The Tucker Carlson Phenomenon


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
There are some who say the phenomenon swirling around Tucker Carlson smacks of a new 'cult'.

I see something quite different.

As a former member of the media and as a lifetime media watcher/analyzer (avocational only), I have been watching this phenomenon with great interest.

I check the cable news ratings pretty much daily and for years Fox has overwhelmed its competition pulling audience that exceeded, sometimes doubling all the other cable news channels combined.

Since Tucker was forced off the air, Fox has struggled to barely maintain its #1 status on cable news and many days it doesn't manage to do it. The total audiences of the other cable news channels combined now consistently total well over Fox's totals. The total of Fox plus the other news cable channels now sometimes approximate what Fox alone used to pull every day by itself and sometimes those total fall short.

So where did the audience go?

In my opinion, at least some of it went to Newsmax who are more and more challenging CNN's ratings but are still considered a 'fringe' media source. OAN continues to struggle as liberal media companies refuse to carry it in their lineup. But I think the bulk of Fox's former audience are now checking in with Rogan, Bongino, and other radio/podcast/on line news commentators and fringe news services like RSBN.

And of course the Tucker's 'twittercast' had been a huge success, often linked by twitter users. It gets a lot of exposure with many days exceeding well over 100 million views. On his best days on Fox 4 million viewers was an exceptional day.

I have sensed a lack of enthusiasm in Hannity and Laura in recent months too and I would give pretty good odds that both want out and may not renew their contracts. If they aren't in fact fired. That's purely a personal hunch.

But Tucker's former staff is bailing out at Fox and more are projected to follow as soon as they have new jobs.

As Rush Limbaugh single handedly changed radio broadcasting forever, I wonder if this new Tucker phenomenon will forever change the way we receive all our news?

There are some who say the phenomenon swirling around Tucker Carlson smacks of a new 'cult'.

I see something quite different.

As a former member of the media and as a lifetime media watcher/analyzer (avocational only), I have been watching this phenomenon with great interest.

I check the cable news ratings pretty much daily and for years Fox has overwhelmed its competition pulling audience that exceeded, sometimes doubling all the other cable news channels combined.

Since Tucker was forced off the air, Fox has struggled to barely maintain its #1 status on cable news and many days it doesn't manage to do it. The total audiences of the other cable news channels combined now consistently total well over Fox's totals. The total of Fox plus the other news cable channels now sometimes approximate what Fox alone used to pull every day by itself and sometimes those total fall short.

So where did the audience go?

In my opinion, at least some of it went to Newsmax who are more and more challenging CNN's ratings but are still considered a 'fringe' media source. OAN continues to struggle as liberal media companies refuse to carry it in their lineup. But I think the bulk of Fox's former audience are now checking in with Rogan, Bongino, and other radio/podcast/on line news commentators and fringe news services like RSBN.

And of course the Tucker's 'twittercast' had been a huge success, often linked by twitter users. It gets a lot of exposure with many days exceeding well over 100 million views. On his best days on Fox 4 million viewers was an exceptional day.

I have sensed a lack of enthusiasm in Hannity and Laura in recent months too and I would give pretty good odds that both want out and may not renew their contracts. If they aren't in fact fired. That's purely a personal hunch.

But Tucker's former staff is bailing out at Fox and more are projected to follow as soon as they have new jobs.

As Rush Limbaugh single handedly changed radio broadcasting forever, I wonder if this new Tucker phenomenon will forever change the way we receive all our news?

Perhaps people only want to hear what they want, regardless of reality….from someone who knows he’s lying to those people.
Fox wants to be more like CNN

Well, then enjoy the ratings CNN has.


It's not rocket science.
"Tucker is not exactly someone everyone should trust"


Left wing homo hate hoaxer and Capitol Hill 1/6 Guest of Honor Jacob Chansley
I have never watched a Carlson anything. I clicked on a vid posted here once and was quite surprised to hear that he basically has a woman's voice.
"Tucker is not exactly someone everyone should trust"


Left wing homo hate hoaxer and Capitol Hill 1/6 Guest of Honor Jacob Chansley
Who should you trust, other than Joe Biden, that is?


