The Truth About Meet The Press

I watched through Russert, then dumped it when the pantheon of Leftists took over.

It's a sad shell of its former glory.
NEVER watch MSM news shows. NEVER. It’s all propaganda.

Plus, I’m not a violent person, but little Chuck Todd needs his ass beat.
I watched Meet the Press religiously years ago when Russert was the mod, and kept watching it when Brokaw took over but it had lost it's teeth.
When Gregory took over I think I lasted a couple of episodes and that was it.
Russert was liberal, but he took he role seriously. You really wouldn't have known what his politics were. He asked tough questions and follow ups to both sides, and didn't allow anyone to rant and spin without being called out.
Gregory showed his bias completely. His treatment to his guest was dependent on what the capital letter was after their name.
I have never watched Todd. I never will.

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