Same old dance. Democrats expand gov
President Trump has done the unthinkable. He has anti-constitutional progressives actually respecting (even desiring) the 10th Amendment.
Incredibly, the Democrats know that for this plan to gain momentum, they must argue that the law restricts states’ rights. That’s correct—Democrats are now championing states’ rights.
That’s right - the people who have fought for over a century to make the federal government the only government in the U.S. now suddenly want to limit the federal government to their 18 enumerated powers. Thank you Mr. President!

Democrats Are Arguing for Constitutional Right to a Tax Deduction

Same old dance. Democrats expand government; Republicans show us why it's a bad idea.
Democrat Lamb is about to win the election. Same area Trump won by 20 points.
Trump fatigue is setting in BIG TIME.
The blue wave continues.
The blue wave continues.
Uh...”continues”? When did it start? :lmao:

You people have had your asses kicked from coast-to-coast. Republicans own the House, the Senate, the White House, 33 of the 50 states, and an unimaginative amount of counties and cities.

He promised to “drain the swamp” and he is delivering on that in a very big way. The corruption in the EPA and the politicization of the EPA was repulsive. So glad to see they are cleaning up the correction and relying on real science finally.
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt may be just a lawyer, but so far he has done more to bring sound science to the EPA than any scientist ever affiliated with the agency.
This repulsive organization shouldn’t even exist as the people (by way of the U.S. Constitution) never gave the federal government authority over the environment. But until a president comes in and shuts the damn thing down, the least the American people deserve is an organization that is free from corruption and relying on actual science rather than political activists posing as scientists.

EPA Chief Puts Science Back Into Environmental Protection
Trump certainly hit the ground running. Leveraging Executive Orders (constitutionally - unlike Obama) to defund International Planned Parenthood Foundation, to build the wall between the U.S. and Mexican border, he pulled the U.S. out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, put a freeze on federal government hiring, and restored the Keystone Pipeline.

And then there is this: already starting to defeat "sanctuary cities". It's looking like Trump was right - maybe we are going to get so tired of winning!

Trump declares victory as city revokes ‘sanctuary city’ policies

Winning, by taking the US downhill?
Winning, by taking the US downhill?
Only an idiot progressive would consider record high stock market, record low unemployment, more individual wealth, more liberty, a secured border, and a constitutional government to be “taking the U.S. downhill”. :laugh:
I love it. This is the ultimate in winning.
After decades of neglect, a federalism bandwagon is rolling across the country, carrying not only conservatives who have long believed in states' rights, but also gathering up progressives who are out of power in Washington and have rediscovered the appeal of localism. In fact, many of today's big political battles are, at their base, a federalism tug of war pitting the federal government against state and local governments.
So the people who have nothing but contempt and disgust for the U.S. Constitution are now sprinting towards it out of fear of President Trump (much like how illegals are self-deporting over fear of him).

The sad part is, we could have had a century of peace and prosperity if progressives hadn’t destroyed the U.S. Constitution in the 1900’s. The left could have had socialism in San Francisco while the right could have enjoyed conservative liberty in Dallas.

Democrats finally discover federalism
What President Trump has achieved in just over a year is nothing short of astounding. Kim Jong Un has told North Korean allies that he fears President Trump.

Since that was revealed about a week ago, Un has requested a meeting with the U.S. (for the first time ever), has met with South Korea and officially ended the Korean War, and agreed to end his nuclear program.

Kim Jong Un suspends missile testing and closing nuclear site, state media says | American Military News


For that alone, President Donald Trump should receive the Nobel Prize!
To re unite the two Koreas is an amazing acomplishment! :clap::clap::clap:

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What President Trump has achieved in just over a year is nothing short of astounding. Kim Jong Un has told North Korean allies that he fears President Trump.

Since that was revealed about a week ago, Un has requested a meeting with the U.S. (for the first time ever), has met with South Korea and officially ended the Korean War, and agreed to end his nuclear program.

Kim Jong Un suspends missile testing and closing nuclear site, state media says | American Military News
For that alone, President Donald Trump should receive the Nobel Prize!
To re unite the two Koreas is an amazing acomplishment! :clap::clap::clap:

Absolutely skye. You are spot-on. Barack Insane Obama does absolutely nothing and receives the Nobel Peace Prize. President Trump solved the North Korea issue in 1 year and he will be vilified.
What President Trump has achieved in just over a year is nothing short of astounding. Kim Jong Un has told North Korean allies that he fears President Trump.

Since that was revealed about a week ago, Un has requested a meeting with the U.S. (for the first time ever), has met with South Korea and officially ended the Korean War, and agreed to end his nuclear program.

Kim Jong Un suspends missile testing and closing nuclear site, state media says | American Military News
For that alone, President Donald Trump should receive the Nobel Prize!
To re unite the two Koreas is an amazing acomplishment! :clap::clap::clap:

Absolutely skye. You are spot-on. Barack Insane Obama does absolutely nothing and receives the Nobel Peace Prize. President Trump solved the North Korea issue in 1 year and he will be vilified.

President Trump is the best thing that could have happened to America and also to the rest of the world!.

May the Swamp be drained all across the planet!!!!

God Bless all patriots all over this Earth!:thup:
President Trump is the best thing that could have happened to America and also to the rest of the world!
I’m absolutely stunned. I was the ultimate “Never Trump” advocate on the conservative side. I thought he would be a nightmare. I pictured another Barack Obama.

But so far, he has been one of the two best presidents of the last 150 years. He has rejected power. He has strictly adhered to the U.S. Constitution. He appointed an excellent Supreme Court Justice who will uphold the constitution. And he has put America first in every capacity.
President Trump should be given the Nobel Prize for this acomplishment.No other American President before him could do it!

This is amazing!!! :clap::clap::clap:

We expect Sweden to give President Trump the Nobel Prize....nothing less will do!!!!

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