The Temple Mount Myth Revealed

Wanna know who are real Jews?
Check the land...

Those so called balestinians claim to be here for centuries. yet they barely could feed themselves of that land..not to mention develop themselves into modern age or have any distinct culture.

Then those 'fake' Jews come and suddenly the land starts nurturing the people it accepts, and a leading modern state emerges in no time..while those 'real' balestinians are still in the dark ages.

Anyway you look, Jews, Christians and Muslims all have this prophecy of Jews coming back to THEIR lands.

p.s. still waiting for any REAL distinct culture from the Fakestinians
Trouble is Most of them are NOT REAL Jews,even your Ultras have a grading system of what a REAL JEW IS,and most don't QUALIFY.............Get it NOW

You'd be a Funny Man if you were not so Pathetic,spoken without Predudice

For Rylah,the UN JEW peoples Funny Boy

Well I guess there's just no balestinian culture or identity, otherwise you wouldn't have to attack the Jews ignoring the question about the the culture of Arabs who recently statred calling themselves 'filastinians'.

One thing though, a secular Jew is more Jew than a religious Muslim, for one simple reason- being a Jew is not a choice, you're born with a Jewish soul. It doesn't matter if he's righteous or even converted to Islam- he's a Jew for eternity.

I once met a group of Arabs in Europe, the introduction transformed into a violent 'discussion', because apparently the 2 Yemenite brothers had 3rd one in Gaza, who moved there 2 years before that and fought with Hamas against the Israelis...I guess since he's been there for 2 years HE'S THE REAL BALESTINIAN and his brothers who call themselves the same...

No shared culture of the place, no distinct identity, hatred towards anyone different and a feeling of entitlement without anything to show to the world....and you accuse the Jews of not being Jews??

Well after centuries of being prosecuted for merely BEING JEWISH by Europeans and Arabs- YOUR OPINION IS IRRELEVANT.

Get it right it is European CHRISTIANS and at the same time there were thousands of Jewish families living prospersly(sic) in Arab nations you fool,this all changed when you stole Palestine eventually in 1948 by bribes and corruption in the UN but was never ratified by the Security Council,thus deeming Israel an Illegal State
Wanna know who are real Jews?
Check the land...

Those so called balestinians claim to be here for centuries. yet they barely could feed themselves of that land..not to mention develop themselves into modern age or have any distinct culture.

Then those 'fake' Jews come and suddenly the land starts nurturing the people it accepts, and a leading modern state emerges in no time..while those 'real' balestinians are still in the dark ages.

Anyway you look, Jews, Christians and Muslims all have this prophecy of Jews coming back to THEIR lands.

p.s. still waiting for any REAL distinct culture from the Fakestinians
Funny Post really,when you consider that the French President at the time in 1886,Thanked the Palestinian people for sending tonnes of wheat and cereals to France thus preventing wide spread FAMINE in southern France,Palestine has always been an Exporter of Oranges(JAFFA),Olive Oil,Crops Various etc.,a bread basket......for Centuries and Centuries before Zionist Terrorists were even thought of.......Rylah.....YOU FAIL YET AGAIN.....your posts border on the totally IGNORANT and other words like many of your ilk,you are a Moron and a LIAR.theliq...Ever Living,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure of the facts and truth

Is it funny that the Arab muslims in Israel and the PA don't have a culture of their own yet call themselves a 'nation' while destroying all non- muslim cultural treasures?

However it's funny how you think that centuries old olive trees and crops planted by the Jews, or the numerous swamps dried and farms built were in any way the work of the Arabs.
Whole families were sent to Israel to reunite with the other Jews much before Zionism was officially created.
Apart from being a Total Dumb Asshole,you know not the minute nor the hour,I find you tedious to say the least,you are just BORING,go stalk someone else.

Oh the personal insults and a muslim prophecy of the end times as a threat...i guess that's capitulation.:bye1:
You are a Foolish Boy

Wanna know who are real Jews?
Check the land...

Those so called balestinians claim to be here for centuries. yet they barely could feed themselves of that land..not to mention develop themselves into modern age or have any distinct culture.

Then those 'fake' Jews come and suddenly the land starts nurturing the people it accepts, and a leading modern state emerges in no time..while those 'real' balestinians are still in the dark ages.

Anyway you look, Jews, Christians and Muslims all have this prophecy of Jews coming back to THEIR lands.

p.s. still waiting for any REAL distinct culture from the Fakestinians
Funny Post really,when you consider that the French President at the time in 1886,Thanked the Palestinian people for sending tonnes of wheat and cereals to France thus preventing wide spread FAMINE in southern France,Palestine has always been an Exporter of Oranges(JAFFA),Olive Oil,Crops Various etc.,a bread basket......for Centuries and Centuries before Zionist Terrorists were even thought of.......Rylah.....YOU FAIL YET AGAIN.....your posts border on the totally IGNORANT and other words like many of your ilk,you are a Moron and a LIAR.theliq...Ever Living,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure of the facts and truth

The palestinian people in this case being the Jews of course, or didn't you want to post that part of the story. And as you say they have always exported Oranges from Jewish orange groves owned by the Jaffa family. The arab muslims could not even grow enough to feed their own families never mind a surplus to sell. What zionist terrorists are these then, as you have failed to prove any link between zionism and terrorism and still spout the LIE.

