The Secret Web-Where Drugs, Porn and Murder Live Online

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
The Secret Web: Where Drugs, Porn and Murder Live Online - TIME

Ten years ago the government built a totally private, anonymous network. Now it's a haven for criminals ...

On the afternoon of Oct. 1, 2013, a tall, slender, shaggy-haired man left his house on 15th Avenue in San Francisco. His two housemates knew him only as a quiet currency trader named Josh Terrey. His real name was Ross Ulbricht. He was 29 and had no police record. Dressed in jeans and a red T-shirt, Ulbricht headed to the Glen Park branch of the public library, where he made his way to the science-fiction section and logged on to his laptop — he was using the free wi-fi. Several FBI agents dressed in plainclothes converged on him, pushed him up against a window, then escorted him from the building.

The FBI believes Ulbricht is a criminal known online as the Dread Pirate Roberts, a reference to the book and movie The Princess Bride. The Dread Pirate Roberts was the owner and administrator of Silk Road, a wildly successful online bazaar where people bought and sold illegal goods — primarily drugs but also fake IDs, fireworks and hacking software. They could do this without getting caught because Silk Road was located in a little-known region of the Internet called the Deep Web.

The Deep Web is a specific branch of the Internet that's distinguished by that increasingly rare commodity: complete anonymity. As such, it is a vital tool for intelligence agents, law enforcement, political dissidents and anybody who needs or wants to conduct their online affairs in private — which is, increasingly, everybody.

Read more: The Secret Web: Where Drugs, Porn and Murder Live Online - TIME The Secret Web: Where Drugs, Porn and Murder Live Online - TIME

It used to be easy to access the "Deep Web" but I haven't been able to find it for some time. I haven't really searched as hard as I could though. Later, when I have more time, I'm going to see if I can find a way in.
The Secret Web: Where Drugs, Porn and Murder Live Online - TIME

Ten years ago the government built a totally private, anonymous network. Now it's a haven for criminals ...

On the afternoon of Oct. 1, 2013, a tall, slender, shaggy-haired man left his house on 15th Avenue in San Francisco. His two housemates knew him only as a quiet currency trader named Josh Terrey. His real name was Ross Ulbricht. He was 29 and had no police record. Dressed in jeans and a red T-shirt, Ulbricht headed to the Glen Park branch of the public library, where he made his way to the science-fiction section and logged on to his laptop — he was using the free wi-fi. Several FBI agents dressed in plainclothes converged on him, pushed him up against a window, then escorted him from the building.

The FBI believes Ulbricht is a criminal known online as the Dread Pirate Roberts, a reference to the book and movie The Princess Bride. The Dread Pirate Roberts was the owner and administrator of Silk Road, a wildly successful online bazaar where people bought and sold illegal goods — primarily drugs but also fake IDs, fireworks and hacking software. They could do this without getting caught because Silk Road was located in a little-known region of the Internet called the Deep Web.

The Deep Web is a specific branch of the Internet that's distinguished by that increasingly rare commodity: complete anonymity. As such, it is a vital tool for intelligence agents, law enforcement, political dissidents and anybody who needs or wants to conduct their online affairs in private — which is, increasingly, everybody.

Read more: The Secret Web: Where Drugs, Porn and Murder Live Online - TIME The Secret Web: Where Drugs, Porn and Murder Live Online - TIME

It used to be easy to access the "Deep Web" but I haven't been able to find it for some time. I haven't really searched as hard as I could though. Later, when I have more time, I'm going to see if I can find a way in.

You should try It's the other haven for criminals.
The Secret Web: Where Drugs, Porn and Murder Live Online - TIME

Ten years ago the government built a totally private, anonymous network. Now it's a haven for criminals ...

On the afternoon of Oct. 1, 2013, a tall, slender, shaggy-haired man left his house on 15th Avenue in San Francisco. His two housemates knew him only as a quiet currency trader named Josh Terrey. His real name was Ross Ulbricht. He was 29 and had no police record. Dressed in jeans and a red T-shirt, Ulbricht headed to the Glen Park branch of the public library, where he made his way to the science-fiction section and logged on to his laptop — he was using the free wi-fi. Several FBI agents dressed in plainclothes converged on him, pushed him up against a window, then escorted him from the building.

The FBI believes Ulbricht is a criminal known online as the Dread Pirate Roberts, a reference to the book and movie The Princess Bride. The Dread Pirate Roberts was the owner and administrator of Silk Road, a wildly successful online bazaar where people bought and sold illegal goods — primarily drugs but also fake IDs, fireworks and hacking software. They could do this without getting caught because Silk Road was located in a little-known region of the Internet called the Deep Web.

