The Worst May Be Yet To Come! Dec. 10!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Herein lies a great problem for the Obama administration, and the Democrat leadership, those who lent support to the Occupy Wall Street mob. They had hopes that this ‘movement’ would be a left-wing answer to the so successful Tea Party, and that masses of Americans would coalesce around these thugs, vagabonds and bomb-throwers.

a. No accident, the occupations were pretty much relegated to Democrat-held cities and venues.

2. The even more dangerous error was that once energized, this mob could be controlled and restricted. Shouldn’t they have foreseen that once encouraged, the mobs would hardly see that they had failed, and outlived their usefulness to the Left?

3. No, these groups, autonomous and anarchistic, once propelled and organized, have a life of their own. Innervated by the success of last week’s so-called Day of Action protests, thriving on the support of the news media (which published maps of their targets) these sociopaths have begun to plan further confrontational tactics, plotting “alternative forms of protest,” including flash mobs that can be deployed nationwide.

4. “Take to the Square”, one of Occupy’s main online planning forums, has devised an “Alternative Day of Action” to coincide with international Human Rights Day on Dec. 10. Human rights are not optional! | United for #globalchange

a. “We would like to propose the week starting on the 10th of December (10/12 – 17/12) as a time for alternative forms of protest which will be found after a debate between all of us. The idea is to participate in proposing new forms of action with a creative spirit: we can organize public forums, workshops and flash-mobs; we can promote the movement at local schools and neighborhoods or get in contact with humanitarian organizations working with the same goals.”

5. Some may recall the Ruckus Society…pivotal in the 1999 world trade riots. These people are training OWS in confrontational methods.

a. “Hands on direct action tactics training…Gain hands-on direct action tactical skills and strategy at our training camps, skillshares, or bring our trainers to your group! The #Occupy movement has gained major momentum, and Ruckus is doing our part to help it grow – stronger, smarter, tougher. ” The Ruckus Society : Index

b. “If you’ve heard of Ruckus Society at all, it was probably in relation to the 1999 World Trade Organization protests in Seattle. Americans watched in horror as organized hoodlums ran roughshod over the city’s commercial district, smashing windows, setting fires, overturning vehicles, ransacking a Starbucks coffee shop and a McDonald’s restaurant, and generally putting lives at risk.” Ruckus Society: Funding sources, staff profiles, and political agenda

c. The Tides Foundation has given Ruckus almost $230,000 Ruckus Society Finances

d. Ruckus is connected to Greenpeace and Sierra Club and other radical environmental groups. Ruckus Society Connections

6. Tides funds Ruckus, Move On, and AdBusters and Fenton Communications…all of which helped in the origination of OWS. Proof! Wall Street protests no ‘spontaneous uprising’. Major demonstration directed by leftist shadow organization. « Klein Online

a. "Fenton Communications, itself a touchstone for radical political campaigns, made use of the Tides Center to set up its Environmental Media Services (EMS) in 1994 (it has also since emerged from under Tides’ protection and formally set up shop in Fenton’s offices)."
Tides Foundation & Tides Center: Funding sources, staff profiles, and political agenda

7. “Among the proposed actions: “We can organize public forums, workshops and flash-mobs; we can promote the movement at local schools and neighborhoods or get in contact with humanitarian organizations working with the same goals.” A flash mob refers to a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place to perform a collective act and then disperse. …The Dec. 10 scheduled Action day follows last Thursday’s Day of Action mayhem nationwide, a three-course meal of in-your-face tactics that aimed to block subways and bridges as well as shut down the stock marketNew Occupy plot: Flash mobs. ‘Alternative forms of protest’ put cities, cops at disadvantage « Klein Online

Not only is the Right opposed....but this administration is also worried about the stain that OWS may leave.
Excellent post and analysis as usual.

The OWS makes me very nervous. Obama has already threatened to set the torches and pitchforks after the banks that finance our free enterprise system, and, sure enough, there they are.
Ten of thousands will show up Yeppie!!

If you can't make it to your local OWS movement, you can alway donate to the cause.

Hope to see you there :)
Ten of thousands will show up Yeppie!!

