The wheeler-dealer finance of the Prosecutor General’s Office

Aug 6, 2012
The Prosecutor General’s Office of Uzbekistan is a managing agency as well as other agencies in Uzbekistan. It means that it has a budget and runs financial and economical activity. As other managerial agencies the Uzbek Prosecutor General’s Office has a chief accountant, an active and authoritative person.
Galina Thay, a very notable person, is a chief accountant of Uzbek Prosecutor General’s Office. She is a trustee of Rashid Kadirov, the head of Prosecutor General’s office. She concentrated a great power in her hands, connected with material and financial security of prosecutors’ offices, while she got an influence on Rashid Kadirov, resolving her personal problems in his shadow. Currently, Galina Thay stands as a “power-broker”. The sources among workers of Prosecutor General’s Office argue that besides the machinations with material and technical, financial resources, chief accountant meddles in criminal case investigation, deals with gaining information about prosecutor’s workers disliked by her or Rashid Kadirov. They organize inspections based on collected information and the inspections end, as a rule, with dismissal of workers. The prosecutors afraid of her, they curry favour with her and try to get into her good graces.
In 2010, Galina Thay was awarded to state award – the “Shuhrat” medal, “for her services in securing of lawfulness in the Republic of Uzbekistan”. As sources note, this award shows a gratitude of Rashid Kadirov, whose welfare is growing up due to his financier.
The commercial activity developed by Galina Thay is widespread and diversified. There one can mark out legal “white” method of money earning (The Prosecutors’ Office development Fund) as well as absolutely illegal method as bribe and half legal “grey” method of profit earning. It includes an excessive deposit (slew) of budgetary funds in Infinbank (controlled by Rashid Kadirov), a bank of commerce, and “small ruses” on distribution of distrained funds and bails paid by defendants and others in order to restrain taking them into custody, in deposit accounts.
According to the instructions of Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan the funds received for interim order of Prosecutors’ Offices (including “distrained” funds and bails) must be kept in banks with charging interest; then in the terms of criminal case these interests must be returned to legal owner of funds or go into budget. But Thay proposed to General Prosecutor a simple but effective scheme of using of temporarily confiscated funds. So, the Prosecutor General’s Office under agreement with Infinbank “refuses” charging interest from distrained funds in exchange for provision of “banking cells and collectors’ services”. So, in the office of Infinbank in Shaykhantakhur district of Tashkent city, there were 16 million dollars kept on abovementioned requirements on one of the cases for almost half a year. The amount of interest totaled in a few hundreds of thousands dollars, that flew to Infinbank accounts. According to our data, the same scheme was actively used during last year’s criminal prosecution of Uzbek “oligarchs”, their distrained funds were also kept in Infinbank and the amount was hundreds of billions of Uzbek sums.
Another method of money earning is collecting information about different commercial and financial agencies which she afterwards passes to B. Zilyayev, a head of the Department for Anti-Monetary Crimes under the Prosecutor General’s Office. The rest goes by a beaten scheme. They organize prosecutor’s inspection, commence a criminal case, confiscate funds and transfer it to Infinbank for holding. Then firm of attorneys managed by Alisher Kadirov, Prosecutor General’s son, intervenes and helps to get away from criminal responsibility. So, the “harvest” from one case is being withdrawn for three times – the interests from confiscated funds, expensive services of lawyers and bribe from case figurant.
Recently, there appear signs of alarm in Galina Thay’s behavior, though seeming stability of her position. Currently, Uzbekistan stands on the threshold of turnabout. Galina Thay being a smart person is ready to risk by her whole profit and stake on current Prosecutor General. Will Rashid Kadirov stay in “set”? I doubt it. That is why; some years ago Thay sent her husband and two sons to St.Petersburg, where they have splendid penthouse in the center of city, construction and restaurant business. Getting prepared for turnabout Galina Thay secretly acquired Russian citizenship in the end of 2011.

Dmitriy Astrakhanov

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