
Geez, I wonder how I managed it for the 35 years of my childbearing life.

No reason to doubt my fertility. My mother had 9 children, my sisters both had five.

Why is birth control so much harder for you to figure out than it was for me? Is it something in the water where you live or the nutritional density of the food supply?

I see that rhythm doesn't work.
You actually think that is worse than denying women control over their bodies and healthcare decisions?

No wonder you guys are losing the support of women voters. You are out of touch and plowing full steam ahead.

This has nothing to do with healthcare, nice try at moving the goalpost.

FYI, nobody wants to control women’s bodies.
This used to be the biggest drum the left beat in politics.
Now they are the ones waging war on women via the support of men invading their spaces under the guise of pretending that pretending to be a woman is perfectly normal behavior.

It was always a scam.....the democrat party males would talk this game so that they could rape and molest younger, female democrats, and the older female democrats would give them a long as they voted to allow the killing of babies in the womb....
FYI, you are lying.

Not at all. A woman is free to do as she wishes with her body, it’s just that other life that complicates things…

Other than that, a woman is free to do anything to her body that the law allows.

But fear not my good sir, for you are winning me over! For I now support the encouragement and financial incentivizing abortion for democrat women. I think you all should do this. I also think they should repeal all protections for “pregnant women”…since it’s not really a baby…right? You should agree to that, right? It’s not a baby…right?????
They've even created religions around it.
Why do the most strict and conservative sects demand women cover themselves? Because men can’t possibly be expected to control themselves and a woman’s beauty is the property of the men in her life. The more conservative tbe sect apparently, the less onus is on the man to control his impulses and the more is on the woman to make herself as ugly as possible. And if he doesn’t exercise impulse control? It’s her fault. Pretty effed up.

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