The stimulus worked


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Read my lips Obama and repeat after me. “The stimulus worked.” Now while campaigning and in your ads say “it worked.” The $840 billion was not a “wasteful failure” as the Right would like you to believe.

--It saved and created 2.5 million jobs. Majority of economist agree.
--Help boost the economy by 3.8%.
--Provided subsidies and benefits that kept 1 million people in their homes -----and at least 7 million from falling below the poverty line.
--The program made “crucial investments in neglected economic sectors that are likely to pay off for decades to come.”

Key lesson of the stimulus; “When Government actually works, let the world know about it.”
Link; The Week. Sept 28,2012.

That’s not a failure, that’s a winner and we are better off today than we were 4 years ago. Ask those who benefited from the stimulus if it was a failure or not.
How much of the bail out has been paid back?
Bailout Scorecard | Eye on the Bailout | ProPublica

Now why did I have read this in The Week instead from Obama’s big mouth? Obama’s way to modest to be among wolves that will eat him alive.

The Obama I heard at the debate is an Obama that don’t want another 4 years? Am I right? He could not have been worse if he planned it.
[ame=]Obama shovel ready laugh - YouTube[/ame]

Not according to Obama

Clue: get one today
Read my lips Obama and repeat after me. “The stimulus worked.” Now while campaigning and in your ads say “it worked.” The $840 billion was not a “wasteful failure” as the Right would like you to believe.

--It saved and created 2.5 million jobs. Majority of economist agree.
--Help boost the economy by 3.8%.
--Provided subsidies and benefits that kept 1 million people in their homes -----and at least 7 million from falling below the poverty line.
--The program made “crucial investments in neglected economic sectors that are likely to pay off for decades to come.”

Key lesson of the stimulus; “When Government actually works, let the world know about it.”
Link; The Week. Sept 28,2012.

That’s not a failure, that’s a winner and we are better off today than we were 4 years ago. Ask those who benefited from the stimulus if it was a failure or not.
How much of the bail out has been paid back?
Bailout Scorecard | Eye on the Bailout | ProPublica

Now why did I have read this in The Week instead from Obama’s big mouth? Obama’s way to modest to be among wolves that will eat him alive.

The Obama I heard at the debate is an Obama that don’t want another 4 years? Am I right? He could not have been worse if he planned it.

Hey SHEEP . No it did not .Tell that to the 23 million people still out of work .. That the real unemployment numbers is closer to 14 percent then 8..
You know LilOLady, when you began posting here, I thought, "Now give her a little while until she gets her bearings. Read her posts and look at them logically before you pass judgement." Unfortunately, you can't look at the CRAP you post logically what-so-ever. It is obvious that you are a political hack without a shred of evidence to back up your assertions.

You know Senator Tom Coburn publishes a document every year that outlines the ignorant, wasteful government spending going on in this country. He did a special one on the stimulus. He did a special one because it was literally the ABSOLUTELY WORST USE OF MONEY in the history of this country. Almost 1 TRILLION dollars and the number of jobs created were so small that it was inexcusible. Money for airports and flights to and from them that are EMPTY and no one uses. It's absolutely unbelievable. You should read it, it might open your eyes.

Uh, probably not...
If the stimulus raised the GDP by 3.8, how come it's still 1.3?

OP is a sheep .. So she believes the LSM :D They are trying everything to get their Dear leader elected. If that means telling their sheep this they will. If it to not give security to the people like Chris Stevens in Libya and blame a Film and say that Al Queda is under control they will.. If they LSM media will not report half the crap Obama is doing because it will hurt the campaign they will do that too. They will stop at nothing including threatening people with riots if Obama doesnt get elected.. This is the TOLERANT part of the liberals (sarcasm)
They will make fun of celebrities who come out for Romney calling them not black ( Stacey Dash) They are freaking out because Romney is winning and they are stooping to any low they can do just get this loser of a President elected.

For me I want the last 4 years behind us and hope it was all just a nightmare but we all know it wasnt. He has put our country so far in debt I dont know if we will ever recover
Let's see we spent $840 Billion and created 2.5 million jobs.

That's $336,000 per job! What a deal for the American Taxpayer!

Are you counting all of the Chinese jobs that the Stimulus funded?

Lol, I guess so since the total was 840 billion, and the total jobs claimed by the hack OP is 2.5 million. that's all the info he provided.
Let's see we spent $840 Billion and created 2.5 million jobs.

That's $336,000 per job! What a deal for the American Taxpayer!

And O is still sitting on a net negative in job creation and would have to create 280,000 jobs a month until Jan 2013 to avoid staying out of last place in the job creation category.
Shit. I'm still waiting for those shovel ready jobs to kick in.

The stimuus worked??

What a bunch of horseshit that is.
If the stimulus raised the GDP by 3.8, how come it's still 1.3?

Without the stimulus, the recession would be much deeper. The current growth rate of "1.3%" is anemic because the stimulus has essentially ended.

Of course stimulus worked! Hell, the entirety of the Reagan and Bush administrations relied upon economic growth based upon deficit (e.g., "stimulus") spending!

This is nothing new. When the economic system is broken--when concentrations of wealth continue to grow at the top and leave workers broke and penniless--the economy suffers.

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