It is you that FAIL AGAIN because you believe what the islamonazi propagandists say being a RABID JEW HATER.
Pheo,you cannot assume that I can be influenced by Islamic Propagandist because I will NOT and never have been.....Give me a little Credit for are wrong about the Palestinians not being able to grow,produce and export foods Pheo and you know it....GO JAFFA ORANGES the real Palestinian Citrus,Originally Developed by Palestinian Farmers in 1850's.....for you all to view..Jaffa orange - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read carefully Pheo,I am right and you Sadly again are WRONG.........the Jews thought that the Palestinian Agriculture was primitive but had to concede later that it was much better t6han the Jews and far more cost take the time to read properly Pheo

For the last time of saying I love Jews but detest Zionism.alright Pheo

So Jaffa is not Jewish then but arab muslim. The Oranges are as Jewish as gefilter fish.

LIAR as the records show that Jewish agriculural methods increased the output of the land by 300% over the arab methods that destroyed the fertility of the land in 5 short years.
Propagated by Palestinians if you bothered to read my Wiki Jaffa orange,you would have seen the truth...BUT like you Zionist Filth always try to do,is claim that it is them who forward advancement in all things..YOU ARE are a excuse for Zionist Terrorism,300% Idiot Bullshit,You claimed that these Oranges were Jewish inspired and own by Jews Idiot Bullshit.......Pheo why do yo show yourself up in this pathetic manner..steve you are a MANUFACTURED NATION,ask any REAL JEWISH person.

All you have is islamonazi propaganda and LIES so you are not worth bothering with. Why dont you put your own house in order and stop the beatings of children in Australian young offender institutions ?
Wanna know who are real Jews?
Check the land...

Those so called balestinians claim to be here for centuries. yet they barely could feed themselves of that land..not to mention develop themselves into modern age or have any distinct culture.

Then those 'fake' Jews come and suddenly the land starts nurturing the people it accepts, and a leading modern state emerges in no time..while those 'real' balestinians are still in the dark ages.

Anyway you look, Jews, Christians and Muslims all have this prophecy of Jews coming back to THEIR lands.

p.s. still waiting for any REAL distinct culture from the Fakestinians
Trouble is Most of them are NOT REAL Jews,even your Ultras have a grading system of what a REAL JEW IS,and most don't QUALIFY.............Get it NOW

You'd be a Funny Man if you were not so Pathetic,spoken without Predudice

For Rylah,the UN JEW peoples Funny Boy

Well I guess there's just no balestinian culture or identity, otherwise you wouldn't have to attack the Jews ignoring the question about the the culture of Arabs who recently statred calling themselves 'filastinians'.

One thing though, a secular Jew is more Jew than a religious Muslim, for one simple reason- being a Jew is not a choice, you're born with a Jewish soul. It doesn't matter if he's righteous or even converted to Islam- he's a Jew for eternity.

I once met a group of Arabs in Europe, the introduction transformed into a violent 'discussion', because apparently the 2 Yemenite brothers had 3rd one in Gaza, who moved there 2 years before that and fought with Hamas against the Israelis...I guess since he's been there for 2 years HE'S THE REAL BALESTINIAN and his brothers who call themselves the same...

No shared culture of the place, no distinct identity, hatred towards anyone different and a feeling of entitlement without anything to show to the world....and you accuse the Jews of not being Jews??

Well after centuries of being prosecuted for merely BEING JEWISH by Europeans and Arabs- YOUR OPINION IS IRRELEVANT.

Get it right it is European CHRISTIANS and at the same time there were thousands of Jewish families living prospersly(sic) in Arab nations you fool,this all changed when you stole Palestine eventually in 1948 by bribes and corruption in the UN but was never ratified by the Security Council,thus deeming Israel an Illegal State

Is that like you stole Australia then, and displaced the indigenous inhabitants.

You forget that the muslims invited the Jews to migrate and colonise palestine because the arab muslims were too lazy to work the land.
Wanna know who are real Jews?
Check the land...

Those so called balestinians claim to be here for centuries. yet they barely could feed themselves of that land..not to mention develop themselves into modern age or have any distinct culture.

Then those 'fake' Jews come and suddenly the land starts nurturing the people it accepts, and a leading modern state emerges in no time..while those 'real' balestinians are still in the dark ages.

Anyway you look, Jews, Christians and Muslims all have this prophecy of Jews coming back to THEIR lands.

p.s. still waiting for any REAL distinct culture from the Fakestinians
Trouble is Most of them are NOT REAL Jews,even your Ultras have a grading system of what a REAL JEW IS,and most don't QUALIFY.............Get it NOW

You'd be a Funny Man if you were not so Pathetic,spoken without Predudice

For Rylah,the UN JEW peoples Funny Boy

Well I guess there's just no balestinian culture or identity, otherwise you wouldn't have to attack the Jews ignoring the question about the the culture of Arabs who recently statred calling themselves 'filastinians'.

