The Silent Emergence of Fascism in the USA – Pelosi’s Tuesday Announcement Should Send Chills Down Your Spine


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Silent Emergence of Fascism in the USA – Pelosi’s Tuesday Announcement Should Send Chills Down Your Spine​

7 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Guest post by John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Vigilance has warned about the present danger but the alarms were shrugged off by the delusional thought “well THAT cannot happen in the USA!” Blatant events beginning with Obama’s administration shocked and caused consternation but all was forgotten under President Trump’s administration. Then November 3, 2020, came and ushered in the reality that the dream has become a nightmare.
Six months into the Biden administration Americans have witnessed the overt attacks upon our civility, utter contempt for our historical heritage, cursing for our once-envied culture, and ruin for our thriving economy. The bulwark of our Republic’s independence has been breached as the U.S. Constitution’s Rule of Law has refused to be upheld by the Courts. Those who uphold fidelity to the Constitution are imprisoned while those advocating anarchy are applauded.
The disintegration of our culture, history, and body politic is not new in civilization’s records. I have noted specific similarities of historical precedent in the godless French Revolution and the inhumane fanaticism of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (which we call the Nazis) that provide obvious education on the intent and the terminal fate of such movements. However, history’s instructions are ignored and the steady march toward devolution continues.
Illustrating how far down the path of disintegration of our nation’s once-proud statue in the world’s view is a shocking event announce on 6 July 2021 by the Los Angels Times. “The U.S. Capitol Police on Tuesday announced that the agency was opening regional field offices in California and Florida to investigate threats to members of Congress in the wake of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.”
According to announcements, Pelosi will assign the Capitol Police to various “hot spots” throughout our nation for the purpose of confronting those deemed “radical extremists.” Informed readers know this is a term identifying those who believe the Constitution and not the extremists residing in Washington, DC is the Rule of Law.
While this view of Pelosi (and evidently ALL in Congress, the White House, and the SCOTUS since there is a deafening silence from their quarters regarding this action) is not unexpected, it is another historical illustration of how freedom is seized and tyranny becomes the Rule of Law.
The historical precedent is obvious. Although Adolph Hitler is synonymous with pure evil, he is not alone in civilization’s “Hall of Shame.” All despots share a behavioral pattern. This recent announcement of the deployment of Pelosi’s Capitol Police to eradicate radical extremists throughout the nation is clear behavior of despotic rule and ruin.
Listen carefully to history from the 1920s…Hitler’s rise to evil tyranny was carefully orchestrated. Beginning in small gatherings it amassed fanatical support through a cunning propaganda machine. The truth was twisted. Lies were polished. Minds were manipulated. But even with these accomplishments, not all would march in goosestep with the fascists. Hitler needed a force to quell any opposition.
This is history’s lesson. The lesson could not be clearer. This is a mark of fascism that leads to tyranny that enslaves and not liberates.

Obama politicized the FBI into a Gestapo-like enforcement arm of the Democrat Party, now Malignancy Pelosi is turning the Capitol Police into the SS.
Pelosi will be severely disappointed with the results of her action here. It is doomed to fail, basically because there are not enough suckas she can hire to send down to do her dirty. The little brown 'o' ring that is Washington DC, owned by the limeys and their cabal days are numbered. Her actions here will accelerate her demise. Bank on it. The American citizens will not put up with this.
Today as this is written the Capitol Building (The PEOPLE's House) is ringed with fencing and barbed wire. Citizens are not allowed enter to speak to the representatives they elected.
Our government is holding political prisoners for months, being tortured under official sanctions which includes prisoners being zip-tied and beaten out in their cells.
What Pelosi is pushing forward is definitely TYRANNICAL and AUTHORITARIAN in the ways of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Communist way.

The Silent Emergence of Fascism in the USA – Pelosi’s Tuesday Announcement Should Send Chills Down Your Spine​

7 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Guest post by John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Vigilance has warned about the present danger but the alarms were shrugged off by the delusional thought “well THAT cannot happen in the USA!” Blatant events beginning with Obama’s administration shocked and caused consternation but all was forgotten under President Trump’s administration. Then November 3, 2020, came and ushered in the reality that the dream has become a nightmare.
Six months into the Biden administration Americans have witnessed the overt attacks upon our civility, utter contempt for our historical heritage, cursing for our once-envied culture, and ruin for our thriving economy. The bulwark of our Republic’s independence has been breached as the U.S. Constitution’s Rule of Law has refused to be upheld by the Courts. Those who uphold fidelity to the Constitution are imprisoned while those advocating anarchy are applauded.
The disintegration of our culture, history, and body politic is not new in civilization’s records. I have noted specific similarities of historical precedent in the godless French Revolution and the inhumane fanaticism of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (which we call the Nazis) that provide obvious education on the intent and the terminal fate of such movements. However, history’s instructions are ignored and the steady march toward devolution continues.
Illustrating how far down the path of disintegration of our nation’s once-proud statue in the world’s view is a shocking event announce on 6 July 2021 by the Los Angels Times. “The U.S. Capitol Police on Tuesday announced that the agency was opening regional field offices in California and Florida to investigate threats to members of Congress in the wake of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.”
According to announcements, Pelosi will assign the Capitol Police to various “hot spots” throughout our nation for the purpose of confronting those deemed “radical extremists.” Informed readers know this is a term identifying those who believe the Constitution and not the extremists residing in Washington, DC is the Rule of Law.
While this view of Pelosi (and evidently ALL in Congress, the White House, and the SCOTUS since there is a deafening silence from their quarters regarding this action) is not unexpected, it is another historical illustration of how freedom is seized and tyranny becomes the Rule of Law.
The historical precedent is obvious. Although Adolph Hitler is synonymous with pure evil, he is not alone in civilization’s “Hall of Shame.” All despots share a behavioral pattern. This recent announcement of the deployment of Pelosi’s Capitol Police to eradicate radical extremists throughout the nation is clear behavior of despotic rule and ruin.
Listen carefully to history from the 1920s…Hitler’s rise to evil tyranny was carefully orchestrated. Beginning in small gatherings it amassed fanatical support through a cunning propaganda machine. The truth was twisted. Lies were polished. Minds were manipulated. But even with these accomplishments, not all would march in goosestep with the fascists. Hitler needed a force to quell any opposition.
This is history’s lesson. The lesson could not be clearer. This is a mark of fascism that leads to tyranny that enslaves and not liberates.

