The State of Academe


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Imagine I’m a famous scholar and I am invited to a college campus to present my research findings on racial differences in intelligence, and how they affect social behavior, political behavior, academic success, economic success, and criminality.

Do you think I could accept the invitation and speak without violent interruption? Do you think I would be called a “racist” – not only by students, but by faculty and staff of the university - for presenting this information in an organized and unbiased fashion?

What if I were going to give a talk on the relative futility and pointlessness of America’s campaign to reduce its CO2 emissions (given what is happening in the rest of the world), in the hope of impacting the future climate?

Any chance?

What if I were going to talk about the measurable and demonstrable negative impacts and ramifications of introducing women into the military combat specialties?

What if I were going to use U.S. Census Bureau data to explode the myth of the “gender pay gap”?

What if I were going to use the latest biological information on fetus development to make the case that, except for viability, a fetus is completely, 100% a “person” by the sixth week after conception?

And finally…

What if I were going to use all available academic data to rebut the notion that there is any measurable benefit whatsoever to racial “diversity” on a college campus?

Having lived through the intellectual and cultural horror of the ‘60’s, I know that the “leaders” of the various marches, demonstrations, sit-in’s, and such thought their contrarian ideas (and ideals) made them oh-so-much better than the stodgy old scholars of academe. And I know that, lacking any job skills or more importantly any desire to “work,” many of these contrarian “leaders” chose to pitch their tents in Academe and replace the stodgy old guys in their tweed jackets with leather patches and pipe ash burns.

But I also know that those “modern” academics – now in leadership positions in our colleges and universities – became even more entrenched in their extremely dubious ideas, and have created on most campuses a culture that is horrified of any challenges to their “contrarian” orthodoxies…an attitude that is 180 degrees out of synch with the proper attitude of the university.

And “we” pay how much for the privilege of sending our kids there for indoctrination? Oy woy.
Imagine I’m a famous scholar and I am invited to a college campus to present my research findings on racial differences in intelligence, and how they affect social behavior, political behavior, academic success, economic success, and criminality.

Do you think I could accept the invitation and speak without violent interruption? Do you think I would be called a “racist” – not only by students, but by faculty and staff of the university - for presenting this information in an organized and unbiased fashion?

What if I were going to give a talk on the relative futility and pointlessness of America’s campaign to reduce its CO2 emissions (given what is happening in the rest of the world), in the hope of impacting the future climate?

Any chance?

What if I were going to talk about the measurable and demonstrable negative impacts and ramifications of introducing women into the military combat specialties?

What if I were going to use U.S. Census Bureau data to explode the myth of the “gender pay gap”?

What if I were going to use the latest biological information on fetus development to make the case that, except for viability, a fetus is completely, 100% a “person” by the sixth week after conception?

And finally…

What if I were going to use all available academic data to rebut the notion that there is any measurable benefit whatsoever to racial “diversity” on a college campus?

Having lived through the intellectual and cultural horror of the ‘60’s, I know that the “leaders” of the various marches, demonstrations, sit-in’s, and such thought their contrarian ideas (and ideals) made them oh-so-much better than the stodgy old scholars of academe. And I know that, lacking any job skills or more importantly any desire to “work,” many of these contrarian “leaders” chose to pitch their tents in Academe and replace the stodgy old guys in their tweed jackets with leather patches and pipe ash burns.

But I also know that those “modern” academics – now in leadership positions in our colleges and universities – became even more entrenched in their extremely dubious ideas, and have created on most campuses a culture that is horrified of any challenges to their “contrarian” orthodoxies…an attitude that is 180 degrees out of synch with the proper attitude of the university.

And “we” pay how much for the privilege of sending our kids there for indoctrination? Oy woy.
/----/ As a Teen I was a big time libtard and globed on to the Give Peace a Chance mentality and supported George McGovern. When I moved to NY and set out on my own, my perspective on reality changed and within a few years I was voting for Republicans. When these kids get into the real world many will see the light and embrace reality as I did..
Imagine I’m a famous scholar and I am invited to a college campus to present my research findings on racial differences in intelligence, and how they affect social behavior, political behavior, academic success, economic success, and criminality.

Do you think I could accept the invitation and speak without violent interruption? Do you think I would be called a “racist” – not only by students, but by faculty and staff of the university - for presenting this information in an organized and unbiased fashion?

What if I were going to give a talk on the relative futility and pointlessness of America’s campaign to reduce its CO2 emissions (given what is happening in the rest of the world), in the hope of impacting the future climate?

Any chance?

What if I were going to talk about the measurable and demonstrable negative impacts and ramifications of introducing women into the military combat specialties?

What if I were going to use U.S. Census Bureau data to explode the myth of the “gender pay gap”?

What if I were going to use the latest biological information on fetus development to make the case that, except for viability, a fetus is completely, 100% a “person” by the sixth week after conception?

And finally…

What if I were going to use all available academic data to rebut the notion that there is any measurable benefit whatsoever to racial “diversity” on a college campus?

