The seriousness of gun control


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Gun control is nothing new.

Before guns were invented , it was sword control.

The governments , back then ,were more honest about it. "The king says , when you're done risking your life in the king's army, you need the turn your sword back in, because the king needs to keep control of the population, and the king says you're not allowed to own that. "

Now days we have a Socialist inspired government who tells us we need to dissolve our Second Amendment rights of self defense, because innocent people get hurt when citizens own guns.

Do the Socialists really care about innocent lives? or do they just simply want control over the public?

Here are some things that kill innocent lives more than guns,

*) Medical malpractice (no one seems to care about that)

*) Homelessness (no one seems to care about that)

*) Traffic accidents (no one seems to care about that, ...yet)

*) WOW! Abortion! , According to the Socialists, guns kill innocent lives, but murdering thousands of innocent people who never had a chance to make a bad choice, is a "civil right"

The abortion rate in America would impress the baby sacrificing pagans. The Aztecs would probably have to triple their human sacrifice rate to keep up with us.

The Socialists don't care about innocent lives, it's just propaganda.


I grew up in a time when being a gangster in Los Angeles was very popular.

Young people I knew used to pummel other young people half to death.

What I realized is, my dad, who is a former gun dealer, knows more people dragged off by the government for selling guns, than I know people dragged off for crimes.

All the nut cases I grew up with, are currently out of jail. Most of them never convicted.

My dad received a notice to appear for court. a long time ago he sold a gun which the ATF said was too new. What the agent didn't know was, the gun was refinished and had a newer date. My dad hired a lawyer, and the lawyer told him to plead guilty. My dad said "I didn't hire you so I can walk in there and plead guilty" My dad pleaded "not guilty" and the ATF didn't show up and the case was dismissed.

My dad took the hint and stopped selling guns.

Americans don't know that many of the most respected gun historians in our country have done time in jail, for an issue that is supposed to be a constitutional right.
Gun control is about gun deaths, gun carnage, period. Not crime, not protection, death and destruction...

And your perfect world makes it easier for the criminal element to do just that.
Gun control is about gun deaths, gun carnage, period. Not crime, not protection, death and destruction...
And your perfect world makes it easier for the criminal element to do just that.
Nope, they won't have "protection" either, but you will still be living in fear, as usual. That can't be helped.
To think a corrupt and ineffective government can confiscate ALL the guns held by 300 million people, is to believe in fairy tales.

The left and their silly fairy tales F up so much... AGW is another fairy tale causing great damage.
Gun control is about gun deaths, gun carnage, period. Not crime, not protection, death and destruction...
And your perfect world makes it easier for the criminal element to do just that.
Nope, they won't have "protection" either, but you will still be living in fear, as usual. That can't be helped.
To think a corrupt and ineffective government can confiscate ALL the guns held by 300 million people, is to believe in fairy tales.

The left and their silly fairy tales F up so much... AGW is another fairy tale causing great damage.
We don't need to pick up all the guns. Once the ban is passed, and you're found to have one in your hands while not in uniform, you're dead, no questions asked.
Gun control is nothing new.

Before guns were invented , it was sword control.

The governments , back then ,were more honest about it. "The king says , when you're done risking your life in the king's army, you need the turn your sword back in, because the king needs to keep control of the population, and the king says you're not allowed to own that. "

Now days we have a Socialist inspired government who tells us we need to dissolve our Second Amendment rights of self defense, because innocent people get hurt when citizens own guns.

Do the Socialists really care about innocent lives? or do they just simply want control over the public?

Here are some things that kill innocent lives more than guns,

*) Medical malpractice (no one seems to care about that)

*) Homelessness (no one seems to care about that)

*) Traffic accidents (no one seems to care about that, ...yet)

*) WOW! Abortion! , According to the Socialists, guns kill innocent lives, but murdering thousands of innocent people who never had a chance to make a bad choice, is a "civil right"

The abortion rate in America would impress the baby sacrificing pagans. The Aztecs would probably have to triple their human sacrifice rate to keep up with us.

The Socialists don't care about innocent lives, it's just propaganda.


I grew up in a time when being a gangster in Los Angeles was very popular.

Young people I knew used to pummel other young people half to death.

What I realized is, my dad, who is a former gun dealer, knows more people dragged off by the government for selling guns, than I know people dragged off for crimes.

All the nut cases I grew up with, are currently out of jail. Most of them never convicted.

My dad received a notice to appear for court. a long time ago he sold a gun which the ATF said was too new. What the agent didn't know was, the gun was refinished and had a newer date. My dad hired a lawyer, and the lawyer told him to plead guilty. My dad said "I didn't hire you so I can walk in there and plead guilty" My dad pleaded "not guilty" and the ATF didn't show up and the case was dismissed.

My dad took the hint and stopped selling guns.

Americans don't know that many of the most respected gun historians in our country have done time in jail, for an issue that is supposed to be a constitutional right.

The problem with your arguments are this.

A) Gun control works in other countries. You can go to many European countries with a sizable amount of gun control, and you'll have just as much freedom, if not more freedom, than you get in the USA.

B) Abortion, there are 7 billion people on the planet. Now, gun control cuts down on the numbers somewhat. However the impact it has on the living is far worse than abortion has. Abortion is the choice of the mother, she makes that choice. It doesn't make a community feel unsafe, it doesn't end up with court cases costing lots of money, it doesn't have much of an impact except at the individual level of the mother and possibly the father.

