The strange case of Mark Sanford

Excerpts from Sanford's emails to Maria.....

"You have a particular grace and calm that I adore. You have a level of sophistication that is so fitting with your beauty. I could digress and say that you have the ability to give magnificently gentle kisses, or that I love your tan lines or that I love the curves of your hips, the erotic beauty of you holding yourself (or two magnificent parts of yourself) in the faded glow of night's light — but hey, that would be going into the sexual details we spoke of at the steakhouse at dinner — and unlike you I would never do that!"

This reminds me of the Simpsons episode where Bart sent fake love letters to his teacher.
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1st post
Yea nobody cares when a democrat commits adultery :cuckoo::cuckoo:

John Edwards' Affair With Rielle Hunter: Admits Infidelity (VIDEO)

Edwards Admits Sexual Affair; Lied as Presidential Candidate - ABC News

Edwards admits to extramarital affair - Decision '08- - John Edwards Admits to Affair, Denies He's Father of Lover's Child - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum

Edwards Admits He Had An Affair -

Results 1 - 10 of about 121,000 for sanford admits affair. (0.17 seconds)

Results 1 - 10 of about 2,530,000 for edwards admits affair. (0.27 seconds)

Now just imagine if Edwards ditched his kids on fathers day, and abandoned the State he was elected to run, talk about hypocrisy..

you do realize the edwards affair has been out longer, thus more hits than just one day....


Obviously you missed the point, again do you really believe no one cares when a Democrat commits adultery? Sanford left his state, his office,family and law enforcement in the dark while out parading with his mistress. This is not simply a moral issue, what would be the case if his state was hit by a natural disaster while he was M.I.A.? Republican or Democrat this is a story no media outlet can resist. You can whine all you want, but the media is not to blame for this story, Sanfords brilliant decisions are.

where did i whine dipshit
i stand corrected, apparently this has MORE hits than edwards....

governor of north carolina affair - Google Search

Results 1 - 10 of about 2,930,000 for governor of north carolina affair. (0.21 seconds)


Results 1 - 10 of about 17,200,000 for john edwards affair. (0.38 seconds)

Again for the slow and stupid, no media bias. Everyone cares when a politician fucks up D or R.

what you're missing is the media and a majority of dems go rabid on a republican, whereas when a dem is guilty of such, it is simply....mind your own business...the only person i have seen be consistent on this is Care4all, she says its their business whether a dem or republican....

mayor of SF, major affair, hardly a peep, and the lady was one of his right hand man's wife.....and you tell me there is no bias
5th post
i stand corrected, apparently this has MORE hits than edwards....

governor of north carolina affair - Google Search

Results 1 - 10 of about 2,930,000 for governor of north carolina affair. (0.21 seconds)


Results 1 - 10 of about 17,200,000 for john edwards affair. (0.38 seconds)

Again for the slow and stupid, no media bias. Everyone cares when a politician fucks up D or R.

what you're missing is the media and a majority of dems go rabid on a republican, whereas when a dem is guilty of such, it is simply....mind your own business...the only person i have seen be consistent on this is Care4all, she says its their business whether a dem or republican....

mayor of SF, major affair, hardly a peep, and the lady was one of his right hand man's wife.....and you tell me there is no bias


It goes both ways, both parties go on attack mode when the other is vulnerable. I agree it is personal business if the actions involve a simple affair, you are failing to realize the potentional consequences of his actions. He did not just have an affair, he left the country without informing his staff, family, or anyone else. If there was a terroist attack or natural disaster in South Carolina what would be the consequences if the leader simply disaapeared with no communication with staff or family? This guy fucked up big time, and should be held accountable.
i stand corrected, apparently this has MORE hits than edwards....

governor of north carolina affair - Google Search

Results 1 - 10 of about 2,930,000 for governor of north carolina affair. (0.21 seconds)


Results 1 - 10 of about 17,200,000 for john edwards affair. (0.38 seconds)

Again for the slow and stupid, no media bias. Everyone cares when a politician fucks up D or R.

what you're missing is the media and a majority of dems go rabid on a republican, whereas when a dem is guilty of such, it is simply....mind your own business...the only person i have seen be consistent on this is Care4all, she says its their business whether a dem or republican....

mayor of SF, major affair, hardly a peep, and the lady was one of his right hand man's wife.....and you tell me there is no bias

The mayor of SF is not a governor with presidential aspirations who disappears for a week, and then lies to the press about where he was.