If you can't make it to your local OWS movement, you can alway donate to the cause.

Hope to see you there :)

No doubt you meant some other post...this one could only have been posted by a complete idiot...
...that's not you, is it?

To define terms, this is the Seattle 1999 riots, "people who needed shoes broke in and took shoes...that's the way it should be..."

and " ...time to dismantle private property..."

Are you agreeing with that?

This is what you learned at home, in school...?

Here, check it out:

[ame=]Breaking The Spell (3/7) - YouTube[/ame]

I need to know, so when a mob attacks you, ransacks your home and property....I can sit back and continue reading the TVGuide.
The "successful" TP movement? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA Congress has a 9% approval rating and the TP's numbers are even worse. The TP is dead. They are a fucking joke.
I'm glad to hear it. The shitters need to step it up with massive riots. They want to shut all the west coast ports down. It would be nice if China which has the most to lose, sent a few warships into the harbors to protect their trade.
The OWS crowd is a fact we can see them every day. The reasons for them gathering are a fact as well, the proof is that they are there. Logic and spin are ineffectual in dealing with a mob who feels slighted and oppressed. Do they have reason to feel cheated and oppressed? maybe they do maybe they don't, but the fact is it doesn't matter. The fact is Wall street doesn't care about the little guy and the OWS people are the little guys. People who are well off can't see what the OWS people live everyday and that causes a disconnect which is making the situation worse. The OWS protesters are not aginst the Republicans or conservatives, it just happens to be that Republicans and Conservatives run Wall Street. Coincidence, maybe.

Might makes right. Always has.
The choices we have in dealing with them are few. we can be like Syria, Iran, and China and turn the police on them, remember the rich in those societies couldn't see their side either. We can do what we encouraged those regimes to do, and listen to them and then address their grievences. We can ignore them until real true violence errupts, and that would be the worse possible scenerio. There is a solution to all of this but it is being ignored because the well off refuse to coexist. Do the lazy deserve to be rewarded? Absolutely not. Do the criminals deserve to be rewarded? Absolutely not. Do our kids deserve a shot at the American dream? Absolutely. That is what I see from the OWS protesters, fighting against the greed of Wall street, the corruption of our politicians, and the theft of the American dream. By any means necessary is how the saying goes. Is it right? Maybe, Maybe not, but it seams to be the only way. The response from those in charge is...Thanks for protesting and voicing you displeasure with what we are doing to you, but go home and accept your lot in life, or we will turn the police on you.
The "successful" TP movement? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA Congress has a 9% approval rating and the TP's numbers are even worse. The TP is dead. They are a fucking joke.

"The "successful" TP movement"

The prospect of a Tea Party triumph in the midterm elections, when all 435 House seats and 37 Senate seats will be contested, demonstrates the movement's remarkable rise in less than two years from a loose coalition of protesters against government spending to a significant political force that is highly likely to stop President Barack Obama and the Democrats in their tracks.

According to analysts, there are 138 Republicans with Tea Party links running for Congress, 129 vying for seats in the House of Representatives and nine in the Senate.
Midterm elections 2010: Tea Party poised to storm Washington - Telegraph

The U.S. Republican Party enjoyed a major victory in last Tuesday's congressional midterm elections, winning back control of the House of Representatives and gaining seats in the Senate. Republicans are giving the conservative Tea Party movement a lot of credit for their success,...
Republicans Credit Tea Party for Gains in Midterm Election | USA | English

The American Tea Party movement is the biggest winner of Tuesday's election. Overwhelming victories by "We The People" candidates confirm the movement to be a powerful force forever changing the landscape of US politics.
Tea Party triumph in the midterm elections | Lloyd Marcus | Comment is free |

Feel like a dummy, don't ya'?
Hey...not your fault, it's that darned ADD.
The "successful" TP movement? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA Congress has a 9% approval rating and the TP's numbers are even worse. The TP is dead. They are a fucking joke.

Feel like a dummy, don't ya'?
Hey...not your fault, it's that darned ADD.

There are two observations:

1. The Tea Party scares the shit out of the MSNBC/Maher drones

2. MSNBC/Maher do not understand the Tea Party.

Frankly, I blame the name, "Tea Party."