One thing though, a secular Jew is more Jew than a religious Muslim, for one simple reason- being a Jew is not a choice, you're born with a Jewish soul. It doesn't matter if he's righteous or even converted to Islam- he's a Jew for eternity.

I once met a group of Arabs in Europe, the introduction transformed into a violent 'discussion', because apparently the 2 Yemenite brothers had 3rd one in Gaza, who moved there 2 years before that and fought with Hamas against the Israelis...I guess since he's been there for 2 years HE'S THE REAL BALESTINIAN and his brothers who call themselves the same...

No shared culture of the place, no distinct identity, hatred towards anyone different and a feeling of entitlement without anything to show to the world....and you accuse the Jews of not being Jews??

Well after centuries of being prosecuted for merely BEING JEWISH by Europeans and Arabs- YOUR OPINION IS IRRELEVANT.

Get it right it is European CHRISTIANS and at the same time there were thousands of Jewish families living prospersly(sic) in Arab nations you fool,this all changed when you stole Palestine eventually in 1948 by bribes and corruption in the UN but was never ratified by the Security Council,thus deeming Israel an Illegal State

Is that like you stole Australia then, and displaced the indigenous inhabitants.

You forget that the muslims invited the Jews to migrate and colonise palestine because the arab muslims were too lazy to work the land.

You Idiot,Zionists STOLE Palestine through corruption,deciet and lies........You are complicit by brinig in Ethopians who were Muslims,the dregs of Europe who were useless lay-abouts just to build up the Physdo Zionist nation of Israel's population numbers,rabid American uphold your Manufactured Nation........most Jews in Israel get on well with the Pali's,that is why the Zionist Scum treat Jews in Israel worse(if that were possible than the Palestinians) Pheo you are just perpetuating the Zionist Scum Mantra,you fool
Wanna know who are real Jews?
Check the land...

Those so called balestinians claim to be here for centuries. yet they barely could feed themselves of that land..not to mention develop themselves into modern age or have any distinct culture.

Then those 'fake' Jews come and suddenly the land starts nurturing the people it accepts, and a leading modern state emerges in no time..while those 'real' balestinians are still in the dark ages.

Anyway you look, Jews, Christians and Muslims all have this prophecy of Jews coming back to THEIR lands.

p.s. still waiting for any REAL distinct culture from the Fakestinians
Trouble is Most of them are NOT REAL Jews,even your Ultras have a grading system of what a REAL JEW IS,and most don't QUALIFY.............Get it NOW

You'd be a Funny Man if you were not so Pathetic,spoken without Predudice

For Rylah,the UN JEW peoples Funny Boy

Well I guess there's just no balestinian culture or identity, otherwise you wouldn't have to attack the Jews ignoring the question about the the culture of Arabs who recently statred calling themselves 'filastinians'.

One thing though, a secular Jew is more Jew than a religious Muslim, for one simple reason- being a Jew is not a choice, you're born with a Jewish soul. It doesn't matter if he's righteous or even converted to Islam- he's a Jew for eternity.

I once met a group of Arabs in Europe, the introduction transformed into a violent 'discussion', because apparently the 2 Yemenite brothers had 3rd one in Gaza, who moved there 2 years before that and fought with Hamas against the Israelis...I guess since he's been there for 2 years HE'S THE REAL BALESTINIAN and his brothers who call themselves the same...

No shared culture of the place, no distinct identity, hatred towards anyone different and a feeling of entitlement without anything to show to the world....and you accuse the Jews of not being Jews??

Well after centuries of being prosecuted for merely BEING JEWISH by Europeans and Arabs- YOUR OPINION IS IRRELEVANT.

Get it right it is European CHRISTIANS and at the same time there were thousands of Jewish families living prospersly(sic) in Arab nations you fool,this all changed when you stole Palestine eventually in 1948 by bribes and corruption in the UN but was never ratified by the Security Council,thus deeming Israel an Illegal State

1."Jews families living prosperously"- meaning paying the dhimmi skull tax to be spared a sword, 10 massacres here, 10 massacres there and the habitual public executions for those who couldn't pay.
It were the Arab Muslims who invented the YELLOW STAR for the Jews.

Why was Maimonides, the most prominent Jewish scholar of his time, forcefully converted to Islam?

The Jewish culture prospered in Babylon, under Romans and everywhere they were exiled to. However the most important works were done especially during the most troublesome times.
This has nothing to do with Arabs, Greeks or Romans, it's just our job as Jews to LIVE (prosper) under those conditions and help others rather than just try to SURVIVE in big numbers, as Romans and Babylonians tried and Arabs do now.

2. It's funny how team Balestine thinks it's enough to bribe, steal and lie to create a REAL nation and state (as you think the Israelis did).

