The Way it Was (Pre-Roe v Wade)

and you are entitled to your opinion as well. by all means, don't drive while you are drunk if you are opposed to it. now, does that really make sense. how about this. you may be opposed to beatind your children. by all means then, don't do it.

Your comparisons don't even make sense. Having an abortion endangers no one but the woman making the choice herself. Driving drunk endangers everyone on the road.

This is poorly expressed but what I think you are trying to say is that children aren't always loveable because they are hard work, but that's not the same thing as growing up unwanted and unloved. There is a vast difference between a child who has a rough day and Mom is relieved when the child settles down for the night, and child who never receives and sort of affection or validation and is truly unwanted.

Really??? Well I would like to hear these because I can't think of a single argument I can make that would be remotely applicable for killing either.

why arre you bringing god into this. i don't think god should be brought into it at all and i do not do so.

however, LOl, i imagine there is some threshold level for high cholesterol where 1/3 of those who exceed that level die.

I was not in any way responding to your posts, so it's really irrelevant to me whether you think I should bring God into this discussion or not. If you don't wish to discuss religious reasons for opposing abortion, then don't respond to the posts, but please don't try to tell others what they can or cannot discuss.

And then you attempt to compare high cholesteral to miscarriage????

having an abortion kills human life. i would call killing something endangering it.

so. you are only for first trimester abortions, right?

i wasn't comparing high cholesterol to miscarriage per se. i was comparing the arguments.

maybe you should define human life...when it begins and what exactly makes it human?

The phrase human life means nothing to me. Because at conception it is alive. And it is human in that the dna is human. But it's certainly not a baby.

And I still know too many pro lifers who simply refuse to acknowledge anything outside of "baby at conception" or "murder at conception". It is pointless to even discuss this topic with those people as I think they are living a fantasy.
having an abortion kills human life. i would call killing something endangering it.

so. you are only for first trimester abortions, right?

Let me be clear. The choice to end a pregnancy rests with the woman and her doctor, no matter what point she is in her pregnancy. Regardless of what kinds of lies the anti-abortion faction likes to tell, late term abortions are extremely rare, and nearly alway done to save the life of the mother. Amnio-centisis can't be done during the first tri-mester, and that's the test to determine genetic abnormalities, so no I don't believe abortion should be restricted to first trimester only.

Most of the women having abortions are poor women who cannot afford to have more children. What part of that are you missing? No mother's allowance, no subsidized day care, no maternity leave - no wonder poor women are having abortions in high numbers.

Why not address the scandal and outrage that every other first world country gives support to pregnant women and their children except the USA? You talk about women taking responsibility, aborting a child you cannot afford is most definitely taking responsibility.
Your comparisons don't even make sense. Having an abortion endangers no one but the woman making the choice herself. Driving drunk endangers everyone on the road.

This is poorly expressed but what I think you are trying to say is that children aren't always loveable because they are hard work, but that's not the same thing as growing up unwanted and unloved. There is a vast difference between a child who has a rough day and Mom is relieved when the child settles down for the night, and child who never receives and sort of affection or validation and is truly unwanted.

Really??? Well I would like to hear these because I can't think of a single argument I can make that would be remotely applicable for killing either.

I was not in any way responding to your posts, so it's really irrelevant to me whether you think I should bring God into this discussion or not. If you don't wish to discuss religious reasons for opposing abortion, then don't respond to the posts, but please don't try to tell others what they can or cannot discuss.

And then you attempt to compare high cholesteral to miscarriage????

having an abortion kills human life. i would call killing something endangering it.

so. you are only for first trimester abortions, right?

i wasn't comparing high cholesterol to miscarriage per se. i was comparing the arguments.

maybe you should define human life...when it begins and what exactly makes it human?

The phrase human life means nothing to me. Because at conception it is alive. And it is human in that the dna is human. But it's certainly not a baby.

And I still know too many pro lifers who simply refuse to acknowledge anything outside of "baby at conception" or "murder at conception". It is pointless to even discuss this topic with those people as I think they are living a fantasy.

i have never called fetal human life as a "baby" and i have never said "murder."

what i am saying is that you, and others, are making a decision to kill a human life because you have arbitrarily decided at some point that one life is more important because it had attained a certain age.

i just want you to embrace that concept because that is what you are doing. you are deciding to kill a human life for an arbitrary reason.

personally, i don't see tue "baby" and "murder" argument either.
having an abortion kills human life. i would call killing something endangering it.

so. you are only for first trimester abortions, right?

Let me be clear. The choice to end a pregnancy rests with the woman and her doctor, no matter what point she is in her pregnancy. Regardless of what kinds of lies the anti-abortion faction likes to tell, late term abortions are extremely rare, and nearly alway done to save the life of the mother. Amnio-centisis can't be done during the first tri-mester, and that's the test to determine genetic abnormalities, so no I don't believe abortion should be restricted to first trimester only.

