The United States of Hysteria


What! Me Worry?
Mar 23, 2013
People seem to ignore the importance of hysteria in American life. Of course, one can find examples of hysteria in the life of all nations, but what is peculiar about the psychology of Americans is the repeated recurrence of hysteria, and the regularity of the recurrence. I don't see how one can make sense of the American Experience without taking it into consideration.

Leaving aside the hysteria of the Terrorist Uprising of 1776, there was the hysteria associated with the Alien and Sedition Acts at the end of the 1790's. There was a revival of hysteria at the time of the War of 1812, then a period of quiescence until the election of Andrew Jackson. That repulsive demagogue initiated an almost uninterrupted period of hysteria for more than a decade: the destruction of the Bank of the United States, the first great economic depression, the ethnic cleansing and genocide of the Five Nations, the anti-foreign, anti-Catholic, anti-Mason hysteria of the Know-Nothing Party, and, of course, the Manifest Destiny hysteria that led to the Mexican-American War.

That war, with barely a pause for breath, initiated the ever-growing hysteria of the 1850's which brought on the Civil War. That war was the most useless and unnecessary war of modern times; more than two per-cent of the American population died because of the war -- about the same number and percentage of deaths in Iraq for which America bears such responsibility. If both sides, North and South, had just sat on their hands for thirty years, slavery would have ended anyway -- serfdom in Russia and slavery in Brazil were long gone by 1890, or was the United States so much more backward than Russia and Brazil that slavery would have hung on until the twentieth century? All that misery and death could have been avoided, and all the wounds and bitterness and injustice that lasted so long. But, Oh no, Americans must have their hysterical fits; by the late 1850's each side had so worked itself into a passion, so convinced itself that it was agrieved and wronged, so filled itself with righteous indignation, self-pity and intransigence that a paroxysm of gibbering, murderous rage could not be avoided.

Then there was the peace of exhaustion for thirty-odd years until the nonsense of Free Silver and "You shall not crucify Mankind upon a cross of gold" primed the pump for the "Maine Incident" and the Spanish-American War. By this time the hysteria was being much more consciously directed.

Next was the war hysteria of the First World War, the Ku Klux Klan hysteria of the early twenties, not forgetting the hysteria that led to Prohibition, which made the world safe for the Mafia and the FBI.

Take another hop and a skip to the Second World War, when hysteria made it seem perfectly acceptable to throw American citizens into concentration camps, mass-murder civilians in bombing raids, and rain atomic destruction down upon a defeated Japan.

Then there was the hysteria of the McCarthyite communist witch-hunts which fastened the oppressive Military-Industrial Complex upon the American people ever after. People should have paid attention to Eisenhower's warnings !!

Next, the coup of the Kennedy Assassination set the stage for the prolonged hysteria of the Vietnam War.

Then there was a longer than usual period of relative quiet---just constant, low-level hysteria -- until Monika Lewinski, 2000 election fraud, hysterical over-reaction to the 9-11 attacks, the Iraq War and "Homeland Security" -- in other words our present bout of general mayhem, hysteria and ever increasing totalitarian tyranny.

We still have the collapse of the dollar to look forward to, and the somewhat slower collapse of the American military. And when the six percent of the world's population which is represented by the citizens of the US find it necessary to live on six percent of the world's resources rather than the present twenty-five percent -- that should be quite adequate to fuel another round of perfectly futile hysteria.
Hello numan
Are these your words?
If you are quoting an article, please link it.
If they are original to you, that is quite the introductory post. :clap2:
People seem to ignore the importance of hysteria in American life.

[snip snip snip]

We still have the collapse of the dollar to look forward to, and the somewhat slower collapse of the American military. And when the six percent of the world's population which is represented by the citizens of the US find it necessary to live on six percent of the world's resources rather than the present twenty-five percent -- that should be quite adequate to fuel another round of perfectly futile hysteria.

At least there are a few things to look forward to.
Is this a thread about the Obama White House a week before THE SEQUESTER or the Obama Campaign a week before the '08 elections?
Hello numan
Are these your words? ....

If they are original to you, that is quite the introductory post. :clap2:
Thank you for those kind words.

"A poor thing, but mine own." · · [That is a quote!]

I was afraid I might offend some people of the more "patriotic" (and hysterical?) variety, so I am glad that at least one person took it in good part as a way to understand some aspects (certainly not all aspects!!) of US history.

A British friend, who lived six months in San Francisco and then fled because he could not take it any more, called us "the Excited States of America." · · :eek:
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I think that the tendency of American culture to descend into hysteria takes its origin, at least in a large part, to the convulsion of insanity which initiated the cycles of dementia which we call modern American history. I mean, of course, what most Americans call the Revolutionary War, or the War of Independence, but which I prefer to call the Terrorist Uprising of 1776.

