A simple explanation is needed. In either case Hillary SHOULD NOT BE elected!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
A U.S. law enforcement official familiar with the investigation said that prosecuting anyone involved in the case would be difficult. The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive internal deliberations, said that investigators are looking at whether anyone knowingly mishandled classified information on the system.

Clinton has said that none of her emails were marked classified when they were sent.
But it is the responsibility of individual government officials to handle classified material appropriately, including by properly marking it as classified, according to experts.

The State Department: Hillary Clinton’s email correspondence contained ‘top secret’ material

1) Hillary knew that classified emails were handled improperly which is against the law.

2) She was incompetent. As SofS she hired underlings. The underlings she hired should have known
better. If they didn't, she hired incompetent people and therefore is incompetent to be the Chief Executive Officer of the USA.

Either way she SHOULD not be elected i.e. either she knowingly broke the law or she was incompetent.
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They are currently talking about bringing Petraeous back to duty to Court Martshalled for similar..................Had I even done a small error in Classified data I'd have been drawn and quartered already.

But when the leadership does it............they get a do not go to jail card.

Unless she's indicted, she'll keep running.

Then the question will be if anyone outside of Republicans care about this story.

Do you think the average person on the street either knows or cares about this story?
The people of this country are so used to the corruption of Washington that they are numb. They would vote for Hillary if she was an axe murderer.
Unless she's indicted, she'll keep running.

Then the question will be if anyone outside of Republicans care about this story.

Do you think the average person on the street either knows or cares about this story?
The people of this country are so used to the corruption of Washington that they are numb. They would vote for Hillary if she was an axe murderer.
Axe murderer or GOP evil in a human skin suit? Axe murderer it is...
Unless she's indicted, she'll keep running.

Then the question will be if anyone outside of Republicans care about this story.

Do you think the average person on the street either knows or cares about this story?
The people of this country are so used to the corruption of Washington that they are numb. They would vote for Hillary if she was an axe murderer.
Yup. Our "leaders" are a reflection of our society.

We can't tell you what "the debt" is or means, but we can tell you what's going on with the Kardashians.

The only way this email issue matters is if she's indicted. Maybe.
doing what she did could have lead to people getting killed by our enemies

Lose lips sink ships

but it's ok, b/c she's got that (D), no matter what she has clearly done, clearly, leftist don't care, the hate they have for America is reflected in her actions, she their best candidate based on her hate
Unless she's indicted, she'll keep running.

Then the question will be if anyone outside of Republicans care about this story.

Do you think the average person on the street either knows or cares about this story?
The people of this country are so used to the corruption of Washington that they are numb. They would vote for Hillary if she was an axe murderer.
Yup. Our "leaders" are a reflection of our society.

We can't tell you what "the debt" is or means, but we can tell you what's going on with the Kardashians.

The only way this email issue matters is if she's indicted. Maybe.
Releasing Top Secret data on an unsecure server matters to me. It matters to me............and the security of this nation. Of course they will do nothing to her. It's good to be the queen scenario. Shows how low our own government has sunk.
Unless she's indicted, she'll keep running.

Then the question will be if anyone outside of Republicans care about this story.

Do you think the average person on the street either knows or cares about this story?
The people of this country are so used to the corruption of Washington that they are numb. They would vote for Hillary if she was an axe murderer.
Yup. Our "leaders" are a reflection of our society.

We can't tell you what "the debt" is or means, but we can tell you what's going on with the Kardashians.

The only way this email issue matters is if she's indicted. Maybe.
Releasing Top Secret data on an unsecure server matters to me. It matters to me............and the security of this nation. Of course they will do nothing to her. It's good to be the queen scenario. Shows how low our own government has sunk.
The FBI knows the gravity of the situation and won't indict unless the amount of evidence makes it a slam dunk.

And about those stories saying there will be some kind of revolt if she's not indicted, I don't buy that for a minute.

The GOP would be far better off articulating a solid, clear, positive, unified vision for the future of the country.
Unless she's indicted, she'll keep running.

Then the question will be if anyone outside of Republicans care about this story.

Do you think the average person on the street either knows or cares about this story?
The people of this country are so used to the corruption of Washington that they are numb. They would vote for Hillary if she was an axe murderer.
Yup. Our "leaders" are a reflection of our society.

We can't tell you what "the debt" is or means, but we can tell you what's going on with the Kardashians.

The only way this email issue matters is if she's indicted. Maybe.
Releasing Top Secret data on an unsecure server matters to me. It matters to me............and the security of this nation. Of course they will do nothing to her. It's good to be the queen scenario. Shows how low our own government has sunk.
The FBI knows the gravity of the situation and won't indict unless the amount of evidence makes it a slam dunk.

And about those stories saying there will be some kind of revolt if she's not indicted, I don't buy that for a minute.

The GOP would be far better off articulating a solid, clear, positive, unified vision for the future of the country.
The laws of security protocol have been violated PERIOD.

The Dept of Justice serves Obama and the party in charge...................and they will not eat their own. So much for the balance in the Justice system.

The GOP should absolutely go forward with this on the principles of what she has done..............because she ABSOLUTELY is in VIOLATION........................That alone should drive it forward.
Unless she's indicted, she'll keep running.

Then the question will be if anyone outside of Republicans care about this story.

