The Welfare State-Food Stamp Scam


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
On several occasions I've posted data indicating that poverty in America is more illusion than reality.

The definition is a totally fabricated concept, a deus ex machina, designed for the dual purpose of supporting an ever growing government, and to sucker the hand-wringing segment of the population into supporting same.

Now, while material poverty is almost non-existent, there is no doubt that there is a social-poverty of poverty of character.

In a related story.....

1."Mother of Chris Bosh’s Daughter Applies For Food Stamps

2. The mother of Miami Heat star Chris Bosh‘s 3-year-old daughter is keeping her head above water to scratch and survive another day thanks to food stamps,...

3. ...about the legal battle that Bosh and former live-in galpal Allison Mathis have been waging in three states, Mathis’ lawyer tells me Orlando resident Mathis was laid off from her gig as a secretary in a construction company and this week applied for federal food assistance.

4. Mathis is also expecting to see her home go into foreclosure because the child support Bosh is paying doesn’t cover her mortgage . . .

5. ...she says, she’s tired of the 28-year-old Bosh — who got married last year to Adrienne Bosh and recently celebrated the birth of their son.

6. Believe it or not, says Carey, Bosh pays her a mere $2,600-a-month in child support!

7. According to state guidelines, someone like Bosh whose yearly salary is in the $18 million-range should be paying about $30,000-a-month.

8. My client just lost her job and applied for food stamps for her and Mr. Bosh’s daughter. She’s about to be foreclosed on, he won’t help her..."
Mother of Chris Bosh’s Daughter Applies For Food Stamps | Crunk + Disorderly

Wondering who would like to sign up to support the extended Bosh family....
It probably doesn't apply here, but the numbers of morbidly obese people receiving food stamps astounds me.

If you go to Haiti, the Honduras, or go back in time before the Not-So-Great-Society and talked about fat poor people, they would :lmao: and then :wtf:.

Poverty in America is not really poverty.
It probably doesn't apply here, but the numbers of morbidly obese people receiving food stamps astounds me.

If you go to Haiti, the Honduras, or go back in time before the Not-So-Great-Society and talked about fat poor people, they would :lmao: and then :wtf:.

Poverty in America is not really poverty.

Scientific American did an entire issue about world poverty a couple years ago. Obesity in poor countries is rising for the same reason it is here.


Carbs are the cheapest source of food. And carbs are very fattening.
On several occasions I've posted data indicating that poverty in America is more illusion than reality.

The definition is a totally fabricated concept, a deus ex machina, designed for the dual purpose of supporting an ever growing government, and to sucker the hand-wringing segment of the population into supporting same.

Now, while material poverty is almost non-existent, there is no doubt that there is a social-poverty of poverty of character.

In a related story.....

1."Mother of Chris Bosh’s Daughter Applies For Food Stamps

2. The mother of Miami Heat star Chris Bosh‘s 3-year-old daughter is keeping her head above water to scratch and survive another day thanks to food stamps,...

3. ...about the legal battle that Bosh and former live-in galpal Allison Mathis have been waging in three states, Mathis’ lawyer tells me Orlando resident Mathis was laid off from her gig as a secretary in a construction company and this week applied for federal food assistance.

4. Mathis is also expecting to see her home go into foreclosure because the child support Bosh is paying doesn’t cover her mortgage . . .

5. ...she says, she’s tired of the 28-year-old Bosh — who got married last year to Adrienne Bosh and recently celebrated the birth of their son.

6. Believe it or not, says Carey, Bosh pays her a mere $2,600-a-month in child support!

7. According to state guidelines, someone like Bosh whose yearly salary is in the $18 million-range should be paying about $30,000-a-month.

8. My client just lost her job and applied for food stamps for her and Mr. Bosh’s daughter. She’s about to be foreclosed on, he won’t help her..."
Mother of Chris Bosh’s Daughter Applies For Food Stamps | Crunk + Disorderly

Wondering who would like to sign up to support the extended Bosh family....

Chris Bosh is an NBA Superstar and he makes $18 million and she only gets $2600 a month? sounds like she needs to re-submit her paperwork to child support, Shaq's ex wife can show her how.
1."Mother of Chris Bosh’s



Oh... hehe. Sorry. Just going ahead and getting the moocher class talking point out of the way.
Actually $2600 a month is alot more than what most people get in child support, now I do think she should get more cause the dude is a millionare but come on $2600 isn't exactly chump change either. Thats $31,200 a year for fucks sake.
Since the $2600 she is receiving is more than 200% above the FPL for two people, I am guessing there is at least one other child in that household for her to be able to qualify for food stamps.
6. Believe it or not, says Carey, Bosh pays her a mere $2,600-a-month in child support!

The Federal Poverty Level (FPL) for a familiy of two is a gross income of $1261 a month.

Florida provides food stamps to families which gross up to 200% of the FPL.

That is like $30,000 a year income.

You're not "poor" if you're bringing in $30,000 a year.