Having lived through the intellectual and cultural horror of the ‘60’s, I know that the “leaders” of the various marches, demonstrations, sit-in’s, and such thought their contrarian ideas (and ideals) made them oh-so-much better than the stodgy old scholars of academe. And I know that, lacking any job skills or more importantly any desire to “work,” many of these contrarian “leaders” chose to pitch their tents in Academe and replace the stodgy old guys in their tweed jackets with leather patches and pipe ash burns.

But I also know that those “modern” academics – now in leadership positions in our colleges and universities – became even more entrenched in their extremely dubious ideas, and have created on most campuses a culture that is horrified of any challenges to their “contrarian” orthodoxies…an attitude that is 180 degrees out of synch with the proper attitude of the university.

And “we” pay how much for the privilege of sending our kids there for indoctrination? Oy woy.
You could have saved yourself a whole lot of time by writing "I hate *******"
Imagine I’m a famous scholar and I am invited to a college campus to present my research findings on racial differences in intelligence, and how they affect social behavior, political behavior, academic success, economic success, and criminality.

Do you think I could accept the invitation and speak without violent interruption? Do you think I would be called a “racist” – not only by students, but by faculty and staff of the university - for presenting this information in an organized and unbiased fashion?

What if I were going to give a talk on the relative futility and pointlessness of America’s campaign to reduce its CO2 emissions (given what is happening in the rest of the world), in the hope of impacting the future climate?

Any chance?

What if I were going to talk about the measurable and demonstrable negative impacts and ramifications of introducing women into the military combat specialties?

What if I were going to use U.S. Census Bureau data to explode the myth of the “gender pay gap”?

What if I were going to use the latest biological information on fetus development to make the case that, except for viability, a fetus is completely, 100% a “person” by the sixth week after conception?

And finally…

What if I were going to use all available academic data to rebut the notion that there is any measurable benefit whatsoever to racial “diversity” on a college campus?

Having lived through the intellectual and cultural horror of the ‘60’s, I know that the “leaders” of the various marches, demonstrations, sit-in’s, and such thought their contrarian ideas (and ideals) made them oh-so-much better than the stodgy old scholars of academe. And I know that, lacking any job skills or more importantly any desire to “work,” many of these contrarian “leaders” chose to pitch their tents in Academe and replace the stodgy old guys in their tweed jackets with leather patches and pipe ash burns.

But I also know that those “modern” academics – now in leadership positions in our colleges and universities – became even more entrenched in their extremely dubious ideas, and have created on most campuses a culture that is horrified of any challenges to their “contrarian” orthodoxies…an attitude that is 180 degrees out of synch with the proper attitude of the university.

And “we” pay how much for the privilege of sending our kids there for indoctrination? Oy woy.

You're not a scholar, and your premise is built on your intolerance of higher education and ignore the ability of students of all colors, creeds and ethnicity to think for themselves.

What you describe better fits the Trump Rally Supporters, those who cheer a charlatan / demagogue who tells them what they want to hear and holler all together, "lock her up"; i.e. Biddable fools.
Imagine I’m a famous scholar and I am invited to a college campus to present my research findings on racial differences in intelligence, and how they affect social behavior, political behavior, academic success, economic success, and criminality.

Do you think I could accept the invitation and speak without violent interruption? Do you think I would be called a “racist” – not only by students, but by faculty and staff of the university - for presenting this information in an organized and unbiased fashion?

What if I were going to give a talk on the relative futility and pointlessness of America’s campaign to reduce its CO2 emissions (given what is happening in the rest of the world), in the hope of impacting the future climate?

Any chance?

What if I were going to talk about the measurable and demonstrable negative impacts and ramifications of introducing women into the military combat specialties?

What if I were going to use U.S. Census Bureau data to explode the myth of the “gender pay gap”?

What if I were going to use the latest biological information on fetus development to make the case that, except for viability, a fetus is completely, 100% a “person” by the sixth week after conception?

And finally…

What if I were going to use all available academic data to rebut the notion that there is any measurable benefit whatsoever to racial “diversity” on a college campus?

Having lived through the intellectual and cultural horror of the ‘60’s, I know that the “leaders” of the various marches, demonstrations, sit-in’s, and such thought their contrarian ideas (and ideals) made them oh-so-much better than the stodgy old scholars of academe. And I know that, lacking any job skills or more importantly any desire to “work,” many of these contrarian “leaders” chose to pitch their tents in Academe and replace the stodgy old guys in their tweed jackets with leather patches and pipe ash burns.

But I also know that those “modern” academics – now in leadership positions in our colleges and universities – became even more entrenched in their extremely dubious ideas, and have created on most campuses a culture that is horrified of any challenges to their “contrarian” orthodoxies…an attitude that is 180 degrees out of synch with the proper attitude of the university.

And “we” pay how much for the privilege of sending our kids there for indoctrination? Oy woy.
/----/ As a Teen I was a big time libtard and globed on to the Give Peace a Chance mentality and supported George McGovern. When I moved to NY and set out on my own, my perspective on reality changed and within a few years I was voting for Republicans. When these kids get into the real world many will see the light and embrace reality as I did..