The Deep Web is a specific branch of the Internet that's distinguished by that increasingly rare commodity: complete anonymity. As such, it is a vital tool for intelligence agents, law enforcement, political dissidents and anybody who needs or wants to conduct their online affairs in private — which is, increasingly, everybody.

Read more: The Secret Web: Where Drugs, Porn and Murder Live Online - TIME The Secret Web: Where Drugs, Porn and Murder Live Online - TIME

It used to be easy to access the "Deep Web" but I haven't been able to find it for some time. I haven't really searched as hard as I could though. Later, when I have more time, I'm going to see if I can find a way in.

Craving for the depraved eatin' atcha? LOL. I often say if USMB were a place I wouldn't come here. I can't fathom why anyone would want to access the 'deep web.' I guess you like computer viruses.
The Secret Web: Where Drugs, Porn and Murder Live Online - TIME

Ten years ago the government built a totally private, anonymous network. Now it's a haven for criminals ...

On the afternoon of Oct. 1, 2013, a tall, slender, shaggy-haired man left his house on 15th Avenue in San Francisco. His two housemates knew him only as a quiet currency trader named Josh Terrey. His real name was Ross Ulbricht. He was 29 and had no police record. Dressed in jeans and a red T-shirt, Ulbricht headed to the Glen Park branch of the public library, where he made his way to the science-fiction section and logged on to his laptop — he was using the free wi-fi. Several FBI agents dressed in plainclothes converged on him, pushed him up against a window, then escorted him from the building.

The FBI believes Ulbricht is a criminal known online as the Dread Pirate Roberts, a reference to the book and movie The Princess Bride. The Dread Pirate Roberts was the owner and administrator of Silk Road, a wildly successful online bazaar where people bought and sold illegal goods — primarily drugs but also fake IDs, fireworks and hacking software. They could do this without getting caught because Silk Road was located in a little-known region of the Internet called the Deep Web.

The Deep Web is a specific branch of the Internet that's distinguished by that increasingly rare commodity: complete anonymity. As such, it is a vital tool for intelligence agents, law enforcement, political dissidents and anybody who needs or wants to conduct their online affairs in private — which is, increasingly, everybody.

Read more: The Secret Web: Where Drugs, Porn and Murder Live Online - TIME The Secret Web: Where Drugs, Porn and Murder Live Online - TIME

It used to be easy to access the "Deep Web" but I haven't been able to find it for some time. I haven't really searched as hard as I could though. Later, when I have more time, I'm going to see if I can find a way in.

Craving for the depraved eatin' atcha? LOL. I often say if USMB were a place I wouldn't come here. I can't fathom why anyone would want to access the 'deep web.' I guess you like computer viruses.

computer viruses are easier to handle than the ones humans get.
Anybody wanna make book on how many posts it will take her to use the word 'racist' in this thread?
Remember kids... if what you are about to post has nothing to do with the subject of the thread and everything to do with your opinion of another USMB member, it's probably a Troll Post and subject to removal.

Let's keep it relevant to the subject, 'k?
Remember kids... if what you are about to post has nothing to do with the subject of the thread and everything to do with your opinion of another USMB member, it's probably a Troll Post and subject to removal.

Let's keep it relevant to the subject, 'k?

Once a member posts their thoughts on an issue, don't those points also have relevance to the conversation? For instance, if some chippy-head puts up a thread about nuclear waste, and says that nuclear waste is cool and they love to spread it on toast with butter, does not that statement become part of the conversation, and therefore subject to scrutiny?

Honest question boss, as I notice my posts have evaporated regarding Luddy's sicko views.
Remember kids... if what you are about to post has nothing to do with the subject of the thread and everything to do with your opinion of another USMB member, it's probably a Troll Post and subject to removal.

Let's keep it relevant to the subject, 'k?

Once a member posts their thoughts on an issue, don't those points also have relevance to the conversation? For instance, if some chippy-head puts up a thread about nuclear waste, and says that nuclear waste is cool and they love to spread it on toast with butter, does not that statement become part of the conversation, and therefore subject to scrutiny?

Honest question boss, as I notice my posts have evaporated regarding Luddy's sicko views.

I hope the positive rep I gave you didn't vanish with them. You might address the mod with @ before his name. Likely to get a better response.
Remember kids... if what you are about to post has nothing to do with the subject of the thread and everything to do with your opinion of another USMB member, it's probably a Troll Post and subject to removal.

Let's keep it relevant to the subject, 'k?

Once a member posts their thoughts on an issue, don't those points also have relevance to the conversation? For instance, if some chippy-head puts up a thread about nuclear waste, and says that nuclear waste is cool and they love to spread it on toast with butter, does not that statement become part of the conversation, and therefore subject to scrutiny?

Honest question boss, as I notice my posts have evaporated regarding Luddy's sicko views.

