The White House Condemned the Release of the Lockerbie bomber.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
One of the wonderful lies floating around here was that the White House "pressured" Scotland into releasing the Lockerbie bomber. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The White House and the US state department emphasised that they had vigorously opposed Megrahi's release in discussions with their British counterparts.

"The United States deeply regrets the decision," said the White House spokesman Robert Gibbs. "As we have expressed repeatedly to officials of the government of the United Kingdom and to Scottish authorities, we continue to believe that Megrahi should serve out his sentence in Scotland. On this day, we extend our deepest sympathies to the families who live every day with the loss of their loved ones. We recognise the effects of such a loss weigh upon a family forever."

White House condemns decision to release Lockerbie bomber | UK news |

White House condemns decision to release Lockerbie bomber | UK news |

I don't know what fucking conservative fantasy land put up that vile sack of shit.

Also here's the truth about your hero George W. Bush.

How Gaddafi Friended Bush, Blair, and Berlusconi - The Daily Beast

The same guy who said this about Osama Bin Laden.

[ame=]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]

Here's a clue.

The way to stop terrorists is to:

A. Kill the terrorists.
B. Remove the conditions that create them.
Umm, who said that Obama approved of his release? No conservative I know said that. I remember EVERYONE condemning that stupid action.

Strawman much?

The left - like sallow - make shit up and then it becomes their 'truth'. Some right wing blogger makes some half assed comment and, hey presto, that become what all conservatives think.

Pity them. They are not smart enough to cope in the real world... so they have created their own fantasy one. Sadly, they try to live their fantasy along side those of us who live in the real one.
I KNOW I did. Obama absolutely approved of the Lockerbie bomber release. So let's clear this up right away. I have been VERY VOCAL in exposing obama's role in pressuring Scotland.

Barack Obama must also answer questions over the Lockerbie bomber's release – Telegraph Blogs

The Lockerbie scandal has just become even murkier. According to a Sunday Times report yesterday “the US government secretly advised Scottish ministers that it would be “far preferable” to free the Lockerbie bomber than jail him in Libya.”

| The Australian

Correspondence obtained by The Sunday Times reveals the Obama administration considered compassionate release more palatable than locking up Abdel Baset al-Megrahi in a Libyan prison.

The intervention, which has angered US relatives of those who died in the attack, was made by Richard LeBaron, deputy head of the US embassy in London, a week before Megrahi was freed in August last year on grounds that he had terminal cancer
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The left will just continue to lie about their hero as if he controls the world AND conveniently forget that Gadhafi was the good guy when obama intervened with Scotland to turn over the Lockerbie bomber.

What were the comments when obama asked Scotland to release the Lockerbie bomber to Libyan custody?

Enough said indeed.

That was a quick check.
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I KNOW I did. Obama absolutely approved of the Lockerbie bomber release. So let's clear this up right away. I have been VERY VOCAL in exposing obama's role in pressuring Scotland.

Barack Obama must also answer questions over the Lockerbie bomber's release – Telegraph Blogs

The Lockerbie scandal has just become even murkier. According to a Sunday Times report yesterday “the US government secretly advised Scottish ministers that it would be “far preferable” to free the Lockerbie bomber than jail him in Libya.”

| The Australian

Correspondence obtained by The Sunday Times reveals the Obama administration considered compassionate release more palatable than locking up Abdel Baset al-Megrahi in a Libyan prison.

The intervention, which has angered US relatives of those who died in the attack, was made by Richard LeBaron, deputy head of the US embassy in London, a week before Megrahi was freed in August last year on grounds that he had terminal cancer


The Obama Administratin never approved of the release.
I KNOW I did. Obama absolutely approved of the Lockerbie bomber release. So let's clear this up right away. I have been VERY VOCAL in exposing obama's role in pressuring Scotland.

Barack Obama must also answer questions over the Lockerbie bomber's release – Telegraph Blogs

The Lockerbie scandal has just become even murkier. According to a Sunday Times report yesterday “the US government secretly advised Scottish ministers that it would be “far preferable” to free the Lockerbie bomber than jail him in Libya.”

| The Australian

Correspondence obtained by The Sunday Times reveals the Obama administration considered compassionate release more palatable than locking up Abdel Baset al-Megrahi in a Libyan prison.

The intervention, which has angered US relatives of those who died in the attack, was made by Richard LeBaron, deputy head of the US embassy in London, a week before Megrahi was freed in August last year on grounds that he had terminal cancer

^Proof that people will believe anything if it confirms their bias.

Did you bother to dive into that pool any deeper?
I KNOW I did. Obama absolutely approved of the Lockerbie bomber release. So let's clear this up right away. I have been VERY VOCAL in exposing obama's role in pressuring Scotland.