Obama politicized the FBI into a Gestapo-like enforcement arm of the Democrat Party, now Malignancy Pelosi is turning the Capitol Police into the SS.
Pelosi will be severely disappointed with the results of her action here. It is doomed to fail, basically because there are not enough suckas she can hire to send down to do her dirty. The little brown 'o' ring that is Washington DC, owned by the limeys and their cabal days are numbered. Her actions here will accelerate her demise. Bank on it. The American citizens will not put up with this.
Today as this is written the Capitol Building (The PEOPLE's House) is ringed with fencing and barbed wire. Citizens are not allowed enter to speak to the representatives they elected.
Our government is holding political prisoners for months, being tortured under official sanctions which includes prisoners being zip-tied and beaten out in their cells.
What Pelosi is pushing forward is definitely TYRANNICAL and AUTHORITARIAN in the ways of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Communist way.
Paranoia strikes deep (^^^) into the black hearts of Trumpanzees.

Trumpanzee: an irrational and irritable assclownish beast that is completely immunized {hannitized magatized} to logic-or-reason, any-and-all negative facts-or-evidence concerning Trump, and remains a devout and mindless supporter of the buffoon.

The Silent Emergence of Fascism in the USA – Pelosi’s Tuesday Announcement Should Send Chills Down Your Spine​

7 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Guest post by John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Vigilance has warned about the present danger but the alarms were shrugged off by the delusional thought “well THAT cannot happen in the USA!” Blatant events beginning with Obama’s administration shocked and caused consternation but all was forgotten under President Trump’s administration. Then November 3, 2020, came and ushered in the reality that the dream has become a nightmare.
Six months into the Biden administration Americans have witnessed the overt attacks upon our civility, utter contempt for our historical heritage, cursing for our once-envied culture, and ruin for our thriving economy. The bulwark of our Republic’s independence has been breached as the U.S. Constitution’s Rule of Law has refused to be upheld by the Courts. Those who uphold fidelity to the Constitution are imprisoned while those advocating anarchy are applauded.
The disintegration of our culture, history, and body politic is not new in civilization’s records. I have noted specific similarities of historical precedent in the godless French Revolution and the inhumane fanaticism of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (which we call the Nazis) that provide obvious education on the intent and the terminal fate of such movements. However, history’s instructions are ignored and the steady march toward devolution continues.
Illustrating how far down the path of disintegration of our nation’s once-proud statue in the world’s view is a shocking event announce on 6 July 2021 by the Los Angels Times. “The U.S. Capitol Police on Tuesday announced that the agency was opening regional field offices in California and Florida to investigate threats to members of Congress in the wake of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.”
According to announcements, Pelosi will assign the Capitol Police to various “hot spots” throughout our nation for the purpose of confronting those deemed “radical extremists.” Informed readers know this is a term identifying those who believe the Constitution and not the extremists residing in Washington, DC is the Rule of Law.
While this view of Pelosi (and evidently ALL in Congress, the White House, and the SCOTUS since there is a deafening silence from their quarters regarding this action) is not unexpected, it is another historical illustration of how freedom is seized and tyranny becomes the Rule of Law.
The historical precedent is obvious. Although Adolph Hitler is synonymous with pure evil, he is not alone in civilization’s “Hall of Shame.” All despots share a behavioral pattern. This recent announcement of the deployment of Pelosi’s Capitol Police to eradicate radical extremists throughout the nation is clear behavior of despotic rule and ruin.
Listen carefully to history from the 1920s…Hitler’s rise to evil tyranny was carefully orchestrated. Beginning in small gatherings it amassed fanatical support through a cunning propaganda machine. The truth was twisted. Lies were polished. Minds were manipulated. But even with these accomplishments, not all would march in goosestep with the fascists. Hitler needed a force to quell any opposition.
This is history’s lesson. The lesson could not be clearer. This is a mark of fascism that leads to tyranny that enslaves and not liberates.

Obama politicized the FBI into a Gestapo-like enforcement arm of the Democrat Party, now Malignancy Pelosi is turning the Capitol Police into the SS.
Pelosi will be severely disappointed with the results of her action here. It is doomed to fail, basically because there are not enough suckas she can hire to send down to do her dirty. The little brown 'o' ring that is Washington DC, owned by the limeys and their cabal days are numbered. Her actions here will accelerate her demise. Bank on it. The American citizens will not put up with this.
Today as this is written the Capitol Building (The PEOPLE's House) is ringed with fencing and barbed wire. Citizens are not allowed enter to speak to the representatives they elected.
Our government is holding political prisoners for months, being tortured under official sanctions which includes prisoners being zip-tied and beaten out in their cells.
What Pelosi is pushing forward is definitely TYRANNICAL and AUTHORITARIAN in the ways of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Communist way.
democRats ya can't live with em and ya can't kill em, yet.

