Zone1 the wars in Israel-Palestine *and* the war in Ukraine have *both* to "run it's courses" (?..)


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
sad but true.
the wars in Israel-Palestine and the war in Ukraine have both to "run it's courses" - be fought in a "war of attrition" (slow painful defeat) style.

and it's really just as ugly as the worst parts of Hell itself. :(
let us pray, not prey.
for peace.


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sad but true.
the wars in Israel-Palestine and the war in Ukraine have both to "run it's courses" - be fought in a "war of attrition" (slow painful defeat) style.

and it's really just as ugly as the worst parts of Hell itself. :(
let us pray, not prey.
for peace.
How about we close the southern border of the United States, stop funding all wars, let them run the course, and if another US citizen is harmed by a Muslim, we just blow Terhran back into the stone age?
sad but true.
the wars in Israel-Palestine and the war in Ukraine have both to "run it's courses" - be fought in a "war of attrition" (slow painful defeat) style.

and it's really just as ugly as the worst parts of Hell itself. :(
let us pray, not prey.
for peace.
Until our Maker shuts down humanities current show humanities show will continue on & on. The horror of it all is that as the show continues it gets ever more creative in it's violence.
How about we close the southern border of the United States, stop funding all wars, let them run the course, and if another US citizen is harmed by a Muslim, we just blow Terhran back into the stone age?
What do you mean "back into?"

I jest of course, but if we crippled their government properly and organized the right people we could certainly overthrow that government with minimal blood and destruction. Most of the people in Iran want nothing to do with international conflicts. The chanting crowds in the videos are pretty much doing the NK thing and keeping a government job.

At least that is what I have been told by Iranians I've met here, and elsewhere. They have extremists too, but we also have hordes of bed wetters that lay siege to US Federal Court Houses for weeks, assaulting federal police with fireworks, heavy solid projectiles and blinding lasers. All the while, fascist pig federal agents pursue costume party tourists as if they were assassins.
How about we close the southern border of the United States, stop funding all wars, let them run the course, and if another US citizen is harmed by a Muslim, we just blow Terhran back into the stone age?
ehhh NO. that'll trigger a NUCLEAR WORLD-WIDE WORLD-WAR-3 for sure.

or... were you implying the job can be done without nukes? that's a full country wide regime change, which is also RISKY, in my current analysis.
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Until our Maker shuts down humanities current show humanities show will continue on & on. The horror of it all is that as the show continues it gets ever more creative in it's violence.
that's just the disadvantages of all the benefits the military industrial complex has brought humanity : heated homes, the wheel, the car, the airplane, and now : the internet :)
What do you mean "back into?"

I jest of course, but if we crippled their government properly and organized the right people we could certainly overthrow that government with minimal blood and destruction. Most of the people in Iran want nothing to do with international conflicts. The chanting crowds in the videos are pretty much doing the NK thing and keeping a government job.

At least that is what I have been told by Iranians I've met here, and elsewhere. They have extremists too, but we also have hordes of bed wetters that lay siege to US Federal Court Houses for weeks, assaulting federal police with fireworks, heavy solid projectiles and blinding lasers. All the while, fascist pig federal agents pursue costume party tourists as if they were assassins.
and let's not forget we got the fully democratic Iranian Neutral-Green Colored MODERATE MUSLIM(AS) standing by to take over.
i've seen their actually peaceful, slightly confronting demonstrations on Dam Square here in "my" Amsterdam.NL a few times already by now :)
ehhh NO. that'll trigger a NUCLEAR WORLD-WIDE WORLD-WAR-3 for sure.

or... were you implying the job can be done without nukes? that's a full country wide regime change, which is also RISKY, in my current analysis.
You really think so? One Terrorist city suddenly departs for Allah would cause WWIII? This is why the Camel Jockeys are so emboldened because of the weakness shown from the western world.
You really think so? One Terrorist city suddenly departs for Allah would cause WWIII? This is why the Camel Jockeys are so emboldened because of the weakness shown from the western world.
Gaza City is a hardcore, and well-established, 2.2-million inhabitants large, Capital City for the entire arab fundamentalist world-wide movement, which is friendly at times, very smart when combined into large discussion groups -also in a spiritual and religious sense-, and overall even reasonable (over time) when approached with politeness and smart rebuttals of their arguments, but also deceptive towards outsiders sometimes, and also for the the extremely violent and brutal groups like Hamas, ISIS and alQuada.
in this thread, i am announcing my most recent life decision : to let the wars that are always started by the rich and their puppets on TV screens and movie theatre screens, get solved/managed by the rich exclusively from now on.
bye, all.

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