The Truth About 'No-Go Zones.'

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

The State Department has not to date labelled them as a terrorist organization even though they have shown ties to other terrorist organizations.......................even though they have considered doing so per the other sites already posted..............

Should they ever label them as terrorist orgs.....................these compounds could be seized and all funds taken.

Welcome to Islamberg
So what is the problem?

It's private property. ...... :cool:
You didn't read teh article now did you...........the criminal side of the other compounds like this one who are subversives....................

These places are more like COMPOUNDS and not the normal GATED COMMUNITIES............

This is an article posted on website called "End-of-times", who's homepage starts out with the header "Revealing Jah's End Time Prophetic Plan, Restoration, His KINGDOM MANDATE; The Manifesting of The Sons of Jah and Through Them, Jahshuah's Victory Over The Kingdom of Darkness"...and continues with

This site is dedicated to those that desire to become The OVERCOMERS that Manifest as the Sons of Jah, and also to the members of the Bride which prepares herself to meet Jahshuah at His coming. In this day, these are few and far between. A people scattered all over creation, mostly wondering if there be any others such as themselves. We are entering the time when this answer will be afforded to them. To all others, THIS IS YOUR WARNING to fasten your seat belt.

The general public never believes Truth, or reality. They did not believe the men of the Bible, nor even Jahshuah Himself. It really matters not if people disagree, dislike, or reject what is set forth on these pages. The members of the "MAN CHILD" WILL HEAR, and in the hearing, be given the Kingdom, and its AUTHORITY.

Can you give us a compelling reason why we should take anything it has to say seriously?
I gave another source now didn't I...............So they are peace loving Muslims..........really.

Here's a more thoughtful accounting: Islamberg A Terror Compound in New York ... or Misunderstood Neighbors Fox News
The difference between 'hoods' in America and Muslim communities a.k.a "No go zones" in Europe is that the 'hoods' are not part of a plan to ultimately impose a foreign set of laws on a host nation.

What evidence do you have to support that claim?

Are you serious??

Coulter identified you pretty well, here:
"Whenever liberals are in a tight spot, they adopt the scorched-earth policy of argumentation. With no answer, they start demanding that you define words: What do you mean “liberal”? What do you mean “democracy”? What do you mean “patriotism”?"
The same can be asked of you.

And yes, Coulter is an idiot.
Foreign Terrorist Organizations

The State Department has not to date labelled them as a terrorist organization even though they have shown ties to other terrorist organizations.......................even though they have considered doing so per the other sites already posted..............

Should they ever label them as terrorist orgs.....................these compounds could be seized and all funds taken.

Where is the evidence that any of these so-called compounds are involved in terrorism?
The difference between 'hoods' in America and Muslim communities a.k.a "No go zones" in Europe is that the 'hoods' are not part of a plan to ultimately impose a foreign set of laws on a host nation.

What evidence do you have to support that claim?

Are you serious??

Coulter identified you pretty well, here:
"Whenever liberals are in a tight spot, they adopt the scorched-earth policy of argumentation. With no answer, they start demanding that you define words: What do you mean “liberal”? What do you mean “democracy”? What do you mean “patriotism”?"

Coulter is an idiot.

Again, what evidence do you have that there is some kind of plan " to ultimately impose a foreign set of laws on a host nation"?

Actually, you've proven to be not simply an idiot, but 'idiot par excellence.'

Here you are pretending to be equipped to discuss even the most rudimentary aspect of Islam, and you are not aware of the single most basic aspect.....jihad, designed to impose Islam on the entire world.

1. "By any clear reading of the Quran, the hadith (reports of Muhammad’s words and actions outside of the Quran), the histories, the biographies and the law books on early Islam, jihad cannot exclude military warfare in the cause of Allah in order to expand Islam."
Jihad The truth about the rules of Islamic warfare

2. "The article says that ICNA [the Muslim Brotherhood-linked Islamic Circle of North America] is sponsoring the "roughly $3 million dollar campaign" that "will feature billboards in at least 15 U.S. cities, 'Shariah seminars' on 20 college campuses, and town hall-style forums and interfaith events in 25 cities."
Here's the thing: "U.S. Muslim groups insist they have no desire to introduce Islamic law on themselves or others," so why should they be blocking efforts to outlaw it?