The Silent Emergence of Fascism in the USA – Pelosi’s Tuesday Announcement Should Send Chills Down Your Spine​

7 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Guest post by John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Vigilance has warned about the present danger but the alarms were shrugged off by the delusional thought “well THAT cannot happen in the USA!” Blatant events beginning with Obama’s administration shocked and caused consternation but all was forgotten under President Trump’s administration. Then November 3, 2020, came and ushered in the reality that the dream has become a nightmare.
Six months into the Biden administration Americans have witnessed the overt attacks upon our civility, utter contempt for our historical heritage, cursing for our once-envied culture, and ruin for our thriving economy. The bulwark of our Republic’s independence has been breached as the U.S. Constitution’s Rule of Law has refused to be upheld by the Courts. Those who uphold fidelity to the Constitution are imprisoned while those advocating anarchy are applauded.
The disintegration of our culture, history, and body politic is not new in civilization’s records. I have noted specific similarities of historical precedent in the godless French Revolution and the inhumane fanaticism of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (which we call the Nazis) that provide obvious education on the intent and the terminal fate of such movements. However, history’s instructions are ignored and the steady march toward devolution continues.
Illustrating how far down the path of disintegration of our nation’s once-proud statue in the world’s view is a shocking event announce on 6 July 2021 by the Los Angels Times. “The U.S. Capitol Police on Tuesday announced that the agency was opening regional field offices in California and Florida to investigate threats to members of Congress in the wake of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.”
According to announcements, Pelosi will assign the Capitol Police to various “hot spots” throughout our nation for the purpose of confronting those deemed “radical extremists.” Informed readers know this is a term identifying those who believe the Constitution and not the extremists residing in Washington, DC is the Rule of Law.
While this view of Pelosi (and evidently ALL in Congress, the White House, and the SCOTUS since there is a deafening silence from their quarters regarding this action) is not unexpected, it is another historical illustration of how freedom is seized and tyranny becomes the Rule of Law.
The historical precedent is obvious. Although Adolph Hitler is synonymous with pure evil, he is not alone in civilization’s “Hall of Shame.” All despots share a behavioral pattern. This recent announcement of the deployment of Pelosi’s Capitol Police to eradicate radical extremists throughout the nation is clear behavior of despotic rule and ruin.
Listen carefully to history from the 1920s…Hitler’s rise to evil tyranny was carefully orchestrated. Beginning in small gatherings it amassed fanatical support through a cunning propaganda machine. The truth was twisted. Lies were polished. Minds were manipulated. But even with these accomplishments, not all would march in goosestep with the fascists. Hitler needed a force to quell any opposition.
This is history’s lesson. The lesson could not be clearer. This is a mark of fascism that leads to tyranny that enslaves and not liberates.

Obama politicized the FBI into a Gestapo-like enforcement arm of the Democrat Party, now Malignancy Pelosi is turning the Capitol Police into the SS.
Pelosi will be severely disappointed with the results of her action here. It is doomed to fail, basically because there are not enough suckas she can hire to send down to do her dirty. The little brown 'o' ring that is Washington DC, owned by the limeys and their cabal days are numbered. Her actions here will accelerate her demise. Bank on it. The American citizens will not put up with this.
Today as this is written the Capitol Building (The PEOPLE's House) is ringed with fencing and barbed wire. Citizens are not allowed enter to speak to the representatives they elected.
Our government is holding political prisoners for months, being tortured under official sanctions which includes prisoners being zip-tied and beaten out in their cells.
What Pelosi is pushing forward is definitely TYRANNICAL and AUTHORITARIAN in the ways of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Communist way.
Support the police.


The Silent Emergence of Fascism in the USA – Pelosi’s Tuesday Announcement Should Send Chills Down Your Spine​

7 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Guest post by John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Vigilance has warned about the present danger but the alarms were shrugged off by the delusional thought “well THAT cannot happen in the USA!” Blatant events beginning with Obama’s administration shocked and caused consternation but all was forgotten under President Trump’s administration. Then November 3, 2020, came and ushered in the reality that the dream has become a nightmare.
Six months into the Biden administration Americans have witnessed the overt attacks upon our civility, utter contempt for our historical heritage, cursing for our once-envied culture, and ruin for our thriving economy. The bulwark of our Republic’s independence has been breached as the U.S. Constitution’s Rule of Law has refused to be upheld by the Courts. Those who uphold fidelity to the Constitution are imprisoned while those advocating anarchy are applauded.
The disintegration of our culture, history, and body politic is not new in civilization’s records. I have noted specific similarities of historical precedent in the godless French Revolution and the inhumane fanaticism of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (which we call the Nazis) that provide obvious education on the intent and the terminal fate of such movements. However, history’s instructions are ignored and the steady march toward devolution continues.
Illustrating how far down the path of disintegration of our nation’s once-proud statue in the world’s view is a shocking event announce on 6 July 2021 by the Los Angels Times. “The U.S. Capitol Police on Tuesday announced that the agency was opening regional field offices in California and Florida to investigate threats to members of Congress in the wake of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.”
According to announcements, Pelosi will assign the Capitol Police to various “hot spots” throughout our nation for the purpose of confronting those deemed “radical extremists.” Informed readers know this is a term identifying those who believe the Constitution and not the extremists residing in Washington, DC is the Rule of Law.
While this view of Pelosi (and evidently ALL in Congress, the White House, and the SCOTUS since there is a deafening silence from their quarters regarding this action) is not unexpected, it is another historical illustration of how freedom is seized and tyranny becomes the Rule of Law.
The historical precedent is obvious. Although Adolph Hitler is synonymous with pure evil, he is not alone in civilization’s “Hall of Shame.” All despots share a behavioral pattern. This recent announcement of the deployment of Pelosi’s Capitol Police to eradicate radical extremists throughout the nation is clear behavior of despotic rule and ruin.
Listen carefully to history from the 1920s…Hitler’s rise to evil tyranny was carefully orchestrated. Beginning in small gatherings it amassed fanatical support through a cunning propaganda machine. The truth was twisted. Lies were polished. Minds were manipulated. But even with these accomplishments, not all would march in goosestep with the fascists. Hitler needed a force to quell any opposition.
This is history’s lesson. The lesson could not be clearer. This is a mark of fascism that leads to tyranny that enslaves and not liberates.