Barack Obama must also answer questions over the Lockerbie bomber's release – Telegraph Blogs

The Lockerbie scandal has just become even murkier. According to a Sunday Times report yesterday “the US government secretly advised Scottish ministers that it would be “far preferable” to free the Lockerbie bomber than jail him in Libya.”

| The Australian

Correspondence obtained by The Sunday Times reveals the Obama administration considered compassionate release more palatable than locking up Abdel Baset al-Megrahi in a Libyan prison.

The intervention, which has angered US relatives of those who died in the attack, was made by Richard LeBaron, deputy head of the US embassy in London, a week before Megrahi was freed in August last year on grounds that he had terminal cancer

^Proof that people will believe anything if it confirms their bias.

Did you bother to dive into that pool any deeper?

Like clockwork. Someone showed up to confirm exactly what I posted.
Let's have some more

American Thinker Blog: Obama Approved Release of the Lockerbie Bomber
Some folks in Scotland are angry enough to leak to the Guardian what many of us already suspected. The Lockerbie bomber was released only with our approval

President Obama supported the release of the Lockerbie bomber and then denied it. - Los Angeles Obama Administration |

In a shocking turn of events, Nile Gardiner, a Washington-based Foreign Affairs Analyst and political commentator, reported in the Telegraph that, contrary to what President Obama reported, he actually did support the release of Libyan terrorist, Abdel Baset al-Megrahi.

The whole world is lying. Only obama NOW denying he did what he did, is telling the truth.

I stand by my statement. obama not only approved of the release, but worked toward that release.
Let's have some more

American Thinker Blog: Obama Approved Release of the Lockerbie Bomber
Some folks in Scotland are angry enough to leak to the Guardian what many of us already suspected. The Lockerbie bomber was released only with our approval

President Obama supported the release of the Lockerbie bomber and then denied it. - Los Angeles Obama Administration |

In a shocking turn of events, Nile Gardiner, a Washington-based Foreign Affairs Analyst and political commentator, reported in the Telegraph that, contrary to what President Obama reported, he actually did support the release of Libyan terrorist, Abdel Baset al-Megrahi.

The whole world is lying. Only obama NOW denying he did what he did, is telling the truth.

I stand by my statement. obama not only approved of the release, but worked toward that release.

Absolute and unmitigated bullshit.
13 posts in..and while conservative posters are attacking the OP..they aren't attacking the lie that Obama "pressured" Scotland to release the bomber.

13 posts in..and while conservative posters are attacking the OP..they aren't attacking the lie that Obama "pressured" Scotland to release the bomber.


I don't know if the details are accurate so I'm not taking a position one way or another. It's quite possible Obama was misled about the man's health and chose to show pitty. It's also quite possible its utter bullshit. Who am I to decide when I don't personally know all the facts?
The whole world lies. Only obama doesn't lie.

No one better point it out either.
13 posts in..and while conservative posters are attacking the OP..they aren't attacking the lie that Obama "pressured" Scotland to release the bomber.


I don't know if the details are accurate so I'm not taking a position one way or another. It's quite possible Obama was misled about the man's health and chose to show pitty. It's also quite possible its utter bullshit. Who am I to decide when I don't personally know all the facts?

No it isn't.

The Whitehouse is quite clear what they want done to terrorists.
13 posts in..and while conservative posters are attacking the OP..they aren't attacking the lie that Obama "pressured" Scotland to release the bomber.


I don't know if the details are accurate so I'm not taking a position one way or another. It's quite possible Obama was misled about the man's health and chose to show pitty. It's also quite possible its utter bullshit. Who am I to decide when I don't personally know all the facts?

No it isn't.

The Whitehouse is quite clear what they want done to terrorists.

Yes they are. Civilian trials.
I don't know if the details are accurate so I'm not taking a position one way or another. It's quite possible Obama was misled about the man's health and chose to show pitty. It's also quite possible its utter bullshit. Who am I to decide when I don't personally know all the facts?

No it isn't.

The Whitehouse is quite clear what they want done to terrorists.

Yes they are. Civilian trials.


Only for the ones that "turn" themselves in.

You see alot of that going on lately?
I don't know if the details are accurate so I'm not taking a position one way or another. It's quite possible Obama was misled about the man's health and chose to show pitty. It's also quite possible its utter bullshit. Who am I to decide when I don't personally know all the facts?

No it isn't.

The Whitehouse is quite clear what they want done to terrorists.

Yes they are. Civilian trials.


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Anwar al-Awlaki
Abu Hafs al-Shahri
Atiyah ‘Abd al-Rahman
Ilyas Kashmiri
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Ali Saleh Farhan
Harun Fazu
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Noordin Muhammad Top
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Hussein al-Yemeni
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