The US Army sends a soldier into space


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Col. (Dr.) Andrew “Drew” Morgan

He’s got experience as an emergency room doctor and flight surgeon along with studying sports medicine.

The U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command has reported that Army astronaut Col. (Dr.) Andrew “Drew” Morgan successfully launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, aboard a Soyuz MS-13 spacecraft July 20 for a nine-month mission as a flight engineer for Expedition 60 aboard the International Space Station.

Flight engineer?

What’s that all about?

Bet his 4 kids are proud of him.

Much more @ U.S Army astronaut launches from Baikonur Cosmodrome to International Space Station – Defence Blog
Aboard a freaking Russian made hunk of junk in freaking Russia. Thank you Barry Hussein for grounding the Space Shuttle.

Cut the crap. The Space Shuttle was well over due retirement. You would rather we lost a few more Astronauts in fireballs? Even Russia doesn't use their own space shuttle anymore. Those things are dangerous. Especially when they get launched over and over. We pushed out luck well past the sell by date as it is.
On the 50th anniversary of man's landing on the moon ... America has NO manned space capabilities.
On the 50th anniversary of man's landing on the moon ... America has NO manned space capabilities.

No. The Funding was removed. To be specific, it was done in 2004 under President Bush Jr.
Why Did NASA End The Space Shuttle Program?
The Shuttle Program was just not funded as of 2004. And no funding was specifically made available for a replacement. Obama did fund one but it was a much smaller funding. The idea was for private companies to pick up the mantle. And that is what is happening. We are just now getting to the point that 2 companies are going to be competing for those contracts.
On the 50th anniversary of man's landing on the moon ... America has NO manned space capabilities.

No. The Funding was removed. To be specific, it was done in 2004 under President Bush Jr.
Why Did NASA End The Space Shuttle Program?
The Shuttle Program was just not funded as of 2004. And no funding was specifically made available for a replacement. Obama did fund one but it was a much smaller funding. The idea was for private companies to pick up the mantle. And that is what is happening. We are just now getting to the point that 2 companies are going to be competing for those contracts.

It took a few decades to convert NASA from the explorers of space to a taxpayer-funded version of the Sierra Club. No single politician or administration is to blame.

I simply bemoan the fall of what was once a great agency.

To be fair, space travel is dead. The only way any American will see space in the next century is in a movie theater.
On the 50th anniversary of man's landing on the moon ... America has NO manned space capabilities.

No. The Funding was removed. To be specific, it was done in 2004 under President Bush Jr.
Why Did NASA End The Space Shuttle Program?
The Shuttle Program was just not funded as of 2004. And no funding was specifically made available for a replacement. Obama did fund one but it was a much smaller funding. The idea was for private companies to pick up the mantle. And that is what is happening. We are just now getting to the point that 2 companies are going to be competing for those contracts.

It took a few decades to convert NASA from the explorers of space to a taxpayer-funded version of the Sierra Club. No single politician or administration is to blame.

I simply bemoan the fall of what was once a great agency.

To be fair, space travel is dead. The only way any American will see space in the next century is in a movie theater.

Or via private industry.
There's no money for a space program; the billionaires needed their tax cuts.
On the 50th anniversary of man's landing on the moon ... America has NO manned space capabilities.

No. The Funding was removed. To be specific, it was done in 2004 under President Bush Jr.
Why Did NASA End The Space Shuttle Program?
The Shuttle Program was just not funded as of 2004. And no funding was specifically made available for a replacement. Obama did fund one but it was a much smaller funding. The idea was for private companies to pick up the mantle. And that is what is happening. We are just now getting to the point that 2 companies are going to be competing for those contracts.

It took a few decades to convert NASA from the explorers of space to a taxpayer-funded version of the Sierra Club. No single politician or administration is to blame.

I simply bemoan the fall of what was once a great agency.

To be fair, space travel is dead. The only way any American will see space in the next century is in a movie theater.

Or via private industry.

We are seeing a rise in commercial space travel but, to date, these are just low-budget replacements for the same LEO missions NASA was performing in their decline.

