The Thing I Love Most About Obama?

Dr Grump

Platinum Member
Apr 4, 2006
From the Back of Beyond
There are a tonne of threads talking about his POLICIES. I spent the previous 8 years contributing to (and agreeing with) hundreds of threads about what a dumbfuck Dumbya was/is.

At least the right-wing loons are talking about Obama's policies..........................
Unlike the left personalities aren't generally a problem for us, nor do we give much of a damn about skin color. Policies are after all what is important, and funnily enough the difference thus far policy wise between Obama and GWB seems to be that Obama wants us to invade yet more countrys and fight with both hands tied behinf our backs.
Thats because the right's always been talking about policies. You, on the other hand, have been obsessed with your irrational hatred of Pres. Bush.

It's less about anything Obama is doing and more about the fact that one half of the political spectrum actually gives a damn what happens rather than who's in charge.
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