The value of slavery?

You originally said it wasn’t relevant.
And i still do. And my invitation to you to describe how it is relevant and should inform our choice or degree of implementation of reparations still stands.
Make up your mind on relevance you have said it both ways. I will humor you. It is apparent to anyone. If you want to hold one country responsible for harm caused, all countries that participated should be held responsible.
If it is such a burning issue for you, implore the United Nations to get those foreign countries involved. Those countries participated and in fact helped produce slaves. Why not sue the families of those who owned salves? Try being honest and get everyone involved you think are perpetrators. I have not once insulted you or anyone else on the subject. You refuse To answer the basic of questions. You insist on the easy way out and only go after the U.S. Governmemt.

I don’t believe reparations should be paid period. You refuse to look at all contributors to what you feel is owed.
Wow, where to start, what questions have I refused to answer?

If a person kidnaps a child and either sells or gives them to you, does the fact that you didn't go out and abduct the child yourself absolve you of the crimes involved in human trafficking if you then in turn do anything with that child other than calling the authorities?

What is someone kidnapped one of your children? I would expect that you would call the police and expect them to do everything humanly and legally possible to not only return your child to you, preferably before any harm could come to her, but to also fully punish the person(s) who took her, Now imagine that because of your race in the event that someone does come along and steals one of your children with the full intent of doing unspeakable things to your child you have no rights under the law to have the police go after the person or even to go after the person yourself and if you do, then you will be the one arrested and/or killed for daring to attack a member of the "superior" race.

Can you imagine living in a world where this is how things are? The only reason for this being the case is because these were the laws that were drafted, legislated and enforced by the various governments in the U.S. The individuals who participated in the heinous institution of chattel slavery in the U.S. were only able to do so because of the laws, policies and procedures that were in place during the centuries of slavery and then replaced with the weaker but still racially discriminatory and inhumane in many cases laws of "separate but equal", Jim Crow laws, Black Codes, etc. all based on the premise of white superiority and black inferiority. Our governments created a society were this was the norm therefore they are the ones responsible for creating the harm, codifing it and enforcing it at the end of a whip and the barrel of a gun. This is best I can come up with this evening by way of an explanation.
So why do you only want the U.S.Government to pay?
It’s very appropriate. You don’t propose a compelling argument and chose to ignore an important factor.
Unless it is completely appropriate to do so, which is the case this time. When discussing reparations from our government, discussing the actions of foreign actors is not relevant. In fact, it's a tired red herring in this case.
No it isn’t, the foreign countries participated. Is it because those countries are run by blacks and you are so disengenuous that you can’t bring yourself to accept that blacks did this to other blacks? Why don’t you go after the ancestors of those who owned slaves? Most likely it is because you think this government with its proposed white guilt led by liberals you think it’s an easy target. It’s ok to be honest.
Thank you for guessing as to my motives. I will announce the winner tomorrow morning.

Yes it is irrelevant. But, maybe you would like to explain how it would inform our choice or implementation of reparations form our government. And no, saying "foreign governments participated" is not an explanation. It is reiteration of your claim.
The claim is factual and is indeed part of the chain of repression. I still stand by my statement. “Reparations are due to no one”.
My feeling is reparations are made to survivors not descendents.
Why? The descendants of those who died as a result or died without having generational wealth also bear the costs. Descendants of those who perish due to criminal neglect or criminal activity are often awarded damages in our justice system.
Because the further you move from the original the fuzzier it gets. For example...

Who gets reparations?
All blacks?
Just those who can show they descended from slaves?
Those who immigrated here post slavery?
What is black? Anyone with a dna test showing they have a black ancestor somewhere? 50%....100%....
What is white?
What about whites who had no part in the slave trade or immigrated post slavery, should they pay?
How about whites who lost their lives running the Underground Railroad or working for voting rights for blacks...should they get recompense or are they part of the group that pays?
What about the ones in African countries that sold said slaves into slavery?
They aren’t American so they are irrelevant.
Incorrect. They supported the trade. I guess since Germany isn’t American, it is irrelevant when speaking of genocide in world war 2.
What would you estimate the value of slavery in the US to have been?
Specifically, if reparations were to be made for slavery, how much would you estimate the value of lost wages plus interest to be? Please be specific. What pay scale would you propose be used, and what amount of interest?
Who would you propose be paid reparations for slavery in the US?
And, who would you propose pay into the fund to be dispersed to those deemed recipients of said reparations?

