The worst pain in the world!


Annoying Customer
Sep 7, 2008
I would have to say is stubbing your toe! I smashed my toe into this cabinet today and I wanted to die. In the past I have also had some really bad toe smashings and it is like someone is ripping out your guts through your toe.
I kicked a chair a few weeks ago and my big toe nail wasn't trimmed as much as it should be. It jammed the nail back into the bed. My nail slowly turned dark. I don't think I'll loose the nail though. It didn't stop hurting for over a week.
I would have to say is stubbing your toe! I smashed my toe into this cabinet today and I wanted to die. In the past I have also had some really bad toe smashings and it is like someone is ripping out your guts through your toe.

I kind of doubt that's the worst pain in the world. Have you tried being tortured to death by being broken on the wheel?

Breaking wheel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Afterwards, the condemned's shattered limbs were woven ('braiden') through the spokes of the wheel, which was then hoisted onto a tall pole so that birds could eat the sometimes still-living individual.
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I kicked a chair a few weeks ago and my big toe nail wasn't trimmed as much as it should be. It jammed the nail back into the bed. My nail slowly turned dark. I don't think I'll loose the nail though. It didn't stop hurting for over a week.
It might! I did that when I was eight months pregnant and than it died or something while I was in labor, it was pretty gross!
or it could stay dark forever!
I would have to say is stubbing your toe! I smashed my toe into this cabinet today and I wanted to die. In the past I have also had some really bad toe smashings and it is like someone is ripping out your guts through your toe.

It does hurt ( can’t say it is the worst pain though-- childbirth, kidney stone are worse IMO) I caught my little toe and the one next to it on a door jamb while running one night through the house ( don't ask) I looked down and my sock was misshapen. I slowly took it off while wincing and trying to avoid the left side of my foot. I was afraid to look when I finally got the sock off both toes were at a ninety degree angle starting from about 3 inches up my foot from the toes. My toes just kinda dangled there -- yuck! I broke both at the 4 and 5th left metatarsal. It sucked--- went to the ER and they took me right back after looking at my foot. I had to have surgery and pins placed to correct the fractures. Bottom line, do not run in your home unless you live in a padded house. :eek:
My doctor said I had the worst case of Appendicitis (however its spelled) that he'd ever was never ceased. They told me " you know what it feels like to give birth.."

Then my other bad pain....was when I decided to ignite my hand ablaze....
My doctor said I had the worst case of Appendicitis (however its spelled) that he'd ever was never ceased. They told me " you know what it feels like to give birth.."

Then my other bad pain....was when I decided to ignite my hand ablaze....

Self-immolation gone wrong? :tongue:
CaféAuLait;1073822 said:
My doctor said I had the worst case of Appendicitis (however its spelled) that he'd ever was never ceased. They told me " you know what it feels like to give birth.."

Then my other bad pain....was when I decided to ignite my hand ablaze....

Self-immolation gone wrong? :tongue: accident.
CaféAuLait;1073822 said:
My doctor said I had the worst case of Appendicitis (however its spelled) that he'd ever was never ceased. They told me " you know what it feels like to give birth.."

Then my other bad pain....was when I decided to ignite my hand ablaze....

Self-immolation gone wrong? :tongue: accident.

Oh thank God it was an accident. I was afraid I may have to follow you around with my garden hose-- it's not that long.:wtf:

Seriously I hope you are ok, no long-term damage.
CaféAuLait;1073841 said:
CaféAuLait;1073822 said:
Self-immolation gone wrong? :tongue: accident.

Oh thank God it was an accident. I was afraid I may have to follow you around with my garden hose-- it's not that long.:wtf:

Seriously I hope you are ok, no long-term damage.

That was years ago.....just a bit of scaring. I guess my Hand Modeling career ended that day...Lol
CaféAuLait;1073841 said: accident.