Let's say it really worked that way, the Israelis at least CARED to do that in spite of all. the Arabs couldn't manage even that with all their resources, UNTIL THE JEWS WANTED IT... should we discuss Ibn Taymiyya ?
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Wanna know who are real Jews?
Check the land...

Those so called balestinians claim to be here for centuries. yet they barely could feed themselves of that land..not to mention develop themselves into modern age or have any distinct culture.

Then those 'fake' Jews come and suddenly the land starts nurturing the people it accepts, and a leading modern state emerges in no time..while those 'real' balestinians are still in the dark ages.

Anyway you look, Jews, Christians and Muslims all have this prophecy of Jews coming back to THEIR lands.

p.s. still waiting for any REAL distinct culture from the Fakestinians
Trouble is Most of them are NOT REAL Jews,even your Ultras have a grading system of what a REAL JEW IS,and most don't QUALIFY.............Get it NOW

You'd be a Funny Man if you were not so Pathetic,spoken without Predudice

For Rylah,the UN JEW peoples Funny Boy

Well I guess there's just no balestinian culture or identity, otherwise you wouldn't have to attack the Jews ignoring the question about the the culture of Arabs who recently statred calling themselves 'filastinians'.

One thing though, a secular Jew is more Jew than a religious Muslim, for one simple reason- being a Jew is not a choice, you're born with a Jewish soul. It doesn't matter if he's righteous or even converted to Islam- he's a Jew for eternity.

I once met a group of Arabs in Europe, the introduction transformed into a violent 'discussion', because apparently the 2 Yemenite brothers had 3rd one in Gaza, who moved there 2 years before that and fought with Hamas against the Israelis...I guess since he's been there for 2 years HE'S THE REAL BALESTINIAN and his brothers who call themselves the same...

No shared culture of the place, no distinct identity, hatred towards anyone different and a feeling of entitlement without anything to show to the world....and you accuse the Jews of not being Jews??

Well after centuries of being prosecuted for merely BEING JEWISH by Europeans and Arabs- YOUR OPINION IS IRRELEVANT.

Get it right it is European CHRISTIANS and at the same time there were thousands of Jewish families living prospersly(sic) in Arab nations you fool,this all changed when you stole Palestine eventually in 1948 by bribes and corruption in the UN but was never ratified by the Security Council,thus deeming Israel an Illegal State

Is that like you stole Australia then, and displaced the indigenous inhabitants.

You forget that the muslims invited the Jews to migrate and colonise palestine because the arab muslims were too lazy to work the land.

You Idiot,Zionists STOLE Palestine through corruption,deciet and lies........You are complicit by brinig in Ethopians who were Muslims,the dregs of Europe who were useless lay-abouts just to build up the Physdo Zionist nation of Israel's population numbers,rabid American uphold your Manufactured Nation........most Jews in Israel get on well with the Pali's,that is why the Zionist Scum treat Jews in Israel worse(if that were possible than the Palestinians) Pheo you are just perpetuating the Zionist Scum Mantra,you fool

When did this take place then, how about a link that says zionists stole palestine. Then one that says I was complicit in bringing in Ethiopian muslims into the land, and that they are Europeans. You have so many claims to prove in this one post that it is highly likely that you will fail on every one.

Most Jews in the M.E. were virtual slaves and the records show they were beaten, raped, brutalised and murdered for nothing more than allowing their shadow to fall on a muslim.

If anyone is perpetuating any mantra it is you and your NAZI SCUM mantra's leqarnt from your parents, grand parents and great grandparents when they beat you into hating the Jews
Trouble is Most of them are NOT REAL Jews,even your Ultras have a grading system of what a REAL JEW IS,and most don't QUALIFY.............Get it NOW

You'd be a Funny Man if you were not so Pathetic,spoken without Predudice

For Rylah,the UN JEW peoples Funny Boy

Well I guess there's just no balestinian culture or identity, otherwise you wouldn't have to attack the Jews ignoring the question about the the culture of Arabs who recently statred calling themselves 'filastinians'.

One thing though, a secular Jew is more Jew than a religious Muslim, for one simple reason- being a Jew is not a choice, you're born with a Jewish soul. It doesn't matter if he's righteous or even converted to Islam- he's a Jew for eternity.

I once met a group of Arabs in Europe, the introduction transformed into a violent 'discussion', because apparently the 2 Yemenite brothers had 3rd one in Gaza, who moved there 2 years before that and fought with Hamas against the Israelis...I guess since he's been there for 2 years HE'S THE REAL BALESTINIAN and his brothers who call themselves the same...

No shared culture of the place, no distinct identity, hatred towards anyone different and a feeling of entitlement without anything to show to the world....and you accuse the Jews of not being Jews??

Well after centuries of being prosecuted for merely BEING JEWISH by Europeans and Arabs- YOUR OPINION IS IRRELEVANT.

