The Stolen Land Of Iran


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
Believe it or not, the land that is Iran was once the greatest nation on earth. The very heart of the Persian Empire. The land of Cyrus the great. The land of ethics & tolerance.

And just look at Iran today after the Muslim invasion & near total annihilation of the native Persian population. From the grandeur & glory of Persepolis under Zoroastrian rule to the intolerance & slums of Shiraz under Muslim rule.
Believe it or not, the land that is Iran was once the greatest nation on earth. The very heart of the Persian Empire. The land of Cyrus the great. The land of ethics & tolerance.

And just look at Iran today after the Muslim invasion & near total annihilation of the native Persian population. From the grandeur & glory of Persepolis under Zoroastrian rule to the intolerance & slums of Shiraz under Muslim rule.

Over half of the Iranian population are ethnically Persian.
The only Muslims who can be "ethnically Persian" are those native non Muslim Persians who converted to Islam, be it by choice or by force. No invading Muslim & all of their offspring over the generations ever has been or ever can be a true Persian.

Believe it or not, the land that is Iran was once the greatest nation on earth. The very heart of the Persian Empire. The land of Cyrus the great. The land of ethics & tolerance.

And just look at Iran today after the Muslim invasion & near total annihilation of the native Persian population. From the grandeur & glory of Persepolis under Zoroastrian rule to the intolerance & slums of Shiraz under Muslim rule.

Over half of the Iranian population are ethnically Persian.
The only Muslims who can be "ethnically Persian" are those native non Muslim Persians who converted to Islam, be it by choice or by force. No invading Muslim & all of their offspring over the generations ever has been or ever can be a true Persian.

Believe it or not, the land that is Iran was once the greatest nation on earth. The very heart of the Persian Empire. The land of Cyrus the great. The land of ethics & tolerance.

And just look at Iran today after the Muslim invasion & near total annihilation of the native Persian population. From the grandeur & glory of Persepolis under Zoroastrian rule to the intolerance & slums of Shiraz under Muslim rule.

Over half of the Iranian population are ethnically Persian.

That's fine, but Iran is over 60% ethnically Persian.
The only Muslims who can be "ethnically Persian" are those native non Muslim Persians who converted to Islam, be it by choice or by force. No invading Muslim & all of their offspring over the generations ever has been or ever can be a true Persian.

I dunno, there must have been an awful lot of interbreeding by now. If an "invading Muslim" married an ethnic Persian and all their offspring likewise married ethnic Persians, you'd have to say that invader's offspring over the generations are pretty well Persian.
The only Muslims who can be "ethnically Persian" are those native non Muslim Persians who converted to Islam, be it by choice or by force. No invading Muslim & all of their offspring over the generations ever has been or ever can be a true Persian.

I dunno, there must have been an awful lot of interbreeding by now. If an "invading Muslim" married an ethnic Persian and all their offspring likewise married ethnic Persians, you'd have to say that invader's offspring over the generations are pretty well Persian.

When Arabs conquered new territory they kept themselves ethnically apart. They would be garrisoned in towns outside of the cities of local populations. The initial conquest saw the separation of Arabs from local populations. There was quite a bit of intermarriage of course over the years, but that is true for pretty much very ethnic population. What there wasn't though, was a population replacement as is being suggested by the OP, and the worse mass slaughters that Persians saw during the time of Islamic rule was during the Mongol Invasion which put towns to the sword.
You put human beings of the opposite sex (and sometimes the same sex) in close proximity and despite any racism, bigotry, religious proscription, laws, or social mores - they gonna git it aaaaawwwn.

Ever thus.
Not true. The two greatest catastrophies for the Persinas were first Alexander the Macedonian's forces who invaded Persia, stole the Avesta & burned Persepolis, thus ending the Achamenid dynasty with the defeat of Darius III.

Bad as this was, it took the Muslim invasion & conquest of Persia to all but totally annihilate the indigenous Persian Zoroastrians. And if you don't believe that, ask any Parsi.

The only Muslims who can be "ethnically Persian" are those native non Muslim Persians who converted to Islam, be it by choice or by force. No invading Muslim & all of their offspring over the generations ever has been or ever can be a true Persian.