Obama politicized the FBI into a Gestapo-like enforcement arm of the Democrat Party, now Malignancy Pelosi is turning the Capitol Police into the SS.
Pelosi will be severely disappointed with the results of her action here. It is doomed to fail, basically because there are not enough suckas she can hire to send down to do her dirty. The little brown 'o' ring that is Washington DC, owned by the limeys and their cabal days are numbered. Her actions here will accelerate her demise. Bank on it. The American citizens will not put up with this.
Today as this is written the Capitol Building (The PEOPLE's House) is ringed with fencing and barbed wire. Citizens are not allowed enter to speak to the representatives they elected.
Our government is holding political prisoners for months, being tortured under official sanctions which includes prisoners being zip-tied and beaten out in their cells.
What Pelosi is pushing forward is definitely TYRANNICAL and AUTHORITARIAN in the ways of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Communist way.


And wondering why this describes what MAGAt actually did - fascist police state - that you worship.

The Silent Emergence of Fascism in the USA – Pelosi’s Tuesday Announcement Should Send Chills Down Your Spine​

7 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Guest post by John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Vigilance has warned about the present danger but the alarms were shrugged off by the delusional thought “well THAT cannot happen in the USA!” Blatant events beginning with Obama’s administration shocked and caused consternation but all was forgotten under President Trump’s administration. Then November 3, 2020, came and ushered in the reality that the dream has become a nightmare.
Six months into the Biden administration Americans have witnessed the overt attacks upon our civility, utter contempt for our historical heritage, cursing for our once-envied culture, and ruin for our thriving economy. The bulwark of our Republic’s independence has been breached as the U.S. Constitution’s Rule of Law has refused to be upheld by the Courts. Those who uphold fidelity to the Constitution are imprisoned while those advocating anarchy are applauded.
The disintegration of our culture, history, and body politic is not new in civilization’s records. I have noted specific similarities of historical precedent in the godless French Revolution and the inhumane fanaticism of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (which we call the Nazis) that provide obvious education on the intent and the terminal fate of such movements. However, history’s instructions are ignored and the steady march toward devolution continues.
Illustrating how far down the path of disintegration of our nation’s once-proud statue in the world’s view is a shocking event announce on 6 July 2021 by the Los Angels Times. “The U.S. Capitol Police on Tuesday announced that the agency was opening regional field offices in California and Florida to investigate threats to members of Congress in the wake of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.”
According to announcements, Pelosi will assign the Capitol Police to various “hot spots” throughout our nation for the purpose of confronting those deemed “radical extremists.” Informed readers know this is a term identifying those who believe the Constitution and not the extremists residing in Washington, DC is the Rule of Law.
While this view of Pelosi (and evidently ALL in Congress, the White House, and the SCOTUS since there is a deafening silence from their quarters regarding this action) is not unexpected, it is another historical illustration of how freedom is seized and tyranny becomes the Rule of Law.
The historical precedent is obvious. Although Adolph Hitler is synonymous with pure evil, he is not alone in civilization’s “Hall of Shame.” All despots share a behavioral pattern. This recent announcement of the deployment of Pelosi’s Capitol Police to eradicate radical extremists throughout the nation is clear behavior of despotic rule and ruin.
Listen carefully to history from the 1920s…Hitler’s rise to evil tyranny was carefully orchestrated. Beginning in small gatherings it amassed fanatical support through a cunning propaganda machine. The truth was twisted. Lies were polished. Minds were manipulated. But even with these accomplishments, not all would march in goosestep with the fascists. Hitler needed a force to quell any opposition.
This is history’s lesson. The lesson could not be clearer. This is a mark of fascism that leads to tyranny that enslaves and not liberates.

Obama politicized the FBI into a Gestapo-like enforcement arm of the Democrat Party, now Malignancy Pelosi is turning the Capitol Police into the SS.
Pelosi will be severely disappointed with the results of her action here. It is doomed to fail, basically because there are not enough suckas she can hire to send down to do her dirty. The little brown 'o' ring that is Washington DC, owned by the limeys and their cabal days are numbered. Her actions here will accelerate her demise. Bank on it. The American citizens will not put up with this.
Today as this is written the Capitol Building (The PEOPLE's House) is ringed with fencing and barbed wire. Citizens are not allowed enter to speak to the representatives they elected.
Our government is holding political prisoners for months, being tortured under official sanctions which includes prisoners being zip-tied and beaten out in their cells.
What Pelosi is pushing forward is definitely TYRANNICAL and AUTHORITARIAN in the ways of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Communist way.
Support the police.


Exactly right.

MAGAt said he wanted a police state and that's what he was building.

