The War against Black People

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Sorry, I work in an Outreach and see the damage drug use and selling it causes.

Yes, the selling is only profitable because it's ILLEGAL! Wake the hell up. After WWII there were 20,000 heroin addicts in the entire USA. Then, drugs were outlawed and heroin use, and abuse skyrocketed. At some point you have to figure out that prohibition really doesn't work any better than it did for alcohol who's time spent as an illegal substance merely served to kill a lot of people and start organised crime.

Real effective.

You do drugs you're a wake up

I don't do drugs. I do however see the innocent people murdered, who would not be, if there was no profit to be made by illegal drug sales. It's as simple as that. I am sick and tired of seeing young children killed by assholes in drive by shootings. They wouldn't be killed if the drugs were legal.

You're leaving out the part where the dope head needs a fix and has no money.
In a world where drugs are decriminalized, the addict would be just another sick person in need of treatment for his dependency. He could seek get "seed" or "weed' stamp prescriptions from any competent medical authority and be admitted to rehabilitation without criminal charges being attached just as alcoholics do now!

It would hurt the bottom line of USA.INC in many court costs, fines, probation fees and the money they make from shipping drugs into the country.
KING: Why the ‘War on Drugs’ is really a war on black people

The war on drugs has been a total failure but the war on black people is still going strong.

Actually, the "war on drugs" is a war on civil liberties. Blacks get caught up more often than others because of their socioeconomic situation, but the whole war on drugs crap is merely a cause celebre to destroy the civil rights of US citizens and make money for the elite. The sooner we come to our collective senses and decriminalize ALL drugs, the better.
No, the "war on drugs" was a strategy spawned in the mind of Richard M. Nixon to disrupt the lives of those he perceived
as enemies. Namely, anti-Vietnam protestors and more specifically , Blacks.

From the horse's mouth>> John Erhlichman :

“You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

Nixon Aide Reportedly Admitted Drug War Was Meant To Target Black People

Lol, the Huffington Post?

Well, google it. If the Huffington post aired it, there is bound to be validation found in some other source that meets your approval. The author quoted Erhlichman. iI isn't the author that wrote the statement. It is a direct quote. Still laughing?
KING: Why the ‘War on Drugs’ is really a war on black people

The war on drugs has been a total failure but the war on black people is still going strong.

Actually, the "war on drugs" is a war on civil liberties. Blacks get caught up more often than others because of their socioeconomic situation, but the whole war on drugs crap is merely a cause celebre to destroy the civil rights of US citizens and make money for the elite. The sooner we come to our collective senses and decriminalize ALL drugs, the better.
No, the "war on drugs" was a strategy spawned in the mind of Richard M. Nixon to disrupt the lives of those he perceived
as enemies. Namely, anti-Vietnam protestors and more specifically , Blacks.

From the horse's mouth>> John Erhlichman :

“You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

Nixon Aide Reportedly Admitted Drug War Was Meant To Target Black People

Lol, the Huffington Post?

Well, google it. If the Huffington post aired it, there is bound to be validation found in some other source that meets your approval. The author quoted Erhlichman. iI isn't the author that wrote the statement. It is a direct quote. Still laughing?
Nixon and LBJ were just different sides of the same coin...both were in on the murder of JFK.
Black Americans would be happy, prosperous people if it were not for the war on drugs :)

A religious black man told me a very long time ago that natural herbs were put on Earth by God. It says in the Bible that natural herbs were put on Earth for Man to enjoy. Man made or man processed herbs are wicked stuff speaking from experience.
I am a white rural farmer but have been everywhere. There used to be giant manufacturing plants around here that paid ten times minimum wage with only a high school education. The GM plant was razed and a giant casino built it its place. The giant White-Westinghouse plant has been turned into a distribution house for a cheap retailer, etc, etc. Urban blacks and urban whites have little to aspire for. Who shipped those good high paying jobs overseas? It took both the Democrats and Republicans for that blunder.
In support of the op, here is one of many videos that bring a stark truth into focus: there is indeed a war on Blacks by warrior cops.

Sorry, I work in an Outreach and see the damage drug use and selling it causes.

Yes, the selling is only profitable because it's ILLEGAL! Wake the hell up. After WWII there were 20,000 heroin addicts in the entire USA. Then, drugs were outlawed and heroin use, and abuse skyrocketed. At some point you have to figure out that prohibition really doesn't work any better than it did for alcohol who's time spent as an illegal substance merely served to kill a lot of people and start organised crime.

Real effective.

You do drugs you're a wake up

I don't do drugs. I do however see the innocent people murdered, who would not be, if there was no profit to be made by illegal drug sales. It's as simple as that. I am sick and tired of seeing young children killed by assholes in drive by shootings. They wouldn't be killed if the drugs were legal.

You're leaving out the part where the dope head needs a fix and has no money.
In a world where drugs are decriminalized, the addict would be just another sick person in need of treatment for his dependency. He could seek get "seed" or "weed' stamp prescriptions from any competent medical authority and be admitted to rehabilitation without criminal charges being attached just as alcoholics do now!

