The "Thinking" Lamp Is Lit!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
January 20th was not just momentous for those of us on the Right, and for America....but it removes barriers for those of you on the Left, as well!

1. OK, Liberals, Democrat voters.....he's are now free to critically examine the Left's propaganda without suffering the slings and arrows of verbal....and even physical...attacks.
You're not gonna have to defend and deflect against the tired old "racist" charges. And, it's no longer gonna validate what a 'good person' you are by voting for brown skin.'s about knowledge, and about policies.

Finally....after 8 long years, you may avail yourselves of logic, experience, and plain old common sense....all anathema to media decoctions and university indoctrination.

You may now actually 'think'!!!

2. We'll begin our remediation with this, from H.L. Mencken's "Minority Report."

"If you were against the New Deal and its wholesale buying of pauper votes, then you were against Christian charity.
If you were against the gross injustices and dishonesties of the Wagner Labor Act, then you were against labor.
If you were against packing the Supreme Court, then you were in favor of letting Wall Street do it.
If you are against using Dr. Quack’s cancer salve, then you are in favor of letting Uncle Julius die.
If you are against Holy Church, or Christian Science, then you are against god.
It is an old, old argument."

See how they've been leading you by the nose?
Good! See that? 'Thinking' is like the old 'you never forget how to ride a bicycle' thing.
Most of you can get right back to it!
Re-instituting thinking is another benefit of the Trump election, you American sovereignty.

3. That bogus propaganda of the last 8 years "....despite its evident fallaciousness, still widely wielded and fallen for.
If you are against trade restrictions, you are against workers and high wages. If you are against minimum wages, you are against the poor. If you are against paid family leave, then you are against families. If you are against Obamacare, then you are against affordable health care. If you are against government-set safety standards, then you are for letting people be poisoned and slaughtered indiscriminately. If you are against easy money, then you are for recessions. If you are against government-provided schooling, then you are against the education of the masses. If you are against American militarism, then you are against world peace and for evil dictators. If you are against the ‘war on drugs,’ then you are for widespread dissoluteness and dissipation. If you are against licensing requirements for hair-braiders, then you are for people having to suffer bad hairdos. The list can be extended indefinitely." The Oldest Rhetorical Trick in the Book | Donald J. Boudreaux

4. Now...the Leftist will say that the Right does the same thing...
"If you are for same-sex marriage, then you are against traditional families. .... If you are for cutting taxes, then you are against equality. " Ibid.

The difference is that it is the Left that owns and controls the schools, the media and the entertainment industry....none of which will be wrest from Liberal control by the Trump victory. really doesn't matter if the Right tries to do the same thing.... are certainly free to think about, dispute, and disagree with any claims the Right makes without being called a racist, homophobe, misanthrope, or whatever charge du jour is available.

Go ahead.....think!
The ability will come back to you!'s time to do your own thinking. And we on the Right encourage exactly that.
A religious kook lecturing others to "think " ? How ironic .
dimocrap scum won't have a clue how to respond to you until they get their directions from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media.

In fact, there isn't even much point in talking to any of the dimocrap scum in here at all.

You can find all their opinions at Rachel Madcow and Bill Maher.

Think I'm kidding? You post up a new thought, a new idea and listen to the silence from dimocraps.

They run off to their favorite Anti-American websites and/or Message Board to get a response to answer you with and won't be back until they do.

Then once they get their marching orders, their group-think responses, they pile on like vultures on a road kill.

All of them saying essentially the same thing.

dimocraps make for good entertainment when you're in the mood to make fun of somebody. They're also a good lesson to teach your children, "Child, this is the kind of scumbag you can turn into if you don't........."

that is all
January 20th was not just momentous for those of us on the Right, and for America....but it removes barriers for those of you on the Left, as well!

1. OK, Liberals, Democrat voters.....he's are now free to critically examine the Left's propaganda without suffering the slings and arrows of verbal....and even physical...attacks.
You're not gonna have to defend and deflect against the tired old "racist" charges. And, it's no longer gonna validate what a 'good person' you are by voting for brown skin.'s about knowledge, and about policies.