We shouldn't pay reparations.

Why would I want to pay off some crackers just because we freed all the black people?
180,000 black soldiers fought in the Civil War. What`s this "we freed all the black people" nonsense?
blacks were barred from the benefits of the GI bill?

How African American WWII Veterans Were Scorned By the G.I. Bill
A million African Americans joined the military during World War II as volunteers or draftees. Another 1.5 million registered for the draft. But when the war was over, many of those servicemen and women failed to receive their fair share of the benefits under the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 —the G.I. Bill.

Also known as the G.I. Bill Of Rights, the G.I. Bill provided financial support in the form of cash stipends for schooling, low-interest mortgages, job skills training, low-interest loans, and unemployment benefits.

But many African Americans who served in World War II never saw these benefits. This was especially true in the south, where Jim Crow laws excluded black students from “white” schools, and poor black colleges struggled to respond to the rise in demand from returning veterans. After World War II, blacks wanting to attend college in the South were restricted to about 100 public and private schools, few of which offered education beyond the baccalaureate and more than a quarter of which were junior colleges, with the highest degree below the B.A.
Thousands of black veterans were denied admission to colleges, loans for housing and business, and excluded from job-training programs. Programs funded by federal money were directed by local officials, who especially in the south, drastically favored white applicants over black.

In 1947, some 70,000 African American veterans were unable to obtain admission to crowded, under-resourced black colleges. The University of Pennsylvania—one of the least-discriminatory schools at the time—enrolled only 40 African American students in its 1946 student body of 9,000.

The University of Pennsylvania—one of the least-discriminatory schools at the time—enrolled only 40 African American students in its 1946 student body of 9,000.

The GI bill included support for banks to provide veterans low-cost, zero down-payment home loans across the United States. But of the first 67,000 mortgages secured by the G.I. Bill for returning veterans in New York and northern New Jersey alone, fewer than 100 were taken out by non-whites. The G.I. Bill helped place 6,500 former soldiers in Mississippi on nonfarm jobs by fall of 1947, but while 86 percent of the skilled and semiskilled jobs were filled by whites, 92 percent of the unskilled ones were filled by blacks.

In all, 16 million veterans benefited in various ways from the G.I. Bill. President Bill Clinton declared it “the best deal ever made by Uncle Sam,” adding that it “helped to unleash a prosperity never before known.”

For white people, that is. The lack of access to a family home meant a long-term loss of wealth for black Americans. A family home purchased in 1946 in a good neighborhood with a strong tax base and solid schools, became financial wealth to pass onto family members, borrow against to start a business, or to send kids to college.​

My father served in WW2 and did not get these benefits. So me my and my brothers lives were affected by that loss of opportunity also. So many of you whites in here argue in opposition mindlessly unaware of how the laws and policies you don't want to, or are to scared to, discuss have benefited whites and created damage to black families and communities.
Considering he was counting what happened after slavery and did leave out the years from 1641 unril1776 when blacks were slaves you really have nothing to say.

Considering he was counting what happened after slavery

Adjust for inflation or use compound interest, don't do both, idiot.

Well he did it. If you have a problem with it, you have his name. Man up, go to him and bitch.

Why would I have a problem with his terrible math?
He's never going to see a dollar of reparations either.

His math is fine. And like I said, you can talk all your white boy bolo bullshit about what you're not going to pay, but the day will come that you will pay. No you won't pay reparations but when that payment is due, you will wish you had. Pray that you are not alive when that day comes.

His math is moronic. And pointless.
You will never ever get reparations.

His math is right. But I'm not really concerned about you repeating how I am no fig to get reparations everyday like that's suppose to mean something. We are owed money no mater if you say this every day for the rest of your life. But as America gets browner and browner you'll understand how whites are paying the price because of the arrogance of those like you.
They may read them but they don’t comprehend them. A liberal is simply one educated beyond their capacity
So what's your excuse for the ignorance that is on full display here? The United States has no jurisdiction over African nations but it does have jurisdiction over the racially discriminatory human rights violations it legislated into U.S. law here in the states.

All you and others have done here today is insult your opponents yet you offer up nothing in support of your wn oposition, no precedence, no case law, no case studies even, only vitriol yet for some strange reason believe that you occupy the moral and intellectual high ground.