I dunno, there must have been an awful lot of interbreeding by now. If an "invading Muslim" married an ethnic Persian and all their offspring likewise married ethnic Persians, you'd have to say that invader's offspring over the generations are pretty well Persian.

When Arabs conquered new territory they kept themselves ethnically apart. They would be garrisoned in towns outside of the cities of local populations. The initial conquest saw the separation of Arabs from local populations. There was quite a bit of intermarriage of course over the years, but that is true for pretty much very ethnic population. What there wasn't though, was a population replacement as is being suggested by the OP, and the worse mass slaughters that Persians saw during the time of Islamic rule was during the Mongol Invasion which put towns to the sword.
Not true. The two greatest catastrophies for the Persinas were first Alexander the Macedonian's forces who invaded Persia, stole the Avesta & burned Persepolis, thus ending the Achamenid dynasty with the defeat of Darius III.

Read my post, that didn't occur while the region was under Islamic rule.

it took the Muslim invasion & conquest of Persia to all but totally annihilate the indigenous Persian Zoroastrians. And if you don't believe that, ask any Parsi.

Zoroastrian is a religion, not an ethnicity. People can convert and they did. Persia didn't see an eradication of their population; once again, the largest mass slaughters took place under the Mongol Invasion.
Not true. The two greatest catastrophies for the Persinas were first Alexander the Macedonian's forces who invaded Persia, stole the Avesta & burned Persepolis, thus ending the Achamenid dynasty with the defeat of Darius III.

Bad as this was, it took the Muslim invasion & conquest of Persia to all but totally annihilate the indigenous Persian Zoroastrians. And if you don't believe that, ask any Parsi.

I dunno, there must have been an awful lot of interbreeding by now. If an "invading Muslim" married an ethnic Persian and all their offspring likewise married ethnic Persians, you'd have to say that invader's offspring over the generations are pretty well Persian.

When Arabs conquered new territory they kept themselves ethnically apart. They would be garrisoned in towns outside of the cities of local populations. The initial conquest saw the separation of Arabs from local populations. There was quite a bit of intermarriage of course over the years, but that is true for pretty much very ethnic population. What there wasn't though, was a population replacement as is being suggested by the OP, and the worse mass slaughters that Persians saw during the time of Islamic rule was during the Mongol Invasion which put towns to the sword.

Know what would be great? If you could put your comments below the quote like everyone else.
If posting my comments on top offend you, then I apologize. Nonetheless it is what it is & I prefer it that way & hope you can live with that.

Not true. The two greatest catastrophies for the Persinas were first Alexander the Macedonian's forces who invaded Persia, stole the Avesta & burned Persepolis, thus ending the Achamenid dynasty with the defeat of Darius III.

Bad as this was, it took the Muslim invasion & conquest of Persia to all but totally annihilate the indigenous Persian Zoroastrians. And if you don't believe that, ask any Parsi.

When Arabs conquered new territory they kept themselves ethnically apart. They would be garrisoned in towns outside of the cities of local populations. The initial conquest saw the separation of Arabs from local populations. There was quite a bit of intermarriage of course over the years, but that is true for pretty much very ethnic population. What there wasn't though, was a population replacement as is being suggested by the OP, and the worse mass slaughters that Persians saw during the time of Islamic rule was during the Mongol Invasion which put towns to the sword.

Know what would be great? If you could put your comments below the quote like everyone else.
If posting my comments on top offend you, then I apologize. Nonetheless it is what it is & I prefer it that way & hope you can live with that.

Not true. The two greatest catastrophies for the Persinas were first Alexander the Macedonian's forces who invaded Persia, stole the Avesta & burned Persepolis, thus ending the Achamenid dynasty with the defeat of Darius III.

Bad as this was, it took the Muslim invasion & conquest of Persia to all but totally annihilate the indigenous Persian Zoroastrians. And if you don't believe that, ask any Parsi.

Know what would be great? If you could put your comments below the quote like everyone else.

Do you typically respond to someone's comments before or after they actually make the comments?
Here in America we are free to decide where to post our comments on a message board. Don't you too love the USA?

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