The two most moronic political groups self ID with a word they cannot define - ANTIFA and "Christian Conservative"

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Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
When asked to define "fascism," one ANTIFA loudly proclaimed RACISM.

OK, certainly fascism has a supremacist ideology by those who practice it. Anything else? What about guns, are fascists for or against gun control?

AGAINST, The Fascists want everyone to have a gun!!!

Um, no, moron, fascists actually use gun control to confiscate guns of those they desire to exterminate....

If you cannot define the word you use to self-define, you are an ABSOLUTE MORON, and all ANTIFA clearly qualify fully....

As for the "Christian Conservative," we have W and Huckabee and Cheney and McConnell, all favorites of "Christian Conservatives" during the "terror war," which required an IQ over 5 to notice was all complete hate hoaxed bull. When asked here over and over to define the word CONSERVATIVE, the "Christian Conservative" will answer

1. a Christian
2. an asshole who cuts taxes
3. a W supporter
4. a supporter of Israel
5. one who wants a vast new Federal bureaucracy of jackboots to raid medical facilities over abortion
6. socializing senior drugs
7. put all marijuana users in prison
8. put the Bible in public education
9. plow $1 trillion into public education while shunning vouchers

Face it, the "Christian Conservative" is just as dumb as the ANTIFA. Both use words to self ID they cannot define and do not practice....
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ANTIFA would be the soliders who defeated fascism in WW2, and their modern counterparts.

That's why fasicsts hate them, because they squashed the Nazis then and continue to squash Nazis now.
ANTIFA would be the soliders who defeated fascism in WW2

No, those would be the white US and European soldiers, the ones ANTIFA now calls "fascist" for supporting things like free speech, gun rights, no censorship, no state sponsored DNA discrimination, and no hate hoaxes...
When asked to define "fascism," one ANTIFA loudly proclaimed RACISM.

OK, certainly fascism has a supremacist ideology by those who practice it. Anything else? What about guns, are fascists for or against gun control?

AGAINST, The Fascists want everyone to have a gun!!!

Um, no, moron, fascists actually use gun control to confiscate guns of those they desire to exterminate....

If you cannot define the word you use to self-define, you are an ABSOLUTE MORON, and all ANTIFA clearly qualify fully....

As for the "Christian Conservative," we have W and Huckabee and Cheney and McConnell, all favorites of "Christian Conservatives" during the "terror war," which required an IQ over 5 to notice was all complete hate hoaxed bull. When asked here over and over to define the word CONSERVATIVE, the "Christian Conservative" will answer

1. a Christian
2. an asshole who cuts taxes
3. a W supporter
4. a supporter of Israel
5. one who wants a vast new Federal bureaucracy of jackboots to raid medical facilities over abortion
6. socializing senior drugs
7. put all marijuana users in prison
8. put the Bible in public education
9. plow $1 trillion into public education while shunning vouchers

Face it, the "Christian Conservative" is just as dumb as the ANTIFA. Both use words to self ID they cannot define and do not practice....
Antifa aren't really a political group.
Mostly they're your basic teenage "rebel without a clue" clique.

Well, since you know them so well, try to educate them what FASCISTS really support

1. gun control/confiscation
2. censorship
3. socialism
4. state sponsored DNA discrimination
5. hate hoaxes/false flag attacks
6. election fraud
When asked to define "fascism," one ANTIFA loudly proclaimed RACISM.

OK, certainly fascism has a supremacist ideology by those who practice it. Anything else? What about guns, are fascists for or against gun control?

AGAINST, The Fascists want everyone to have a gun!!!

Um, no, moron, fascists actually use gun control to confiscate guns of those they desire to exterminate....

If you cannot define the word you use to self-define, you are an ABSOLUTE MORON, and all ANTIFA clearly qualify fully....

As for the "Christian Conservative," we have W and Huckabee and Cheney and McConnell, all favorites of "Christian Conservatives" during the "terror war," which required an IQ over 5 to notice was all complete hate hoaxed bull. When asked here over and over to define the word CONSERVATIVE, the "Christian Conservative" will answer

1. a Christian
2. an asshole who cuts taxes
3. a W supporter
4. a supporter of Israel
5. one who wants a vast new Federal bureaucracy of jackboots to raid medical facilities over abortion
6. socializing senior drugs
7. put all marijuana users in prison
8. put the Bible in public education
9. plow $1 trillion into public education while shunning vouchers

Face it, the "Christian Conservative" is just as dumb as the ANTIFA. Both use words to self ID they cannot define and do not practice....
Ok guy, admit it, your real beef with Christian conservatives is most seem to support Israel. In short, you are an antisemite, just like the radical Left that chants gas the Jews.

There is not a conservative alive that would defend the Swap such as "W" and Cheney and the rest or the rest of the Leviathan known as the United States Federal government. They hunt Christians now after all.

Any past support was a desperate attempt at trying to have some representation from them, which as we know is a horse and pony show that never goes their way.
What a ridiculous thread
I think EMH is conflicted with his hatred of Jews and his love for Trump

He wants to attack the Left because the Left is after Trump but he hates Jews as well, probably more than he hates the Left.

But since those on the right defend Jews, he must make a break with them while still trying to stay a Trumpbot.

Very conflicted and tortured that EMH.
I think EMH is conflicted with his hatred of Jews and his love for Trump

He wants to attack the Left because the Left is after Trump but he hates Jews as well, probably more than he hates the Left.

But since those on the right defend Jews, he must make a break with them while still trying to stay a Trumpbot.

Very conflicted and tortured that EMH.

I've really figured out antisemitism. It's strange
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