Ask Elliott Spizer or McGreevey what happens to a Democratic governor who has an affair.
i stand corrected, apparently this has MORE hits than edwards....

governor of north carolina affair - Google Search

Results 1 - 10 of about 2,930,000 for governor of north carolina affair. (0.21 seconds)


Results 1 - 10 of about 17,200,000 for john edwards affair. (0.38 seconds)

Again for the slow and stupid, no media bias. Everyone cares when a politician fucks up D or R.

what you're missing is the media and a majority of dems go rabid on a republican, whereas when a dem is guilty of such, it is simply....mind your own business...the only person i have seen be consistent on this is Care4all, she says its their business whether a dem or republican....

mayor of SF, major affair, hardly a peep, and the lady was one of his right hand man's wife.....and you tell me there is no bias
Republicans constantly call theirs the party of family values ... it's called hypocrisy.
Results 1 - 10 of about 17,200,000 for john edwards affair. (0.38 seconds)

Again for the slow and stupid, no media bias. Everyone cares when a politician fucks up D or R.

what you're missing is the media and a majority of dems go rabid on a republican, whereas when a dem is guilty of such, it is simply....mind your own business...the only person i have seen be consistent on this is Care4all, she says its their business whether a dem or republican....

mayor of SF, major affair, hardly a peep, and the lady was one of his right hand man's wife.....and you tell me there is no bias
Republicans constantly call theirs the party of family values ... it's called hypocrisy.

That's the point. Besides the fact that Democrats get beaten with the same stick, it's the Republicans that keep the stick around for such occasions.

Not to mention that amid all these accusations of Media bias, The State news paper, the major paper in SC, withheld this story since LAST YEAR. They've had the e mails sinc elast December. They would have never exposed Governor Good Buddy unless soemone else fired the first shot. They would have buried those e mails forever if it was up to them to break the story of the affair. Of course, had it been a Democrat and the conservative media outlet got the goods, different story.

At any rate, yes, it's the hypocrisy. Climb on down off that high horse before you fall and break your Republican bone.
All this leftist angst over some conservative taking a four day break to get away form it all apprently with the blessing of mom and the kids. And the usual suspect are of course going ape shit.

Ever dawn on any of you idiots that maybe just perchance this little get away was his fathers day gift???
His wife and kids did NOT know where he was. He left his kids on Father's Day for a fling with his mistress in Buenos Aires. Read the emails they exchanged ... they're readily available.
All this leftist angst over some conservative taking a four day break to get away form it all apprently with the blessing of mom and the kids. And the usual suspect are of course going ape shit.

Ever dawn on any of you idiots that maybe just perchance this little get away was his fathers day gift???
His wife and kids did NOT know where he was. He left his kids on Father's Day for a fling with his mistress in Buenos Aires. Read the emails they exchanged ... they're readily available.
did you miss the fact his wife had asked him to leave the house 2 weeks earlier?
Excerpts from Sanford's emails to Maria.....

"You have a particular grace and calm that I adore. You have a level of sophistication that is so fitting with your beauty. I could digress and say that you have the ability to give magnificently gentle kisses, or that I love your tan lines or that I love the curves of your hips, the erotic beauty of you holding yourself (or two magnificent parts of yourself) in the faded glow of night's light — but hey, that would be going into the sexual details we spoke of at the steakhouse at dinner — and unlike you I would never do that!"

This reminds me of the Simpsons episode where Bart sent fake love letters to his teacher.

