The West´s silly Ukrainian ISIS Nazi Army


Nov 14, 2012

Groups of right-wing Ukrainian nationalists are committing war crimes in the rebel-held territories of Eastern Ukraine, according to a report from Amnesty International, as evidence emerged in local media of the volunteer militias beheading their victims.

Ukrainian Nationalist Volunteers Committing ISIS-Style War Crimes

Let’s remember how Obama was making Americans believe they were supporting “moderate opposition” in Syria. Should a video with a representative of the “moderate opposition” eating the heart (or liver) of his just killed enemy wake everybody up and open their eyes? Never happened. The money and weapons never stopped. And a little bit later the world was shocked with ISIS appearance. Now it’s terrorizing not only Syria but almost all Europe.

Same thing is going on now with supporting Kiev regime, who keeps killing its people who don’t agree with it. And there already exists a term for it: fascist regime. My question is: should the world
1. learn a lesson from its past
2. keep having its eyes closed until it’s too late?

Something tells me: the world prefers tactics N 2. Even after the U.S. House of Representatives considered H.R. 2685, the “Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2015.” During consideration of the legislation, Congressman John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.) and Congressman Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) offered bipartisan amendments to block the training of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi paramilitary militia “Azov Battalion”

U.S. House Passes 3 Amendments By Rep. Conyers To Defense Spending Bill To Protect Civilians From Dangers Of Arming and Training Foreign Forces - Press Releases - News - U.S. Congressman John Conyers Jr.
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Groups of right-wing Ukrainian nationalists are committing war crimes in the rebel-held territories of Eastern Ukraine, according to a report from Amnesty International, as evidence emerged in local media of the volunteer militias beheading their victims.

Thank you very much for opening our eyes to atrocities committed by neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine. Yes, the Kiev junta and its western supporters will never say the truth about it, because they are liars. It is great that on this forum there are people like you and some other members who have shouldered the burden of enlightening us. You even took the trouble to increase the size of the type in order to give a chance for silly people to understand better your message. It is great, really.

I want to complete your message with this paragraph taken from the same article
The organisation has also published a report detailing similar alleged atrocities committed by pro-Russian militants, highlighting the brutality of the conflict which has claimed over 3,000 lives.

I don’t know why you didn’t mention about it. Of course, I don’t think you did so purposely! Maybe you just overlooked it or you thought it was insignificant information. So, I decided to add it because without it some people may think that you and some other truth-seekers on this forum are similar to all those liars who give only that information which is convenient for them. You shouldn’t bother to thank me; I was very glad to help you.
Groups of right-wing Ukrainian nationalists are committing war crimes in the rebel-held territories of Eastern Ukraine, according to a report from Amnesty International, as evidence emerged in local media of the volunteer militias beheading their victims.

Thank you very much for opening our eyes to atrocities committed by neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine. Yes, the Kiev junta and its western supporters will never say the truth about it, because they are liars. It is great that on this forum there are people like you and some other members who have shouldered the burden of enlightening us. You even took the trouble to increase the size of the type in order to give a chance for silly people to understand better your message. It is great, really.

I want to complete your message with this paragraph taken from the same article
The organisation has also published a report detailing similar alleged atrocities committed by pro-Russian militants, highlighting the brutality of the conflict which has claimed over 3,000 lives.

I don’t know why you didn’t mention about it. Of course, I don’t think you did so purposely! Maybe you just overlooked it or you thought it was insignificant information. So, I decided to add it because without it some people may think that you and some other truth-seekers on this forum are similar to all those liars who give only that information which is convenient for them. You shouldn’t bother to thank me; I was very glad to help you.
Because this is about evidence - severed Heads of murdered people - and not about "similar alleged atrocities" of the other side.
Ukrainian Nationalist Volunteers Committing ISIS-Style War Crimes

But why "ISIS-style". It's similar, but Ukrainian Nazi are the straight descendants and followers of German Nazi from WW2. Here in German movie you can see, how they started (start from 40 minute):
Ukrainian Nationalist Volunteers Committing ISIS-Style War Crimes

But why "ISIS-style". It's similar, but Ukrainian Nazi are the straight descendants and followers of German Nazi from WW2. Here in German movie you can see, how they started (start from 40 minute):

Can´t watch it due to slow internet. I am on GPRS what is quite annoying.
BTW, wanna see movie about "pro-russian terrorists"? Just here with subtitles:

I don’t need subtitles. I have watched plenty of similar videos already. There is a civil war in Ukraine, with war crimes being committed by both sides.
BTW, wanna see movie about "pro-russian terrorists"? Just here with subtitles:

I don’t need subtitles. I have watched plenty of similar videos already. There is a civil war in Ukraine, with war crimes being committed by both sides.

