Because most Americans do not understand how our government even works, should their be a mandate...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Colorado educate them?

When you get down to brass tacks, there is A LOT to learn about the way the federal government operates. The procedure in congress, for instance, when it comes to legislation is very complex. Do you really think most American voters understand it?

I'll be the first to admit that my knowledge of how the three branches of government operate is limited to an outline of sorts. It's actually very complex and more nuanced than people think it is. It takes years of education in public policy to even understand it all.

Think of it this way: maybe in school growing up you watched the "Schoolhouse Rock!" episode of how a bill is advanced and you got a very basic spiel about the Checks and Balances system through a fun song. Now does that mean you understand the totality of ANY the concepts offered in that cartoon? NO! Someone in the 6th grade more than likely doesn't care about researching the topic further.

I cant remember the exact percentage, but the last poll I read on the subject said that a majority of American adults cannot even name all 3 branches of government let alone have a basic understanding of how they operate among each other!

In other words, how to we fix this problem? I mean seriously think about this: when someone turns 18, the government decides that that person understands how the federal and state government operates and therefore has the right to vote. THAT IS COMPLETELY INSANE BECAUSE OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM IS A JOKE - ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO CIVICS. We might as well allow 6th graders the right to vote because they heard the song about how a bill is passed.
The Democrats and the teachers unions run the public schools and they have made them mediocre on purpose to keep Americans ignorant and easy to control.
The Democrats and the teachers unions run the public schools and they have made them mediocre on purpose to keep Americans ignorant and easy to control.

I'm not supposed to tell you this but "Demorats" have also developed a breed of nasty spiders that are waiting in your bed. They'll be pouncing as soon as you drift of to sleep.


And why do you think that might be?
I don't think I could provide you with a simple answer. This has been a failure for decades.

And you believe the answer to the failure of state mandated education is more state mandated education?

Personally speaking ... I believe the electoral system is working great!

Both parties are corrupt.
Yes, but the Democrats have in their platform that they like to kill unborn babies, and the Republicans don't. That's the major difference, all the rest don't matter as much to me.
Back in the day you had to take Constitutional Tests and Government Classes, so what the fuck change!?!

Also in today time you have the internet to learn from and yet today youth rather know Kim ass size than how our government works.

My grammar sucks but damn it I made sure I knew how the government operates and not rely on news sources to tell me how to think!

So open a damn book, Bing or Google the information and if not then it is your laziness and not the failure of society!
Liberals pitching their butt-hurt tantrum over Hillary winning an insignificant 'popularity contest' and not even being given a 'Participation Trophy', exposing their complete ignorance as to how a US President is elected...

...demonstrates the need for better education within the liberal indoctrination camps they call Public Schools.

It also demonstrates the need to DENY people who have no idea how the govt works the right to vote.

If you're so stupid you don't know how the govt works then you shouldn't be entrusted with the ability to elect those who will run it. educate them?

When you get down to brass tacks, there is A LOT to learn about the way the federal government operates. The procedure in congress, for instance, when it comes to legislation is very complex. Do you really think most American voters understand it?

I'll be the first to admit that my knowledge of how the three branches of government operate is limited to an outline of sorts. It's actually very complex and more nuanced than people think it is. It takes years of education in public policy to even understand it all.

Think of it this way: maybe in school growing up you watched the "Schoolhouse Rock!" episode of how a bill is advanced and you got a very basic spiel about the Checks and Balances system through a fun song. Now does that mean you understand the totality of ANY the concepts offered in that cartoon? NO! Someone in the 6th grade more than likely doesn't care about researching the topic further.

I cant remember the exact percentage, but the last poll I read on the subject said that a majority of American adults cannot even name all 3 branches of government let alone have a basic understanding of how they operate among each other!

In other words, how to we fix this problem? I mean seriously think about this: when someone turns 18, the government decides that that person understands how the federal and state government operates and therefore has the right to vote. THAT IS COMPLETELY INSANE BECAUSE OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM IS A JOKE - ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO CIVICS. We might as well allow 6th graders the right to vote because they heard the song about how a bill is passed.

No mandate, but a requirement that every adult must pass a citizenship test to vote would be a good start. educate them?

When you get down to brass tacks, there is A LOT to learn about the way the federal government operates. The procedure in congress, for instance, when it comes to legislation is very complex. Do you really think most American voters understand it?

I'll be the first to admit that my knowledge of how the three branches of government operate is limited to an outline of sorts. It's actually very complex and more nuanced than people think it is. It takes years of education in public policy to even understand it all.