Finally....after 8 long years, you may avail yourselves of logic, experience, and plain old common sense....all anathema to media decoctions and university indoctrination.

You may now actually 'think'!!!

2. We'll begin our remediation with this, from H.L. Mencken's "Minority Report."

"If you were against the New Deal and its wholesale buying of pauper votes, then you were against Christian charity.
If you were against the gross injustices and dishonesties of the Wagner Labor Act, then you were against labor.
If you were against packing the Supreme Court, then you were in favor of letting Wall Street do it.
If you are against using Dr. Quack’s cancer salve, then you are in favor of letting Uncle Julius die.
If you are against Holy Church, or Christian Science, then you are against god.
It is an old, old argument."

See how they've been leading you by the nose?
Good! See that? 'Thinking' is like the old 'you never forget how to ride a bicycle' thing.
Most of you can get right back to it!
Re-instituting thinking is another benefit of the Trump election, you American sovereignty.

3. That bogus propaganda of the last 8 years "....despite its evident fallaciousness, still widely wielded and fallen for.
If you are against trade restrictions, you are against workers and high wages. If you are against minimum wages, you are against the poor. If you are against paid family leave, then you are against families. If you are against Obamacare, then you are against affordable health care. If you are against government-set safety standards, then you are for letting people be poisoned and slaughtered indiscriminately. If you are against easy money, then you are for recessions. If you are against government-provided schooling, then you are against the education of the masses. If you are against American militarism, then you are against world peace and for evil dictators. If you are against the ‘war on drugs,’ then you are for widespread dissoluteness and dissipation. If you are against licensing requirements for hair-braiders, then you are for people having to suffer bad hairdos. The list can be extended indefinitely." The Oldest Rhetorical Trick in the Book | Donald J. Boudreaux

4. Now...the Leftist will say that the Right does the same thing...
"If you are for same-sex marriage, then you are against traditional families. .... If you are for cutting taxes, then you are against equality. " Ibid.

The difference is that it is the Left that owns and controls the schools, the media and the entertainment industry....none of which will be wrest from Liberal control by the Trump victory. really doesn't matter if the Right tries to do the same thing.... are certainly free to think about, dispute, and disagree with any claims the Right makes without being called a racist, homophobe, misanthrope, or whatever charge du jour is available.

Go ahead.....think!
The ability will come back to you!'s time to do your own thinking. And we on the Right encourage exactly that.
Great post PC, but you know damn well the Left never LEARNS.

Though I do admire your efforts in trying to educate them.
It means this thread (like most righty threads) starts off with a false premise.

For our Conservative readers, I will translate the above from stupid dimocrap to Conservative: "I have no fucking clue what PC is talking about so I will do what dimocrap scum always do when they don't have any understanding of something -- I will mock it"
Great post PC, but you know damn well the Left never LEARNS.

Though I do admire your efforts in trying to educate them.

If logic and reason worked on dimocrap scum, they wouldn't be dimocrap scum
A religious kook lecturing others to "think " ? How ironic .
Does that mean you're going to pass on the opportunity placed in front of you?

It means this thread (like most righty threads) starts off with a false premise.
Let's look at the premise.

Does the left indulge in emoting instead of thoughtful discourse? One can safely say yes when one notes the behavior of liberal college students who need safe spaces if they happen to see the words, "Trump 2016" written on a sidewalk in chalk. One also notes the behavior of liberals during the inauguration, screaming, crying, and violence. These are not the actions of conservatives, these are the actions of liberals. These are not the actions of those engaging in careful thought, they are the actions of emotionally immature people.

Did Obama in the White House encourage this behavior? Sadly, yes. His presence, directly or indirectly, encouraged the screeches of "racist" when his policies were criticized. So, you might be insulted by the OP, but there is truth in the premise.

