The Turtle Sticks His Head Out Of His Shell: Mitch McConnell Shuts Down Bill To Protect Mueller

Firing Rosenstein or Mueller is throwing gasoline on a fire.

I agree. There is too much for it to be stopped now.

I do not have the facts so do not know what will happen, but there seems to be much corruption.

Right now the Ohio Republican Senate Leader resigned, being exposed for corruption, but it also involves several Democrats.our system is full of corruption. Both sides.
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"do you think Putin will be going to the Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow? if so, will he become my new best friend?" -Trump in 2013

this trip to russia was the birth of a bromance, or something darker, that would soon upend American politics and then scandalize Trump's presidency
Mueller's own crimes have been exposed. His raid and seisure of all of Cohen's files was an overreach, an act of desperatiom.

The bame of the 'game' was illegal collusion with the Russians, finding evidence linking Trump to illegal Russian interference, and Russian hacking. He has come up with nothing.

Like every move he has made, coming away with nothing, he has moved on in desperation, looking for anything, like a drowning man, for anything to grab on to.

He still has nothing.

Silly Easy - Mueller neither ordered nor directed the raid and seizure on Guido Cohen.

And gee - what a great idea it was for Little Devin & Pals to leak the memos ... which corroborate EVERYTHING Comey testified to and put in his book.

Firing Rosenstein or Mueller is throwing gasoline on a fire.

Trump is good at that ^ --- and not much else :)

I'm afraid the fix is in folks. It's no longer a covert Coup-attempt we're witnessing. It's an overt effort at this point. The judge who recently denied Trump's lawyer's motion to view materials seized by Mueller's raid, actually officiated George Soros' wedding. Of all the judges in America, we get a Soros Puppet. When will Americans get pissed off? They are witnessing an attempted Coup d'etat.
Are you serious? Do you guys ever quit with that shit?
The judge made a fair decision that no one is complaining about at this point. In several weeks, if any of the collected evidence is deemed inadmissable by an independent review, it will not be presented. Period.
Coup d'etat my ass. Who told you that, Hannity?

Yep - That one managed to flawlessly regurgitate literally every Hannity talking point.

Guess they figure the only fair way to do it would have been for the judge to simply hand everything over to the Trump and Cohen teams and let THEM decide what was and was not appropriate.

Coup Coup Ka-Choop!

that's about the size of it.

the reason there was a warrant and not a subpoena is that prosecutors made a convincing case to the judge (not judge wood as far as I know) that cohen was likely to destroy evidence.

i'll also point out that just because crooked cohen is a lawyer, doesn't mean his every bleat is privileged. and it appears that cohen wasn't really a lawyer.

but trumpscum really hate when anyone legitimately looks at Donald. but they love when democrats are investigated for years for no reason.

As SNL pointed out last Saturday - Cohen is "Lawyer-ISH" :D

That's the biggest problem with y'all wingnuts. You get your 'News Information' from comedy shows. Y'all can't get enough Fake News. :cuckoo:

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