Iran and even calling to normalize relations and make peace with it. This, they said, could put a stop to Iran's hostile policies, since the perpetuation of the Arab-Israeli conflict serves Iran's expansionist ambitions.

In some cases, the Saudi intellectuals and journalists also expressed support for Israel in matters pertaining to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, especially to the clashes on the Gaza border as part of the "Great Return March" campaign. Some of them blamed the events on Hamas and on Iran, which they said were promoting their interests at the expense of the children of Gaza.

Shift In Saudi Media's Attitude To Israel – Part I: Saudi Writers, Intellectuals: Iran Is More Dangerous Than Israel; Peace With It Is Vital In Order To Repel Iranian Threat

[ Is it true, then, that Israel wants to attack Iran directly, as the OP alleges ? What is it waiting for when Iran had planes, missiles, etc in Syria ready to attack Israel ? Discuss....... ]
Yup the Romans drove some of them out. They went to three places. Babylon, Egypt and some stayed in Judea.
It had been their homeland for a millennia. I think they have a better claim on the land than the Palestinians ever will have.
The Romans expelled most of the Jews from the area and replaced it with the Roman province of Palaestina, which became populated with the people known as Palestinians.

They lived on the land for almost 2,000 years. Until the zionist juden forced them off their land at gunpoint and stole their homes and farms. ..... :cool:

You neatly avoid the point that in the sacred Torah the land of Israel was promised to the Jewish people by God. And this was many many centuries before Islam even existed.

God says the land belongs to the Jews. You cannot argue the point. You probably know the Koranic Sura about respecting "People of the Book." Well my friend.....Jews and Christians are People of the Book. Both the Torah and the Christian Bible say Israel is Jewish land. If Muslims want others to respect their faith you must respect ours. It really is that simple. :)
God says the land belongs to the Jews. You cannot argue the point. You probably know the Koranic Sura about respecting "People of the Book." Well my friend.....Jews and Christians are People of the Book. Both the Torah and the Christian Bible say Israel is Jewish land. If Muslims want others to respect their faith you must respect ours. It really is that simple.
Very few Jews in Israel are religious and actually believe in or follow Torah teachings. They allow homo marriage and have Gay Pride parades throughout the country. And the so called Christians in the west and America know very little about their Bible, let alone practice what it says.

As for the "Book" you are referring to. Muslims believe only the parts of the Bible which agree with the Qur'an are legitimate. And that most of what is written in todays Bible has been corrupted by men over the years. ..... :cool:
Iran wants a war with the zionist state.
I wish the whole fucking middle east will just go at it and get it over with.

The other way around. You have it mixed up.
Another poorly informed lib. Not surprised liberals would back the terrorist regime. That is why you half-wits have billions of US dollars to Iran to expand their military and terror groups. Iran has stated over and over that its goal is the complete destruction of Israel.

So what's wrong with the complete destruction of Israel? Remember the USS Liberty. nb4 Chosen One calls me anti-semitic.

Declassified cables show Israel knew the Liberty was an American ship after all. The object was to blame the attack on Egypt and draw the US into war in the Six Day War which was raging at the time. USS Liberty survivors speak in the new documentary "The Day Israel Attacked America."

New revelations in attack on American spy ship - Chicago Tribune
"Ex-Navy Official: 1967 Israeli Attack on U.S. Ship Was Deliberate"
[Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral Thomas] Moorer's panel suggested several possible reasons Israel might have wanted to attack a U.S. ship. Among them: Israel intended to sink the ship and blame Egypt because it might have brought the United States into the 1967 war.

Trailer - Liberty Survivors Speak - The Day Israel Attacked America

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