So the republican solution to our healthcare system is as little government as possible right?

It is easy. The question is, why don’t you already know? How can anyone above the age of 12 not know? But sadly, here we are (though I do suspect you’re under the age of 18 based on your immaturity).
  • Tax increases
  • Minimum wage increases
  • And hundreds of thousands of regulations
Game. Set. Match.
lol all bullshit. Dozens of states have raised their minimum wages and economic growth still occurs like clockwork. Again, if people have bigger paychecks, they increasing consumer spending
Yeah and it’s taken time for the economy to rebound.
Yeah - that’s what happens with failed policies. That’s why the Great Depression lasted 12 fucking years. Because the Democrats were in charge and their failed policies ran the nation into the ground. Good policies results in an instant “rebound”.

Of course, at least part of the issue with inflation is that corporations are taking advantage of the narrative by deliberately raising prices for the sake of more profit. Before you call that bullshit, explain why it would be hard to believe they would do that.
That desperate left-wing claim has been disproven a million times already. Common sense will tell you that “greedy” businesses don’t suddenly stop being greedy every time the Republicans are in charge.
lol Trump inherited that job growth.
Nope. Barack Obama and a super-majority Congress ran the U.S. into the ground (took unemployment from 7%+ to over 10%). In the 2010 midterm, Barack Obama got what he himself called “a shellacking”. An historic murder.

Once Republicans were in control coast-to-coast, they implemented proven conservative policies and the recovery was under way.

But…you still had Dumbocrat Barack Obama blocking prosperity from the White House and even undermining it with egregiously illegal Executive Orders and Presidential Memorandums. Enter Trump. Once he was in the White House not vetoing Republican bills and rolling back all of Obama’s egregiously illegal Executive Orders, the economy reached record market highs and record unemployment lows. It’s not a coincidence. Freedom and free markets result in prosperity every time.
For 3 and half years under Obama, we already had job growth.
You can thank the Republicans and their “shellacking” (his words) of Barack Obama for that.
And guess what? It continues. The unemployment rate is now lower under Biden.
LMAO! Congrats, paying people to stay home and not work (they dropped out of the labor force - creating false unemployment numbers) coupled with the Baby Boomers all leaving the work force has resulted in “low” (wink, wink) unemployment numbers 😂

Seriously, only a liberal would attempt to paint that as “prosperity”.

Furthermore, even if those were the most disingenuous unemployment numbers in U.S. history, the fact that employed people can’t afford food, rent, and fuel for their automobiles just illustrates astounding failure of Biden and the Dumbocrats on the economy.
I don’t know why you think the economy hasn’t grown under Biden. If you blame the pandemic on Trump’s job losses, why has job growth gotten better under Biden since the start when he inherited the pandemic?
  1. The pandemic is gone (people are vaccinated and while it sadly doesn’t stop transmission, it does lessen the severity to the point that it’s just a common cold or flu
  2. The Democrats allowed people to return to work (which isn’t “creating” jobs) 🤦‍♂️
Do you ever think before posting? Do you ever read what you post? You think you have “got ya’s” when in fact, you’re literally defeating your own position.
lol what are you even referring to exactly? ER visits? Do you actually think a trip to the ER is all a person needs?
You literally said “critical care”. Are you not capable of following your own conversation? Post #456

We agree the healthcare is of good quality, but that doesn’t somehow mean critical care isnr being denied to millions of Americans. That includes people on health insurance plans.
That’s because that has nothing to do with “healthcare”. It’s lifestyle. Americans work harder and longer hours, eat worse, and have Democrats importing billions of pounds fentanyl across our southern border.

Can’t attribute our healthcare system to any of that no matter how hard you try.

It’s an indisputable reality. The fact that you have to attribute lifestyle to our healthcare system just proves that you know you’re wrong.

If our healthcare wasn’t the most elite in the word, kings, billionaire oil sheiks and Canadian government workers weren’t fly to the U.S. for their healthcare:


And you haven’t done that. So it’s a moot point. Come back to me when you have the vote, ok?