It requires special treatment because it is the foundation of that uncritical and childish worship of the Founding Fathers which is so nauseating to a clear-minded observer of the American scene. Many Americans are like drug-addicts and alcoholics, but what they are addicted to are illusion and lies. Someday, I hope that they will Kick the Habit.

Americans suffer from recurrent hysteria, suspicion, defensiveness, and an ingrained drive to escape from facts and live in a fantasy-world. This pathology requires explanation. I suggest that this disease takes its origin from the very foundation of the Republic, and that it is the accumulated effect of a Fundamental Lie which Americans have ever taken pains to hide and deny, until it has become a festering infection touching every part of the American psyche. This Lie is that the American Revolution was a courageous overthrowing of tyranny and oppression, which founded a republic based on reason and respect for human rights. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, a large segment of the colonial population was swindled by a devious, unscrupulous, corrupt and traitorous cabal which, for its own selfish ends, acted against the best interests of the people and the state.

This conspiracy had two main foci of evil. In the South there was an extravagant and nearly bankrupt group of Virginia planters who wanted a break with England so that they could escape the legal debts which they had incurred in the Home Country due to their addiction to foreign luxuries. They also wanted to escape the restrictions of orderly rule, and were determined to gain exclusive control over the government of their state and the exploitation of its people and resources. The biggest landowner and real estate speculator in Virginia was George Washington. Who of you would trust the biggest wheeler-dealer in real estate in your state? Amongst his many
shenanigans was the business coup of inducing the new federal government to buy a large chunk of malarial swamp which he owned -- as a part of the new District of Columbia!

In the North there was a sinister and corrupt group of traitors which was most prominently represented by the smuggler-kingpin of Boston, John Hancock -- the richest man in America at the time. He was a rum-runner, slave-dealer and smuggler whose counterpart in modern America would be a Mafia don. In grade school I was taught that he wrote his signature in an enormous scrawl on the Declaration of Independence "so that the King of England might read it without his eye-glasses." Well, that is a fable typical of the American "educational" system!

In fact, with his wealth he was bankrolling the rebellion, and in his vanity felt that he who pays the piper calls the tune! He was deeply grieved and offended that George Washington was chosen to lead the troops rather than himself! Amongst Hancock's many illegal and nefarious activities was the smuggling of tea from Holland into New England. The Boston Tea Party Conspiracy arose because the English had set the tax on imported tea too low! It was cheaper to buy legal tea from the East India Company than to buy Hancock's smuggled tea!

The Mafioso of Boston was not going to stand for that! The rest is history -- the official history. Objective historians have noted that twenty-five percent of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were either smugglers themselves or were connected to the smuggling racket. The smuggling of luxury items into early America was as much a curse then as illegal-drug smuggling is today.
What can possibly account for the prevalence of hysteria in American society and in American history? What would drive people living in the peace and good order of Colonial society to support the Terrorists who attacked the established government and created social chaos?

Those who actively supported the Rebellion were a small minority of the population -- mainly the dregs of society. Their savagery and brutality were clearly shown by their treatment of the Loyalists and of those who did not want to be involved on either side of the fracas.

The rebels would stop at nothing. Murder, torture, the burning of homes and farms, the slaughter of domestic animals, the incitement of Indians against those who resisted their treason -- all this was commonplace. The terror was particularly bad in the South, where the situation was little different from that created by the American government in Iraq. The large number of refugees who fled America at the time shows how intolerable the situation was. And all this horror was because of some small taxes on tea and legal documents? Such trivialities would not even be noticed amid the depredations which the modern American government visits upon its subject population!!

The history of hysteria in the United States is fascinating and complex, but certainly a major factor all through its history has been the ignorance and miseducation of its people, and their consequent reliance for their opinions on the facile misrepresentations of the popular press.

This was crucial in whipping up the ignorant multitude to endure the crimes of the Terrorist Uprising of 1776. The traitors would probably never have achieved any success without their control of the primitive brainwashing apparatus of their time.

Again and again throughout American history, the manipulations and lies of the press and the developing media have been crucial in driving the populace to support stupidity, crime and violence.

And if this has been so in the past, how much more is it true now when the Brainwashing Apparatus of the nation is dominated by a handful of giant media monopolies?
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Why pick on US history? Do you hate America that much? The US entered WW1 to stop the never ending squabbling between European countries and we had to do it again about a quarter of a century later. America tried to prevent bloodthirsty maniacs from overrunning the Korean peninsula about five years after that. America tried to save the peaceful country of Vietnam when communist maniacs tried to overrun it and the war was handled so poorly that left wing socialists and freaking cowards managed to blame America. The US was attacked on a pretty day in September and the UN authorized the US to use force to enact sanctions. The only hysteria I can detect on the horizon is the extortion scheme called global warming.
Those who supported the rebellion were actually the richest and most well educated of Americans.
Every country in the world is guilty of the things numbman attributes to the US but numbman forgets that America saved the DNA of every radical left winger in Europe in two world wars.
Well I certainly agree that the American Revolution was as much about what the ELITE in the Colonies wantedthan it was fighting for freedom, justice or relief from oppressive taxes.