The Silent Emergence of Fascism in the USA – Pelosi’s Tuesday Announcement Should Send Chills Down Your Spine​

7 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Guest post by John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Vigilance has warned about the present danger but the alarms were shrugged off by the delusional thought “well THAT cannot happen in the USA!” Blatant events beginning with Obama’s administration shocked and caused consternation but all was forgotten under President Trump’s administration. Then November 3, 2020, came and ushered in the reality that the dream has become a nightmare.
Six months into the Biden administration Americans have witnessed the overt attacks upon our civility, utter contempt for our historical heritage, cursing for our once-envied culture, and ruin for our thriving economy. The bulwark of our Republic’s independence has been breached as the U.S. Constitution’s Rule of Law has refused to be upheld by the Courts. Those who uphold fidelity to the Constitution are imprisoned while those advocating anarchy are applauded.
The disintegration of our culture, history, and body politic is not new in civilization’s records. I have noted specific similarities of historical precedent in the godless French Revolution and the inhumane fanaticism of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (which we call the Nazis) that provide obvious education on the intent and the terminal fate of such movements. However, history’s instructions are ignored and the steady march toward devolution continues.
Illustrating how far down the path of disintegration of our nation’s once-proud statue in the world’s view is a shocking event announce on 6 July 2021 by the Los Angels Times. “The U.S. Capitol Police on Tuesday announced that the agency was opening regional field offices in California and Florida to investigate threats to members of Congress in the wake of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.”
According to announcements, Pelosi will assign the Capitol Police to various “hot spots” throughout our nation for the purpose of confronting those deemed “radical extremists.” Informed readers know this is a term identifying those who believe the Constitution and not the extremists residing in Washington, DC is the Rule of Law.
While this view of Pelosi (and evidently ALL in Congress, the White House, and the SCOTUS since there is a deafening silence from their quarters regarding this action) is not unexpected, it is another historical illustration of how freedom is seized and tyranny becomes the Rule of Law.
The historical precedent is obvious. Although Adolph Hitler is synonymous with pure evil, he is not alone in civilization’s “Hall of Shame.” All despots share a behavioral pattern. This recent announcement of the deployment of Pelosi’s Capitol Police to eradicate radical extremists throughout the nation is clear behavior of despotic rule and ruin.
Listen carefully to history from the 1920s…Hitler’s rise to evil tyranny was carefully orchestrated. Beginning in small gatherings it amassed fanatical support through a cunning propaganda machine. The truth was twisted. Lies were polished. Minds were manipulated. But even with these accomplishments, not all would march in goosestep with the fascists. Hitler needed a force to quell any opposition.
This is history’s lesson. The lesson could not be clearer. This is a mark of fascism that leads to tyranny that enslaves and not liberates.

Obama politicized the FBI into a Gestapo-like enforcement arm of the Democrat Party, now Malignancy Pelosi is turning the Capitol Police into the SS.
Pelosi will be severely disappointed with the results of her action here. It is doomed to fail, basically because there are not enough suckas she can hire to send down to do her dirty. The little brown 'o' ring that is Washington DC, owned by the limeys and their cabal days are numbered. Her actions here will accelerate her demise. Bank on it. The American citizens will not put up with this.
Today as this is written the Capitol Building (The PEOPLE's House) is ringed with fencing and barbed wire. Citizens are not allowed enter to speak to the representatives they elected.
Our government is holding political prisoners for months, being tortured under official sanctions which includes prisoners being zip-tied and beaten out in their cells.
What Pelosi is pushing forward is definitely TYRANNICAL and AUTHORITARIAN in the ways of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Communist way.
Support the police.


Exactly right.

MAGAt said he wanted a police state and that's what he was building.
Trump mentioned how he wanted to be a dictator for life


The president refuses to commit to a peaceful transfer of power.

It's going to be fun!

I mean seeing today's layabout young folks one day wanting something of their own and their tears when they find out everything belongs to the collective and whether or not they are allowed to use any of it depends on their social credit score.

They've screwed themselves beyond redemption.

They deserve and will love their serfdom.

The Silent Emergence of Fascism in the USA – Pelosi’s Tuesday Announcement Should Send Chills Down Your Spine​

7 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Guest post by John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Vigilance has warned about the present danger but the alarms were shrugged off by the delusional thought “well THAT cannot happen in the USA!” Blatant events beginning with Obama’s administration shocked and caused consternation but all was forgotten under President Trump’s administration. Then November 3, 2020, came and ushered in the reality that the dream has become a nightmare.
Six months into the Biden administration Americans have witnessed the overt attacks upon our civility, utter contempt for our historical heritage, cursing for our once-envied culture, and ruin for our thriving economy. The bulwark of our Republic’s independence has been breached as the U.S. Constitution’s Rule of Law has refused to be upheld by the Courts. Those who uphold fidelity to the Constitution are imprisoned while those advocating anarchy are applauded.
The disintegration of our culture, history, and body politic is not new in civilization’s records. I have noted specific similarities of historical precedent in the godless French Revolution and the inhumane fanaticism of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (which we call the Nazis) that provide obvious education on the intent and the terminal fate of such movements. However, history’s instructions are ignored and the steady march toward devolution continues.
Illustrating how far down the path of disintegration of our nation’s once-proud statue in the world’s view is a shocking event announce on 6 July 2021 by the Los Angels Times. “The U.S. Capitol Police on Tuesday announced that the agency was opening regional field offices in California and Florida to investigate threats to members of Congress in the wake of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.”
According to announcements, Pelosi will assign the Capitol Police to various “hot spots” throughout our nation for the purpose of confronting those deemed “radical extremists.” Informed readers know this is a term identifying those who believe the Constitution and not the extremists residing in Washington, DC is the Rule of Law.
While this view of Pelosi (and evidently ALL in Congress, the White House, and the SCOTUS since there is a deafening silence from their quarters regarding this action) is not unexpected, it is another historical illustration of how freedom is seized and tyranny becomes the Rule of Law.
The historical precedent is obvious. Although Adolph Hitler is synonymous with pure evil, he is not alone in civilization’s “Hall of Shame.” All despots share a behavioral pattern. This recent announcement of the deployment of Pelosi’s Capitol Police to eradicate radical extremists throughout the nation is clear behavior of despotic rule and ruin.
Listen carefully to history from the 1920s…Hitler’s rise to evil tyranny was carefully orchestrated. Beginning in small gatherings it amassed fanatical support through a cunning propaganda machine. The truth was twisted. Lies were polished. Minds were manipulated. But even with these accomplishments, not all would march in goosestep with the fascists. Hitler needed a force to quell any opposition.
This is history’s lesson. The lesson could not be clearer. This is a mark of fascism that leads to tyranny that enslaves and not liberates.