Most of the women having abortions are poor women who cannot afford to have more children. What part of that are you missing? No mother's allowance, no subsidized day care, no maternity leave - no wonder poor women are having abortions in high numbers.

Why not address the scandal and outrage that every other first world country gives support to pregnant women and their children except the USA? You talk about women taking responsibility, aborting a child you cannot afford is most definitely taking responsibility.

i have always been a very strong advocate for social programs for parents and children.

i have always said both parents should take care of the child, and because of that, i disagree with your statement that the decision is between a woman and her doctor. you argue that the mother shouldn't be burdened with caring for that child if she doesn't want to. do you think a man should be burdened with the financial care of a child he does not want? i think he should. your argument suggest otherwise.

i don't think it is fair for you that none of the things that you've mentioned concern me. they do very much and i have worked tirelessly most of my life on social issue causes.
Your arguments won't fly, and your solution won't work until the US addresses the poverty that drives women to abort their children.

Yes having unprotected sex is not their fault. Someone drove them to do it.

People can, and often do, get pregnant protected or not.

Yes they do. I was using protection when my children were conceived. And they were most definitely unplanned and most inconvenvient and presented a serious financial hardship for us at the time. But we chose to welcome them into the world, they have both been productive and beneficial citizens that have made their own positive contributions to society, and the world is a better place for them being in it. I cannot imagine my life without them in it.

And both of them were that 'meaningless unviable etc.' clump of cells which is necessary for ALL humans to become people who walk the Earth. It never occurred to me at any stage of those pregnancies that I was carrying anything other than a human life.

And I am sure there would have been many more children if I had not used contraceptives because usually they are successful in preventing pregnancies.

It is THAT concept I wish to return to culturally. A culture in which human life is valued and not seen as throwaway because it is inconvenient or an unwanted hardship. When most Americans saw life that way, there were far fewer unwanted pregnancies and far fewer abortions. Certainly had we not changed to a culture in which throwing away a life is seen as acceptable purely for convenience, we would not see 54+ million abortions as the legacy of Roe v Wade.
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It is THAT concept I wish to return to culturally. A culture in which human life is valued and not seen as throwaway because it is inconvenient or an unwanted hardship. When most Americans saw life that way, there were far fewer unwanted pregnancies and far fewer abortions. Certainly had we not changed to a culture in which throwing away a life is seen as acceptable purely for convenience, we would not see 54+ million abortions as the legacy of Roe v Wade.

You pay lip service to valuing life, yet you oppose maternity leave, government funded health care, subsidized day care, and other social supports that would raise the cost of goods and services. You have chosen to value things over people. That is why poor women must abort their babies.

You have to teach people to value lives ahead of cheap goods and to provide a better social safety net for poor families. Until you do, the abortion rate isn't going to change. Every country that provides a strong social safety net, sex education in the schools, easy access to birth control, and paid maternity leave, has low rates of abortion. The US provides none of these things and a high rate of abortion.

These are you options - pick one.
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It is THAT concept I wish to return to culturally. A culture in which human life is valued and not seen as throwaway because it is inconvenient or an unwanted hardship. When most Americans saw life that way, there were far fewer unwanted pregnancies and far fewer abortions. Certainly had we not changed to a culture in which throwing away a life is seen as acceptable purely for convenience, we would not see 54+ million abortions as the legacy of Roe v Wade.

You pay lip service to valuing life, yet you oppose maternity leave, government funded health care, subsidized day care, and other social supports that would raise the cost of goods and services. You have chosen to value things over people. That is why poor women must abort their babies.

You have to teach people to value lives ahead of cheap goods and to provide a better social safety net for poor families. Until you do, the abortion rate isn't going to change. Every country that provides a strong social safety net, sex education in the schools, easy access to birth control, and paid maternity leave, has low rates of abortion. The US provides none of these things and a high rate of abortion.

These are you options - pick one.

In all due respect DragonLady, you have no idea what I oppose and what I support other than what I have volunteered on this thread. You know little or nothing about me. When you have walked a few decades in my shoes, you might have some standing to judge my point of view based on the life I have led and based on what I do and do not support and believe.

However, that you now focus on accusing me and judging me suggests that you are totally out of ammo to support your point of view on this subject.
In all due respect DragonLady, you have no idea what I oppose and what I support other than what I have volunteered on this thread. You know little or nothing about me. When you have walked a few decades in my shoes, you might have some standing to judge my point of view based on the life I have led and based on what I do and do not support and believe.

You have been very clear that the costs of raising children are the sole responsibility of the parents. You have been very judgemental about women aborting children for "convenience" even though the information you posted showed that overwhelmingly, poverty was the reason for the abortions.