Get it right it is European CHRISTIANS and at the same time there were thousands of Jewish families living prospersly(sic) in Arab nations you fool,this all changed when you stole Palestine eventually in 1948 by bribes and corruption in the UN but was never ratified by the Security Council,thus deeming Israel an Illegal State

Is that like you stole Australia then, and displaced the indigenous inhabitants.

You forget that the muslims invited the Jews to migrate and colonise palestine because the arab muslims were too lazy to work the land.

You Idiot,Zionists STOLE Palestine through corruption,deciet and lies........You are complicit by brinig in Ethopians who were Muslims,the dregs of Europe who were useless lay-abouts just to build up the Physdo Zionist nation of Israel's population numbers,rabid American uphold your Manufactured Nation........most Jews in Israel get on well with the Pali's,that is why the Zionist Scum treat Jews in Israel worse(if that were possible than the Palestinians) Pheo you are just perpetuating the Zionist Scum Mantra,you fool

When did this take place then, how about a link that says zionists stole palestine. Then one that says I was complicit in bringing in Ethiopian muslims into the land, and that they are Europeans. You have so many claims to prove in this one post that it is highly likely that you will fail on every one.

Most Jews in the M.E. were virtual slaves and the records show they were beaten, raped, brutalised and murdered for nothing more than allowing their shadow to fall on a muslim.

If anyone is perpetuating any mantra it is you and your NAZI SCUM mantra's leqarnt from your parents, grand parents and great grandparents when they beat you into hating the Jews

Firstly the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS and sent tens of thousands of JEWS to the charnels and gas chambers(Zionists the Ultimate Jew Haters).....Then sent ILLEGAL Jewish Migrants to PALESTINE before and after WW2........Then trough Corrupt payments to most UN members coerst the UN statehood in parts of Palestine,that combined with a Gorilla War murdering 100,000 's of Palestinians,although not ralified by the Security Council making Israel an Illegal State.....the rest you all know
theliq, et al,

Of course the most famous of sources in this regard are William Hughes of Lenni Brenner's book, "51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis;" with the most familiar dissemination outlet as "Jew Watch" (Frank Weltner).

Of course, knowing your source is important. Frank Weitner of Jew Watch is tied to a number of White Supremacy Groups and Anti-Semitic Organizations. The general theme is Holocaust denial, Jews influence over the Media, and a number of conspiracy theories to counter Arab Palestinian connections with the NAZIs.

Firstly the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS and sent tens of thousands of JEWS to the charnels and gas chambers(Zionists the Ultimate Jew Haters).....Then sent ILLEGAL Jewish Migrants to PALESTINE before and after WW2........Then trough Corrupt payments to most UN members coerst the UN statehood in parts of Palestine,that combined with a Gorilla War murdering 100,000 's of Palestinians,although not ralified by the Security Council making Israel an Illegal State.....the rest you all know

I've asked this many times, but still have not received an answer: Which authoritative source do you use to support the allegation that "Israel is State?"

Most Respectfully,
Well I guess there's just no balestinian culture or identity, otherwise you wouldn't have to attack the Jews ignoring the question about the the culture of Arabs who recently statred calling themselves 'filastinians'.

One thing though, a secular Jew is more Jew than a religious Muslim, for one simple reason- being a Jew is not a choice, you're born with a Jewish soul. It doesn't matter if he's righteous or even converted to Islam- he's a Jew for eternity.

I once met a group of Arabs in Europe, the introduction transformed into a violent 'discussion', because apparently the 2 Yemenite brothers had 3rd one in Gaza, who moved there 2 years before that and fought with Hamas against the Israelis...I guess since he's been there for 2 years HE'S THE REAL BALESTINIAN and his brothers who call themselves the same...

No shared culture of the place, no distinct identity, hatred towards anyone different and a feeling of entitlement without anything to show to the world....and you accuse the Jews of not being Jews??

Well after centuries of being prosecuted for merely BEING JEWISH by Europeans and Arabs- YOUR OPINION IS IRRELEVANT.
Get it right it is European CHRISTIANS and at the same time there were thousands of Jewish families living prospersly(sic) in Arab nations you fool,this all changed when you stole Palestine eventually in 1948 by bribes and corruption in the UN but was never ratified by the Security Council,thus deeming Israel an Illegal State

Is that like you stole Australia then, and displaced the indigenous inhabitants.

You forget that the muslims invited the Jews to migrate and colonise palestine because the arab muslims were too lazy to work the land.
You Idiot,Zionists STOLE Palestine through corruption,deciet and lies........You are complicit by brinig in Ethopians who were Muslims,the dregs of Europe who were useless lay-abouts just to build up the Physdo Zionist nation of Israel's population numbers,rabid American uphold your Manufactured Nation........most Jews in Israel get on well with the Pali's,that is why the Zionist Scum treat Jews in Israel worse(if that were possible than the Palestinians) Pheo you are just perpetuating the Zionist Scum Mantra,you fool

When did this take place then, how about a link that says zionists stole palestine. Then one that says I was complicit in bringing in Ethiopian muslims into the land, and that they are Europeans. You have so many claims to prove in this one post that it is highly likely that you will fail on every one.