Obama politicized the FBI into a Gestapo-like enforcement arm of the Democrat Party, now Malignancy Pelosi is turning the Capitol Police into the SS.
Pelosi will be severely disappointed with the results of her action here. It is doomed to fail, basically because there are not enough suckas she can hire to send down to do her dirty. The little brown 'o' ring that is Washington DC, owned by the limeys and their cabal days are numbered. Her actions here will accelerate her demise. Bank on it. The American citizens will not put up with this.
Today as this is written the Capitol Building (The PEOPLE's House) is ringed with fencing and barbed wire. Citizens are not allowed enter to speak to the representatives they elected.
Our government is holding political prisoners for months, being tortured under official sanctions which includes prisoners being zip-tied and beaten out in their cells.
What Pelosi is pushing forward is definitely TYRANNICAL and AUTHORITARIAN in the ways of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Communist way.
Paranoia strikes deep (^^^) into the black hearts of Trumpanzees.

Trumpanzee: an irrational and irritable assclownish beast that is completely immunized {hannitized magatized} to logic-or-reason, any-and-all negative facts-or-evidence concerning Trump, and remains a devout and mindless supporter of the buffoon.

Go read your Critical Race Theory.....

The Silent Emergence of Fascism in the USA – Pelosi’s Tuesday Announcement Should Send Chills Down Your Spine​

7 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Guest post by John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Vigilance has warned about the present danger but the alarms were shrugged off by the delusional thought “well THAT cannot happen in the USA!” Blatant events beginning with Obama’s administration shocked and caused consternation but all was forgotten under President Trump’s administration. Then November 3, 2020, came and ushered in the reality that the dream has become a nightmare.
Six months into the Biden administration Americans have witnessed the overt attacks upon our civility, utter contempt for our historical heritage, cursing for our once-envied culture, and ruin for our thriving economy. The bulwark of our Republic’s independence has been breached as the U.S. Constitution’s Rule of Law has refused to be upheld by the Courts. Those who uphold fidelity to the Constitution are imprisoned while those advocating anarchy are applauded.
The disintegration of our culture, history, and body politic is not new in civilization’s records. I have noted specific similarities of historical precedent in the godless French Revolution and the inhumane fanaticism of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (which we call the Nazis) that provide obvious education on the intent and the terminal fate of such movements. However, history’s instructions are ignored and the steady march toward devolution continues.
Illustrating how far down the path of disintegration of our nation’s once-proud statue in the world’s view is a shocking event announce on 6 July 2021 by the Los Angels Times. “The U.S. Capitol Police on Tuesday announced that the agency was opening regional field offices in California and Florida to investigate threats to members of Congress in the wake of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.”
According to announcements, Pelosi will assign the Capitol Police to various “hot spots” throughout our nation for the purpose of confronting those deemed “radical extremists.” Informed readers know this is a term identifying those who believe the Constitution and not the extremists residing in Washington, DC is the Rule of Law.
While this view of Pelosi (and evidently ALL in Congress, the White House, and the SCOTUS since there is a deafening silence from their quarters regarding this action) is not unexpected, it is another historical illustration of how freedom is seized and tyranny becomes the Rule of Law.
The historical precedent is obvious. Although Adolph Hitler is synonymous with pure evil, he is not alone in civilization’s “Hall of Shame.” All despots share a behavioral pattern. This recent announcement of the deployment of Pelosi’s Capitol Police to eradicate radical extremists throughout the nation is clear behavior of despotic rule and ruin.
Listen carefully to history from the 1920s…Hitler’s rise to evil tyranny was carefully orchestrated. Beginning in small gatherings it amassed fanatical support through a cunning propaganda machine. The truth was twisted. Lies were polished. Minds were manipulated. But even with these accomplishments, not all would march in goosestep with the fascists. Hitler needed a force to quell any opposition.
This is history’s lesson. The lesson could not be clearer. This is a mark of fascism that leads to tyranny that enslaves and not liberates.

Obama politicized the FBI into a Gestapo-like enforcement arm of the Democrat Party, now Malignancy Pelosi is turning the Capitol Police into the SS.
Pelosi will be severely disappointed with the results of her action here. It is doomed to fail, basically because there are not enough suckas she can hire to send down to do her dirty. The little brown 'o' ring that is Washington DC, owned by the limeys and their cabal days are numbered. Her actions here will accelerate her demise. Bank on it. The American citizens will not put up with this.
Today as this is written the Capitol Building (The PEOPLE's House) is ringed with fencing and barbed wire. Citizens are not allowed enter to speak to the representatives they elected.
Our government is holding political prisoners for months, being tortured under official sanctions which includes prisoners being zip-tied and beaten out in their cells.
What Pelosi is pushing forward is definitely TYRANNICAL and AUTHORITARIAN in the ways of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Communist way.
Support the police.


Exactly right.

MAGAt said he wanted a police state and that's what he was building.