Doubt that?

Shay's Whiskey rebellion

That started DURING the revolutionary war.

Then too let us see what the one of the first military actions was AFTER USA was free shall we?

The Whiskey Rebellion, or Whiskey Insurrection, was a tax protest in the United States beginning in 1791, during the presidency of George Washington.

Oh yes, those Founding Fathers..really lovers of the common man and justice for all ...(rich people)

They were basically nothing but the new bosses replacing the old bosses.
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Well I certainly agree that the American Revolution was as much about what the ELITE in the Colonies wantedthan it was fighting for freedom, justice or relief from oppressive taxes.

Doubt that?

Shay's Whiskey rebellion

That started DURING the revolutionary war.

Then too let us see what the one of the first military actions was AFTER USA was free shall we?

The Whiskey Rebellion, or Whiskey Insurrection, was a tax protest in the United States beginning in 1791, during the presidency of George Washington.

Oh yes, those Founding Fathers..really lovers of the common man and justice for all ...(rich people)

They were basically nothing but the new bosses replacing the old bosses.

Taxes! The new Country required money just like it does today. You really gotta laugh when the history deprived libs defend today's taxes and they whine about the Founding Fathers. The country formerly known as England taxed the Irish into starvation. Shit happens but liberals blame it all on the US.
numan - If you haven't already, you might enjoy reading Richard Hofstadter's The Paranoid Style in American Politics (1964). Some of the same tone.
Let me see... reviewing all the boogiemen that this nation has feared in my lifetime?

I remember the Red Menace hysteria, the Blacks hysteria, the Hippies hysteria, the Feminists hysteria, The Liberals hysteria, the Immigrants and the Terrorist hysteria.

Manufactured Hysteria is a wonderful way to keep people fearful of their neighbors, isn' it?

It clearly works on a lot of folks here.
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From OP:

"Then there was the hysteria of the McCarthyite communist witch-hunts which fastened the oppressive Military-Industrial Complex upon the American people ever after. People should have paid attention to Eisenhower's warnings !!

Next, the coup of the Kennedy Assassination set the stage for the prolonged hysteria of the Vietnam War."

(My bold)

Except that Prexy Eisenhower, despite his MIC warnings, installed the Dulles brothers @ State Dept. & DCIA - who went on a rampage of black ops & coups, with Ike's blessing. & Ike himself chose nukes over building up conventional forces - as nukes were cheaper in a purely bugetary way, & Ike also hinted @ the possibility of using nukes whenever foriegn policy was balked by the the Communists - right up until the USSR managed to demonstrate a nuke of their own.

Vietnam was not so much hysteria as the governing system's crackup - the military, traditional MSM, organized religions, government, unions - they all subscribed to business as usual, as if that were the Spanish-American War in 1898 - right up until the VC refused to knuckle under & supporting "our" Vietnamese cost more & more $ & lives & material support. The political costs finally overran any possible "gain" from "winning" the war - whatever that might have meant.

Interesting posts. Welcome to the board - & your Baptism by Fire, as you've probably noticed. "Some say the world will end in fire. Some say in ice ..."
Except that Prexy Eisenhower, despite his MIC warnings, installed the Dulles brothers @ State Dept. & DCIA - who went on a rampage of black ops & coups, with Ike's blessing. & Ike himself chose nukes over building up conventional forces - as nukes were cheaper in a purely bugetary way, & Ike also hinted @ the possibility of using nukes whenever foriegn policy was balked by the the Communists - right up until the USSR managed to demonstrate a nuke of their own.
Yes, Eisenhower was certainly no flaming radical, which fact makes it all the more striking that he he warned so strongly against the dangers of the Military-Industrial Complex. He was an old-school principled conservative. Unlike modern totalitarian Neo-Conservatives like Dick Cheney, who famously claimed that "deficits don't matter," he worked hard to keep government from wasting money -- and of course, the Military and its penumbra of running-dogs are Government-Waste Central.

Vietnam was not so much hysteria as the governing system's crackup - the military, traditional MSM, organized religions, government, unions -- they all subscribed to business as usual, as if that were the Spanish-American War in 1898 -- right up until the VC refused to knuckle under, & supporting "our" Vietnamese cost more & more $ & lives & material support. The political costs finally overran any possible "gain" from "winning" the war - whatever that might have meant.
You are skirting around the central problem.
I am continually struck with wonder that most Americans are blocked by their brainwashing from asking, in relation to America's recent wars, the obvious question that is asked at any crime scene -- cui bono -- "who benefits."

