The Simpler way to Describe economic Chaos

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
A) Economists usually do not make predictions for more than 3-6 months out, which technically is an "Horizon of Predictability" or a characteristic of a chaotic system; determinanistic but unpredictable.

B) In accounting debits and credits are used to avoid the explicit use of negative numbers that lead to imaginary and complex numbers. An example of this is borrowing at 6.25% to invest at 12.5% or in more mathematical terms 1 E 17/16ths going out vs. 1 E 9/8ths coming in. Obviously one of those even numbered roots is on the negative number line in regards to the other number so the square root of minus 1 is in there somewhere. This is technically complex number algebra which usually results in Chaos and is certainly misleading as to initial conditions which is what makes a system chaotic.

C) There are about 100 or so combinations of accounting conventions that can make material differences on income statements. Aggregating them all together is often a comparison of apples to cooking pots, literally.

So, which of the above is easier for you to understand?
Oh my goodness, my head hurt reading B and C. I would say I like A, although I'd say anything beyond my personal finances could be described as "chaos".

Example, I own my own retail business, total sales/service for last year are just a little over 1 million this year. (took me 10 years to do it!) Anyways, my business financials are chaos to me. Absolute CHAOS! That's why I have an account to take my CHAOS away. And that's just a small business in a big, big country.

Does anyone on this board truly, honestly understand the US economy 100%? My aunt took economics in college and had 2 different professors who had 2 different views on stuff. How can you learn when the people who teach you don't even agree on what is going on?! Professor #1 often referred to professor #2 as an idiot, and the other way around. And these are PROFESSORS. So please don't tell me you know what's going on with the US economy. I don't really believe anyone on this board knows what's going on. Not 100% anyways.

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