Did you notice that you fell right into the scenario presented by the OP?
Liberals can think? You'd never guess that by their actions. It's all emotion.

It's like when the computer has a serious problem,and you have to reset to a time before the problem occurred ......restore your PC to an earlier restore point...

The hope is that we can restore the Liberals to a point before the indoctrination.

Wadda 'ya think, Maddy?
dimocrap scum won't have a clue how to respond to you until they get their directions from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media.

In fact, there isn't even much point in talking to any of the dimocrap scum in here at all.

You can find all their opinions at Rachel Madcow and Bill Maher.

Think I'm kidding? You post up a new thought, a new idea and listen to the silence from dimocraps.

They run off to their favorite Anti-American websites and/or Message Board to get a response to answer you with and won't be back until they do.

Then once they get their marching orders, their group-think responses, they pile on like vultures on a road kill.

All of them saying essentially the same thing.

dimocraps make for good entertainment when you're in the mood to make fun of somebody. They're also a good lesson to teach your children, "Child, this is the kind of scumbag you can turn into if you don't........."

that is all

It sure is tough to disagree with that analysis......

Here's the basis of my optimism.....Rudy Giuliani.
NYC was run by a Democrat with certain characteristics in common with the snake, Obama....

The media claimed NYC was ungovernable, the crime unstoppable, and anything that Rudy did was...ready?...."racist!!!"

Took maybe a year....but when his success was undeniable......the Left became silent.
It became too difficult to parrot the propaganda.
A religious kook lecturing others to "think " ? How ironic .
Does that mean you're going to pass on the opportunity placed in front of you?

It means this thread (like most righty threads) starts off with a false premise. everything the Right warned about vis-a-vis Obama, came true......
....could you provide any of those 'false premises'?

See this is that opportunity to 'think'....

Careful....if this is the first time you've tried to think you could wind up with an aneurysm!
It sure is tough to disagree with that analysis......

Here's the basis of my optimism.....Rudy Giuliani.
NYC was run by a Democrat with certain characteristics in common with the snake, Obama....

The media claimed NYC was ungovernable, the crime unstoppable, and anything that Rudy did was...ready?...."racist!!!"

Took maybe a year....but when his success was undeniable......the Left became silent.
It became too difficult to parrot the propaganda.

That is true. Good point....

Counterpoint -- When left to their own devices, New Yawkers elected a phony-baloney RINO who quickly changed his affiliation and now have THE most liberal politician in America as their Mayor.

Don't be angry with me but -- There's just no point with these scumbags.

You can fix them, spend billions on them, kiss their asses 24/7/365 and the minute you leave them alone..... They're doing the same stupid shit they were doing when you started in on your crusade to save them from their own scuzziness.

Is there an answer? Sure there is.

Those people are stone-cold followers. ALL dimocrap scum are. It's WHY they're dimocraps.

You go after their institutions. And that will be very, very difficult.

You have to destroy the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM -- The main culprit, COMPLETELY destroy Public Sector Unions, and bring Hollywood to heal.

Just beating up on their political party is a temporary solution.

Trump NEEDS to reverse JFK and Nixon's Executive Orders allowing Public Sector Unions.

That would be a good start.

Even FDR despised the idea of Public Sector Unions.

After that, it will get easier. The LSM is already reeling, Hollywood is feeling the pinch.

What I'm saying is -- dimocrap scum, themselves, will not heal themselves. They can't. They're followers. Stupid people

Take away their Pied Pipers, their Judas Leaders and they'll most likely be good to excellent Citizens.
January 20th was not just momentous for those of us on the Right, and for America....but it removes barriers for those of you on the Left, as well!

1. OK, Liberals, Democrat voters.....he's are now free to critically examine the Left's propaganda without suffering the slings and arrows of verbal....and even physical...attacks.
You're not gonna have to defend and deflect against the tired old "racist" charges. And, it's no longer gonna validate what a 'good person' you are by voting for brown skin.'s about knowledge, and about policies.