So to recap, the U.S. healthcare is the most elite in the world - forcing you to lie about it. What you want isn’t even legal (so it’s idiotic to even cry for it at this point), and you agree that it’s unaffordable.

Only a liberal would argue for something that insanely stupid. Stop thinking like a caveman and join us in the 21st century.
Sorry, can't read that, I don't do dissected quotes.
To recap, reality supports my facts and proves you’re a liar 🤷‍♂️

That is, unless you now want to argue that billionaire kings actually fly around the globe to get the worst healthcare possible for themselves 😂

Going somewhere for the odd thing that your own system doesn't cater for doesn't mean you have the best system. America's compared to developed nation's is lousy, at best.

While inconsistent and imperfect metrics make it difficult to firmly assess system-wide health quality, measures of long-term health outcomes, treatment outcomes, patient safety, and patient experiences suggest the U.S. health system provides lower-quality care than its peers. The U.S. performs worse in long-term health outcomes measures (such as life expectancy), certain treatment outcomes (such as maternal mortality and congestive heart failure hospital admissions), some patient safety measures (such as obstetric trauma with instrument and medication or treatment errors), and patient experiences of not getting care due to cost. The U.S. performs similarly to or better than peer nations in other measures of treatment outcomes (such as mortality rates within 30 days of acute hospital treatment) and patient safety (such as rates of post–operative sepsis).
Yeah - that’s what happens with failed policies. That’s why the Great Depression lasted 12 fucking years. Because the Democrats were in charge and their failed policies ran the nation into the ground. Good policies results in an instant “rebound”.

That desperate left-wing claim has been disproven a million times already. Common sense will tell you that “greedy” businesses don’t suddenly stop being greedy every time the Republicans are in charge.

Nope. Barack Obama and a super-majority Congress ran the U.S. into the ground (took unemployment from 7%+ to over 10%). In the 2010 midterm, Barack Obama got what he himself called “a shellacking”. An historic murder.

Once Republicans were in control coast-to-coast, they implemented proven conservative policies and the recovery was under way.

But…you still had Dumbocrat Barack Obama blocking prosperity from the White House and even undermining it with egregiously illegal Executive Orders and Presidential Memorandums. Enter Trump. Once he was in the White House not vetoing Republican bills and rolling back all of Obama’s egregiously illegal Executive Orders, the economy reached record market highs and record unemployment lows. It’s not a coincidence. Freedom and free markets result in prosperity every time.

You can thank the Republicans and their “shellacking” (his words) of Barack Obama for that.

LMAO! Congrats, paying people to stay home and not work (they dropped out of the labor force - creating false unemployment numbers) coupled with the Baby Boomers all leaving the work force has resulted in “low” (wink, wink) unemployment numbers 😂

Seriously, only a liberal would attempt to paint that as “prosperity”.

Furthermore, even if those were the most disingenuous unemployment numbers in U.S. history, the fact that employed people can’t afford food, rent, and fuel for their automobiles just illustrates astounding failure of Biden and the Dumbocrats on the economy.

  1. The pandemic is gone (people are vaccinated and while it sadly doesn’t stop transmission, it does lessen the severity to the point that it’s just a common cold or flu
  2. The Democrats allowed people to return to work (which isn’t “creating” jobs) 🤦‍♂️
Do you ever think before posting? Do you ever read what you post? You think you have “got ya’s” when in fact, you’re literally defeating your own position.
lol you’re just adorable. You couldn’t explain what those republican polices are if your life depended on it. You can’t just make shit up. If you can’t explain what specific gop policies did the job growth then you’re obviously making shit up. I’ll actually provide you with specifics because I’m the adult and you’re the child. Obama’s stimulus package. Not a single republican voted for it. Economists credit it with reversing the Bush recession that began in the last few months of Bush’s time in office. Think about this. How could republicans be possibly responsible for the recession reversing in mid 2009 if democrats were in full control. Let me spell this out for you more clearly. The continuous job growth that began under Obama started BEFORE republicans took over congress in 2010. Oops!