Not from BOTH sides, moron, from Ukrainian side. You, stupid, are waiting for Europe to open its arms and to adopt Ukraine and you don't even care how many innocent lives of Donbass people it's gonna take to fulfill dream. Even if all Donbass people are killed to satisfy your European integration (which will never happen, Europeans are not as stupid as Ukrainian "patriots"). Don't you think it would be more honest and less bloody for Western Ukraine so separate from Eastern Ukraine and go to Europe (or to hell, we don't care) without destroying millions of civilians' lives????

I know for sure: if Western Ukraine wanted to separate, the residents from the Eastern Ukraine would NEVER come to their lands and start killing them and destroying their homes (in fact a few years ago, when Western Ukraine was badly flooded, the biggest percentage of money to help came from Donbass people). It is Kiev, who sent its troops to Donbass to destroy it, not vise verse. Think about it during intervals in your sweet dreams of European integration for Ukraine.
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If Russia would not send it's army into Ukraine the war would end quickly. This is not civil war in Ukraine that can sustain itself. It relies of Russian invasion. Russia is the aggressor trying to rebuild old USSR.
Here is proof everyone has wanted to see. Russian troops in Ukraine. Russian military unit and active duty traveling from base in Russia to combat in Ukraine. Not just "volunteers" who "quit Russian Army" and go to Ukraine for "vacation" lie. Not "Russian" patrol getting "lost".

The dirty truth is now on youtube for anyone to see.
If Russia would not send it's army into Ukraine the war would end quickly. This is not civil war in Ukraine that can sustain itself. It relies of Russian invasion. Russia is the aggressor trying to rebuild old USSR.
Here is proof everyone has wanted to see. Russian troops in Ukraine. Russian military unit and active duty traveling from base in Russia to combat in Ukraine. Not just "volunteers" who "quit Russian Army" and go to Ukraine for "vacation" lie. Not "Russian" patrol getting "lost".

The dirty truth is now on youtube for anyone to see.
What´s the point? Without the western initiated putsch, nothing of all that would have happened. If there are Russian troops in the Donetsk People´s Republic, they were invited and are legitimate.
If Russia would not send it's army into Ukraine the war would end quickly. This is not civil war in Ukraine that can sustain itself. It relies of Russian invasion. Russia is the aggressor trying to rebuild old USSR.
Here is proof everyone has wanted to see. Russian troops in Ukraine. Russian military unit and active duty traveling from base in Russia to combat in Ukraine. Not just "volunteers" who "quit Russian Army" and go to Ukraine for "vacation" lie. Not "Russian" patrol getting "lost".

The dirty truth is now on youtube for anyone to see.
What´s the point? Without the western initiated putsch, nothing of all that would have happened. If there are Russian troops in the Donetsk People´s Republic, they were invited and are legitimate.
You have only allegations of a so called western initiated putsch. Elections have been held in Ukraine since that time frame. The international monitors and the international community recognizes the government in Kiev as they legitimate government. In any case, it is not against international law for government to use diplomatic influence to support one side or another. It is against international law to assist with force of arms. The Donetsk Republic does not have authority to invite foreign troops into the territory of Ukraine. There is nothing legitimate about them. If they were the Russians would not be lying about them being there and they would not be attempting to hide them.
Russians and separatist have been caught lying about troops in Ukraine by Russian soldiers photoing themselves in Ukraine while still on active duty. These photo's are posted all over social media for the world to see.
You posted a response so fast it is impossible for you to have seen video from my post unless you had seen it already. It will go viral and everyone will be able to confirm what liars the separatist and Putin have been for sure.
The war in Ukraine is unusual in that it's hardly reported.
Very few people outside political circles even know there's a war going on, much less that US troops are involved.
One has to ask why that is.
The war in Ukraine is unusual in that it's hardly reported.
Very few people outside political circles even know there's a war going on, much less that US troops are involved.
One has to ask why that is.
Your full of crap dude. The war in Ukraine shows up in all the major papers on and off line whenever a significant event takes place. It is front page news very often. It is the cause for bad relation between the free world and Russia.
US trainers in Ukraine is not a secret. It has been well publicized. The video I posted is proof of an active Russian tank unit participating in a combat role in in Ukraine. No one is accusing anyone else of using combat troops in Ukraine. There are no western weapons littering the battlefields in Ukraine and no dead soldiers being secretly returned for hidden buriels the way they are in Russia.
If Russia would not send it's army into Ukraine the war would end quickly. This is not civil war in Ukraine that can sustain itself. It relies of Russian invasion. Russia is the aggressor trying to rebuild old USSR.
Here is proof everyone has wanted to see. Russian troops in Ukraine. Russian military unit and active duty traveling from base in Russia to combat in Ukraine. Not just "volunteers" who "quit Russian Army" and go to Ukraine for "vacation" lie. Not "Russian" patrol getting "lost".