Finally....after 8 long years, you may avail yourselves of logic, experience, and plain old common sense....all anathema to media decoctions and university indoctrination.

You may now actually 'think'!!!

2. We'll begin our remediation with this, from H.L. Mencken's "Minority Report."

"If you were against the New Deal and its wholesale buying of pauper votes, then you were against Christian charity.
If you were against the gross injustices and dishonesties of the Wagner Labor Act, then you were against labor.
If you were against packing the Supreme Court, then you were in favor of letting Wall Street do it.
If you are against using Dr. Quack’s cancer salve, then you are in favor of letting Uncle Julius die.
If you are against Holy Church, or Christian Science, then you are against god.
It is an old, old argument."

See how they've been leading you by the nose?
Good! See that? 'Thinking' is like the old 'you never forget how to ride a bicycle' thing.
Most of you can get right back to it!
Re-instituting thinking is another benefit of the Trump election, you American sovereignty.

3. That bogus propaganda of the last 8 years "....despite its evident fallaciousness, still widely wielded and fallen for.
If you are against trade restrictions, you are against workers and high wages. If you are against minimum wages, you are against the poor. If you are against paid family leave, then you are against families. If you are against Obamacare, then you are against affordable health care. If you are against government-set safety standards, then you are for letting people be poisoned and slaughtered indiscriminately. If you are against easy money, then you are for recessions. If you are against government-provided schooling, then you are against the education of the masses. If you are against American militarism, then you are against world peace and for evil dictators. If you are against the ‘war on drugs,’ then you are for widespread dissoluteness and dissipation. If you are against licensing requirements for hair-braiders, then you are for people having to suffer bad hairdos. The list can be extended indefinitely." The Oldest Rhetorical Trick in the Book | Donald J. Boudreaux

4. Now...the Leftist will say that the Right does the same thing...
"If you are for same-sex marriage, then you are against traditional families. .... If you are for cutting taxes, then you are against equality. " Ibid.

The difference is that it is the Left that owns and controls the schools, the media and the entertainment industry....none of which will be wrest from Liberal control by the Trump victory. really doesn't matter if the Right tries to do the same thing.... are certainly free to think about, dispute, and disagree with any claims the Right makes without being called a racist, homophobe, misanthrope, or whatever charge du jour is available.

Go ahead.....think!
The ability will come back to you!'s time to do your own thinking. And we on the Right encourage exactly that.
Great post PC, but you know damn well the Left never LEARNS.

Though I do admire your efforts in trying to educate them.

It's our mission, isn't it, gip.

Not just to run the nation in an efficacious and beneficent manner....but to try to bring our less astute brethren up to speed.

In fact....this is a good time to point out the major difference between the Left and the Right.

Here's what Karl Marx wanted to do with those 'not up to speed'....

1. "Early socialists publically advocated genocide, in the 19th and 20th centuries. It first appeared in Marx's journal, Rheinishe Zeitung, in January of 1849. When the socialist class war happens, there will be primitive societies in Europe, two stages behind- not even capitalist yet- the Basques, the Bretons, the Scottish Highlanders, the Serbs, and others he calls 'racial trash,' and they will have to be destroyed because, being two stages behind in the class struggle, it will be impossible to bring them up to being revolutionary." George Watson, Historian, Cambridge University.

a. "The classes and races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way...they must perish in the revolutionary holocaust." Karl Marx, People's Paper, April 16, 1856, Journal of the History of Idea, 1981

b. "Before Marx, no other European thinker publically advocated racial extermination. He was the first." George Watson.

And, of course, this apples to every totalist view....

A year after Lenin's death, 1924, the NYTimes published a small article about a newly established party in Germany, the National Socialist Labor Party, which "...persists in believing that Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted...Dr. Goebell's....assertion that Lenin was the greatest man second only to Hitler....and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith was very slight...."
November 27, 1925.

We on the right simply want to teach the little Leftists....not exterminate them.
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