He can't do any better. He's dumb. This opposion and qustions are based on a load of stupidity. I mean reparations for whites who helped on the underground railroad? That's dumb. Those whites were free and had every legal right offered by this nation. Affirmative Action as reparations? Whites have benefitted the most from the policy. Who can prove they are black? C'mon this is ridiculous and just simply reaching for any straw you can.

And as usual, the ignorant argument of backs selling each other according to whites while ignoring that whites purchased the slaves as well as the process whites used to get it done. And then the absolutely purposeful refusal to recognize 100 years after slavery like everything ends with slavery to pretend that reparations are only about slavery.

The whites here appear not to have the same knowledge or understanding of these things. It's apparent they have not done the in depth study to learn how things really happened and are just arguing against reparations based on half baked white tales and opinions really not based in fact. The fact is whites are paying Native Americans every year for things long ago. The precedent has been set and these anti reparations arguments really are seriously without merit.
They may read them but they don’t comprehend them. A liberal is simply one educated beyond their capacity
So what's your excuse for the ignorance that is on full display here? The United States has no jurisdiction over African nations but it does have jurisdiction over the racially discriminatory human rights violations it legislated into U.S. law here in the states.

All you and others have done here today is insult your opponents yet you offer up nothing in support of your wn oposition, no precedence, no case law, no case studies even, only vitriol yet for some strange reason believe that you occupy the moral and intellectual high ground.

He can't do any better. He's dumb. This opposion and qustions are based on a load of stupidity. I mean reparations for whites who helped on the underground railroad? That's dumb. Those whites were free and had every legal right offered by this nation. Affirmative Action as reparations? Whites have benefitted the most from the policy. Who can prove they are black? C'mon this is ridiculous and just simply reaching for any straw you can.

And as usual, the ignorant argument of backs selling each other according to whites while ignoring that whites purchased the slaves as well as the process whites used to get it done. And then the absolutely purposeful refusal to recognize 100 years after slavery like everything ends with slavery to pretend that reparations are only about slavery.

The whites here appear not to have the same knowledge or understanding of these things. It's apparent they have not done the in depth study to learn how things really happened and are just arguing against reparations based on half baked white tales and opinions really not based in fact. The fact is whites are paying Native Americans every year for things long ago. The precedent has been set and these anti reparations arguments really are seriously without merit.
I recognize what the whites have done. I never mentioned reparations for whites on the Underground Railroad, not sure where that came from.I also look at the big picture of everyone involved in the chain of harm. You and the other that I was posting to, don’t or you chose to ignore it. You assume that you are the only person that has done homework and you want to say you are the only one that understands the situation and claim your authority of the situation. That is completely arrogant, self serving and categorically wrong.

No reparations for slavery.
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They may read them but they don’t comprehend them. A liberal is simply one educated beyond their capacity
So what's your excuse for the ignorance that is on full display here? The United States has no jurisdiction over African nations but it does have jurisdiction over the racially discriminatory human rights violations it legislated into U.S. law here in the states.

All you and others have done here today is insult your opponents yet you offer up nothing in support of your wn oposition, no precedence, no case law, no case studies even, only vitriol yet for some strange reason believe that you occupy the moral and intellectual high ground.

He can't do any better. He's dumb. This opposion and qustions are based on a load of stupidity. I mean reparations for whites who helped on the underground railroad? That's dumb. Those whites were free and had every legal right offered by this nation. Affirmative Action as reparations? Whites have benefitted the most from the policy. Who can prove they are black? C'mon this is ridiculous and just simply reaching for any straw you can.

And as usual, the ignorant argument of backs selling each other according to whites while ignoring that whites purchased the slaves as well as the process whites used to get it done. And then the absolutely purposeful refusal to recognize 100 years after slavery like everything ends with slavery to pretend that reparations are only about slavery.

The whites here appear not to have the same knowledge or understanding of these things. It's apparent they have not done the in depth study to learn how things really happened and are just arguing against reparations based on half baked white tales and opinions really not based in fact. The fact is whites are paying Native Americans every year for things long ago. The precedent has been set and these anti reparations arguments really are seriously without merit.
I recognize what the whites have done. I never mentioned reparations for whites on the Underground Railroad, not sure where that came from.I also look at the big picture of everyone involved in the chain of harm. You and the other that I was posting to, don’t or you chose to ignore it. You assume that you are the only person that has done homework and you want to say you are the only one that understands the situation and claim your authority of the situation. That is completely arrogant, self serving and categorically wrong.