The dirty truth is now on youtube for anyone to see.
What´s the point? Without the western initiated putsch, nothing of all that would have happened. If there are Russian troops in the Donetsk People´s Republic, they were invited and are legitimate.
You have only allegations of a so called western initiated putsch. Elections have been held in Ukraine since that time frame. The international monitors and the international community recognizes the government in Kiev as they legitimate government. In any case, it is not against international law for government to use diplomatic influence to support one side or another. It is against international law to assist with force of arms. The Donetsk Republic does not have authority to invite foreign troops into the territory of Ukraine. There is nothing legitimate about them. If they were the Russians would not be lying about them being there and they would not be attempting to hide them.
Russians and separatist have been caught lying about troops in Ukraine by Russian soldiers photoing themselves in Ukraine while still on active duty. These photo's are posted all over social media for the world to see.
You posted a response so fast it is impossible for you to have seen video from my post unless you had seen it already. It will go viral and everyone will be able to confirm what liars the separatist and Putin have been for sure.
The government in Kiev and its elections aren´t legitimate. The Nazi Putsch - hailed and cheered by western medias - did not represent the opinion of the Ukrainian majority or liquidated an evil regime. If the West had thought, the people would vote Yanukovych out of office and elect a pro EU government in regular, legitimate elections, it would have started another campaign like the corrupt and criminal "orange revolution" that proved to the Ukrainians that going with the EU is going with organized crime and that elections worked in Ukraine.

The Donetsk People´s Republic represents the will of the people.

Very interesting in that context is for example the election of 2004:

Viktor Yushchenko


Viktor Yanukovych
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QUOTE="Bleipriester, post: 11626009, member: 41102"] QUOTE="Camp, post: 11625978, member: 44680"]If Russia would not send it's army into Ukraine the war would end quickly. This is not civil war in Ukraine that can sustain itself. It relies of Russian invasion. Russia is the aggressor trying to rebuild old USSR.
Here is proof everyone has wanted to see. Russian troops in Ukraine. Russian military unit and active duty traveling from base in Russia to combat in Ukraine. Not just "volunteers" who "quit Russian Army" and go to Ukraine for "vacation" lie. Not "Russian" patrol getting "lost".

The dirty truth is now on youtube for anyone to see.[ QUOTE]
What´s the point? Without the western initiated putsch, nothing of all that would have happened. If there are Russian troops in the Donetsk People´s Republic, they were invited and are legitimate.[/QUOTE]

Ambassador Samantha Power Testimony US Interests Video

Yesterday there was a sharp discussion in American Congress between Samantha Power, American representative in UN and Dana Rohrabacher (R), who was asking her uncomfortable questions about Ukraine.

Watch how she prefers to answer a respectable congressman’s questions, which are uncomfortable for her: “I do not listen to Mr. Putin’s claims.” (Same way all Obama’s Administration (Jen Psaki, Marie Harf, etc.) answers all the uncomfortable questions from the press. Same way Obama presents his “irrefutable evidence”: just because I say so.)

Watch the video from 1.10.14 up to 1.14.09:

Dana Rohrabacher:

- I’d like to ask you about Ukraine. You described civilians were shelled by Russian allies there in Ukraine. I went over to Europe and met with some intelligence agencies in various countries and they were telling me that actually Ukrainian military which was 1/3 made up of people who were not in military but instead on a payroll of some oligarch. They have heavy artillery and indiscriminately were shelling separatists’ villages.

- If you are a US representative you should pay attention to everybody’s claims and you should refute them rather than dismissing them.

- I happen to believe there was a coup in Ukraine, meaning violent overthrow of the elected government. If it did not happen we would not be in this situation and the Ukrainians would have been spared this.

- It did not start with Russia going into separatists’ areas, that’s not where it started.

Well done, Mr. Rohrabacher! That’s a man!
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Sad but true but if you aren´t armed, there is no sense in talking with those. Only If Obama and his filth know you can blow their criminal militants to the moon, they consider to seriously talk with you.

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