I mean really, why should you trust anyone in the news?
Who should you trust, other than Joe Biden, that is?



EMH has documented over and over that many of the 1/6ers are life long Dem activists...

But SUB is as SUB DOES, and Tucker, he's "conservative" and he believes the official version of 911... and Faux is "conservative" because they support W...

Truth = Tucker is a big fucking liar, he is Jewish not Catholic, and Jacob Chansley is a left wing Jewish homo hate hoaxer

and you have an IQ under 5
Who should you trust, other than Joe Biden, that is?



It isn't so much a matter of trust, I think, but that there are still enough Americans who resent being told what they can or cannot see, hear, think, believe, etc. and/or being prevented from seeing all aspects of fact and opinion.

I think that has created a bubble of resentment that finally broke when Fox ousted Tucker. It isn't so much that people love Tucker--I myself often challenge his opinions/conclusions while appreciating his research--but that most Americans no long trust the leftwing Democrat propaganda machine that most of the MSM has become and will look elsewhere to hear their perspectives at least discussed if not endorsed.

And we are especially tired of the smug, sanctimonius, self-righteous, better-than-thou types who pronounce anything that is un-PC or opposed to the Democrat party line as liars, extremists, radical, fake news or whatever. When Fox started pushing that anti-liberty concept, it lost a lot of its viewers early on. Firing Tucker pretty much finished it as a legitimate news source on many issues important to many Americans.

It isn't so much a matter of trust, I think, but that there are still enough Americans who resent being told what they can or cannot see, hear, think, believe, etc. and/or being prevented from seeing all aspects of fact and opinion.

I think that has created a bubble of resentment that finally broke when Fox ousted Tucker. It isn't so much that people love Tucker--I myself often challenge his opinions/conclusions while appreciating his research--but that most Americans no long trust the leftwing Democrat propaganda machine that most of the MSM has become and will look elsewhere to hear their perspectives at least discussed if not endorsed.

And we are especially tired of the smug, sanctimonius, self-righteous, better-than-thou types who pronounce anything that is un-PC or opposed to the Democrat party line as liars, extremists, radical, fake news or whatever. When Fox started pushing that anti-liberty concept, it lost a lot of its viewers early on. Firing Tucker pretty much finished it as a trusted news source.
Well sure, Americans know they are not represented by politicians and lied to 24/7 in the media.

So when they have a voice that taps into that they feel better, almost like they have a voice they really don't have.

Now whether or not Tucker is accurate in what he says is a whole other thing, but Fox firing Tucker was the best thing that could have possibly happened for him because it just reinforces what I just said.
"Tucker is not exactly someone everyone should trust"


Left wing homo hate hoaxer and Capitol Hill 1/6 Guest of Honor Jacob Chansley
Well at least 100 million + Americans disagree with you and I would guess the number is quite a bit higher than that as fewer than 1/3 of Americans are on Twitter.

Some of us think it a much healthier America when all points of view can be seen, heard, expressed. America did a much better job of sorting out fact from fiction when that was the case. When only your point of view is allowed, you can bet that point of view will be manipulated like hell to control the people.
I have never watched a Carlson anything. I clicked on a vid posted here once and was quite surprised to hear that he basically has a woman's voice.
Strange. I don't think he has a woman's voice at all. I don't find his voice (or Laura Ingraham's or Mark Levin's voice) as pleasing as say a Rush Limbaugh or a Sean Hannity or a Tulsi Gabbard or a Mike Huckabee, but I would recognize all as the gender they are.
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There are some who say the phenomenon swirling around Tucker Carlson smacks of a new 'cult'.

I see something quite different.