Most Jews in the M.E. were virtual slaves and the records show they were beaten, raped, brutalised and murdered for nothing more than allowing their shadow to fall on a muslim.

If anyone is perpetuating any mantra it is you and your NAZI SCUM mantra's leqarnt from your parents, grand parents and great grandparents when they beat you into hating the Jews
Firstly the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS and sent tens of thousands of JEWS to the charnels and gas chambers(Zionists the Ultimate Jew Haters).....Then sent ILLEGAL Jewish Migrants to PALESTINE before and after WW2........Then trough Corrupt payments to most UN members coerst the UN statehood in parts of Palestine,that combined with a Gorilla War murdering 100,000 's of Palestinians,although not ralified by the Security Council making Israel an Illegal State.....the rest you all know

How many more times are you going to spout this islamonazi myth as the zionists tried to save the Jews in Europe and paid Germany lots of money. The price for each Jew doubled until they were being asked for $10 million to save a Jew from the camps.

They were legal as they were invited by the LoN in 1923, prior to that they were invited by the Ottomans. It was the arab muslims that were the illegal immigrants

How about a LINK to your claim then, or is this another LIE like the hundreds of thousands of children murdered by Israel. They did not need to ratify it because if they did then not one of the islamonazi nations is legal either. Want to tell that to your fellow islamonazi's next time you go to friday prayers
theliq, et al,

Of course the most famous of sources in this regard are William Hughes of Lenni Brenner's book, "51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis;" with the most familiar dissemination outlet as "Jew Watch" (Frank Weltner).

Of course, knowing your source is important. Frank Weitner of Jew Watch is tied to a number of White Supremacy Groups and Anti-Semitic Organizations. The general theme is Holocaust denial, Jews influence over the Media, and a number of conspiracy theories to counter Arab Palestinian connections with the NAZIs.

Firstly the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS and sent tens of thousands of JEWS to the charnels and gas chambers(Zionists the Ultimate Jew Haters).....Then sent ILLEGAL Jewish Migrants to PALESTINE before and after WW2........Then trough Corrupt payments to most UN members coerst the UN statehood in parts of Palestine,that combined with a Gorilla War murdering 100,000 's of Palestinians,although not ralified by the Security Council making Israel an Illegal State.....the rest you all know

I've asked this many times, but still have not received an answer: Which authoritative source do you use to support the allegation that "Israel is State?"

Most Respectfully,
The Zionists themselves,as you full well know Rocco......I give you credit for your intelligence friend and have much respect for you...but stop muddying the waters of material facts,to suit the Neo-Zionists on here......If you really don't know about the Collaboration with the Nazis by the Zionists and Jewish Deputies in Germany at the time and their deliberate involvement in these crimes against Jewish people then I suggest you read up on it,it's not hidden,and stop the perpetuation of the Zionist WHITEWASH of their WAR CRIMES in Germany against its own people.....steven
theliq, et al,

Of course the most famous of sources in this regard are William Hughes of Lenni Brenner's book, "51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis;" with the most familiar dissemination outlet as "Jew Watch" (Frank Weltner).

Of course, knowing your source is important. Frank Weitner of Jew Watch is tied to a number of White Supremacy Groups and Anti-Semitic Organizations. The general theme is Holocaust denial, Jews influence over the Media, and a number of conspiracy theories to counter Arab Palestinian connections with the NAZIs.

Firstly the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS and sent tens of thousands of JEWS to the charnels and gas chambers(Zionists the Ultimate Jew Haters).....Then sent ILLEGAL Jewish Migrants to PALESTINE before and after WW2........Then trough Corrupt payments to most UN members coerst the UN statehood in parts of Palestine,that combined with a Gorilla War murdering 100,000 's of Palestinians,although not ralified by the Security Council making Israel an Illegal State.....the rest you all know

I've asked this many times, but still have not received an answer: Which authoritative source do you use to support the allegation that "Israel is State?"

Most Respectfully,
Rocco, do you think any of the anti-Semites would have ever heard of the book The Transfer if they didn't go to hate sites like
theliq, et al,

Of course the most famous of sources in this regard are William Hughes of Lenni Brenner's book, "51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis;" with the most familiar dissemination outlet as "Jew Watch" (Frank Weltner).

Of course, knowing your source is important. Frank Weitner of Jew Watch is tied to a number of White Supremacy Groups and Anti-Semitic Organizations. The general theme is Holocaust denial, Jews influence over the Media, and a number of conspiracy theories to counter Arab Palestinian connections with the NAZIs.

Firstly the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS and sent tens of thousands of JEWS to the charnels and gas chambers(Zionists the Ultimate Jew Haters).....Then sent ILLEGAL Jewish Migrants to PALESTINE before and after WW2........Then trough Corrupt payments to most UN members coerst the UN statehood in parts of Palestine,that combined with a Gorilla War murdering 100,000 's of Palestinians,although not ralified by the Security Council making Israel an Illegal State.....the rest you all know

I've asked this many times, but still have not received an answer: Which authoritative source do you use to support the allegation that "Israel is State?"