Moron this idea that Trump spurred job growth is non sense. He INHERITED job growth.
Going somewhere for the odd thing that your own system doesn't cater for doesn't mean you have the best system. America's compared to developed nation's is lousy, at best.
If it’s “lousy”, why would have anything that another nation doesn’t have? 😂

Do you see the level of desperation in your argument? The U.S.’s healthcare is by far and away the most elite in the world. Billionaires fly from all over the globe to come here.

And you want to come up with desperate (and stupid) shit like “well…well…well…better nations didn’t offer that odd thing”. You can’t accept reality because reality proves you are wrong 🤷🏼‍♂️
Color me shocked 😂
It's covered in feedback and in the environment section. I know what I wrote, I don't need delinquents breaking my post up for me to read it again in snippet form. If you don't have the capacity to remember what you write, quit forums.
You literally said “critical care”. Are you not capable of following your own conversation? Post #456
Moron critical care obviously depends on the context. It can have multiple parameters. If you have cancer but you don’t need to go to the ER, you will still likely be without CRITICAL care. You pretending that the ER Is all a person needs is not fooling anyone lol
Yeah - that’s what happens with failed policies. That’s why the Great Depression lasted 12 fucking years. Because the Democrats were in charge and their failed policies ran the nation into the ground. Good policies results in an instant “rebound”.

That desperate left-wing claim has been disproven a million times already. Common sense will tell you that “greedy” businesses don’t suddenly stop being greedy every time the Republicans are in charge.

Nope. Barack Obama and a super-majority Congress ran the U.S. into the ground (took unemployment from 7%+ to over 10%). In the 2010 midterm, Barack Obama got what he himself called “a shellacking”. An historic murder.

Once Republicans were in control coast-to-coast, they implemented proven conservative policies and the recovery was under way.

But…you still had Dumbocrat Barack Obama blocking prosperity from the White House and even undermining it with egregiously illegal Executive Orders and Presidential Memorandums. Enter Trump. Once he was in the White House not vetoing Republican bills and rolling back all of Obama’s egregiously illegal Executive Orders, the economy reached record market highs and record unemployment lows. It’s not a coincidence. Freedom and free markets result in prosperity every time.

You can thank the Republicans and their “shellacking” (his words) of Barack Obama for that.

LMAO! Congrats, paying people to stay home and not work (they dropped out of the labor force - creating false unemployment numbers) coupled with the Baby Boomers all leaving the work force has resulted in “low” (wink, wink) unemployment numbers 😂

Seriously, only a liberal would attempt to paint that as “prosperity”.

Furthermore, even if those were the most disingenuous unemployment numbers in U.S. history, the fact that employed people can’t afford food, rent, and fuel for their automobiles just illustrates astounding failure of Biden and the Dumbocrats on the economy.

  1. The pandemic is gone (people are vaccinated and while it sadly doesn’t stop transmission, it does lessen the severity to the point that it’s just a common cold or flu
  2. The Democrats allowed people to return to work (which isn’t “creating” jobs) 🤦‍♂️
Do you ever think before posting? Do you ever read what you post? You think you have “got ya’s” when in fact, you’re literally defeating your own position.
Hey idiot what specific polices are allowing people to “stay home”. This doesn’t make any goddamn sense anyway lol. The unemployment rate wouldn’t be lower if this were true. It’s at a record low.

Baby boomers retiring is not factored in to the unemployment rate moron. You’re an idiot. That is part of the non participation job rate, NOT the employment rate. Those 3% of people are looking for jobs.
lol you’re just adorable.
And you’re getting desperate now as more and more facts are piling up against you.
You couldn’t explain what those republican polices are if your life depended on it.
  • Lower taxes
  • In ultra left-wing Wisconsin, Scott Walker and co. made Wisconsin a “right to work state” following 24 other states
  • Deregulations (thousands across the nation back then)
Look at that! And my life didn’t even depend on it! 😂
I’ll actually provide you with statistics because I’m the adult and you’re the child.
Which you’ve yet to do
Obama’s stimulus package. Not a single republican voted for it. Economists credit it with reversing the Bush recession that began in the last few months of Bush’s time in office.
No such thing happened. But I can see you’re back to lashing out and desperation after being crushed with fact after fact after fact.