No reparations for slavery.

I was not talking just about you. I don't assume a damn thing. You have not done the homework if you don't think reparations are warranted. And you definitely haven't done your homework if you keep saying no reparations for slavery since reparations are not just for slavery. So if we don't get reparations for slavery we still are owed for the human rights violations caused by the system of apartheid in America that lasted by written law from 1776 until at least 1965.
They may read them but they don’t comprehend them. A liberal is simply one educated beyond their capacity
So what's your excuse for the ignorance that is on full display here? The United States has no jurisdiction over African nations but it does have jurisdiction over the racially discriminatory human rights violations it legislated into U.S. law here in the states.

All you and others have done here today is insult your opponents yet you offer up nothing in support of your wn oposition, no precedence, no case law, no case studies even, only vitriol yet for some strange reason believe that you occupy the moral and intellectual high ground.

He can't do any better. He's dumb. This opposion and qustions are based on a load of stupidity. I mean reparations for whites who helped on the underground railroad? That's dumb. Those whites were free and had every legal right offered by this nation. Affirmative Action as reparations? Whites have benefitted the most from the policy. Who can prove they are black? C'mon this is ridiculous and just simply reaching for any straw you can.

And as usual, the ignorant argument of backs selling each other according to whites while ignoring that whites purchased the slaves as well as the process whites used to get it done. And then the absolutely purposeful refusal to recognize 100 years after slavery like everything ends with slavery to pretend that reparations are only about slavery.

The whites here appear not to have the same knowledge or understanding of these things. It's apparent they have not done the in depth study to learn how things really happened and are just arguing against reparations based on half baked white tales and opinions really not based in fact. The fact is whites are paying Native Americans every year for things long ago. The precedent has been set and these anti reparations arguments really are seriously without merit.
I recognize what the whites have done. I never mentioned reparations for whites on the Underground Railroad, not sure where that came from.I also look at the big picture of everyone involved in the chain of harm. You and the other that I was posting to, don’t or you chose to ignore it. You assume that you are the only person that has done homework and you want to say you are the only one that understands the situation and claim your authority of the situation. That is completely arrogant, self serving and categorically wrong.

No reparations for slavery.

I was not talking just about you. I don't assume a damn thing. You have not done the homework if you don't think reparations are warranted. And you definitely haven't done your homework if you keep saying no reparations for slavery since reparations are not just for slavery. So if we don't get reparations for slavery we still are owed for the human rights violations caused by the system of apartheid in America that lasted by written law from 1776 until at least 1965.
I have done plenty of homework. We have different views on the issue. You stand by yours, I stand by mine.
They may read them but they don’t comprehend them. A liberal is simply one educated beyond their capacity
So what's your excuse for the ignorance that is on full display here? The United States has no jurisdiction over African nations but it does have jurisdiction over the racially discriminatory human rights violations it legislated into U.S. law here in the states.

All you and others have done here today is insult your opponents yet you offer up nothing in support of your wn oposition, no precedence, no case law, no case studies even, only vitriol yet for some strange reason believe that you occupy the moral and intellectual high ground.

He can't do any better. He's dumb. This opposion and qustions are based on a load of stupidity. I mean reparations for whites who helped on the underground railroad? That's dumb. Those whites were free and had every legal right offered by this nation. Affirmative Action as reparations? Whites have benefitted the most from the policy. Who can prove they are black? C'mon this is ridiculous and just simply reaching for any straw you can.

And as usual, the ignorant argument of backs selling each other according to whites while ignoring that whites purchased the slaves as well as the process whites used to get it done. And then the absolutely purposeful refusal to recognize 100 years after slavery like everything ends with slavery to pretend that reparations are only about slavery.

The whites here appear not to have the same knowledge or understanding of these things. It's apparent they have not done the in depth study to learn how things really happened and are just arguing against reparations based on half baked white tales and opinions really not based in fact. The fact is whites are paying Native Americans every year for things long ago. The precedent has been set and these anti reparations arguments really are seriously without merit.
I recognize what the whites have done. I never mentioned reparations for whites on the Underground Railroad, not sure where that came from.I also look at the big picture of everyone involved in the chain of harm. You and the other that I was posting to, don’t or you chose to ignore it. You assume that you are the only person that has done homework and you want to say you are the only one that understands the situation and claim your authority of the situation. That is completely arrogant, self serving and categorically wrong.