When I was a kid back in the early 80's my Mom had 2 kids (me and my brother) and they got by on 15-18k a year and we didn't need food stamps. Sure things were tight but not uncomfortable..

At any rate I find the idea that a family can get food stamps when they pull in a combined 30k a year.

Oh and Chris Bosh is a total piece of shit for neglecting the mother of his son and his son. Even if they have differences Bosh should still be a man and take care of his kids and the mother of his kids on an $18,000,000 a year salary...
On several occasions I've posted data indicating that poverty in America is more illusion than reality.

The definition is a totally fabricated concept, a deus ex machina, designed for the dual purpose of supporting an ever growing government, and to sucker the hand-wringing segment of the population into supporting same.

Now, while material poverty is almost non-existent, there is no doubt that there is a social-poverty of poverty of character.

In a related story.....

1."Mother of Chris Bosh’s Daughter Applies For Food Stamps

2. The mother of Miami Heat star Chris Bosh‘s 3-year-old daughter is keeping her head above water to scratch and survive another day thanks to food stamps,...

3. ...about the legal battle that Bosh and former live-in galpal Allison Mathis have been waging in three states, Mathis’ lawyer tells me Orlando resident Mathis was laid off from her gig as a secretary in a construction company and this week applied for federal food assistance.

4. Mathis is also expecting to see her home go into foreclosure because the child support Bosh is paying doesn’t cover her mortgage . . .

5. ...she says, she’s tired of the 28-year-old Bosh — who got married last year to Adrienne Bosh and recently celebrated the birth of their son.

6. Believe it or not, says Carey, Bosh pays her a mere $2,600-a-month in child support!

7. According to state guidelines, someone like Bosh whose yearly salary is in the $18 million-range should be paying about $30,000-a-month.

8. My client just lost her job and applied for food stamps for her and Mr. Bosh’s daughter. She’s about to be foreclosed on, he won’t help her..."
Mother of Chris Bosh’s Daughter Applies For Food Stamps | Crunk + Disorderly

Wondering who would like to sign up to support the extended Bosh family....

Chris Bosh is an NBA Superstar and he makes $18 million and she only gets $2600 a month? sounds like she needs to re-submit her paperwork to child support, Shaq's ex wife can show her how.

Yeah, I thought child support was actually a percentage of the fathers income and not a set rate...
Normally I would say something like unbelievable or that's amazing, but unfortunately I'm not at all surprised.
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On several occasions I've posted data indicating that poverty in America is more illusion than reality.

The definition is a totally fabricated concept, a deus ex machina, designed for the dual purpose of supporting an ever growing government, and to sucker the hand-wringing segment of the population into supporting same.

Now, while material poverty is almost non-existent, there is no doubt that there is a social-poverty of poverty of character.

In a related story.....

1."Mother of Chris Bosh’s Daughter Applies For Food Stamps

2. The mother of Miami Heat star Chris Bosh‘s 3-year-old daughter is keeping her head above water to scratch and survive another day thanks to food stamps,...

3. ...about the legal battle that Bosh and former live-in galpal Allison Mathis have been waging in three states, Mathis’ lawyer tells me Orlando resident Mathis was laid off from her gig as a secretary in a construction company and this week applied for federal food assistance.

4. Mathis is also expecting to see her home go into foreclosure because the child support Bosh is paying doesn’t cover her mortgage . . .

5. ...she says, she’s tired of the 28-year-old Bosh — who got married last year to Adrienne Bosh and recently celebrated the birth of their son.

6. Believe it or not, says Carey, Bosh pays her a mere $2,600-a-month in child support!

7. According to state guidelines, someone like Bosh whose yearly salary is in the $18 million-range should be paying about $30,000-a-month.

8. My client just lost her job and applied for food stamps for her and Mr. Bosh’s daughter. She’s about to be foreclosed on, he won’t help her..."
Mother of Chris Bosh’s Daughter Applies For Food Stamps | Crunk + Disorderly

Wondering who would like to sign up to support the extended Bosh family....

Chris Bosh is an NBA Superstar and he makes $18 million and she only gets $2600 a month? sounds like she needs to re-submit her paperwork to child support, Shaq's ex wife can show her how.

Yeah, I thought child support was actually a percentage of the fathers income and not a set rate...

It is from what I understand, I don't know what the number should be but I imagine it should be more than $2600, $2600 is chump change for Bosh.
Many in this country are being led around by the nose by people in their employment. It's time to take a stand for the good of the poor and stop this soul stealing dependant creating monster called the Government. If I hear one more ad on the radio advertising food stamps I think I will explode. It's evil to hook people on drugs, we all agree with that I'm sure. It's also evil to hook people on government giveaways, it's evil to tell someone don't get a job we will cover the cost for your miserable life if only you will keep voting me a kings existence.
Since the $2600 she is receiving is more than 200% above the FPL for two people, I am guessing there is at least one other child in that household for her to be able to qualify for food stamps.