....a new study has found that Shariah has already been used as a determining factor in court cases in 23 states."
Articles Defending Shariah in America

The sect, known as Al-Fuqra, has been linked by law enforcement officials to terrorist violence in Colorado, Arizona, Pennsylvania, the Pacific-northwest and Canada. Most recently, attention has been focused on the group in connection with a plot to bomb public sites in New York, including the United Nations, FBI offices at 26 Federal Plaza, and the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels. One of the fourteen men facing trial for this alleged conspiracy, which also included the World Trade Center bombing, is reportedly a member of Al-Fuqra, who is charged with training gang members and supplying them with weapons and explosives. The bomb plot, described in a federal indictment as a plan "to levy a war of urban terrorism against the United States," also included the targeting of Jewish leaders and individuals. Threats of terrorist violence by shadowy groups of fanatical religious extremists pose a serious challenge to public order and safety - as exemplified by the World Trade Center bombing which killed six people and injured hundreds more. This report is an effort to meet the need for increased public awareness about one such group in the hope that exposure can help prevent further violence of this nature. Al-Fuqra Al-Fuqra is the name of a violent Muslim extremist sect which has come under law enforcement scrutiny in the February 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York. Headed by Sheikh Mubarak Ali Jilani Hashemi (also Hasmi) in Pakistan, the majority of its members are of African-American descent.
The difference between 'hoods' in America and Muslim communities a.k.a "No go zones" in Europe is that the 'hoods' are not part of a plan to ultimately impose a foreign set of laws on a host nation.

What evidence do you have to support that claim?

Are you serious??

Coulter identified you pretty well, here:
"Whenever liberals are in a tight spot, they adopt the scorched-earth policy of argumentation. With no answer, they start demanding that you define words: What do you mean “liberal”? What do you mean “democracy”? What do you mean “patriotism”?"
The same can be asked of you.

And yes, Coulter is an idiot.

Hey, C_Chamber_Pot.....wasn't that great how I kicked your teeth in in post #13...

You know....where you said "no-go zones don't exist!!!"

....and I posted quotes from the NYTimes, NBC, and Commentary showing you to be as dumb as asphalt!!!

This one:

1. "The scattered attacks have raised alarm about how Europe is changing and whether it remains a safe place for Jews. An increasing number of Jews, if still relatively modest in total, are now migrating to Israel. Others describe “no go” zones in Muslim districts of many European cities where Jews dare not travel."

2. "On November 4, 2005, NBC News — yes, that NBC News — ran what appears to have been a morning digest item entitled "The Tone of the No Go Zones." It referenced its own coverage, while also citing items found at Gateway Pundit and the Brussels Journal blog. At the latter, the following passage described the nature of these zones:

... We are just witnessing the beginning of Europe’s problems: “The sweet dream of universal cultural compatibility has been replaced by the nightmare of permanent conflict.”

Our mainstream media, in attempts to preserve the Left’s chimera of “universal cultural compatibility,” hardly write about all this. Nevertheless, for some years now West European city folk and police officers have been familiar with the reality that certain areas of major European cities are no-go areas, especially at night and certainly if you are white or wearing a uniform. Three years ago, a French friend who had his car stolen learned that the thieves had parked the car in a particular suburb. When he went to the police he was told that the police did not operate in that neighbourhood and consequently would not be able to retrieve his car. This is Western Europe in the early 21st century.

Nicolas Sarkozy became France’s most popular politician by promising to restore law and order in the whole of France, including in the areas abandoned by previous governments."
Those Mythical No-Go Zones in Paris NBC and NY Times Recognized Them a Decade Ago TNR Writer Says They re Still There

3. "But those who are trying to portray the entire topic as a conservative or anti-Muslim meme that must be stamped out are forgetting some important information. It wasn’t Fox News or any conservative outlet that helped popularized the idea of such zones; it was the impeccably liberal New York Times."
No-Go Zones Are Not a Conservative Meme - Commentary Magazine Commentary Magazine

C_Chamber_Pot......a moron, which is why he is NEVER able to post the truth.
There are over 80 operating Sharia courts in Great Britain. That fact can be cross correlated from multiple media sources. Because Great Britain is the world's poster child for political correctness and reluctance to offend, they will continue to allow the incremental creep of Sharia law that is already happening. Now the courts operate in the Muslim dominated communities but that is just the start.
"In an interview Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” British radical Muslim activist Anjem Choudary made clear what he and his Islamist brothers have planned for the West. “We do believe, as Muslims, the East and the West will one day be governed by the Shariah,” he said. “Indeed, we believe that one day, the flag of Islam will fly over the White House.” He then quoted a hadith, or saying of Muhammad, as related by 10th-century Muslim scholar Al-Tabarani, that “the final hour will not come until Muslims conquer the White House.” Another version of the saying goes, “A small portion of Muslims will rise and conquer the White House.”
EDITORIAL Islamic flag over the White House - Washington Times
The difference between 'hoods' in America and Muslim communities a.k.a "No go zones" in Europe is that the 'hoods' are not part of a plan to ultimately impose a foreign set of laws on a host nation.