As a former member of the media and as a lifetime media watcher/analyzer (avocational only), I have been watching this phenomenon with great interest.

I check the cable news ratings pretty much daily and for years Fox has overwhelmed its competition pulling audience that exceeded, sometimes doubling all the other cable news channels combined.

Since Tucker was forced off the air, Fox has struggled to barely maintain its #1 status on cable news and many days it doesn't manage to do it. The total audiences of the other cable news channels combined now consistently total well over Fox's totals. The total of Fox plus the other news cable channels now sometimes approximate what Fox alone used to pull every day by itself and sometimes those total fall short.

So where did the audience go?

In my opinion, at least some of it went to Newsmax who are more and more challenging CNN's ratings but are still considered a 'fringe' media source. OAN continues to struggle as liberal media companies refuse to carry it in their lineup. But I think the bulk of Fox's former audience are now checking in with Rogan, Bongino, and other radio/podcast/on line news commentators and fringe news services like RSBN.

And of course the Tucker's 'twittercast' had been a huge success, often linked by twitter users. It gets a lot of exposure with many days exceeding well over 100 million views. On his best days on Fox 4 million viewers was an exceptional day.

I have sensed a lack of enthusiasm in Hannity and Laura in recent months too and I would give pretty good odds that both want out and may not renew their contracts. If they aren't in fact fired. That's purely a personal hunch.

But Tucker's former staff is bailing out at Fox and more are projected to follow as soon as they have new jobs.

As Rush Limbaugh single handedly changed radio broadcasting forever, I wonder if this new Tucker phenomenon will forever change the way we receive all our news?

Tucker is a certified liar.
Well sure, Americans know they are not represented by politicians and lied to 24/7 in the media.

So when they have a voice that taps into that they feel better, almost like they have a voice they really don't have.

Now whether or not Tucker is accurate in what he says is a whole other thing, but Fox firing Tucker was the best thing that could have possibly happened for him because it just reinforces what I just said.
That is true. People used to love to point out errors Rush Limbaugh made but he was on the air 15 hours a week most weeks or 700+hours per year. And if he made a couple of dozen factual errors in that 700+ hours over a year's time, I doubt there are a dozen people in the world with that good a track record.

It always amazes me those who zero in on one factual error or incident of hyperbole and hold it up as everything that was said in an hour's speech or a three-hour broadcast or whatever.

NOBODY with a lot of public exposure is not going to get it wrong now and then or not exaggerate something that their political critics will exploit.

It is holding the other guy to a higher standard than you hold your own that makes it harmfully partisan and intellectually dishonest.

To Tucker's credit, he hasn't done that so far as I can tell. He provided perspective that the left cannot allow to stand--cannot allow to be heard--and retain the emotional and intellectual hold on the sheep they control.

But we all appreciate having our point of view confirmed by somebody in the media.
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Well at least 100 million + Americans disagree with you and I would guess the number is quite a bit higher than that as fewer than 1/3 of Americans are on Twitter.

Some of us think it a much healthier America when all points of view can be seen, heard, expressed. America did a much better job of sorting out fact from fiction when that was the case. When only your point of view is allowed, you can bet that point of view will be manipulated like hell to control the people.

Tucker should not be censored. Nobody should be.

But Tucker is not an honest man. Not even close.

His two heroes, Chansley and Officer Chauvin, are not exactly "Great Americans"

Officer Chauvin would cap you off for $10 and not blink an eye doing it...
Tucker should not be censored. Nobody should be.

But Tucker is not an honest man. Not even close.

His two heroes, Chansley and Officer Chauvin, are not exactly "Great Americans"

Officer Chauvin would cap you off for $10 and not blink an eye doing it...
Sorry but I find Tucker by and large far more honest than you have been on this thread.
If that is World Trade Center 7, according to the firemen who were searching the building just before it collapsed, there was nothing controlled about it.

According to me that is 100% non sequitur to the thread topic.

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