The world is watching.....

Redz said:
protecting your country from harms starts with the cause of the problem!!!!!
Why do they hate you??
why do they want to harm you????

Frankly, as somebody that travels a lot, the people of the world are not against us as much as the governments of the world. And again, our concern, for once, needs to the the USofA, not the world. We have sacraficed too much for your greedy bastards and it is time for us to care more about ourselves than all of you.

Too bad if you don't like it. :gross2:
we need to be liked? since when? i would rather be feared than liked!

this is a classic! countries like france, germany, russia, china, the crazy terrorist nations don't like us i am stunned..................well for fucks sake the criminals don't like the cops either.
Redz said:
protecting your country from harms starts with the cause of the problem!!!!!
Why do they hate you??
why do they want to harm you????

They hate us becasue they hate us............Are you suggesting that terrorists are rational people and their hatred for us is rational or reasonable?? We are supposed to be ashamed of ourselves because we are prospersous, and free?? Becasue we reocognize Israel's right to exist?
manu1959 said:
we need to be liked? since when? i would rather be feared than liked!

this is a classic! countries like france, germany, russia, china, the crazy terrorist nations don't like us i am stunned..................well for fucks sake the criminals don't like the cops either.
being fear is like being a bully, and a bully always gets taken down.
i don't like cops and i'm no criminal
so do you think the U.S is a global cop?
Redz said:
being fear is like being a bully, and a bully always gets taken down.
i don't like cops and i'm no criminal
so do you think the U.S is a global cop?

beiing feared is being feared...don't project
your fear of cops is irrational
the UN is the global cop
Redz said:
being fear is like being a bully, and a bully always gets taken down.
i don't like cops and i'm no criminal
so do you think the U.S is a global cop?

Yes. The U.S. is a global cop. Everyone looks to us when they're in trouble. Yet when we defend ourselves, we're the bad guy. It's crap logic.
manu1959 said:
beiing feared is being feared...don't project
your fear of cops is irrational
the UN is the global cop

Look at the libs turn on each other. This is great.

And manu? The UN is a global bystander.
Bonnie said:
They hate us becasue they hate us............Are you suggesting that terrorists are rational people and their hatred for us is rational or reasonable?? We are supposed to be ashamed of ourselves because we are prospersous, and free?? Becasue we reocognize Israel's right to exist?

truth matters bonnie???????????????????????????????????????
they don't hate you, that a oversimplifaction design to stifle debate. terrorists killers are evil but they draw support from general populations in the middle east because of the general perception of U.S policy there. some of this is their own propaganda, but some is based on real things.
not really sure about the free bonnie?? too many people have too much to gain by controlling your wealthy population.
of course israel has a right to exist, dunno bout putting the palestinians in ghetto style refugee camps tho
manu1959 said:
beiing feared is being feared...don't project
your fear of cops is irrational
the UN is the global cop
project what?
i don't fear cops, i don't LIKE them.
The U.N was the global cop until Iraq 2, now its whoever may be threated by anyone at all
Redz said:
truth matters bonnie???????????????????????????????????????
they don't hate you, that a oversimplifaction design to stifle debate. terrorists killers are evil but they draw support from general populations in the middle east because of the general perception of U.S policy there. some of this is their own propaganda, but some is based on real things.
not really sure about the free bonnie?? too many people have too much to gain by controlling your wealthy population.
of course israel has a right to exist, dunno bout putting the palestinians in ghetto style refugee camps tho

Listen redz, listen good. Middle east tyrants know that their tactics stifle the overall economic growth of the region. That know that over time, they will simply fall behind the rest of the world, so they have trained a generation of their youth to hate the rest of the world. They are murderous tyrants with state controlled media and horrid civil rights histories. You pretending that their societies aren't inherently incompatible with the modern world is an evil lie.
Redz said:
why do you think the world does not like america at the moment?
considering that after 9/11 there was a lot of good will and sympathy globally for america

"The World" does like the USA - a few stuck up, corrupt policy-makers in a few countries, however do not.

America - under GWB says a mighty 'fuck you' to those people who support terror...people like the government of France...Russia...etc.
rtwngAvngr said:
Yes. The U.S. is a global cop. Everyone looks to us when they're in trouble. Yet when we defend ourselves, we're the bad guy. It's crap logic.
yes but in many ways self appointed cop,judge, jury and executioner
this time you are defending youself outside the borders of your land.
Redz said:
project what?
i don't fear cops, i don't LIKE them.
The U.N was the global cop until Iraq 2, now its whoever may be threated by anyone at all

project your fears and bias onto my statements.

the un is still the global cop their roll in this is the same as the congo, southern russia, tibet, rawanda, vietnam, afgan I, afgan II, korea...they are bystanders...
Redz said:
yes but in many ways self appointed cop,judge, jury and executioner
this time you are defending youself outside the borders of your land.

Redz, Do you believe that fundamentalist, jihadist islam is a threat to the entire non muslim world?
rtwngAvngr said:
Listen redz, listen good. Middle east tyrants know that their tactics stifle the overall economic growth of the region. That know that over time, they will simply fall behind the rest of the world, so they have trained a generation of their youth to hate the rest of the world. They are murderous tyrants with state controlled media and horrid civil rights histories. You pretending that their societies aren't inherently incompatible with the modern world is an evil lie.

here here, excellent point! their goal is to control their people through religion and ignorance for their own economic and personal gain....more often than not their is a revolution and they lose control..
rtwngAvngr said:
Listen redz, listen good. Middle east tyrants know that their tactics stifle the overall economic growth of the region. That know that over time, they will simply fall behind the rest of the world, so they have trained a generation of their youth to hate the rest of the world. They are murderous tyrants with state controlled media and horrid civil rights histories. You pretending that their societies aren't inherently incompatible with the modern world is an evil lie.
how very farsighted of them!
they mainly hate america
there are murderious tyrants and they do use anti-american propaganda
however your foreign policy sometimes gives them great material.
i might be wrong, but i'm not lying. i hope their societies are compatible with ours soon, because we have to live with them.
what do you propose? kill them all?
Redz said:
truth matters bonnie???????????????????????????????????????
they don't hate you, that a oversimplifaction design to stifle debate. terrorists killers are evil but they draw support from general populations in the middle east because of the general perception of U.S policy there. some of this is their own propaganda, but some is based on real things.
not really sure about the free bonnie?? too many people have too much to gain by controlling your wealthy population.
of course israel has a right to exist, dunno bout putting the palestinians in ghetto style refugee camps tho

When was the last time you actually listened to the rederic that comes from terrorists organizations? Yes they hate us and it is an irrrational hate based on ignorance and envy!
The fact that the general populous in the Middle East goes along to some degree is symptomatic of their own countries oppression of their own people, rendering them without the sophistication to sift through the ditritus of propoganda that is fed to them everyday of their existance.
That does not give any relevance to the terrorists. You are making the exact argument supporting our efforts over there right now, by liberating these countries so they can have elections flawed or not, so they can have the freedom to speak out against oppression, so they can have businesses and prosper so they can take care of their families, keeping them out of poverty, so they can have access to better education without books that constantly slam America and it's ideals............That addresses the root of the problem, not capitulation to murderous thugs!

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