Do you think the average person on the street either knows or cares about this story?
The people of this country are so used to the corruption of Washington that they are numb. They would vote for Hillary if she was an axe murderer.
Yup. Our "leaders" are a reflection of our society.

We can't tell you what "the debt" is or means, but we can tell you what's going on with the Kardashians.

The only way this email issue matters is if she's indicted. Maybe.
Releasing Top Secret data on an unsecure server matters to me. It matters to me............and the security of this nation. Of course they will do nothing to her. It's good to be the queen scenario. Shows how low our own government has sunk.
The FBI knows the gravity of the situation and won't indict unless the amount of evidence makes it a slam dunk.

And about those stories saying there will be some kind of revolt if she's not indicted, I don't buy that for a minute.

The GOP would be far better off articulating a solid, clear, positive, unified vision for the future of the country.
The laws of security protocol have been violated PERIOD.

The Dept of Justice serves Obama and the party in charge...................and they will not eat their own. So much for the balance in the Justice system.

The GOP should absolutely go forward with this on the principles of what she has done..............because she ABSOLUTELY is in VIOLATION........................That alone should drive it forward.
If the FBI doesn't indict, there's nothing the GOP can do. Any actions they (try to) take will be seen as blatantly political.
Unless she's indicted, she'll keep running.

Then the question will be if anyone outside of Republicans care about this story.

Do you think the average person on the street either knows or cares about this story?
The people of this country are so used to the corruption of Washington that they are numb. They would vote for Hillary if she was an axe murderer.
Yup. Our "leaders" are a reflection of our society.

We can't tell you what "the debt" is or means, but we can tell you what's going on with the Kardashians.

The only way this email issue matters is if she's indicted. Maybe.
Releasing Top Secret data on an unsecure server matters to me. It matters to me............and the security of this nation. Of course they will do nothing to her. It's good to be the queen scenario. Shows how low our own government has sunk.
The FBI knows the gravity of the situation and won't indict unless the amount of evidence makes it a slam dunk.

And about those stories saying there will be some kind of revolt if she's not indicted, I don't buy that for a minute.

The GOP would be far better off articulating a solid, clear, positive, unified vision for the future of the country.
that doesn't work

it resonates so poorly with leftist that they will be shouted down as some kind of 'ist'.

the left has serving special interest down to an art, and the idea of a unified country would mean they would have to start over.
The emails weren't classified as Top Secret until after she sent them, in fact most weren't Top Secret until investigators were deciding what should and should not be released to the general public.

You people need to put down the conspiracy theory pipe.
The people of this country are so used to the corruption of Washington that they are numb. They would vote for Hillary if she was an axe murderer.
Yup. Our "leaders" are a reflection of our society.

We can't tell you what "the debt" is or means, but we can tell you what's going on with the Kardashians.

The only way this email issue matters is if she's indicted. Maybe.
Releasing Top Secret data on an unsecure server matters to me. It matters to me............and the security of this nation. Of course they will do nothing to her. It's good to be the queen scenario. Shows how low our own government has sunk.
The FBI knows the gravity of the situation and won't indict unless the amount of evidence makes it a slam dunk.

And about those stories saying there will be some kind of revolt if she's not indicted, I don't buy that for a minute.

The GOP would be far better off articulating a solid, clear, positive, unified vision for the future of the country.
The laws of security protocol have been violated PERIOD.

The Dept of Justice serves Obama and the party in charge...................and they will not eat their own. So much for the balance in the Justice system.

The GOP should absolutely go forward with this on the principles of what she has done..............because she ABSOLUTELY is in VIOLATION........................That alone should drive it forward.
If the FBI doesn't indict, there's nothing the GOP can do. Any actions they (try to) take will be seen as blatantly political.
There is Right and Wrong in this world.................Her actions are wrong.............If they don't indict her then that decision was POLITICAL and not based on the law..............Ray Charles could see that. On principle they should challenge it
The emails weren't classified as Top Secret until after she sent them, in fact most weren't Top Secret until investigators were deciding what should and should not be released to the general public.

You people need to put down the conspiracy theory pipe.
BS...............I've read and signed the Security Clearance paperwork..........She violated the rules of the State Dept. and rules for data transmission. Ignorance isn't excuse for violating the rules SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO ENFORCE...................

Average joe in her shoes would be thrown under the jail................But you are liberal mouthpiece anyway........Perhaps you don't give a shit if some of our agents get killed from mishandling of data.
What's funny is the butthurt you guys are feeling because none of the phony charges republicans throw at her pan out.
A U.S. law enforcement official familiar with the investigation said that prosecuting anyone involved in the case would be difficult. The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive internal deliberations, said that investigators are looking at whether anyone knowingly mishandled classified information on the system.

Clinton has said that none of her emails were marked classified when they were sent.
But it is the responsibility of individual government officials to handle classified material appropriately, including by properly marking it as classified, according to experts.

The State Department: Hillary Clinton’s email correspondence contained ‘top secret’ material

1) Hillary knew that classified emails were handled improperly which is against the law.

2) She was incompetent. As SofS she hired underlings. The underlings she hired should have known
better. If they didn't, she hired incompetent people and therefore is incompetent to be the Chief Executive Officer of the USA.

Either way she can not be elected i.e. either she knowingly broke the law or she was incompetent.

Do you mean "shouldn't be elected" rather than can't be elected?

She clearly can, criminals CAN become president of the USA, there is nothing stopping them.

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