A Tea Party is where ladies wearing white gloves sip tea and eat cookies after lunching on cucumber sammiches. Then, it becomes the "Tea Party" prior to the revolution (I won't bother to describe the historical event).

Now we have a conservative grass roots movement based on LESS FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SPENDING and LOWER TAXES that, frankly is NOT aligned with either political party (although the Republicans like to claim them...or not). The Movement doesn't really care HOW their goals are achieved.

It would probably be easier for MSNBC and the Mahers of the nation if the collective was named something like the "Libertarian Party."
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1. Herein lies a great problem for the Obama administration, and the Democrat leadership, those who lent support to the Occupy Wall Street mob. They had hopes that this ‘movement’ would be a left-wing answer to the so successful Tea Party, and that masses of Americans would coalesce around these thugs, vagabonds and bomb-throwers.

a. No accident, the occupations were pretty much relegated to Democrat-held cities and venues.

2. The even more dangerous error was that once energized, this mob could be controlled and restricted. Shouldn’t they have foreseen that once encouraged, the mobs would hardly see that they had failed, and outlived their usefulness to the Left?

3. No, these groups, autonomous and anarchistic, once propelled and organized, have a life of their own. Innervated by the success of last week’s so-called Day of Action protests, thriving on the support of the news media (which published maps of their targets) these sociopaths have begun to plan further confrontational tactics, plotting “alternative forms of protest,” including flash mobs that can be deployed nationwide.

4. “Take to the Square”, one of Occupy’s main online planning forums, has devised an “Alternative Day of Action” to coincide with international Human Rights Day on Dec. 10. Human rights are not optional! | United for #globalchange

a. “We would like to propose the week starting on the 10th of December (10/12 – 17/12) as a time for alternative forms of protest which will be found after a debate between all of us. The idea is to participate in proposing new forms of action with a creative spirit: we can organize public forums, workshops and flash-mobs; we can promote the movement at local schools and neighborhoods or get in contact with humanitarian organizations working with the same goals.”

5. Some may recall the Ruckus Society…pivotal in the 1999 world trade riots. These people are training OWS in confrontational methods.

a. “Hands on direct action tactics training…Gain hands-on direct action tactical skills and strategy at our training camps, skillshares, or bring our trainers to your group! The #Occupy movement has gained major momentum, and Ruckus is doing our part to help it grow – stronger, smarter, tougher. ” The Ruckus Society : Index

b. “If you’ve heard of Ruckus Society at all, it was probably in relation to the 1999 World Trade Organization protests in Seattle. Americans watched in horror as organized hoodlums ran roughshod over the city’s commercial district, smashing windows, setting fires, overturning vehicles, ransacking a Starbucks coffee shop and a McDonald’s restaurant, and generally putting lives at risk.” Ruckus Society: Funding sources, staff profiles, and political agenda

c. The Tides Foundation has given Ruckus almost $230,000 Ruckus Society Finances

d. Ruckus is connected to Greenpeace and Sierra Club and other radical environmental groups. Ruckus Society Connections

6. Tides funds Ruckus, Move On, and AdBusters and Fenton Communications…all of which helped in the origination of OWS. Proof! Wall Street protests no ‘spontaneous uprising’. Major demonstration directed by leftist shadow organization. « Klein Online

a. "Fenton Communications, itself a touchstone for radical political campaigns, made use of the Tides Center to set up its Environmental Media Services (EMS) in 1994 (it has also since emerged from under Tides’ protection and formally set up shop in Fenton’s offices)."
Tides Foundation & Tides Center: Funding sources, staff profiles, and political agenda

7. “Among the proposed actions: “We can organize public forums, workshops and flash-mobs; we can promote the movement at local schools and neighborhoods or get in contact with humanitarian organizations working with the same goals.” A flash mob refers to a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place to perform a collective act and then disperse. …The Dec. 10 scheduled Action day follows last Thursday’s Day of Action mayhem nationwide, a three-course meal of in-your-face tactics that aimed to block subways and bridges as well as shut down the stock market.” New Occupy plot: Flash mobs. ‘Alternative forms of protest’ put cities, cops at disadvantage « Klein Online

Not only is the Right opposed....but this administration is also worried about the stain that OWS may leave.