Wow, he's desperately in love, people will do a lot for love. It doesn't excuse him walking out of that office without telling anyone. Then he didn't pick up the phone.

The flake. I wonder if the woman will speak to the press..
now its the world's business...why....he wife ask him to leave after discovering the that point the was free to do as he wishes....i feel sorry for his 4 sons...i think electing to tell the country of your affair after father's day was certianly a bad good day to tell them but hey dont blow their day with you....we are all frail humans....and love is something we all yearn for...even those who deny it...want it....i dont remember how old he is....old enough to know better but at my far its not been much different from hey its only been 24 hours....but i digress....would i pass up the chance to play with a toy boy for a know i cant honesty say one way or another....but i would give it some damn thought as at my could be the last chance....

he has lost his family, his future political ambitions and mostly likely the people of sc will ask him to step down...he will need serious damage control in sc....them people are think kentucky has inbreeding ...honey aint seen nothing like it till you hit sc. but i digress...

why, he was driven by love or lust....who can say they havent been? who can say they havent made poor decisions for love or brings its own madness, does it not?
Don't forget he disappeared off the face of the earth when he was supposed to be running the state of South Carolina.

This is total dereliction of duty.

The difference between Dem bad boys and Rep bad boys is that Dems can be bad boys without abandoning their duties as elected officials. Hell, Clinton managed to work and commit adultery simultaneously. :lol:
I love the moral scale the republicans use, two wrongs make a right and so long as we can find some wrong we are clear. Too too funny.

Dictionary publishers are up in arms over this latest republican dalliance, seems they are forced to revise their latest editions. Synonymous with hypocrite/hypocrisy now has a long required addition: republican.

Related forms:
hyp·o·crit·i·cal, adjective
hyp·o·crit·i·cal·ly, adverb

deceiver, dissembler, pretender, pharisee, republican.
let us remind ourselves that sc is the state that was to become a "christian state" by asking christians from all over the country to come and settle there and elect the pious....the christian exodus movement...what became of that and how will they...if there is a they react?
Pelosi didn't practice what she preached on torture?

Are you claiming she tortured someone?

ahhh, you moron trolls are a lovely breed ......

When its the popular position ( such as right after 9/11 ) she's all for it, when the politcal winds change she's against it. Thank you drive thru .......

Do you understand the difference between changing ones position and explicitly engaging in specific actions you have condemned?

Ummm " changing positions " to cover your ass is blatant hypocrisy my special little friend........

That is specifically why she is a hypocrite, but moonbats like you spin it into " she's not a hypocrite because she's never waterboarded anyone"..........:lol:
To prove my sense of balance and fairness, and to give Equal Time conspiratorial credit, this is a Democratic conspriracy.

I'm not kidding.

For eons, these scandals were only thrown at the Democrats by the Republican muck-raking operatives, so one would have thought that only the Dems were cheating on their wives and that the Republicans' pretense and hypocrisy of having "good family values" was somehow true... Even though it was obviously bullshit.

In the Democratic camp, some were pushing to chase and reveal these reveal these clandestine relationships on the other side of the aisle, but the argument from many was, "No, that's how the Republicans do business and we're better than that." Of course, they were right. But maintaining that standard helped the Republicans maintain the sham.

That's all over. If you don't realize that key, promising Republicans are being monitored and targeted, then you're a fool (whether you're a Righty or a Lefty)... No, they're not being framed per se, but the same pretentious and hypocritical standard that the Reps have applied to the Dems for ages is now being returned. Which is why you're seeing this done to even more Republicans than Democrats now.

And God bless.

And if there's no sex scandal to be had and they're seen as a new "star" for the Republican party who might be a potential political threat in 2012, then they're plucked from their governorship and shipped off to be Ambassador to the other side of the world. Like China.

The Dems have learned a lot from the filthy, shitty tricks that have been used against them over time.

And God bless.

One can only hope their other values wont be similary wrecked in the process.

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