No reparations for slavery.

I was not talking just about you. I don't assume a damn thing. You have not done the homework if you don't think reparations are warranted. And you definitely haven't done your homework if you keep saying no reparations for slavery since reparations are not just for slavery. So if we don't get reparations for slavery we still are owed for the human rights violations caused by the system of apartheid in America that lasted by written law from 1776 until at least 1965.
I have done plenty of homework. We have different views on the issue. You stand by yours, I stand by mine.

Fair enough, but your view has no validity.
So what's your excuse for the ignorance that is on full display here? The United States has no jurisdiction over African nations but it does have jurisdiction over the racially discriminatory human rights violations it legislated into U.S. law here in the states.

All you and others have done here today is insult your opponents yet you offer up nothing in support of your wn oposition, no precedence, no case law, no case studies even, only vitriol yet for some strange reason believe that you occupy the moral and intellectual high ground.

He can't do any better. He's dumb. This opposion and qustions are based on a load of stupidity. I mean reparations for whites who helped on the underground railroad? That's dumb. Those whites were free and had every legal right offered by this nation. Affirmative Action as reparations? Whites have benefitted the most from the policy. Who can prove they are black? C'mon this is ridiculous and just simply reaching for any straw you can.

And as usual, the ignorant argument of backs selling each other according to whites while ignoring that whites purchased the slaves as well as the process whites used to get it done. And then the absolutely purposeful refusal to recognize 100 years after slavery like everything ends with slavery to pretend that reparations are only about slavery.

The whites here appear not to have the same knowledge or understanding of these things. It's apparent they have not done the in depth study to learn how things really happened and are just arguing against reparations based on half baked white tales and opinions really not based in fact. The fact is whites are paying Native Americans every year for things long ago. The precedent has been set and these anti reparations arguments really are seriously without merit.
I recognize what the whites have done. I never mentioned reparations for whites on the Underground Railroad, not sure where that came from.I also look at the big picture of everyone involved in the chain of harm. You and the other that I was posting to, don’t or you chose to ignore it. You assume that you are the only person that has done homework and you want to say you are the only one that understands the situation and claim your authority of the situation. That is completely arrogant, self serving and categorically wrong.

No reparations for slavery.

I was not talking just about you. I don't assume a damn thing. You have not done the homework if you don't think reparations are warranted. And you definitely haven't done your homework if you keep saying no reparations for slavery since reparations are not just for slavery. So if we don't get reparations for slavery we still are owed for the human rights violations caused by the system of apartheid in America that lasted by written law from 1776 until at least 1965.
I have done plenty of homework. We have different views on the issue. You stand by yours, I stand by mine.

Fair enough, but your view has no validity.
Your view has no validity.
blacks were barred from the benefits of the GI bill?

How African American WWII Veterans Were Scorned By the G.I. Bill
A million African Americans joined the military during World War II as volunteers or draftees. Another 1.5 million registered for the draft. But when the war was over, many of those servicemen and women failed to receive their fair share of the benefits under the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 —the G.I. Bill.

Also known as the G.I. Bill Of Rights, the G.I. Bill provided financial support in the form of cash stipends for schooling, low-interest mortgages, job skills training, low-interest loans, and unemployment benefits.

But many African Americans who served in World War II never saw these benefits. This was especially true in the south, where Jim Crow laws excluded black students from “white” schools, and poor black colleges struggled to respond to the rise in demand from returning veterans. After World War II, blacks wanting to attend college in the South were restricted to about 100 public and private schools, few of which offered education beyond the baccalaureate and more than a quarter of which were junior colleges, with the highest degree below the B.A.
Thousands of black veterans were denied admission to colleges, loans for housing and business, and excluded from job-training programs. Programs funded by federal money were directed by local officials, who especially in the south, drastically favored white applicants over black.

In 1947, some 70,000 African American veterans were unable to obtain admission to crowded, under-resourced black colleges. The University of Pennsylvania—one of the least-discriminatory schools at the time—enrolled only 40 African American students in its 1946 student body of 9,000.