Maybe is was all that LSD and PCP which caused your metamorphis?
Do you think I could accept the invitation and speak without violent interruption?
No. And then they would blame YOU for the violence.

College is no longer for contrary or controversial opinions, the free and stimulating flow of ideas. It's for safe spaces, microaggressions and trigger warnings.

If we don't like what you think, we will shut you down.

After all, this is America.
Imagine I’m a famous scholar and I am invited to a college campus to present my research findings on racial differences in intelligence, and how they affect social behavior, political behavior, academic success, economic success, and criminality.

Do you think I could accept the invitation and speak without violent interruption? Do you think I would be called a “racist” – not only by students, but by faculty and staff of the university - for presenting this information in an organized and unbiased fashion?

What if I were going to give a talk on the relative futility and pointlessness of America’s campaign to reduce its CO2 emissions (given what is happening in the rest of the world), in the hope of impacting the future climate?

Any chance?

What if I were going to talk about the measurable and demonstrable negative impacts and ramifications of introducing women into the military combat specialties?

What if I were going to use U.S. Census Bureau data to explode the myth of the “gender pay gap”?

What if I were going to use the latest biological information on fetus development to make the case that, except for viability, a fetus is completely, 100% a “person” by the sixth week after conception?

And finally…

What if I were going to use all available academic data to rebut the notion that there is any measurable benefit whatsoever to racial “diversity” on a college campus?

Having lived through the intellectual and cultural horror of the ‘60’s, I know that the “leaders” of the various marches, demonstrations, sit-in’s, and such thought their contrarian ideas (and ideals) made them oh-so-much better than the stodgy old scholars of academe. And I know that, lacking any job skills or more importantly any desire to “work,” many of these contrarian “leaders” chose to pitch their tents in Academe and replace the stodgy old guys in their tweed jackets with leather patches and pipe ash burns.

But I also know that those “modern” academics – now in leadership positions in our colleges and universities – became even more entrenched in their extremely dubious ideas, and have created on most campuses a culture that is horrified of any challenges to their “contrarian” orthodoxies…an attitude that is 180 degrees out of synch with the proper attitude of the university.

And “we” pay how much for the privilege of sending our kids there for indoctrination? Oy woy.
/----/ As a Teen I was a big time libtard and globed on to the Give Peace a Chance mentality and supported George McGovern. When I moved to NY and set out on my own, my perspective on reality changed and within a few years I was voting for Republicans. When these kids get into the real world many will see the light and embrace reality as I did..

Maybe is was all that LSD and PCP which caused your metamorphis?
/----/ Actually I never have used drugs - not even POT.
Imagine I’m a famous scholar and I am invited to a college campus to present my research findings on racial differences in intelligence, and how they affect social behavior, political behavior, academic success, economic success, and criminality.

Do you think I could accept the invitation and speak without violent interruption? Do you think I would be called a “racist” – not only by students, but by faculty and staff of the university - for presenting this information in an organized and unbiased fashion?

What if I were going to give a talk on the relative futility and pointlessness of America’s campaign to reduce its CO2 emissions (given what is happening in the rest of the world), in the hope of impacting the future climate?

Any chance?

What if I were going to talk about the measurable and demonstrable negative impacts and ramifications of introducing women into the military combat specialties?

What if I were going to use U.S. Census Bureau data to explode the myth of the “gender pay gap”?

What if I were going to use the latest biological information on fetus development to make the case that, except for viability, a fetus is completely, 100% a “person” by the sixth week after conception?

And finally…

What if I were going to use all available academic data to rebut the notion that there is any measurable benefit whatsoever to racial “diversity” on a college campus?

Having lived through the intellectual and cultural horror of the ‘60’s, I know that the “leaders” of the various marches, demonstrations, sit-in’s, and such thought their contrarian ideas (and ideals) made them oh-so-much better than the stodgy old scholars of academe. And I know that, lacking any job skills or more importantly any desire to “work,” many of these contrarian “leaders” chose to pitch their tents in Academe and replace the stodgy old guys in their tweed jackets with leather patches and pipe ash burns.

But I also know that those “modern” academics – now in leadership positions in our colleges and universities – became even more entrenched in their extremely dubious ideas, and have created on most campuses a culture that is horrified of any challenges to their “contrarian” orthodoxies…an attitude that is 180 degrees out of synch with the proper attitude of the university.

And “we” pay how much for the privilege of sending our kids there for indoctrination? Oy woy.
/----/ As a Teen I was a big time libtard and globed on to the Give Peace a Chance mentality and supported George McGovern. When I moved to NY and set out on my own, my perspective on reality changed and within a few years I was voting for Republicans. When these kids get into the real world many will see the light and embrace reality as I did..

Maybe is was all that LSD and PCP which caused your metamorphis?
/----/ Actually I never have used drugs - not even POT.

I'll take you at your word. But it seems you must have consumed a lot of Kool-Aid (i.e. propaganda) to make such a change. I supported Bobby Kennedy and was on leave when he was assassinated. A religious zealot changed history with a cheap gun, both of which impacted my political leanings for a life time.

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