As long as a post contains material relevant to the subject of the thread, you're good to go. You can't simply say that so-and-so is a sicko without also explaining why you think that with relevance to the subject of the current thread.

Like I said, if what you are about to post has nothing to do with the subject of the thread and everything to do with your opinion of another USMB member, it's probably a Troll Post and subject to removal.

It's the "nothing to do with the subject of the thread" part that trips up most. Relevant content is required when posting flames outside the FlameZone.
The Secret Web: Where Drugs, Porn and Murder Live Online - TIME

It used to be easy to access the "Deep Web" but I haven't been able to find it for some time. I haven't really searched as hard as I could though. Later, when I have more time, I'm going to see if I can find a way in.

Craving for the depraved eatin' atcha? LOL. I often say if USMB were a place I wouldn't come here. I can't fathom why anyone would want to access the 'deep web.' I guess you like computer viruses.

computer viruses are easier to handle than the ones humans get.

Please don't write "viruses". We have to stop substituting incorrect English for correct English or soon the "FudRuckers" restaurant will become the "ButtFuckers". Don't make meh axe q to do dis again, pleaze.
Craving for the depraved eatin' atcha? LOL. I often say if USMB were a place I wouldn't come here. I can't fathom why anyone would want to access the 'deep web.' I guess you like computer viruses.

computer viruses are easier to handle than the ones humans get.

Please don't write "viruses". We have to stop substituting incorrect English for correct English or soon the "FudRuckers" restaurant will become the "ButtFuckers". Don't make meh axe q to do dis again, pleaze.

The English plural of virus is viruses.[1] In most speaking communities this is non-controversial and speakers would not attempt to use the non-standard plural in -i.

Plural form of words ending in -us - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have had so many science courses I don't even recall the number of hours I have in science. I have a bachelor's in nursing and a master's in nursing. No one in any of those courses called the plural of virus virii.
I went back and looked into this a bit. Apparently the Secret Web was originally established by the US government. That explains something. When I worked for the government, I could get WAY more hits on a thing at work that I could at home. I wonder if this has anything to do with it.

When I was teaching. We used the internet to search out various things for our lectures. They cautioned us about porn sites, because the very nature of looking for anatomical references will bring up hits on those sites. I don't remember what I was looking for but I got a pop up that was clearly a porn site. I looked at the pop up for a minute. It had a red X supposedly to close it. But my gut was telling me not to use the red button. So, I cut my computer off and then rebooted it. The next week another prof got that same pop up. She hit the red X and her computer was immediately flooded with porn. She had to have IT come take her computer and fix it. The college I taught in was a state college, certainly nothing to do with the federal government. So, I'm wondering if state agencies can access this as well.

But if it is supposed to be secret and it is for government use, then lay people really shouldn't be hacking into it even if you aren't looking for porn.
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The Secret Web: Where Drugs, Porn and Murder Live Online - TIME

Ten years ago the government built a totally private, anonymous network. Now it's a haven for criminals ...

On the afternoon of Oct. 1, 2013, a tall, slender, shaggy-haired man left his house on 15th Avenue in San Francisco. His two housemates knew him only as a quiet currency trader named Josh Terrey. His real name was Ross Ulbricht. He was 29 and had no police record. Dressed in jeans and a red T-shirt, Ulbricht headed to the Glen Park branch of the public library, where he made his way to the science-fiction section and logged on to his laptop — he was using the free wi-fi. Several FBI agents dressed in plainclothes converged on him, pushed him up against a window, then escorted him from the building.

The FBI believes Ulbricht is a criminal known online as the Dread Pirate Roberts, a reference to the book and movie The Princess Bride. The Dread Pirate Roberts was the owner and administrator of Silk Road, a wildly successful online bazaar where people bought and sold illegal goods — primarily drugs but also fake IDs, fireworks and hacking software. They could do this without getting caught because Silk Road was located in a little-known region of the Internet called the Deep Web.

The Deep Web is a specific branch of the Internet that's distinguished by that increasingly rare commodity: complete anonymity. As such, it is a vital tool for intelligence agents, law enforcement, political dissidents and anybody who needs or wants to conduct their online affairs in private — which is, increasingly, everybody.

Read more: The Secret Web: Where Drugs, Porn and Murder Live Online - TIME The Secret Web: Where Drugs, Porn and Murder Live Online - TIME
It used to be easy to access the "Deep Web" but I haven't been able to find it for some time. I haven't really searched as hard as I could though. Later, when I have more time, I'm going to see if I can find a way in.

Are you like 3? Porn has been online since before there was an online. The porn industry loves the Internet, Usenet, and all the BBS, and always has. Also. porn is legal, and should be, even if you are a prude.

Come to think of it, drugs should be legal too.

As for murder, I might be wrong, but I am pretty sure it is impossible to kill someone by killing them in cyberspace.

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