The Worthless Paris Accord

Just a reminder.

We are the ONLY nation on the planet to not sign on to the Paris Accords

LOL...I can assure you we will part of the handful that will actually abide by it. Other countries look at this as a way to level the playing field with the US. Bring us down to their level. Europe’s electricity costs are through the roof. Ours are much cheaper. Our “allies” and our enemies want ours to be more in line with theirs. They want what is best for their perspective countries, go figure. We have a country and a potential leader(Biden) just dumb enough to fall for it. They all laugh their butts off behind closed doors at you gullible lefties in the US.
Just a reminder.

We are the ONLY nation on the planet to not sign on to the Paris Accords

The only smart nation out there. No one can control climate. Hell its been changing for billions of years long before man came on the scene.

Only idiots back the Paris accords. Biden will fit right in.
Sweetie...when EVERYONE but you appears ought to look in the mirror
Great news that President-elect Biden rejoined the Paris Accords. The Climate crisis needs to be addressed. President-elect Biden is doing what he promised: Renewing American leadership in the world. Kudos to President-elect Biden!

I'll just stand over here and LMAO at your stupid post.

Find a way to harness the Sun and the moon then you can affect climate change.

You people are gullible idiots. Hell Gore already laughed his way to the bank using his climate change gig.

Grow a few brain cells that actually work. Good Lord are you idiots gullible.
Spoken like the true imbecile you are.
Spoken like the true imbecile you are.
So original. Did you have a long think on that one?
YOUR post was ''original'' --''mature''' HAHAHHAHHAHAHHAH
What a bunch of complete imbeciles. I listened to John Kerry, who makes me want to gag, spew the nonsense about rejoining the Paris Accord. The drones that vote for these morons deserve exactly the decline they get, but unfortunately, we are all in the same sinking boat. I am saddened that our country has become so dumbed down and non-patriotic. The globalists are succeeding in their brainwashing. I guess the only answer is to try to make it to the ruling class and not get stuck suffering with all the indoctrinated surfs. Or maybe those of us with the means will just get out and watch the decline from afar(on a beautiful Caribbean beach).

4 Reasons Trump Was Right to Pull Out of the Paris Agreement

All you need to know about this Accord is that all of the nations that signed on to it, failed to hit their targets. They STILL promote "we need to do more for the environment". Which is code for "we need more of your tax dollars, even as you step over the homeless going to work for your min. wage, part-time job, because the environment is an existential threat to our survival!".

It's taking tax dollars from Western nations and throwing it to special interest groups, donors and China/Russia. Just another win for China is what it boils down to.

If I were a leader of a nation, I would never agree to the terms of this Accord. Especially if my nation was a top energy producer. Why would I hurt my own nation?
You troglodytes must be brain dead to believe that your man in the clouds will keep the climate in check so that you can continue to rape the planet and exploit the 3rd world. The Paris Accord was one of the greatest efforts to reign in ameican greed and ignorance. You people think you can just burn off all the worlds resources while brown children starve just so you can keep your central air conditioners at whatever maximum they will run.
You troglodytes must be brain dead to believe that your man in the clouds will keep the climate in check so that you can continue to rape the planet and exploit the 3rd world. The Paris Accord was one of the greatest efforts to reign in ameican [sic] greed and ignorance. You people think you can just burn off all the worlds resources while brown children starve just so you can keep your central air conditioners at whatever maximum they will run.

Your troll act is already falling apart. You know that most people in the "3rd world" believe in God, right? You know that in most "3rd world" countries there is almost zero concern for the environment, right? Go to most such places and you'll see people (you know, the ones you essentialize by color) casually tossing trash around - on the street, out their windows, in waterways - like it's the 70s.

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