Not once have you advocated ANYTHING in terms of social programs, family supports, or even better sex education on avoiding unwanted pregancies. I can only judge you by your words, which have been very judgemental towards women who choose abortion. I based my responses on YOUR WORDS.

You may chose to think that I haven't made my point, but the only point you've made is to show how out of touch you are with the realities that most women face in their lives today. The fact that you haven't offered a single solution to the problem and your only suggestion is to turn back the clock to 1950's values, shows how bankrupt you are of practical ideas, and all the while you blame the poor for their choices.

You take real offence at me judging you, well, I find your judgement on the women having abortions to be repugnant and disgusting. You have no right to criticize these women for their choices until you have to chose between the roof over your head for you and your children, and giving birth to another child you can't afford to feed.
In all due respect DragonLady, you have no idea what I oppose and what I support other than what I have volunteered on this thread. You know little or nothing about me. When you have walked a few decades in my shoes, you might have some standing to judge my point of view based on the life I have led and based on what I do and do not support and believe.

You have been very clear that the costs of raising children are the sole responsibility of the parents. You have been very judgemental about women aborting children for "convenience" even though the information you posted showed that overwhelmingly, poverty was the reason for the abortions.

Not once have you advocated ANYTHING in terms of social programs, family supports, or even better sex education on avoiding unwanted pregancies. I can only judge you by your words, which have been very judgemental towards women who choose abortion. I based my responses on YOUR WORDS.

You may chose to think that I haven't made my point, but the only point you've made is to show how out of touch you are with the realities that most women face in their lives today. The fact that you haven't offered a single solution to the problem and your only suggestion is to turn back the clock to 1950's values, shows how bankrupt you are of practical ideas, and all the while you blame the poor for their choices.

You take real offence at me judging you, well, I find your judgement on the women having abortions to be repugnant and disgusting. You have no right to criticize these women for their choices until you have to chose between the roof over your head for you and your children, and giving birth to another child you can't afford to feed.

If you can show me a post anywhere in this thread or anywhere else in which I have judged anybody, go for it.

Otherwise I accept that you are out of ammunition to support your point of view and therefore are resorting to attacking me. And for me, that ends all constructive debate because you don[t have a clue what you are talking about in what I do and do not support, do, or believe, or who you are talking to.
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There are none so blind as those who will not see. If you refuse to acknowledge that your society must FIRST provide family-friendly social programs, child care and medical care and assistance to low income families, then you are being wilfully ignorant.

You blame the number of abortions on societies attitudes towards children, then misplace the blame for this on mores instead of a poor parents instead on self people who have never had to truly struggle in their lives society which blames the poor for their situation.

I've pointed out the fallacies of your arguments time and time again, with facts, figures and studies and still you say no no that's not right, only a change in attitude will help. No amount of fact and logic will get in the way of what you know is right.
There is no case, let alone an "excellent" case that abortion ends a human life. Life begins with the first breath. End of that story.

The real story here is religious zealots attempting to inflict a particular persuasion's beliefs on others. Hilariously even the Bible doesn't back them, and of course the Constitution is silent on the issue, so all of the mumbo jumbo is made up.


Sorry, but that baby in my womb was very much the same person he or she was an hour later when he or she was officially born. And every component of that baby was present in the fertilized egg that attached itself to the uterine wall. You cannot point to any stage of the entire process that was not part of a human life or necessary to it.

If you want to make this a diatribe against religious zealots, I suggest you find a different thread. I don't believe anybody who is seriously debating the topic on this thread has made religion in any form the basis for defending the unborn. I know I haven't.

Religion, not science is the basis for anti-abortion nonsense. The upside is that abortion can't be stopped, even if people pretending there is no religious basis pass nutter laws trying to stop it.

Last but not least, obviously what you believe is different than the Constitution and the Bible inform us about freedom and life. Unfortunately the norm today has become examples of the failures of public education in America, so you have plenty of company.
The Way It Was | Mother Jones

This is a very hard article to read, and will be for both sides of the discussion. I'm pro-choice, though that is not a choice I would ever make for myself. The first page is quite graphic, giving specifics of abortion. The rest is graphic as to what happens when it's not a legal option.

It's a long article, but I believe it to be worth the time it takes to read it.

I really wouldn't want to see Roe v Wade repealed.

From the article: "Be assured that it's not just "partial-birth" abortion they're so happy about passing a law against. It's all the law heralds."

What the heck??? Ya don't think maybe they were happy that a fully formed viable infant coming out of the womb didn't have it's skull crushed, might make them happy? Or that his or her body parts weren't farmed out for cash? This is choosing to murder but then again, it's murder of newly conceived as well, when early abortion is done.
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The abortion statistics are pretty telling when you read them for what they are:
Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics

And again, I am not going to judge any woman who has had an abortion because I don't KNOW why she chose to have an abortion. Nor am I saying that abortions are never necessary or that those that are should not be legal and safe.