C) The human body naturally aborts about 75% of pregnancies anyway. Sperm often ends up in a sock, down the toilet or whatever.

Of course, there might be contradictions in this, there will ALWAYS be contradictions. In order for humanity to survive we need to reduce the amount of people, or find other planets where we can put people. The latter isn't an option right now. So....

The choice is there, abortion or people going around killing each other when they're adults or children.

Which has the most impact on society? It's quite clear which.
I take Gun Control seriously. By not missing the target when I shoot. It pisses me off when I miss.............

That's my version of gun control.
Gun control is nothing new.

Before guns were invented , it was sword control.

The governments , back then ,were more honest about it. "The king says , when you're done risking your life in the king's army, you need the turn your sword back in, because the king needs to keep control of the population, and the king says you're not allowed to own that. "

Now days we have a Socialist inspired government who tells us we need to dissolve our Second Amendment rights of self defense, because innocent people get hurt when citizens own guns.

Do the Socialists really care about innocent lives? or do they just simply want control over the public?

Here are some things that kill innocent lives more than guns,

*) Medical malpractice (no one seems to care about that)

*) Homelessness (no one seems to care about that)

*) Traffic accidents (no one seems to care about that, ...yet)

*) WOW! Abortion! , According to the Socialists, guns kill innocent lives, but murdering thousands of innocent people who never had a chance to make a bad choice, is a "civil right"

The abortion rate in America would impress the baby sacrificing pagans. The Aztecs would probably have to triple their human sacrifice rate to keep up with us.

The Socialists don't care about innocent lives, it's just propaganda.


I grew up in a time when being a gangster in Los Angeles was very popular.

Young people I knew used to pummel other young people half to death.

What I realized is, my dad, who is a former gun dealer, knows more people dragged off by the government for selling guns, than I know people dragged off for crimes.

All the nut cases I grew up with, are currently out of jail. Most of them never convicted.

My dad received a notice to appear for court. a long time ago he sold a gun which the ATF said was too new. What the agent didn't know was, the gun was refinished and had a newer date. My dad hired a lawyer, and the lawyer told him to plead guilty. My dad said "I didn't hire you so I can walk in there and plead guilty" My dad pleaded "not guilty" and the ATF didn't show up and the case was dismissed.

My dad took the hint and stopped selling guns.

Americans don't know that many of the most respected gun historians in our country have done time in jail, for an issue that is supposed to be a constitutional right.
All this gun control talk is the pussification of America
G"The king says , when you're done risking your life in the king's army, you need the turn your sword back in, because the king needs to keep control of the population, and the king says you're not allowed to own that. "

Gun control is about gun deaths, gun carnage, period. Not crime, not protection, death and destruction...
And your perfect world makes it easier for the criminal element to do just that.
Nope, they won't have "protection" either, but you will still be living in fear, as usual. That can't be helped.
To think a corrupt and ineffective government can confiscate ALL the guns held by 300 million people, is to believe in fairy tales.

The left and their silly fairy tales F up so much... AGW is another fairy tale causing great damage.
We don't need to pick up all the guns. Once the ban is passed, and you're found to have one in your hands while not in uniform, you're dead, no questions asked.

North Korea is calling your name.
Can't really talk about the seriousness of something that isn't going to happen.
A) Gun control works in other countries. You can go to many European countries with a sizable amount of gun control, and you'll have just as much freedom, if not more freedom, than you get in the USA.

Correlation does not imply causation. Violent crime is a social problem. Its prevalence is due to full scale social causes, including widespread values and beliefs. It's not as simple as making a law. Let's take one particular form of gun violence as an example: Suicide. In the United States suicide is common attempted with a gun. Meanwhile in Japan, guns are scarce but this does not deter suicide. In fact, Japan has a bigger suicide problem than the US. The most common method of suicide attempts is carbon monoxide poisoning through charcoal poisoning.

Meanwhile also compare Switzerland, which has one of the lowest rates of violent crime in the world while most homes contain military grade rifles per government mandate. Crime is low in Switzerland because of the general values of Swiss society which guide their social behavior. People don't want to commit crimes, and so they don't.

And really, that is the fact that you will continue to ignore as you reply. People will commit crime because they want to, not because they have permission.

B) Abortion, there are 7 billion people on the planet. Now, gun control cuts down on the numbers somewhat. However the impact it has on the living is far worse than abortion has. Abortion is the choice of the mother, she makes that choice. It doesn't make a community feel unsafe, it doesn't end up with court cases costing lots of money, it doesn't have much of an impact except at the individual level of the mother and possibly the father.[/QUOTE]

This really shows how incoherent your thinking is on this subject. How gun control reduces the global population, nobody knows (except you, apparently). Abortion, of course, has no bearing on gun control. That you invoke it here is nothing but a red herring. But more incredibly still, it's a very poor distraction, because any comparison only speaks against your position.

Abortions have been happening since antiquity, and have continually occurred regardless of legality. One of the prevalent arguments for legal abortion access is that abortions will occur anyway, but they'll be done with coat hangers in back alleys and involve many people bleeding out on a frequent basis. Legal prohibition cannot stop abortions from happening. Just the same, gun "control" legislation cannot stop gun violence from happening.

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