Most Respectfully,
Rocco, do you think any of the anti-Semites would have ever heard of the book The Transfer if they didn't go to hate sites like
Well I ain't Anti-Semetic Hoss but I do know the facts and truth of the Banal Zionist Filth...that you unfortunately admire..steve
theliq, et al,

Of course the most famous of sources in this regard are William Hughes of Lenni Brenner's book, "51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis;" with the most familiar dissemination outlet as "Jew Watch" (Frank Weltner).

Of course, knowing your source is important. Frank Weitner of Jew Watch is tied to a number of White Supremacy Groups and Anti-Semitic Organizations. The general theme is Holocaust denial, Jews influence over the Media, and a number of conspiracy theories to counter Arab Palestinian connections with the NAZIs.

Firstly the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS and sent tens of thousands of JEWS to the charnels and gas chambers(Zionists the Ultimate Jew Haters).....Then sent ILLEGAL Jewish Migrants to PALESTINE before and after WW2........Then trough Corrupt payments to most UN members coerst the UN statehood in parts of Palestine,that combined with a Gorilla War murdering 100,000 's of Palestinians,although not ralified by the Security Council making Israel an Illegal State.....the rest you all know

I've asked this many times, but still have not received an answer: Which authoritative source do you use to support the allegation that "Israel is State?"

Most Respectfully,
The Zionists themselves,as you full well know Rocco......I give you credit for your intelligence friend and have much respect for you...but stop muddying the waters of material facts,to suit the Neo-Zionists on here......If you really don't know about the Collaboration with the Nazis by the Zionists and Jewish Deputies in Germany at the time and their deliberate involvement in these crimes against Jewish people then I suggest you read up on it,it's not hidden,and stop the perpetuation of the Zionist WHITEWASH of their WAR CRIMES in Germany against its own people.....steven


TRy reading the truth for a change and not the crap your imam tells you to read
theliq, et al,

Of course the most famous of sources in this regard are William Hughes of Lenni Brenner's book, "51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis;" with the most familiar dissemination outlet as "Jew Watch" (Frank Weltner).

Of course, knowing your source is important. Frank Weitner of Jew Watch is tied to a number of White Supremacy Groups and Anti-Semitic Organizations. The general theme is Holocaust denial, Jews influence over the Media, and a number of conspiracy theories to counter Arab Palestinian connections with the NAZIs.

Firstly the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS and sent tens of thousands of JEWS to the charnels and gas chambers(Zionists the Ultimate Jew Haters).....Then sent ILLEGAL Jewish Migrants to PALESTINE before and after WW2........Then trough Corrupt payments to most UN members coerst the UN statehood in parts of Palestine,that combined with a Gorilla War murdering 100,000 's of Palestinians,although not ralified by the Security Council making Israel an Illegal State.....the rest you all know

I've asked this many times, but still have not received an answer: Which authoritative source do you use to support the allegation that "Israel is State?"

Most Respectfully,
Rocco, do you think any of the anti-Semites would have ever heard of the book The Transfer if they didn't go to hate sites like

Or more likely told about by their imam's as the book of the month, and a must have to put right next to Mien Campf
theliq, et al,

Of course the most famous of sources in this regard are William Hughes of Lenni Brenner's book, "51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis;" with the most familiar dissemination outlet as "Jew Watch" (Frank Weltner).

Of course, knowing your source is important. Frank Weitner of Jew Watch is tied to a number of White Supremacy Groups and Anti-Semitic Organizations. The general theme is Holocaust denial, Jews influence over the Media, and a number of conspiracy theories to counter Arab Palestinian connections with the NAZIs.

Firstly the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS and sent tens of thousands of JEWS to the charnels and gas chambers(Zionists the Ultimate Jew Haters).....Then sent ILLEGAL Jewish Migrants to PALESTINE before and after WW2........Then trough Corrupt payments to most UN members coerst the UN statehood in parts of Palestine,that combined with a Gorilla War murdering 100,000 's of Palestinians,although not ralified by the Security Council making Israel an Illegal State.....the rest you all know

I've asked this many times, but still have not received an answer: Which authoritative source do you use to support the allegation that "Israel is State?"

Most Respectfully,
Rocco, do you think any of the anti-Semites would have ever heard of the book The Transfer if they didn't go to hate sites like
Well I ain't Anti-Semetic Hoss but I do know the facts and truth of the Banal Zionist Filth...that you unfortunately admire..steve

You are more anti semitic than Hitler and all his friends were during the 1930's and 1940's. You are more anti semitic than the palestinians ever could be.

theliq, et al,

Of course the most famous of sources in this regard are William Hughes of Lenni Brenner's book, "51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis;" with the most familiar dissemination outlet as "Jew Watch" (Frank Weltner).