But 54+ million babies aborted since Roe v Wade should not be an acceptable number to anybody.

I read the report. I guess you missed the No. 1 reason why women have abortions:

Or this little tidbit:

3/4 of the women say that they cannot afford a child. 2/3 of the women who receive abortions, are on Medicaid.

•Among women who obtained abortions in 2009, 40.2% had no prior live births; 46.3% had one or two prior live births, and 13.6% had three or more prior live births (CDC).

Over 46% of the women who obtained an abortion are married or living with their partner, and over 60% of these women already had one of more children. So much for the notion that women in loving relationships don't abort. That women wouldn't kill they babies if they really understood they were destroying a life. Or that they abort babies simply because they are inconvenient.

What emerges in reading this report is a picture of the women who get abortions. Adults more than teenagers, married or in a relationship, but desperate poor and unable to raise any more children.

Hardly the careless vapid fun seeker the anti-abortion crowd in this thread portray. Everything in the articles confirms what I have been saying throughout this thread.

And please Foxfire, don't insult my intelligence and say that raising the child is the parents' responsibility, because these parents are saying they are too poor to do it. So if you want to stop abortions, try giving the poor some family supports, because they're having all the kids they can at the moment.

Pre Roe v Wade, most women who could not afford to raise a child, and that would be a lot of the unmarried ones, gave the child life and then handed it over to a loving couple who desperately wanted a baby and could give it everything he or she needed. The mother was far less likely to see it as an option just to kill the child she didn't want or couldn't care for. She was far more likely to revere the life and demonstrate love in its highest form.

And it's also a lot healthier for her. I have friends that had so many abortions that chances to carry full term are not good. We also get higher chance of cancers from abortion and/or not nursing.
There is no case, let alone an "excellent" case that abortion ends a human life. Life begins with the first breath. End of that story.

The real story here is religious zealots attempting to inflict a particular persuasion's beliefs on others. Hilariously even the Bible doesn't back them, and of course the Constitution is silent on the issue, so all of the mumbo jumbo is made up.


Sorry, but that baby in my womb was very much the same person he or she was an hour later when he or she was officially born. And every component of that baby was present in the fertilized egg that attached itself to the uterine wall. You cannot point to any stage of the entire process that was not part of a human life or necessary to it.

If you want to make this a diatribe against religious zealots, I suggest you find a different thread. I don't believe anybody who is seriously debating the topic on this thread has made religion in any form the basis for defending the unborn. I know I haven't.

Religion, not science is the basis for anti-abortion nonsense. The upside is that abortion can't be stopped, even if people pretending there is no religious basis pass nutter laws trying to stop it.

Last but not least, obviously what you believe is different than the Constitution and the Bible inform us about freedom and life. Unfortunately the norm today has become examples of the failures of public education in America, so you have plenty of company.

Sorry but if you want to make this a discussion of religion, you'll have to do that without me. I am not interested in arguing for life based on religious beliefs. Nor am I willing to change it to a discussion of women's rights, social services, inequities, hardships, etc. etc. etc. as some would like to make it.

My focus is on cultural attitudes re 54+ million and counting abortions since Roe v Wade and what would greatly reduce that number. If I thought throwing money, equal rights, social services , and 'it takes a Village' at the problem would solve it I'd be all for it. But the fact is we have had a culture devoted to all that and we have 54+ million abortions.

So, I would like for us to focus on a culture that wasn't producing 54+ mllion abortions in the 40 years prior to the Great Society initiatives or in the 40 years prior to Roe v Wade.
That is pretty funny.

The only rational arguments against abortion are religious and legal, and neither the Bible nor the Constitution supports your meddling in my family's rights.

We are through here.
That is pretty funny.

The only rational arguments against abortion are religious and legal, and neither the Bible nor the Constitution supports your meddling in my family's rights.

We are through here.

Well good, because I have not been arguing for or against anybody's rights anywhere in this entire discussion.
There are none so blind as those who will not see. If you refuse to acknowledge that your society must FIRST provide family-friendly social programs, child care and medical care and assistance to low income families, then you are being wilfully ignorant.

You blame the number of abortions on societies attitudes towards children, then misplace the blame for this on mores instead of a poor parents instead on self people who have never had to truly struggle in their lives society which blames the poor for their situation.

I've pointed out the fallacies of your arguments time and time again, with facts, figures and studies and still you say no no that's not right, only a change in attitude will help. No amount of fact and logic will get in the way of what you know is right.

i don't know. i have been a strong advocate for all the social programs and child care services, have not brought religion into it.

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