The sad fact is, it's just too expensive for any one company or consortium of companies to do any meaningful manned space missions. As long as it costs thousands of dollars to carry a single bottle of Evian to 150 miles off the surface of the Earth, manned space travel remains the stuff of movie fiction.

Musk and his 'Mars Colony' is nothing more than the worst kind of fraud. While preying on those, raised on space movies, who believe he was capable of funding such a gigantic endeavor, he was able to raise millions in investment capital that he pissed away trying to keep Tesla afloat.
Aboard a freaking Russian made hunk of junk in freaking Russia. Thank you Barry Hussein for grounding the Space Shuttle.

Cut the crap. The Space Shuttle was well over due retirement. You would rather we lost a few more Astronauts in fireballs? Even Russia doesn't use their own space shuttle anymore. Those things are dangerous. Especially when they get launched over and over. We pushed out luck well past the sell by date as it is.
You mean to tell me that the U.S. was (is) incapable of building a rocket so we had to depend on the Russians for the eight (yawn) years of Hussein after we grounded the Shuttle? How else did the Obama administration utilize it's friendship and dependence on the Russians? In the propaganda arena perhaps?
Aboard a freaking Russian made hunk of junk in freaking Russia. Thank you Barry Hussein for grounding the Space Shuttle.

Cut the crap. The Space Shuttle was well over due retirement. You would rather we lost a few more Astronauts in fireballs? Even Russia doesn't use their own space shuttle anymore. Those things are dangerous. Especially when they get launched over and over. We pushed out luck well past the sell by date as it is.
You mean to tell me that the U.S. was (is) incapable of building a rocket so we had to depend on the Russians for the eight (yawn) years of Hussein after we grounded the Shuttle? How else did the Obama administration utilize it's friendship and dependence on the Russians? In the propaganda arena perhaps?

Oh,we were capable. But the Russians went back to the Soyaz program. We could have gone back to the older programs as well but instead, we invested in better systems. During the time you are playing grabass politics, the US was investing in private companies. And it's just now paying off. Yah, I know, Trump did the impossible. If it's good, it's trump. If it's bad, it's obviously Obama's fault. In this case, it started work during Bush Jr and continued. The first automated resupply has already been done. And it was recovered safely. It won't be long before it's authorized for crew transfers. At that point, the Russians will be paying us. But don't let a little bit of facts and reality get in the way of a good Hate.

Col. (Dr.) Andrew “Drew” Morgan

He’s got experience as an emergency room doctor and flight surgeon along with studying sports medicine.

The U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command has reported that Army astronaut Col. (Dr.) Andrew “Drew” Morgan successfully launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, aboard a Soyuz MS-13 spacecraft July 20 for a nine-month mission as a flight engineer for Expedition 60 aboard the International Space Station.

Flight engineer?

What’s that all about?

Bet his 4 kids are proud of him.

Much more @ U.S Army astronaut launches from Baikonur Cosmodrome to International Space Station – Defence Blog

HOOAH!!! :salute:
Aboard a freaking Russian made hunk of junk in freaking Russia. Thank you Barry Hussein for grounding the Space Shuttle.

Cut the crap. The Space Shuttle was well over due retirement. You would rather we lost a few more Astronauts in fireballs? Even Russia doesn't use their own space shuttle anymore. Those things are dangerous. Especially when they get launched over and over. We pushed out luck well past the sell by date as it is.
You mean to tell me that the U.S. was (is) incapable of building a rocket so we had to depend on the Russians for the eight (yawn) years of Hussein after we grounded the Shuttle? How else did the Obama administration utilize it's friendship and dependence on the Russians? In the propaganda arena perhaps?

Oh,we were capable. But the Russians went back to the Soyaz program. We could have gone back to the older programs as well but instead, we invested in better systems. During the time you are playing grabass politics, the US was investing in private companies. And it's just now paying off. Yah, I know, Trump did the impossible. If it's good, it's trump. If it's bad, it's obviously Obama's fault. In this case, it started work during Bush Jr and continued. The first automated resupply has already been done. And it was recovered safely. It won't be long before it's authorized for crew transfers. At that point, the Russians will be paying us. But don't let a little bit of facts and reality get in the way of a good Hate.