Oh thank God it was an accident. I was afraid I may have to follow you around with my garden hose-- it's not that long.:wtf:

Seriously I hope you are ok, no long-term damage.

That was years ago.....just a bit of scaring. I guess my Hand Modeling career ended that day...Lol

Glad to hear you're okay. Your comment made me remember the Palmolive commercials from long ago. ( I know, I know, I am ageing myself, maybe maybe not ;))

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

Worst pain? No. Kidney stones - that worst pain.
I was in labor for twenty seven hours and when I was pushing for two hours the pain meds had worn off than to top it off they decided to have a c section.
And not to be un lady like due to the c section I did not poop for alittle over a week and when I finally did I felt like my stomach was going to rip open.

But at the moment when you stub your toe that is the worst pain because the wierd thing is you forget about other pain, why else would women have more children!
Worst pain? No. Kidney stones - that worst pain.
I was in labor for twenty seven hours and when I was pushing for two hours the pain meds had worn off than to top it off they decided to have a c section.
And not to be un lady like due to the c section I did not poop for alittle over a week and when I finally did I felt like my stomach was going to rip open.

But at the moment when you stub your toe that is the worst pain because the wierd thing is you forget about other pain, why else would women have more children!

You're right, we (people) do forget pain don't we? I just remember when I had a kidney stone feeling so grateful when the doc gave me a shot of whatever it was and he told me not to get too fond of the pink cotton wool feeling :lol:

He also told me it was a pain as bad as chldbirth, I remember that. I also remember thinking, "to all you mothers out need your heads read!" :lol:

Just kidding! :lol:
I would have to say is stubbing your toe! I smashed my toe into this cabinet today and I wanted to die. In the past I have also had some really bad toe smashings and it is like someone is ripping out your guts through your toe.

I kind of doubt that's the worst pain in the world. Have you tried being tortured to death by being broken on the wheel?

Breaking wheel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Afterwards, the condemned's shattered limbs were woven ('braiden') through the spokes of the wheel, which was then hoisted onto a tall pole so that birds could eat the sometimes still-living individual.

So I followed your link to Wikipedia and found this picture depicting the breaking wheel in Germany.


WTH is up with the dogs in the upper left hand of the picture?

Bad doggie(s)!
CaféAuLait;1073860 said:
I would have to say is stubbing your toe! I smashed my toe into this cabinet today and I wanted to die. In the past I have also had some really bad toe smashings and it is like someone is ripping out your guts through your toe.

I kind of doubt that's the worst pain in the world. Have you tried being tortured to death by being broken on the wheel?

Breaking wheel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Afterwards, the condemned's shattered limbs were woven ('braiden') through the spokes of the wheel, which was then hoisted onto a tall pole so that birds could eat the sometimes still-living individual.

So I followed your link to Wikipedia and found this picture depicting the breaking wheel in Germany.


WTH is up with the dogs in the upper left hand of the picture?

Bad doggie(s)!

The dogs are there because the picture depicts the execution of the following man:

Peter Stumpp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He was a crazy guy who claimed to be a werewolf when he had a magical belt on and confessed (on the rack) to killing and eating over a dozen people. His subsequent execution was brutal.

His execution is one of the most brutal on record: He was put to the wheel, where flesh was torn from his body, in ten places, with red-hot pincers, followed by his arms and legs. Then his limbs were broken with the blunt side of an axehead to prevent him from returning from the grave, before he was beheaded and burned on a pyre. His daughter Sybil (Beell) and his mistress Katharina Trump had already been strangled and were burned along with Stump's body. As a warning against similar behavior, local authorities erected a pole with the torture wheel and the figure of a wolf on it, at the very top they placed Peter Stump's severed head.
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CaféAuLait;1073860 said:
So I followed your link to Wikipedia and found this picture depicting the breaking wheel in Germany.


WTH is up with the dogs in the upper left hand of the picture?

Bad doggie(s)!

There was a gap, the artist had to fill it :D

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