The University of Pennsylvania—one of the least-discriminatory schools at the time—enrolled only 40 African American students in its 1946 student body of 9,000.

The GI bill included support for banks to provide veterans low-cost, zero down-payment home loans across the United States. But of the first 67,000 mortgages secured by the G.I. Bill for returning veterans in New York and northern New Jersey alone, fewer than 100 were taken out by non-whites. The G.I. Bill helped place 6,500 former soldiers in Mississippi on nonfarm jobs by fall of 1947, but while 86 percent of the skilled and semiskilled jobs were filled by whites, 92 percent of the unskilled ones were filled by blacks.

In all, 16 million veterans benefited in various ways from the G.I. Bill. President Bill Clinton declared it “the best deal ever made by Uncle Sam,” adding that it “helped to unleash a prosperity never before known.”

For white people, that is. The lack of access to a family home meant a long-term loss of wealth for black Americans. A family home purchased in 1946 in a good neighborhood with a strong tax base and solid schools, became financial wealth to pass onto family members, borrow against to start a business, or to send kids to college.​

My father served in WW2 and did not get these benefits. So me my and my brothers lives were affected by that loss of opportunity also. So many of you whites in here argue in opposition mindlessly unaware of how the laws and policies you don't want to, or are to scared to, discuss have benefited whites and created damage to black families and communities.

do you have any idea at as to just what the "benefits" were or are? I will
help-------you get some assistance in paying the tuition for some education---
for a period of time.
and you get a little boost in being able to obtain a house mortgage. I am entitled to the Mortgage thing--------but never used it. It actually would have made VERY LITTLE DIFFERENCE if I had based on what the mortgage rates have been. If you never apply for a mortgage ---it just does NOTHING. A VH LOAN is not much different from a non VH loan Are
you afraid to say just what it is you imagine your father WOULD have done
with the benefits had he used them? My dad attended nite school to train as
a watch maker. He never profited from the craft------TIMEX and cheap watches intervened. Do you get your watch CLEANED every year? He did
do it a little-------I used to play with the worn out MAIN SPRINGS (ya got any idea what a main spring is?)
Africans do have some say in telling us how things happened. Many whites dismiss all African accounts of this or anything else pertaining to the history of the continent THEY have lived on. Things can only have happened as whites tell us they did.

Africans did NOT sell their own people into slavery
He can't do any better. He's dumb. This opposion and qustions are based on a load of stupidity. I mean reparations for whites who helped on the underground railroad? That's dumb. Those whites were free and had every legal right offered by this nation. Affirmative Action as reparations? Whites have benefitted the most from the policy. Who can prove they are black? C'mon this is ridiculous and just simply reaching for any straw you can.

And as usual, the ignorant argument of backs selling each other according to whites while ignoring that whites purchased the slaves as well as the process whites used to get it done. And then the absolutely purposeful refusal to recognize 100 years after slavery like everything ends with slavery to pretend that reparations are only about slavery.

The whites here appear not to have the same knowledge or understanding of these things. It's apparent they have not done the in depth study to learn how things really happened and are just arguing against reparations based on half baked white tales and opinions really not based in fact. The fact is whites are paying Native Americans every year for things long ago. The precedent has been set and these anti reparations arguments really are seriously without merit.
I recognize what the whites have done. I never mentioned reparations for whites on the Underground Railroad, not sure where that came from.I also look at the big picture of everyone involved in the chain of harm. You and the other that I was posting to, don’t or you chose to ignore it. You assume that you are the only person that has done homework and you want to say you are the only one that understands the situation and claim your authority of the situation. That is completely arrogant, self serving and categorically wrong.

No reparations for slavery.

I was not talking just about you. I don't assume a damn thing. You have not done the homework if you don't think reparations are warranted. And you definitely haven't done your homework if you keep saying no reparations for slavery since reparations are not just for slavery. So if we don't get reparations for slavery we still are owed for the human rights violations caused by the system of apartheid in America that lasted by written law from 1776 until at least 1965.
I have done plenty of homework. We have different views on the issue. You stand by yours, I stand by mine.

Fair enough, but your view has no validity.
Your view has no validity.

Between us, my view is the one that has all the validity.
blacks were barred from the benefits of the GI bill?

How African American WWII Veterans Were Scorned By the G.I. Bill
A million African Americans joined the military during World War II as volunteers or draftees. Another 1.5 million registered for the draft. But when the war was over, many of those servicemen and women failed to receive their fair share of the benefits under the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 —the G.I. Bill.