The first automated resupply was done 7 YEARS ago! Is everything you post wrong because it just sounded good when you typed it?

You are one of the biggest bullshit artists I have seen in quite a while!
Aboard a freaking Russian made hunk of junk in freaking Russia. Thank you Barry Hussein for grounding the Space Shuttle.

Cut the crap. The Space Shuttle was well over due retirement. You would rather we lost a few more Astronauts in fireballs? Even Russia doesn't use their own space shuttle anymore. Those things are dangerous. Especially when they get launched over and over. We pushed out luck well past the sell by date as it is.
You mean to tell me that the U.S. was (is) incapable of building a rocket so we had to depend on the Russians for the eight (yawn) years of Hussein after we grounded the Shuttle? How else did the Obama administration utilize it's friendship and dependence on the Russians? In the propaganda arena perhaps?

Oh,we were capable. But the Russians went back to the Soyaz program. We could have gone back to the older programs as well but instead, we invested in better systems. During the time you are playing grabass politics, the US was investing in private companies. And it's just now paying off. Yah, I know, Trump did the impossible. If it's good, it's trump. If it's bad, it's obviously Obama's fault. In this case, it started work during Bush Jr and continued. The first automated resupply has already been done. And it was recovered safely. It won't be long before it's authorized for crew transfers. At that point, the Russians will be paying us. But don't let a little bit of facts and reality get in the way of a good Hate.
You can't exclude politics. The democrat party accuses the current President of something they call "collusion" with Russia but NASA has been involved in collusion with the Russians for years. Was the CIA aware of it? We share technology (and secrets) and yet the democrat party becomes hysterical at the mention of Russia. If nothing else the propaganda is Obama's fault.
Aboard a freaking Russian made hunk of junk in freaking Russia. Thank you Barry Hussein for grounding the Space Shuttle.

Cut the crap. The Space Shuttle was well over due retirement. You would rather we lost a few more Astronauts in fireballs? Even Russia doesn't use their own space shuttle anymore. Those things are dangerous. Especially when they get launched over and over. We pushed out luck well past the sell by date as it is.
You mean to tell me that the U.S. was (is) incapable of building a rocket so we had to depend on the Russians for the eight (yawn) years of Hussein after we grounded the Shuttle? How else did the Obama administration utilize it's friendship and dependence on the Russians? In the propaganda arena perhaps?

Oh,we were capable. But the Russians went back to the Soyaz program. We could have gone back to the older programs as well but instead, we invested in better systems. During the time you are playing grabass politics, the US was investing in private companies. And it's just now paying off. Yah, I know, Trump did the impossible. If it's good, it's trump. If it's bad, it's obviously Obama's fault. In this case, it started work during Bush Jr and continued. The first automated resupply has already been done. And it was recovered safely. It won't be long before it's authorized for crew transfers. At that point, the Russians will be paying us. But don't let a little bit of facts and reality get in the way of a good Hate.
You can't exclude politics. The democrat party accuses the current President of something they call "collusion" with Russia but NASA has been involved in collusion with the Russians for years. Was the CIA aware of it? We share technology (and secrets) and yet the democrat party becomes hysterical at the mention of Russia. If nothing else the propaganda is Obama's fault.

Yah, Vanilla Icecream is a Democratic Plot against Strawberry icecream. And don't forget, the sharing of information with the Russians about the use and collection of Horse Dung. Yes, those damned Democrats.

It's all not about Politics. Sometimes it's about being practical. The Russians just helped to buy the US time to get a much better program than the Russians are capable of building.
On the 50th anniversary of man's landing on the moon ... America has NO manned space capabilities.

That will change quickly. President Trump has declared that we will have a new branch of the military the US Space Cadets, to fight our nation's extraterrestrial conflicts.

BTW, Mr. Sulu still isn't pleased with his President in spite of his recognition of Space as our nation's final frontier.

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