
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
University of Chester in the UK is the only school I know of that has course studies on theories and criminal study of theologies.
But, has anyone ever done a criminal study on high crime rates being caused by
less discussed factors like Folk Ways of region or community or ways of a Race within the community, or are they just focused on the standard excuse of financial stress related in
depressed areas? What if it's the common religious ideology of a race in that community and not all of the above?
This is really how you find a source of a problem in order to fix it.
Example; Folk ways will influence the concept of gangs being the normal way of folks in a region. Gangs might be necessary to survive the violent streets as protection by numbers=groups, however it's circular reasoning, because it's the gang mentality and system you need protection from in the first place.
But what about the gathering gangs, in a neighborhood, does the criminal activity change by race or religion? In other words
is a Jewish gang comitting crimes or are they doing mitzvahs like the guardian angels would do as a good gang? What about Christian gangs, compared to Buddhist or Islamic gangs we might find in Europe, but not the U.S. that I know of?
Does the religion of a race or culture command the higher crime rates or does the culture (folk ways) or financial stress?
Isn't finding the root causes out essential in solving our major city's high crime rates?
Studying why non Christian neighborhoods are less criminally inclined then Christian neighborhoods would most certainly help find where certain ideology and crutches fails society. You can see this in Jails themselves, the primary resident sporting cross tatoos necklaces and earings, it's not race, it's theology seemingly shaping the criminal behavior and that theology is shared within a race of people.
Surely a Spanish Jew/Muslim/Hindu/Buddhist, Black Jew/Muslim/Hindu/Buddhist, Asian Jew/Muslim/Hindu/Buddhist
is less likely to lower their strict morality code or risk cause and affect by comitting a crime then
a Latin Catholic, Black Baptist, Asian Protestant, so therefore we have evidence that ideology is one of the major causes of skewed morality and other factors add to it's intensity and percentages (higher crime rates).
I find your theories and conclusions about crime being a function of religion completely unfounded and meaningless. If there are any groups with higher rates of crime conviction, you would probably find the top two slots shared between Agnostics & Atheists, and Muslims.
Research and data please, this is about discovery not guesses.
If it was meaningless then you'd have solved the issues of high crime rates ages ago. There's only one issue fearfully never discussed=religion as the commonality in high crime areas. That same religion that removes law for the sake of replacing it with idol worship.
Cultural criminology is a distinct theoretical, methodological, and interventionist approach to the study of crime that places criminality and its control squarely in the context of culture; that is, it views crime and the agencies and institutions of crime control as cultural products or as creative constructs

Cultural Criminology
Cultural is a modern day term for Folk Ways,
and some what of a dance around talking about the sensitive topics of race by calling it a culture instead. The Cultural term sort of combines and covers both the race with the Folk Ways.
The zest of the social community somewhat depends on population size and the amount of convenience
born out of the many offered services and amount of entertainment available in that community.

Community life also somewhat revolves around the cultural backround and traditions of these communities which give those communities it's distinct characteristics.

This structure of behavior that's set by the primary group practice is known as
(Characteristics of the society of folk).

These folkways seem to determine and set perceptions of what is right from wrong as well as
set standards for moral and ethical code and patterns within it's own tolerance whether rational, scientific or practicle or not.
Moral and ethical codes change from religion to religion and even sects within religions thus are factors in folkways.
Cultural is a modern day term for Folk Ways,
and some what of a dance around talking about the sensitive topics of race by calling it a culture instead. The Cultural term sort of combines and covers both the race with the Folk Ways.
The zest of the social community somewhat depends on population size and the amount of convenience
born out of the many offered services and amount of entertainment available in that community.

Community life also somewhat revolves around the cultural backround and traditions of these communities which give those communities it's distinct characteristics.

This structure of behavior that's set by the primary group practice is known as
(Characteristics of the society of folk).

These folkways seem to determine and set perceptions of what is right from wrong as well as
set standards for moral and ethical code and patterns within it's own tolerance whether rational, scientific or practicle or not.
Moral and ethical codes change from religion to religion and even sects within religions thus are factors in folkways.