You read to many fake theories coming from the NY Slimes. It was your messiah Barry Soetoro that made claims to creating a police state and now Pelosi is trying to act on it.
Until recently, we had elections, the losers complained a little, then walked away. We prided ourselves in not operating like a third world country where the losers were beaten down or punished. That all changed with the election of Trump. While he had every opportunity and evidence to go after Hilary, he chose not to in the normal tradition of the US. After four years of fabricated evidence to produce failing legal issues and a generally successful presidency, he lost the election. Now, in true third world fashion, the winners of that election will do anything to destroy dissenting opinion and try to remain in power. There is little difference between Pelosi's actions and those of Putin as he attempts to become dictator for life.
Until recently, we had elections, the losers complained a little, then walked away. We prided ourselves in not operating like a third world country where the losers were beaten down or punished. That all changed with the election of Trump. While he had every opportunity and evidence to go after Hilary, he chose not to in the normal tradition of the US. After four years of fabricated evidence to produce failing legal issues and a generally successful presidency, he lost the election. Now, in true third world fashion, the winners of that election will do anything to destroy dissenting opinion and try to remain in power. There is little difference between Pelosi's actions and those of Putin as he attempts to become dictator for life.

You forget recent history dweeb.
Comey ignored the rule of law on 7/5/16, letting Hillary abscond.
Trump hadn't even been elected yet!
Find a corner, stay by yourself, and continue to jerk-off to your false fantasies.

The Silent Emergence of Fascism in the USA – Pelosi’s Tuesday Announcement Should Send Chills Down Your Spine​

7 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Guest post by John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Vigilance has warned about the present danger but the alarms were shrugged off by the delusional thought “well THAT cannot happen in the USA!” Blatant events beginning with Obama’s administration shocked and caused consternation but all was forgotten under President Trump’s administration. Then November 3, 2020, came and ushered in the reality that the dream has become a nightmare.
Six months into the Biden administration Americans have witnessed the overt attacks upon our civility, utter contempt for our historical heritage, cursing for our once-envied culture, and ruin for our thriving economy. The bulwark of our Republic’s independence has been breached as the U.S. Constitution’s Rule of Law has refused to be upheld by the Courts. Those who uphold fidelity to the Constitution are imprisoned while those advocating anarchy are applauded.
The disintegration of our culture, history, and body politic is not new in civilization’s records. I have noted specific similarities of historical precedent in the godless French Revolution and the inhumane fanaticism of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (which we call the Nazis) that provide obvious education on the intent and the terminal fate of such movements. However, history’s instructions are ignored and the steady march toward devolution continues.
Illustrating how far down the path of disintegration of our nation’s once-proud statue in the world’s view is a shocking event announce on 6 July 2021 by the Los Angels Times. “The U.S. Capitol Police on Tuesday announced that the agency was opening regional field offices in California and Florida to investigate threats to members of Congress in the wake of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.”
According to announcements, Pelosi will assign the Capitol Police to various “hot spots” throughout our nation for the purpose of confronting those deemed “radical extremists.” Informed readers know this is a term identifying those who believe the Constitution and not the extremists residing in Washington, DC is the Rule of Law.
While this view of Pelosi (and evidently ALL in Congress, the White House, and the SCOTUS since there is a deafening silence from their quarters regarding this action) is not unexpected, it is another historical illustration of how freedom is seized and tyranny becomes the Rule of Law.
The historical precedent is obvious. Although Adolph Hitler is synonymous with pure evil, he is not alone in civilization’s “Hall of Shame.” All despots share a behavioral pattern. This recent announcement of the deployment of Pelosi’s Capitol Police to eradicate radical extremists throughout the nation is clear behavior of despotic rule and ruin.
Listen carefully to history from the 1920s…Hitler’s rise to evil tyranny was carefully orchestrated. Beginning in small gatherings it amassed fanatical support through a cunning propaganda machine. The truth was twisted. Lies were polished. Minds were manipulated. But even with these accomplishments, not all would march in goosestep with the fascists. Hitler needed a force to quell any opposition.
This is history’s lesson. The lesson could not be clearer. This is a mark of fascism that leads to tyranny that enslaves and not liberates.

Obama politicized the FBI into a Gestapo-like enforcement arm of the Democrat Party, now Malignancy Pelosi is turning the Capitol Police into the SS.
Pelosi will be severely disappointed with the results of her action here. It is doomed to fail, basically because there are not enough suckas she can hire to send down to do her dirty. The little brown 'o' ring that is Washington DC, owned by the limeys and their cabal days are numbered. Her actions here will accelerate her demise. Bank on it. The American citizens will not put up with this.
Today as this is written the Capitol Building (The PEOPLE's House) is ringed with fencing and barbed wire. Citizens are not allowed enter to speak to the representatives they elected.
Our government is holding political prisoners for months, being tortured under official sanctions which includes prisoners being zip-tied and beaten out in their cells.
What Pelosi is pushing forward is definitely TYRANNICAL and AUTHORITARIAN in the ways of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Communist way.

The only fascism that is present is being pushed by Trump and his supporters. Republicans are attempting to take over our democracy and turn it into a dictatorship. They are attacking our free speech rights.

Trump is the one who attempted to pressure the DOJ to prosecute his political enemies. McGahn resigned from the White House because he was being pressured to fire Mueller. Bank on this. You Nazis will not win.

The reason the Capitol is closed and ringed with fencing is because of Trump's attempted insurrection on Jan 6.

The government is holding terrorists who attacked our capitol. They are not being tortured.

Until recently, we had elections, the losers complained a little, then walked away. We prided ourselves in not operating like a third world country where the losers were beaten down or punished. That all changed with the election of Trump. While he had every opportunity and evidence to go after Hilary, he chose not to in the normal tradition of the US. After four years of fabricated evidence to produce failing legal issues and a generally successful presidency, he lost the election. Now, in true third world fashion, the winners of that election will do anything to destroy dissenting opinion and try to remain in power. There is little difference between Pelosi's actions and those of Putin as he attempts to become dictator for life.