These wars have nothing to do with "benefiting America" -- whatever that may mean! -- and everything to do with war profiteers who will stop at nothing to enrich themselves and their allies by manufacturing war materiel and then destroying it (and destroying American soldiers who get in the way, or whose deaths may increase profits) so that they may manufacture more profitable military waste -- and so on, continuing the bilking and ruin of the American people and government and resources for the limited profit of a few sociopathic exploiters.

Why is it, when these criminal wars get started, that it is so hard to stop them, when it is clear that they are so harmful? Obviouslly, there are a host of vested interests who are determined to use their control and influence over government and the media in order to keep their obscene profits rolling in, no matter how much America and its people are being harmed.

For heaven's sake, people, use a little common sense!
I continue to cling to the hope that there are a least a few Americans who can still think realistically.

Interesting posts. Welcome to the board - & your Baptism by Fire, as you've probably noticed. "Some say the world will end in fire. Some say in ice ..."
Yes, Robert Frost (along with fellow New Englander, Emily Dickinson) is my favorite American poet. Its too bad more Americans cannot escape from their brainwashing and emulate a real American like Frost, and his solid realism and good sense.
Except that Prexy Eisenhower, despite his MIC warnings, installed the Dulles brothers @ State Dept. & DCIA - who went on a rampage of black ops & coups, with Ike's blessing. & Ike himself chose nukes over building up conventional forces - as nukes were cheaper in a purely bugetary way, & Ike also hinted @ the possibility of using nukes whenever foriegn policy was balked by the the Communists - right up until the USSR managed to demonstrate a nuke of their own.

You have touched on an interesting issue. Does the President need approval from Congress to use nukes? For instance, suppose a member of Al Qaeda was hiding in a refuge under a mountain in Afghanistan. Could the President instruct the CIA to eliminate him with a nuclear tipped cruise missile?
Except that Prexy Eisenhower, despite his MIC warnings, installed the Dulles brothers @ State Dept. & DCIA - who went on a rampage of black ops & coups, with Ike's blessing. & Ike himself chose nukes over building up conventional forces - as nukes were cheaper in a purely bugetary way, & Ike also hinted @ the possibility of using nukes whenever foriegn policy was balked by the the Communists - right up until the USSR managed to demonstrate a nuke of their own.

You have touched on an interesting issue. Does the President need approval from Congress to use nukes? For instance, suppose a member of Al Qaeda was hiding in a refuge under a mountain in Afghanistan. Could the President instruct the CIA to eliminate him with a nuclear tipped cruise missile?

Do you mean Before or After completing an environmental impact study to determine the effect on the Afghan Mountain Tree Toad population?
Except that Prexy Eisenhower, despite his MIC warnings, installed the Dulles brothers @ State Dept. & DCIA - who went on a rampage of black ops & coups, with Ike's blessing. & Ike himself chose nukes over building up conventional forces - as nukes were cheaper in a purely bugetary way, & Ike also hinted @ the possibility of using nukes whenever foriegn policy was balked by the the Communists - right up until the USSR managed to demonstrate a nuke of their own.

You have touched on an interesting issue. Does the President need approval from Congress to use nukes? For instance, suppose a member of Al Qaeda was hiding in a refuge under a mountain in Afghanistan. Could the President instruct the CIA to eliminate him with a nuclear tipped cruise missile?

(My bold)

As commander-in-chief, there are probably scenarios left over from the bad old days of the Cold War confrontation with the USSR - whereby the President (or National Command Authority) could authorize nuke launches - clearly without prior consultation of Congress. Max flight time from nuke missle launch sites in Kazakhstan, etc. was 20 minutes or so. Boomers - ballistic missle subs - could launch from much closer, & so have correspondingly shorter flight times.

CIA doesn't - TMK - have control of any nukes in the military force. Those are in the keeping of Navy, Air Force. I'm not sure that Army has any nukes deployed - there were nuke land mines, some Pershing missle rounds. I don't know that we even have the nuke-capable cannon in the inventory anymore. In any event, the land mines were meant to be deployed in Germany - Fulda Gap, & the two other likely tank invasion routes. I'm not sure we've maintained them, & they would need regular refurbishing to keep them useful. Same for the Pershing warheads.

A cruise missle - nuke or not - wouldn't do the job - for someone dug deep into a shelter in a mountain - anyway. The Tomahawk nuke W80 warhead dials up from 5-150 kilotons - not enough to blast away a mountain. You'd need a deep penetrator, one of the reworked 16" cannon barrels turned into a deep penetrator. Not sure that it would need to be a nuke.

The B-2, possibly the B-1, likely the B-52H could carry the thing. But they're v. expensive, & rare. There's only so many 16" barrels lying about to convert to these critters. Besides, TMK, the president doesn't order up a specific weapon to use. He just designates a target, & normal Ops & Plans takes it from there.

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