Think of it this way: maybe in school growing up you watched the "Schoolhouse Rock!" episode of how a bill is advanced and you got a very basic spiel about the Checks and Balances system through a fun song. Now does that mean you understand the totality of ANY the concepts offered in that cartoon? NO! Someone in the 6th grade more than likely doesn't care about researching the topic further.

I cant remember the exact percentage, but the last poll I read on the subject said that a majority of American adults cannot even name all 3 branches of government let alone have a basic understanding of how they operate among each other!

In other words, how to we fix this problem? I mean seriously think about this: when someone turns 18, the government decides that that person understands how the federal and state government operates and therefore has the right to vote. THAT IS COMPLETELY INSANE BECAUSE OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM IS A JOKE - ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO CIVICS. We might as well allow 6th graders the right to vote because they heard the song about how a bill is passed.

Excellent points!

A lot of people mistakenly believe that we're a "Democracy" educate them?

When you get down to brass tacks, there is A LOT to learn about the way the federal government operates. The procedure in congress, for instance, when it comes to legislation is very complex. Do you really think most American voters understand it?

I'll be the first to admit that my knowledge of how the three branches of government operate is limited to an outline of sorts. It's actually very complex and more nuanced than people think it is. It takes years of education in public policy to even understand it all.

Think of it this way: maybe in school growing up you watched the "Schoolhouse Rock!" episode of how a bill is advanced and you got a very basic spiel about the Checks and Balances system through a fun song. Now does that mean you understand the totality of ANY the concepts offered in that cartoon? NO! Someone in the 6th grade more than likely doesn't care about researching the topic further.

I cant remember the exact percentage, but the last poll I read on the subject said that a majority of American adults cannot even name all 3 branches of government let alone have a basic understanding of how they operate among each other!

In other words, how to we fix this problem? I mean seriously think about this: when someone turns 18, the government decides that that person understands how the federal and state government operates and therefore has the right to vote. THAT IS COMPLETELY INSANE BECAUSE OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM IS A JOKE - ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO CIVICS. We might as well allow 6th graders the right to vote because they heard the song about how a bill is passed.

Perhaps you could teach the morons and retards in Washington how govt works. educate them?

When you get down to brass tacks, there is A LOT to learn about the way the federal government operates. The procedure in congress, for instance, when it comes to legislation is very complex. Do you really think most American voters understand it?

I'll be the first to admit that my knowledge of how the three branches of government operate is limited to an outline of sorts. It's actually very complex and more nuanced than people think it is. It takes years of education in public policy to even understand it all.

Think of it this way: maybe in school growing up you watched the "Schoolhouse Rock!" episode of how a bill is advanced and you got a very basic spiel about the Checks and Balances system through a fun song. Now does that mean you understand the totality of ANY the concepts offered in that cartoon? NO! Someone in the 6th grade more than likely doesn't care about researching the topic further.

I cant remember the exact percentage, but the last poll I read on the subject said that a majority of American adults cannot even name all 3 branches of government let alone have a basic understanding of how they operate among each other!

In other words, how to we fix this problem? I mean seriously think about this: when someone turns 18, the government decides that that person understands how the federal and state government operates and therefore has the right to vote. THAT IS COMPLETELY INSANE BECAUSE OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM IS A JOKE - ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO CIVICS. We might as well allow 6th graders the right to vote because they heard the song about how a bill is passed.

The problem is in order to understand politics, you have to be interested in it like anything else. Trying to teach somebody about something they could care less about is not going to solve the problem.

It takes a lot of time to actually understand what's going on; time people won't dedicate or perhaps time people don't have.

For me, I wake up to talk radio on my alarm clock, from there, I get ready for work and get on this internet to discuss politics most times. I get in my car and drive to work with politics talk on. I get to work and get in my truck and listen to talk shows all day. After work, I go back home listening to politics, get dinner ready and spend another few hours here or reading the news.

Most people don't have my kind of day. If they listen to the radio, it's music. When they turn on their television, it's entertainment. When they get on the internet, it's a variety of things.

I'm not much of a sports fan or movie watcher. Politics just happens to be my thing. Now I don't care if people are not interested in politics like I am, I care that those people vote which we shouldn't allow in this country. I think before you vote, you should have to take a short and simple test to see if you have even the slightest knowledge about politics and policies. I think Republicans would be all for it, but Democrats would scream bloody murder because they depend on the politically ignorant. It's why all your lower income inner cities vote Democrat.

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