The Supremes are smarter then olfrauds "real" scientists..


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
No great surprise there. What I did find refreshing was that other than Sotomayor (who correctly recused herself) it was unanimous. The Supreme Court has issued the following statement...

Writing for an essentially unanimous court (Justice Sonia Sotomayor recused herself because she was part of a lower-court ruling on the case), the ultra-liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg stated, “The Court, we caution, endorses no particular view of the complicated issues related to carbon dioxide emissions and climate change.”

No longer can alarmists claim the Supreme Court has validated the alarmist claims..

Score one for intellectual honesty...
In other words, they put equal value on the word of those making billions of dollars by destroying the future of our present civilization over the words of scientists that are observing the destruction of the web of life in the oceans, and the effects of the GHG driven climate change on weather patterns and the cryosphere.

Supposedly wise people making extremely unwise decisions. Feel no fear, however, you will be wormfood, and it will only be your grandchildren cursing your blindness.
In other words, they put equal value on the word of those making billions of dollars by destroying the future of our present civilization over the words of scientists that are observing the destruction of the web of life in the oceans, and the effects of the GHG driven climate change on weather patterns and the cryosphere.

Supposedly wise people making extremely unwise decisions. Feel no fear, however, you will be wormfood, and it will only be your grandchildren cursing your blindness.

No, they actually looked at the science involved and saw there was none on the warmist side. They didn't say that the warmists can't bring lawsuits, what they did say was that now if they are going to bring a lawsuit the science itself will also be tried. That's a game changer and is the true beginning of the end. If it was the conservatives only it would not be a big deal but BOTH sides agreed, that makes it a HUGE deal.
No great surprise there. What I did find refreshing was that other than Sotomayor (who correctly recused herself) it was unanimous. The Supreme Court has issued the following statement...

Writing for an essentially unanimous court (Justice Sonia Sotomayor recused herself because she was part of a lower-court ruling on the case), the ultra-liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg stated, “The Court, we caution, endorses no particular view of the complicated issues related to carbon dioxide emissions and climate change.”

No longer can alarmists claim the Supreme Court has validated the alarmist claims..

Score one for intellectual honesty...

MILLOY: Supremes retreat from climate panic - Washington Times

Was this the case that said states do not have the right to sue for nuisance pollutants which cross their borders because it was up to the EPA to enforce interstate air standards?
In other words, they put equal value on the word of those making billions of dollars by destroying the future of our present civilization over the words of scientists that are observing the destruction of the web of life in the oceans, and the effects of the GHG driven climate change on weather patterns and the cryosphere.

Supposedly wise people making extremely unwise decisions. Feel no fear, however, you will be wormfood, and it will only be your grandchildren cursing your blindness.

ePiC FaiL s0n!!!!!!!

Rocks're an oddball k00k who possesses an OCD condition for this climate stuff. Time to do a re-set of the setting screws while you still got time. The rest of the world doesnt see it your way........and all the hooting and hollering from this little corner of the world forum aint going to change dick. Nobody cares about this shit when the rest of the world is going to hell in a hand basket. People prioritize in life...........thats what they do s0n. This climate shit is so far down the list its gone beyond microscopic. THATS why I have so much fcukking fun on here and you're always miserable. Scientists dont know shit about this climate change stuff one way or another...........and the public gets that. Thats why the science debate doesnt matter anymore. Thats why the USMessage Board Scoreboard is so lopsided is what it is no matter how many times sk00ks is a "silly-ass".:fu:

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