OWS needs to show up at the democratic convention in Carolina next year, frankly, I pay money to see it happen.
Ten of thousands will show up Yeppie!!

If you can't make it to your local OWS movement, you can alway donate to the cause.

Hope to see you there :)

I've decided to Camp on this thread until someone either sprays me with mace, or recognises me for the attention whore I am: News at 6

There are two observations:

1. The Tea Party scares the shit out of the MSNBC/Maher drones

2. MSNBC/Maher do not understand the Tea Party.

Frankly, I blame the name, "Tea Party."

A Tea Party is where ladies wearing white gloves sip tea and eat cookies after lunching on cucumber sammiches. Then, it becomes the "Tea Party" prior to the revolution (I won't bother to describe the historical event).

Now we have a conservative grass roots movement based on LESS FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SPENDING and LOWER TAXES that, frankly is NOT aligned with either political party (although the Republicans like to claim them...or not). The Movement doesn't really care HOW their goals are achieved.

It would probably be easier for MSNBC and the Mahers of the nation if the collective was named something like the "Libertarian Party."
The OWS makes me very nervous. Obama has already threatened to set the torches and pitchforks after the banks that finance our free enterprise system, and, sure enough, there they are.
The banks finance our free market system? Where do they get the money from? Oh yeah, the Federal Reserve loans it to them at near zero percent then they loan it back to us at up to 30% interest.
AND/OR they leverage it to infinity and create Derivatives and Credit Default Swaps based on Subprime Mortgages.
THEN they want the taxpayer to pay for all their criminal activity and fuckups!

The banks are gang raping us Frank. What, are you enjoying it or something? :confused:

"Rape me some more! Rape me some more! That's Capitalism! That's Freedom!"

That's Bullshit!
Congress has a 9% approval rating and the TP's numbers are even worse. The TP is dead. They are a fucking joke.

That is not true.

Voters don't care for the Tea Party either, with 42% saying they support its goals to 45% opposed. But asked whether they have a higher opinion of the Tea Party or Occupy Wall Street movement the Tea Party wins out 43-37, representing a flip from last month when Occupy Wall Street won out 40-37 on that question. Again the movement with independents is notable- from preferring Occupy Wall Street 43-34, to siding with the Tea Party 44-40.

Occupy Wall Street Favor Fading - Public Policy Polling

Facts are not your friend, are they.

I've decided to Camp on this thread until someone either sprays me with mace, or recognises me for the attention whore I am: News at 6

There are two observations:

1. The Tea Party scares the shit out of the MSNBC/Maher drones

2. MSNBC/Maher do not understand the Tea Party.

Frankly, I blame the name, "Tea Party."

A Tea Party is where ladies wearing white gloves sip tea and eat cookies after lunching on cucumber sammiches. Then, it becomes the "Tea Party" prior to the revolution (I won't bother to describe the historical event).

Now we have a conservative grass roots movement based on LESS FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SPENDING and LOWER TAXES that, frankly is NOT aligned with either political party (although the Republicans like to claim them...or not). The Movement doesn't really care HOW their goals are achieved.

It would probably be easier for MSNBC and the Mahers of the nation if the collective was named something like the "Libertarian Party."

I've decided to Camp on this thread until someone either sprays me with mace, or recognises me for the attention whore I am: News at 6

There are two observations:

1. The Tea Party scares the shit out of the MSNBC/Maher drones

2. MSNBC/Maher do not understand the Tea Party.

Frankly, I blame the name, "Tea Party."

A Tea Party is where ladies wearing white gloves sip tea and eat cookies after lunching on cucumber sammiches. Then, it becomes the "Tea Party" prior to the revolution (I won't bother to describe the historical event).

Now we have a conservative grass roots movement based on LESS FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SPENDING and LOWER TAXES that, frankly is NOT aligned with either political party (although the Republicans like to claim them...or not). The Movement doesn't really care HOW their goals are achieved.

It would probably be easier for MSNBC and the Mahers of the nation if the collective was named something like the "Libertarian Party."

You misread the must return December 10th.

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