Not really. If you looking at religious criminology perspective as you said before then studying the culture of religion has value. Since the social construction is what influences the behavior.
Correct as I stated in my last line the religious cultural influences will affect an individuals code of conduct more then the Culture (folkways) of the community's
ways. Thus a Black Jew or Black Muslim might not affiliate with certain behavior and peer pressures in that same community like gangs or illicite activity used to impress peers.
The less strict guidlines of Christianity in that same neighborhood is the cultural trait creating lawlessness not race, because you can have Asian residents, Latin residents, black residents and white residents in that community equally all involved in gang behaviors and criminal activities and the only commonality is being raised in the same focus on an icon not the laws and plus you no longer have poverty excuses.
Factor Black Jews and Black Muslims, Asian Buddhists, Spanish Jews, Asian Muslims being of that same community but not having the high crime rates and that shows itcs not community folkways either.
Notice the Michaeline faiths being more Judaic based and opposed to idolization have less crime rates, but the deeper Jesuit faiths have the higher rates of crime. The more stable an area the more value it developes & has, the less stable the more impoverished it imposes upon itself, therefore the poverty excuse is circular logic that is a trap. They become impoverished through "collectively" choosing the unstable folkways and the common trait is not
a race (culture) issue, but a religious ideology and the subversive nature of those controlling that ideology.
Correct as I stated in my last line the religious cultural influences will affect an individuals code of conduct more then the Culture (folkways) of the community's
ways. Thus a Black Jew or Black Muslim might not affiliate with certain behavior and peer pressures in that same community like gangs or illicite activity used to impress peers.
The less strict guidlines of Christianity in that same neighborhood is the cultural trait creating lawlessness not race, because you can have Asian residents, Latin residents, black residents and white residents in that community equally all involved in gang behaviors and criminal activities and the only commonality is being raised in the same focus on an icon not the laws and plus you no longer have poverty excuses.
Factor Black Jews and Black Muslims, Asian Buddhists, Spanish Jews, Asian Muslims being of that same community but not having the high crime rates and that shows itcs not community folkways either.
Notice the Michaeline faiths being more Judaic based and opposed to idolization have less crime rates, but the deeper Jesuit faiths have the higher rates of crime. The more stable an area the more value it developes & has, the less stable the more impoverished it imposes upon itself, therefore the poverty excuse is circular logic that is a trap. They become impoverished through "collectively" choosing the unstable folkways and the common trait is not
a race (culture) issue, but a religious ideology and the subversive nature of those controlling that ideology.

Folkways, in sociology, are norms for routine or casual interaction. This includes ideas about appropriate greetings and proper dress in different situations. In short, mores "distinguish the difference between right and wrong, while folkways draw a line between right and rude".

Cultural criminology would be understanding the social constructions and predictable behavior of a person indoctrinated in a particular sociey/tribe/cultural norm of a society. You are correct race and religions are socially constructed. The behavior is influenced the by the culture narrative. Durkheim's study of the deviant behavior of people who break from the norm of a society or culture is pretty interesting.
Durkheim's study of the deviant behavior of people who break from the norm of a society or culture is pretty interesting.
As is his statement that we create God in our image from our tangible senses.
In that notion mankind also ceates morality in our own wants instead of in line or tune with the processes of creation. When Paul is used to declare no law so he himself can be saved, that free get away with sin card created a saved by a name or image/idol liken to rubbing a rabbit foot or Buddah
belly. Which means, man creates it's morality code through silly superstitions and failed logic &
ideology learned through santa claus type lies their mothers told them.
Durkheim's study of the deviant behavior of people who break from the norm of a society or culture is pretty interesting.
As is his statement that we create God in our image from our tangible senses.
In that notion mankind also ceates morality in our own wants instead of in line or tune with the processes of creation. When Paul is used to declare no law so he himself can be saved, that free get away with sin card created a saved by a name or image/idol liken to rubbing a rabbit foot or Buddah
belly. Which means, man creates it's morality code through silly superstitions and failed logic &
ideology learned through santa claus type lies their mothers told them.

WHat's his exact quote?
"Thus there is something eternal in religion which is destined to survive all the particular symbols in which religious thought has successively enveloped itself. There can be no society which does not feel the need of upholding and reaffirming at regular intervals the collective sentiments and the collective ideas which make its unity and its personality"
"Religious representations are collective representations which express collective realities."
= it's not G0d who made man in his image but Man who made God in their (collective) image.

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