Is your assumption that the welfare system is in any way designed to restrict or reduce the number of individuals on food stamps...or any other aspect of welfare?

If so, you are laboring under a misapprehension.

1. "By mid-2010, one in six Americas were receiving aid from an anti-poverty program: “More than 50 million Americans are on Medicaid, the federal-state program aimed principally at the poor, a survey of state data by USA TODAY shows. That's up at least 17% since the recession began in December 2007….current enrollment is the highest on record," even before the new health care law adds about 16 million people, beginning in 2014….More than 40 million people get food stamps, an increase of nearly 50% …

Caseloads have risen as more people become eligible. The economic stimulus law signed by President Obama last year also boosted benefits….Close to 10 million receive unemployment insurance, nearly four times the number from 2007. Benefits have been extended by Congress eight times…More than 4.4 million people are on welfare, an 18% increase …The steady climb in safety-net program caseloads and costs has come as a result of two factors: The recession has boosted the number who qualify under existing rules. And the White House, Congress and states have expanded eligibility and benefits.” Record number in government anti-poverty programs -

"And the White House, Congress and states have expanded eligibility and benefits.”

2. “The 2010 edition of “Federal Spending by the Numbers” shows spending and deficits continuing to grow at a pace not seen since World War II. Washington will spend $30,543 per household in 2010—$5,000 per household more than just two years ago. While some of this spending is a temporary result of the recession, President Obama’s latest budget would replace this temporary spending with permanent new programs. Federal Spending Trends and Federal Budget Trends
Chris Bosh is an NBA Superstar and he makes $18 million and she only gets $2600 a month? sounds like she needs to re-submit her paperwork to child support, Shaq's ex wife can show her how.

Yeah, I thought child support was actually a percentage of the fathers income and not a set rate...

It is from what I understand, I don't know what the number should be but I imagine it should be more than $2600, $2600 is chump change for Bosh.

I always thought the paperwork went to an arbitrator and the arbitrator rules what is an appropriate amount..

I don't understand how Chris Bosh can get away with paying $31,000 a year in child support when he makes $219,500 PER GAME.

That is insane itself - $219,500 per game.
It probably doesn't apply here, but the numbers of morbidly obese people receiving food stamps astounds me.

If you go to Haiti, the Honduras, or go back in time before the Not-So-Great-Society and talked about fat poor people, they would :lmao: and then :wtf:.

Poverty in America is not really poverty.

Scientific American did an entire issue about world poverty a couple years ago. Obesity in poor countries is rising for the same reason it is here.


Carbs are the cheapest source of food. And carbs are very fattening.

Didnt think that needed explaining but some people are so simple minded
Chris Bosh gets paid $6,859 per minute in a basketball game. So it takes him roughly 5 minutes to pay his yearly child support.

On a different note, when I typed in "Chris Bosh" into google the first hit was "Chris Bosh gay" hahahaha.

Usually when you type a celebrities name into google it says "so and so boyfriend/girlfriend." For Chris Bosh it's "Chris Bosh gay."
A dude as ugly as Bosh had better be wealthy if he wants any action, gay or otherwise.
On several occasions I've posted data indicating that poverty in America is more illusion than reality.

The definition is a totally fabricated concept, a deus ex machina, designed for the dual purpose of supporting an ever growing government, and to sucker the hand-wringing segment of the population into supporting same.

Now, while material poverty is almost non-existent, there is no doubt that there is a social-poverty of poverty of character.

In a related story.....

1."Mother of Chris Bosh’s Daughter Applies For Food Stamps

2. The mother of Miami Heat star Chris Bosh‘s 3-year-old daughter is keeping her head above water to scratch and survive another day thanks to food stamps,...

3. ...about the legal battle that Bosh and former live-in galpal Allison Mathis have been waging in three states, Mathis’ lawyer tells me Orlando resident Mathis was laid off from her gig as a secretary in a construction company and this week applied for federal food assistance.

4. Mathis is also expecting to see her home go into foreclosure because the child support Bosh is paying doesn’t cover her mortgage . . .

5. ...she says, she’s tired of the 28-year-old Bosh — who got married last year to Adrienne Bosh and recently celebrated the birth of their son.

6. Believe it or not, says Carey, Bosh pays her a mere $2,600-a-month in child support!

7. According to state guidelines, someone like Bosh whose yearly salary is in the $18 million-range should be paying about $30,000-a-month.

8. My client just lost her job and applied for food stamps for her and Mr. Bosh’s daughter. She’s about to be foreclosed on, he won’t help her..."
Mother of Chris Bosh’s Daughter Applies For Food Stamps | Crunk + Disorderly

Wondering who would like to sign up to support the extended Bosh family....

Chris Bosh is an NBA Superstar and he makes $18 million and she only gets $2600 a month? sounds like she needs to re-submit her paperwork to child support, Shaq's ex wife can show her how.

i don't believe it. the numbers are way off.

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