The only people who made that outrageous claim were alt-left extremists like Paul Krug 🙄
Think about this. How could republicans be possibly responsible for the recession reversing in mid 2009 if democrats were in full control.
It didn’t “reverse” in mid 2009. If it had, Obama wouldn’t have taken an historic beating in the 2010 midterms. More proof of you being a pathological liar!
Hey idiot what specific polices are allowing people to “stay home”. This doesn’t make any goddamn sense anyway lol. The unemployment rate wouldn’t be lower if this were true. It’s at a record low.
ROTFLMFAO!! Tell me you don’t know how unemployment is calculated without telling me you don’t know how unemployment is calculated 🤣

(Spoiler Alert: if you’re not looking for a job - such as retired people or people happy to be on welfare and other handouts - you don’t count in the unemployment calculations).

Your post right there is proof that you’re not informed enough to be discussing any of that.
Baby boomers retiring is not factored in to the unemployment rate moron.
That’s the point, genius. If someone retires or just gives up looking (ie “dropped out of the labor force”), they don’t count against unemployment.

With so many Boomers retiring, there is a shit-ton of jobs opening up. That’s not a credit to sound policy - that’s the result of the largest demographic in our population getting old.

Good grief, I’ve had more intelligent conversations with 8 year olds 😂
Moron critical care obviously depends on the context.
It doesn’t matter - you specifically said “critical care” so that’s what we were taking about. And then your uneducated ass responded with “what are you even referring to” 🤦🏼‍♂️

You literally can’t follow a conversation and you didn’t even know it was illegal to deny someone care regardless of their ability to pay.
It can have multiple parameters. If you have cancer but you don’t need to go to the ER, you will still likely be without CRITICAL care. You pretending that the ER Is all a person needs is not fooling anyone lol
I never said “ER” 😂

And no, people with cancer do not get denied care. That’s illegal. Further still, there are a host of charities that offer free care (one of my clients is a “FREE clinic” staffed with doctors who provide healthcare at no cost at all). But, not the least bit surprised that you’re uneducated ass doesn’t know about any of the laws, programs, charities, etc. out there.

All you know is the drama queen hysteria fed to you by your Dumbocrat masters
And you’re getting desperate now as more and more facts are piling up against you.

  • Lower taxes
  • In ultra left-wing Wisconsin, Scott Walker and co. made Wisconsin a “right to work state” following 24 other states
  • Deregulations (thousands across the nation back then)
Look at that! And my life didn’t even depend on it! 😂

Which you’ve yet to do

No such thing happened. But I can see you’re back to lashing out and desperation after being crushed with fact after fact after fact.

The only people who made that outrageous claim were alt-left extremists like Paul Krug 🙄

It didn’t “reverse” in mid 2009. If it had, Obama wouldn’t have taken an historic beating in the 2010 midterms. More proof of you being a pathological liar!
Lol now you’re making no sense at all. I asked what republican policies were there. BEFORE trump?

lol idiot it is in black and white that the recession ended in mid 2009 and job growth began. You can cry all you want but we are talking about objective facts.
ROTFLMFAO!! Tell me you don’t know how unemployment is calculated without telling me you don’t know how unemployment is calculated 🤣

(Spoiler Alert: if you’re not looking for a job - such as retired people or people happy to be on welfare and other handouts - you don’t count in the unemployment calculations).

Your post right there is proof that you’re not informed enough to be discussing any of that.
Moron you’re fucking stupid. You’re talking about the non participation rate. THAT IS SEPARATE FROM THE 3% unemployment rate. Derp!

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