You're leaving out the hard drug users who will rob and steal to get high and have no intention of quitting.
Until blacks have both a mom (female by birth) and a Dad (Moochelle don't count) then they lack the home training required to routinely assimilate into society. But it should be much easier for them now since our society has experienced such a drastic culture shift i.e, gay marriage, BLM etc. Easier to blend in with the other loons on the street

You know how Conservatives call taxation theft...well they will not call this theft even though its is Government agent acting like Buccaneers...

The feds have resumed a controversial program that lets cops take [steal from the owners] stuff and keep it
Source: Washington Post

The Justice Department today announced that it is resuming a controversial practice that allows local police departments to funnel a large portion of assets seized from citizens into their own coffers under federal law.

The "equitable-sharing" program gives police the option of prosecuting asset forfeiture cases under federal instead of state law. The Justice Department had suspended payments under this program back in December, due to budget cuts included in last year's spending bill.

"In the months since we made the difficult decision to defer equitable sharing payments because of the $1.2 billion rescinded from the Asset Forfeiture Fund, the financial solvency of the fund has improved to the point where it is no longer necessary to continue deferring Equitable Sharing payments," spokesman Peter J. Carr said.

Asset forfeiture is a contentious practice that lets police seize and keep cash and property from people who are never convicted — and in many cases, never charged — with wrongdoing. Recent reports have found that the use of the practice has exploded in recent years, prompting concern that, in some cases, police are motivated more by profit and less by justice.


Maybe black people should stop using and selling drugs. Duh, Sweet Jesus you're stupid

Well the whites havent. In fact they do it more often and get harassed and jailed less.

Or as you like to call it "Whhhaaaateverrrrrrr"
In Michigan a murder will get you life but in taxas death.

Also consider what if pot made people kill themselves. What drugs are doing in my neighborhood is nothing like what drugs are doing in our American black ghettos.

We have problem areas in America and they're all black. Even poor white places don't have the same violent crime rates as these places.

We need to improve these areas. More jobs, less kids with poor moms who won't raise they kids. Half the problems on them. Can't afford kids, don't have them. Don't have them cause it's a right any fool can exercise.
KING: Why the ‘War on Drugs’ is really a war on black people

The war on drugs has been a total failure but the war on black people is still going strong.
Any war on blacks is being fought by other blacks. It's a black on black thing.
The same could b said of White on White murders. But Erhlichman's words covers the strategy behind the news headlines. Your post shows that it is still working!
Stop blaming all your problems on whitey. Whitey brought you to America away from that hellhole called Africa, made you free, built you hospitals and schools, gave you food stamps and welfare, and then because that was't enough, skewed the playing field in your favour with Affirmative Action. Geez brah, you folks ever going to stand on your own two feet?
KING: Why the ‘War on Drugs’ is really a war on black people

The war on drugs has been a total failure but the war on black people is still going strong.

Actually, the "war on drugs" is a war on civil liberties. Blacks get caught up more often than others because of their socioeconomic situation, but the whole war on drugs crap is merely a cause celebre to destroy the civil rights of US citizens and make money for the elite. The sooner we come to our collective senses and decriminalize ALL drugs, the better.
No, the "war on drugs" was a strategy spawned in the mind of Richard M. Nixon to disrupt the lives of those he perceived
as enemies. Namely, anti-Vietnam protestors and more specifically , Blacks.

From the horse's mouth>> John Erhlichman :

“You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

Nixon Aide Reportedly Admitted Drug War Was Meant To Target Black People

Actually the "horse's mouth" would have been a Nixon quote.

Nixon was the enemy of black people? That's a load of crap.

The GOP is responsible for the association of hippies with drugs? REally?

Stop blaming all your problems on whitey. Whitey brought you to America away from that hellhole called Africa, made you free, built you hospitals and schools, gave you food stamps and welfare, and then because that was't enough, skewed the playing field in your favour with Affirmative Action. Geez brah, you folks ever going to stand on your own two feet?
Losers invariably blame others for their loses. In recent years political correctness has abetted the accusations that blacks are chronic underachievers because of whites, yet life goes on as does their failure. It will remain so until failure is acknowledged as being cause by the content of character rather than by the color of skin.
Black Americans would be happy, prosperous people if it were not for the war on drugs :)
Black americans are already happy and prosperous even though there is war against us. Shows how strong we are and why you cave chimps fear us.
I appreciate that food stamps make some of you happy, but that's a pretty low threshold for the rest of humanity,
Black Americans would be happy, prosperous people if it were not for the war on drugs :)
Black americans are already happy and prosperous even though there is war against us. Shows how strong we are and why you cave chimps fear us.
I appreciate that food stamps make some of you happy, but that's a pretty low threshold for the rest of humanity,
Yes your white invented foodstamps are a low threshold. Thats why whites made up welfare. I'm talking about the Black people that have survived and thrived and provide tax money that supports you in your trailer park.
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