Of course, knowing your source is important. Frank Weitner of Jew Watch is tied to a number of White Supremacy Groups and Anti-Semitic Organizations. The general theme is Holocaust denial, Jews influence over the Media, and a number of conspiracy theories to counter Arab Palestinian connections with the NAZIs.

Firstly the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS and sent tens of thousands of JEWS to the charnels and gas chambers(Zionists the Ultimate Jew Haters).....Then sent ILLEGAL Jewish Migrants to PALESTINE before and after WW2........Then trough Corrupt payments to most UN members coerst the UN statehood in parts of Palestine,that combined with a Gorilla War murdering 100,000 's of Palestinians,although not ralified by the Security Council making Israel an Illegal State.....the rest you all know

I've asked this many times, but still have not received an answer: Which authoritative source do you use to support the allegation that "Israel is State?"

Most Respectfully,
The Zionists themselves,as you full well know Rocco......I give you credit for your intelligence friend and have much respect for you...but stop muddying the waters of material facts,to suit the Neo-Zionists on here......If you really don't know about the Collaboration with the Nazis by the Zionists and Jewish Deputies in Germany at the time and their deliberate involvement in these crimes against Jewish people then I suggest you read up on it,it's not hidden,and stop the perpetuation of the Zionist WHITEWASH of their WAR CRIMES in Germany against its own people.....steven


TRy reading the truth for a change and not the crap your imam tells you to read
theliq, et al,

Of course the most famous of sources in this regard are William Hughes of Lenni Brenner's book, "51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis;" with the most familiar dissemination outlet as "Jew Watch" (Frank Weltner).

Of course, knowing your source is important. Frank Weitner of Jew Watch is tied to a number of White Supremacy Groups and Anti-Semitic Organizations. The general theme is Holocaust denial, Jews influence over the Media, and a number of conspiracy theories to counter Arab Palestinian connections with the NAZIs.

Firstly the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS and sent tens of thousands of JEWS to the charnels and gas chambers(Zionists the Ultimate Jew Haters).....Then sent ILLEGAL Jewish Migrants to PALESTINE before and after WW2........Then trough Corrupt payments to most UN members coerst the UN statehood in parts of Palestine,that combined with a Gorilla War murdering 100,000 's of Palestinians,although not ralified by the Security Council making Israel an Illegal State.....the rest you all know

I've asked this many times, but still have not received an answer: Which authoritative source do you use to support the allegation that "Israel is State?"

Most Respectfully,
Rocco, do you think any of the anti-Semites would have ever heard of the book The Transfer if they didn't go to hate sites like
Well I ain't Anti-Semetic Hoss but I do know the facts and truth of the Banal Zionist Filth...that you unfortunately admire..steve

You are more anti semitic than Hitler and all his friends were during the 1930's and 1940's. You are more anti semitic than the palestinians ever could be.

O Pheo,you desperation is really showing.......You have allowed you Zionist Friends too close to your frigging COCK.steve get help man,please
Last edited:
Well I ain't Anti-Semetic Hoss but I do know the facts and truth of the Banal Zionist Filth...that you unfortunately admire..steve

Anyone who uses descriptors like "filth" to attack a group of people needs to take a good, long, hard look at where this level of discrimination is sourced from.

Be clear. The idea that the Jewish people have the same rights to self-determination in their own ancestral homeland as others have in their ancestral homelands is not a "filthy" idea. There is nothing "dirty" about Jewish people wanting to have a nation of our own.
theliq, et al,

Of course the most famous of sources in this regard are William Hughes of Lenni Brenner's book, "51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis;" with the most familiar dissemination outlet as "Jew Watch" (Frank Weltner).

Of course, knowing your source is important. Frank Weitner of Jew Watch is tied to a number of White Supremacy Groups and Anti-Semitic Organizations. The general theme is Holocaust denial, Jews influence over the Media, and a number of conspiracy theories to counter Arab Palestinian connections with the NAZIs.

Firstly the Zionists COLLABORATED with the NAZIS and sent tens of thousands of JEWS to the charnels and gas chambers(Zionists the Ultimate Jew Haters).....Then sent ILLEGAL Jewish Migrants to PALESTINE before and after WW2........Then trough Corrupt payments to most UN members coerst the UN statehood in parts of Palestine,that combined with a Gorilla War murdering 100,000 's of Palestinians,although not ralified by the Security Council making Israel an Illegal State.....the rest you all know

I've asked this many times, but still have not received an answer: Which authoritative source do you use to support the allegation that "Israel is State?"

Most Respectfully,
Rocco, do you think any of the anti-Semites would have ever heard of the book The Transfer if they didn't go to hate sites like

Or more likely told about by their imam's as the book of the month, and a must have to put right next to Mien Campf
How silly Pheo,why do you find the TRUTH so hard to accept........Why did Zionist JEWS (Invented in 1890) Murder Innocent Jews during WW2......What Sexual Favours did you give the Nazis during the same bloody collaborating Zionist animals.....theliq

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