What evidence do you have to support that claim?

Are you serious??

Coulter identified you pretty well, here:
"Whenever liberals are in a tight spot, they adopt the scorched-earth policy of argumentation. With no answer, they start demanding that you define words: What do you mean “liberal”? What do you mean “democracy”? What do you mean “patriotism”?"

Coulter is an idiot.

Again, what evidence do you have that there is some kind of plan " to ultimately impose a foreign set of laws on a host nation"?

Actually, you've proven to be not simply an idiot, but 'idiot par excellence.'

That's laughable. Coming from you :)

Here you are pretending to be equipped to discuss even the most rudimentary aspect of Islam, and you are not aware of the single most basic aspect.....jihad, designed to impose Islam on the entire world.

Translation: pull out index card with Anti-Islamic Talking Point #1 (scare the masses with disinformation)

1. "By any clear reading of the Quran, the hadith (reports of Muhammad’s words and actions outside of the Quran), the histories, the biographies and the law books on early Islam, jihad cannot exclude military warfare in the cause of Allah in order to expand Islam."
Jihad The truth about the rules of Islamic warfare

Translation: pull out index card with Talking Point #3.5 (cherry picked out of context Quranic quotes from an anti-Muslim site)

2. "The article says that ICNA [the Muslim Brotherhood-linked Islamic Circle of North America] is sponsoring the "roughly $3 million dollar campaign" that "will feature billboards in at least 15 U.S. cities, 'Shariah seminars' on 20 college campuses, and town hall-style forums and interfaith events in 25 cities."

Here's the thing: "U.S. Muslim groups insist they have no desire to introduce Islamic law on themselves or others," so why should they be blocking efforts to outlaw it?

Legislation banning "Sharia" is a violation of freedom of religion (seriously now, this is pretty basic stuff) and such legislation is only being used to single out Muslims. No call to ban Jewish law. No call to ban Christian laws.

It's also pretty pig-ignorant and symptomatic of the mass hysteria infecting the idiots we elect into office. Banning "Sharia" means no Halal meat for example, it means that US courts can't recognize marriages, divorces or business contracts contracted in countries where Sharia is used in legal contracts and in banking.

The Sharia penal codes have no chance in hell of every becoming law in this country. There is no desire amongst American muslims for it, it would require the complete dismantling of the Consitution and, quite frankly - decades worth of the Christian Right attempting to force Christianity into our legislative system with no success, why on earth do you think Sharia would fly?


....a new study has found that Shariah has already been used as a determining factor in court cases in 23 states."
Articles Defending Shariah in America

The True Story of Sharia in American Courts The Nation

The true story of Sharia in American courts is not one of a plot for imminent takeover but rather another part of the tale of globalization. Marriages, divorces, corporations and commercial transactions are global, meaning that US courts must regularly interpret and apply foreign law. Islamic law has been considered by American courts in everything from the recognition of foreign divorces and custody decrees to the validity of marriages, the enforcement of money judgments, and the awarding of damages in commercial disputes and negligence matters.

As an attorney, consultant or expert witness, I have handled more than 100 cases involving components of Sharia. In a case I tried in 2002, Odatalla v. Odatalla, a New Jersey couple had signed an Islamic marriage contract consistent with their cultural traditions. When the wife filed for divorce, she asked the court to enforce the mahr, or dowry provision, in her contract, which called for the husband’s payment of $10,000 upon the dissolution of their marriage. Superior Court Judge John Selser found the marriage contract valid under New Jersey law, concluding, “Clearly, this court can enforce a contract which is not in contravention of established law or public policy.”

In a 2003 case involving Exxon Mobil and a Saudi oil company, the parties had agreed as part of a commercial transaction that Saudi law would govern any potential disputes. After the Saudi company sued its former business partner, Exxon Mobil, the Delaware Superior Court heard testimony on Saudi law, which applies traditional Sharia, and the judge instructed the jury to base its decision accordingly. The jury returned a $400 million–plus verdict in favor of Exxon Mobil and against the Saudi firm.