Hillary Clinton committed no crime so there was nothing to go after Clinton for. Yes Trump pressured the DOJ to prosecute his political enemies. Trump helped the Russians help him by turning over internal polling data and other campaign information to a Russian with ties to Russian Intelligence. He pressured a foreign government to open a phony investigation of a political opponent. Finally he incited a attack on the capitol on Jan 6. The Republicans are the ones following Putin's example by trying to turn this country into a dictatorship.

The Silent Emergence of Fascism in the USA – Pelosi’s Tuesday Announcement Should Send Chills Down Your Spine​

7 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Guest post by John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Vigilance has warned about the present danger but the alarms were shrugged off by the delusional thought “well THAT cannot happen in the USA!” Blatant events beginning with Obama’s administration shocked and caused consternation but all was forgotten under President Trump’s administration. Then November 3, 2020, came and ushered in the reality that the dream has become a nightmare.
Six months into the Biden administration Americans have witnessed the overt attacks upon our civility, utter contempt for our historical heritage, cursing for our once-envied culture, and ruin for our thriving economy. The bulwark of our Republic’s independence has been breached as the U.S. Constitution’s Rule of Law has refused to be upheld by the Courts. Those who uphold fidelity to the Constitution are imprisoned while those advocating anarchy are applauded.
The disintegration of our culture, history, and body politic is not new in civilization’s records. I have noted specific similarities of historical precedent in the godless French Revolution and the inhumane fanaticism of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (which we call the Nazis) that provide obvious education on the intent and the terminal fate of such movements. However, history’s instructions are ignored and the steady march toward devolution continues.
Illustrating how far down the path of disintegration of our nation’s once-proud statue in the world’s view is a shocking event announce on 6 July 2021 by the Los Angels Times. “The U.S. Capitol Police on Tuesday announced that the agency was opening regional field offices in California and Florida to investigate threats to members of Congress in the wake of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.”
According to announcements, Pelosi will assign the Capitol Police to various “hot spots” throughout our nation for the purpose of confronting those deemed “radical extremists.” Informed readers know this is a term identifying those who believe the Constitution and not the extremists residing in Washington, DC is the Rule of Law.
While this view of Pelosi (and evidently ALL in Congress, the White House, and the SCOTUS since there is a deafening silence from their quarters regarding this action) is not unexpected, it is another historical illustration of how freedom is seized and tyranny becomes the Rule of Law.
The historical precedent is obvious. Although Adolph Hitler is synonymous with pure evil, he is not alone in civilization’s “Hall of Shame.” All despots share a behavioral pattern. This recent announcement of the deployment of Pelosi’s Capitol Police to eradicate radical extremists throughout the nation is clear behavior of despotic rule and ruin.
Listen carefully to history from the 1920s…Hitler’s rise to evil tyranny was carefully orchestrated. Beginning in small gatherings it amassed fanatical support through a cunning propaganda machine. The truth was twisted. Lies were polished. Minds were manipulated. But even with these accomplishments, not all would march in goosestep with the fascists. Hitler needed a force to quell any opposition.
This is history’s lesson. The lesson could not be clearer. This is a mark of fascism that leads to tyranny that enslaves and not liberates.

Obama politicized the FBI into a Gestapo-like enforcement arm of the Democrat Party, now Malignancy Pelosi is turning the Capitol Police into the SS.
Pelosi will be severely disappointed with the results of her action here. It is doomed to fail, basically because there are not enough suckas she can hire to send down to do her dirty. The little brown 'o' ring that is Washington DC, owned by the limeys and their cabal days are numbered. Her actions here will accelerate her demise. Bank on it. The American citizens will not put up with this.
Today as this is written the Capitol Building (The PEOPLE's House) is ringed with fencing and barbed wire. Citizens are not allowed enter to speak to the representatives they elected.
Our government is holding political prisoners for months, being tortured under official sanctions which includes prisoners being zip-tied and beaten out in their cells.
What Pelosi is pushing forward is definitely TYRANNICAL and AUTHORITARIAN in the ways of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Communist way.
But sending unmarked feds to Portland so kidnap folks off the streets wasn't fascist?

But sending the police and national guard to clear out protestors for a photo op wasn't fascist?
Until recently, we had elections, the losers complained a little, then walked away. We prided ourselves in not operating like a third world country where the losers were beaten down or punished. That all changed with the election of Trump. While he had every opportunity and evidence to go after Hilary, he chose not to in the normal tradition of the US. After four years of fabricated evidence to produce failing legal issues and a generally successful presidency, he lost the election. Now, in true third world fashion, the winners of that election will do anything to destroy dissenting opinion and try to remain in power. There is little difference between Pelosi's actions and those of Putin as he attempts to become dictator for life.

You forget recent history dweeb.
Comey ignored the rule of law on 7/5/16, letting Hillary abscond.
Trump hadn't even been elected yet!
Find a corner, stay by yourself, and continue to jerk-off to your false fantasies.
I forget nothing. If you would get someone to read my post to you and explain how I was discussing what happened after the election, not before, you might get a glimmer of understanding. I'm sorry I didn't write it at the 3rd grade level for folks like you. He had 4 years to sic the justice department on the problem, but didn't. Unlike Obama, Pelosi, and Biden he didn't go after the his opponents to try and destroy them. He was a jerk and not a good man at all, but was better for the country than Biden will ever be. Now go back to your momma's basement and turn your video game back on.

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