The Slaughter Rule

As tempting as it is to engage in that type of Pre-Schaudenfreude, it isn't good for the country to see either party rip The Constitution to shreds. We should all hope that a few rational heads prevail and stop this now.
Early on Republican'ts tried to block this entirely. Now that's been revised to "we know reform is needed, just not this reform"

There are things I don't like about this bill, but holy hell, the Repubs just sound like whiners now.
Early on Republican'ts tried to block this entirely. Now that's been revised to "we know reform is needed, just not this reform"

There are things I don't like about this bill, but holy hell, the Repubs just sound like whiners now.

Yeah...pass a flawed Bill...typical LEFTARD BULLSHIT!!!!
Nice job forgetting (I'm being charitable since there are worse ways I could spin it) that both the House and Senate versions of the bill have already met your arbitrary 60% majority standard.


The 2 ENTIRELY DIFFERENT BILLS were passed independently of each other in 2 separate Houses of Congress. The House Bill just barely got passed.

Try rewriting history somewhere else.
Maybe Republicans and their supporters will remember this the NEXT time they decide not to help in crafting important legislation...
You're a liar. The GOP was locked out. The "Slaughter" rule will come back to haunt you in November 2010 and 2012. The democrats are going to get slaughtered.
Early on Republican'ts tried to block this entirely. Now that's been revised to "we know reform is needed, just not this reform"

There are things I don't like about this bill, but holy hell, the Repubs just sound like whiners now.

Why would you want to pass a bill that does nothing that it was originally intended to do? Or I should say what we were told it was intended to do.

Original intent was supposed to be to get more people to be able to have health care, the main way to do that was supposed to be to lower the cost of healthcare. This bill has turned into a monster that does nothing but add taxes and costs. It needs to go away.
Nice job forgetting (I'm being charitable since there are worse ways I could spin it) that both the House and Senate versions of the bill have already met your arbitrary 60% majority standard.


The 2 ENTIRELY DIFFERENT BILLS were passed independently of each other in 2 separate Houses of Congress. The House Bill just barely got passed.

Try rewriting history somewhere else.

Indeed. If the two bills were the same, Obama would already have signed ObamaCare into law by now.

Nice job forgetting (I'm being charitable since there are worse ways I could spin it) that both the House and Senate versions of the bill have already met your arbitrary 60% majority standard.


The 2 ENTIRELY DIFFERENT BILLS were passed independently of each other in 2 separate Houses of Congress. The House Bill just barely got passed.

Try rewriting history somewhere else.

Indeed. If the two bills were the same, Obama would already have signed ObamaCare into law by now.


Obviously current events aren't a strong suit on the left. :lol:
I wish someone could tell me what the "takeover" is...

Both bills EXPAND private coverage. That isn't a takeover of anything, at least not by the government.

If you compel a PRIVATE corporation to DO or to refrain from doing something, that is an inroad into taking them over.

SOME such interference we all agree with.

Liberal or conservatives: we all want to compel corporations NOT to dump sewage into our water supply.

But there are SOME interferences we do not all want the government undertaking.

How is it the business of the Federal Government to COMPEL a private company to cover policyholders for "pre-existing conditions" when THAT business decision is likely to be RUINOUS to insurance companies.

But worse, if the Federal Government is permitted to do this, and assuming that the outcome is that private insurance companies get forced out of business then the void getsfilled --as per the damn Federal planning -- BY the Federal Government. What do they call it again when the government IS the means of production?

Veiled or unveiled, long term or short term: a take-over is still a damn take-over.

The 2 ENTIRELY DIFFERENT BILLS were passed independently of each other in 2 separate Houses of Congress. The House Bill just barely got passed.

Try rewriting history somewhere else.

Indeed. If the two bills were the same, Obama would already have signed ObamaCare into law by now.


Obviously current events aren't a strong suit on the left. :lol:

Ok people. There's no need to go off on your partisan rants.

Yes, there have been 2 different bills that are very close to each other. So much so that reconciliation is possible.

I acknowledged the damn differences by saying that there were House and Senate versions. Don't instantly start accusing me of trying to re-write history...because I dont fabricate and I dont lie. Don't assume based on some partisan twisting of my words that you know me...or that I'm making some evil spin. That's not me. Got it?

This is why 95% of the talk on this forum is completely worthless. You engage in this back-biting crap that doesnt attempt to discuss anything with any good faith and just tries to slam people. Yeah, it's an internet forum board, but if any of you think you're to be taken seriously, try to be civil.
Indeed. If the two bills were the same, Obama would already have signed ObamaCare into law by now.


Obviously current events aren't a strong suit on the left. :lol:

Ok people. There's no need to go off on your partisan rants.

Yes, there have been 2 different bills that are very close to each other. So much so that reconciliation is possible.

I acknowledged the damn differences by saying that there were House and Senate versions. Don't instantly start accusing me of trying to re-write history...because I dont fabricate and I dont lie. Don't assume based on some partisan twisting of my words that you know me...or that I'm making some evil spin. That's not me. Got it?

This is why 95% of the talk on this forum is completely worthless. You engage in this back-biting crap that doesnt attempt to discuss anything with any good faith and just tries to slam people. Yeah, it's an internet forum board, but if any of you think you're to be taken seriously, try to be civil.

The differences are not minor -- or -- more accurately stated, the differences between the two versions are not minor enough to enough of the voting members of the two houses to make those differences actually "minor."

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