Finally, in a more recent case I was involved in, a state judge declined to recognize a Syrian court order that would have transferred the custody of a child to her father because of the mother’s remarriage. The judge reasoned that remarriage alone is not sufficient to transfer custody. Far from deferring to judgments from foreign countries, US courts regularly refuse to recognize such orders due to the constitutional and due-process implications.

Had an anti-Sharia ban been in place in these courts, Exxon could not have won its verdict, nor would the wife in Odatalla have been able to enforce her marriage contract. The ban would have stripped those judges of their ability to fully and fairly consider the cases. For litigants in states where such a ban exists, these statutes are an unconstitutional infringement of the people’s freedom of contract, free exercise of religion and right to equal protection. And what the anti-Sharia movement ignores is that, whether a US judge considers Sharia as a foreign law, as in the Exxon case, or as a way to better understand a dispute between parties, as in Odatalla, the extent of its applicability is always dictated by American law.

The Sharia scaremongers often rely on a single New Jersey case, S.D. v. M.J.R., as proof that Islamic law is seeping into our court system. In it, a wife sought a restraining order against her husband, alleging that he repeatedly beat and sexually assaulted her. The judge denied her request, holding that the defendant did not form the criminal intent necessary to commit the crime, because his genuine religious beliefs dictated that he was entitled to sexual relations upon demand. The ruling was wrong—both under state law and Sharia—and, not surprisingly, the New Jersey Appellate Court reversed it in 2010.

Pamela Gellar? Are you serious?
You are being redirected...

documents from this site show name changes that were to hide the orgs ties to terrorist activities overseas............

The documents are NY court documents showing the name changes...........

The official papers filed in New York State tell an interesting story. Before Sheikh Gilani took over the franchise, Muslims of the Americas was called “Ikhwanul Muslimeen” (or “Ikhwanul Muslimun”, depending on who is spelling it, and when), which is obviously a variant of Ikhwan el-Muslimeen, or the Muslim Brotherhood. It was incorporated in Brooklyn in 1971, probably as an offshoot of the Nation of Islam. In 1985 it became Muslims of the Americas, and in January 2013 morphed into The Muslims of America. Which is nice — now the name matches the sign at the Red House compound, and they don’t have to replace any corporate letterhead that uses the MOA acronym.
There are over 80 operating Sharia courts in Great Britain. That fact can be cross correlated from multiple media sources. Because Great Britain is the world's poster child for political correctness and reluctance to offend, they will continue to allow the incremental creep of Sharia law that is already happening. Now the courts operate in the Muslim dominated communities but that is just the start.

Sharia courts for what. Civil matters?
To hell with No Go Zones in America................

Terrorist compounds in America................some put in prison for their activities.
Daniel Pearl - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

On January 23, 2002, on his way to what he thought was an interview with Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, a suspect in the conspiracy to abduct Péarl, at the Village Restaurant in downtown Karachi, Pearl was kidnapped near the Metropole Hotel at 7:00 pm by a militant group calling itself the National Movement for the Restoration of Pakistani Sovereignty.[14]

The group claimed Pearl was a spy and—using a Hotmail e-mail address[15]—sent the United States a range of demands, including the freeing of all Pakistani terror detainees, and the release of a halted U.S. shipment of F-16fighter jets to the Pakistani government.

The message read:

"We give you one more day if America will not meet our demands we will kill Daniel. Then this cycle will continue and no American journalist could enter Pakistan."

Photos of Pearl handcuffed with a gun at his head and holding up a newspaper were attached. There was no response to pleas from Pearl's editor, nor from his wife Mariane.

Nine days later, Pearl was decapitated. On May 16, his severed head and decomposed body were found cut into ten pieces, and buried—along with the jacket of a tracksuit Pearl was wearing when photographed by his kidnappers—in a shallow grave at Gadap, about 30 miles (48 km) north of Karachi.[16][17] When the police found Pearl's remains, Abdul Sattar Edhi, one of the most active philanthropists in Pakistan, arrived promptly on the scene, personally collected all ten body parts, and took them to the morgue. Pearl's body was returned to the U.S., and was interred in the Mount Sinai Memorial Park Cemetery in Los Angeles, California.
As shown in the video's........Gilani created and paid for MOA OR Muslims of America........he attended a meeting in Sudan that had the who's who of RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORIST GROUPS...............


This is the founder of MOA...............and Islamberg,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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