Also known as the G.I. Bill Of Rights, the G.I. Bill provided financial support in the form of cash stipends for schooling, low-interest mortgages, job skills training, low-interest loans, and unemployment benefits.

But many African Americans who served in World War II never saw these benefits. This was especially true in the south, where Jim Crow laws excluded black students from “white” schools, and poor black colleges struggled to respond to the rise in demand from returning veterans. After World War II, blacks wanting to attend college in the South were restricted to about 100 public and private schools, few of which offered education beyond the baccalaureate and more than a quarter of which were junior colleges, with the highest degree below the B.A.
Thousands of black veterans were denied admission to colleges, loans for housing and business, and excluded from job-training programs. Programs funded by federal money were directed by local officials, who especially in the south, drastically favored white applicants over black.

In 1947, some 70,000 African American veterans were unable to obtain admission to crowded, under-resourced black colleges. The University of Pennsylvania—one of the least-discriminatory schools at the time—enrolled only 40 African American students in its 1946 student body of 9,000.

The University of Pennsylvania—one of the least-discriminatory schools at the time—enrolled only 40 African American students in its 1946 student body of 9,000.

The GI bill included support for banks to provide veterans low-cost, zero down-payment home loans across the United States. But of the first 67,000 mortgages secured by the G.I. Bill for returning veterans in New York and northern New Jersey alone, fewer than 100 were taken out by non-whites. The G.I. Bill helped place 6,500 former soldiers in Mississippi on nonfarm jobs by fall of 1947, but while 86 percent of the skilled and semiskilled jobs were filled by whites, 92 percent of the unskilled ones were filled by blacks.

In all, 16 million veterans benefited in various ways from the G.I. Bill. President Bill Clinton declared it “the best deal ever made by Uncle Sam,” adding that it “helped to unleash a prosperity never before known.”

For white people, that is. The lack of access to a family home meant a long-term loss of wealth for black Americans. A family home purchased in 1946 in a good neighborhood with a strong tax base and solid schools, became financial wealth to pass onto family members, borrow against to start a business, or to send kids to college.​

My father served in WW2 and did not get these benefits. So me my and my brothers lives were affected by that loss of opportunity also. So many of you whites in here argue in opposition mindlessly unaware of how the laws and policies you don't want to, or are to scared to, discuss have benefited whites and created damage to black families and communities.

Mine also. In the Navy. Most Black veterans were not able to make use of the HOUSING provisions of the GI Bill for the most part. I can recall my father's frustration in not being able to use that benefit to secure a home after he was discharged from the navy. So after his discharge, we spent the next 7 years living in a tiny apartment in a not so good area, while he worked 2 jobs to save for a down payment instead of getting a zero down VA loan.

But he eventually got us a nice first home, no thanks to the benefit that he should have been able to use to do it sooner.

Banks generally wouldn't make loans for mortgages in black neighborhoods, and African-Americans were excluded from the suburbs by a combination of deed covenants and informal racism.

The GI Bill helped foster a long-term boost in white generational wealth but did almost nothing to help blacks to build wealth.

Many are still living with the effects of that exclusion today -- and will be for a long time to come.

There was one big upside of the GI Bill, which is that it did pay for many black veterans to go to college and graduate school.

While these veterans were often only able to choose among overcrowded black colleges, the influx of subsidized black students forced many white universities to open their doors to nonwhites, helping begin the integration of higher education.
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blacks were barred from the benefits of the GI bill?

How African American WWII Veterans Were Scorned By the G.I. Bill
A million African Americans joined the military during World War II as volunteers or draftees. Another 1.5 million registered for the draft. But when the war was over, many of those servicemen and women failed to receive their fair share of the benefits under the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 —the G.I. Bill.

Also known as the G.I. Bill Of Rights, the G.I. Bill provided financial support in the form of cash stipends for schooling, low-interest mortgages, job skills training, low-interest loans, and unemployment benefits.

But many African Americans who served in World War II never saw these benefits. This was especially true in the south, where Jim Crow laws excluded black students from “white” schools, and poor black colleges struggled to respond to the rise in demand from returning veterans. After World War II, blacks wanting to attend college in the South were restricted to about 100 public and private schools, few of which offered education beyond the baccalaureate and more than a quarter of which were junior colleges, with the highest degree below the B.A.
Thousands of black veterans were denied admission to colleges, loans for housing and business, and excluded from job-training programs. Programs funded by federal money were directed by local officials, who especially in the south, drastically favored white applicants over black.

In 1947, some 70,000 African American veterans were unable to obtain admission to crowded, under-resourced black colleges. The University of Pennsylvania—one of the least-discriminatory schools at the time—enrolled only 40 African American students in its 1946 student body of 9,000.

The University of Pennsylvania—one of the least-discriminatory schools at the time—enrolled only 40 African American students in its 1946 student body of 9,000.

The GI bill included support for banks to provide veterans low-cost, zero down-payment home loans across the United States. But of the first 67,000 mortgages secured by the G.I. Bill for returning veterans in New York and northern New Jersey alone, fewer than 100 were taken out by non-whites. The G.I. Bill helped place 6,500 former soldiers in Mississippi on nonfarm jobs by fall of 1947, but while 86 percent of the skilled and semiskilled jobs were filled by whites, 92 percent of the unskilled ones were filled by blacks.

In all, 16 million veterans benefited in various ways from the G.I. Bill. President Bill Clinton declared it “the best deal ever made by Uncle Sam,” adding that it “helped to unleash a prosperity never before known.”

For white people, that is. The lack of access to a family home meant a long-term loss of wealth for black Americans. A family home purchased in 1946 in a good neighborhood with a strong tax base and solid schools, became financial wealth to pass onto family members, borrow against to start a business, or to send kids to college.​

My father served in WW2 and did not get these benefits. So me my and my brothers lives were affected by that loss of opportunity also. So many of you whites in here argue in opposition mindlessly unaware of how the laws and policies you don't want to, or are to scared to, discuss have benefited whites and created damage to black families and communities.

do you have any idea at as to just what the "benefits" were or are? I will
help-------you get some assistance in paying the tuition for some education---
for a period of time.
and you get a little boost in being able to obtain a house mortgage. I am entitled to the Mortgage thing--------but never used it. It actually would have made VERY LITTLE DIFFERENCE if I had based on what the mortgage rates have been. If you never apply for a mortgage ---it just does NOTHING. A VH LOAN is not much different from a non VH loan Are
you afraid to say just what it is you imagine your father WOULD have done
with the benefits had he used them? My dad attended nite school to train as
a watch maker. He never profited from the craft------TIMEX and cheap watches intervened. Do you get your watch CLEANED every year? He did
do it a little-------I used to play with the worn out MAIN SPRINGS (ya got any idea what a main spring is?)

irosie, I know the benefits of which my father did not get. I also know that getting the benefits is better than not. These excuses you whites are trying make get old fast. Todays GI Bill is not the same as what they got after WW2.
I recognize what the whites have done. I never mentioned reparations for whites on the Underground Railroad, not sure where that came from.I also look at the big picture of everyone involved in the chain of harm. You and the other that I was posting to, don’t or you chose to ignore it. You assume that you are the only person that has done homework and you want to say you are the only one that understands the situation and claim your authority of the situation. That is completely arrogant, self serving and categorically wrong.

No reparations for slavery.

I was not talking just about you. I don't assume a damn thing. You have not done the homework if you don't think reparations are warranted. And you definitely haven't done your homework if you keep saying no reparations for slavery since reparations are not just for slavery. So if we don't get reparations for slavery we still are owed for the human rights violations caused by the system of apartheid in America that lasted by written law from 1776 until at least 1965.
I have done plenty of homework. We have different views on the issue. You stand by yours, I stand by mine.

Fair enough, but your view has no validity.
Your view has no validity.

Between us, my view is the one that has all the validity.
Enjoy your day.
Africans do have some say in telling us how things happened. Many whites dismiss all African accounts of this or anything else pertaining to the history of the continent THEY have lived on. Things can only have happened as whites tell us they did.

Africans did NOT sell their own people into slavery

your article offers NOTHING NEW or "DIFFERENT" From where did you get the idea that "WHITE PEOPLE" imagine that black Africans SOLD THEIR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. As to the 'islamic' influence on slave trade-----
ACTUALLY the arab influence on African slave trade goes back more than
four thousand years-----------long before arabs (including those hanging out in
Africa------became muslims)

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