The Second Amendment Is Not Negotiable


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The Second Amendment Is Not Negotiable

December 17, 2012
By Ron Resnick

Cries for more “gun control” have flooded opinion and editorial pages in the wake of the school shooting in Connecticut. The opinion that Americans do not have a right to own firearms, and the assertion that the Constitution does not protect the right of individuals to own firearms, is absolutely false — and also incorrect in the context of law.

In 2008, the United States Supreme Court in District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), held that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects an individual’s right to possess a firearm for private use within the home in federal enclaves. In 2010, in McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U.S. __ (2010), the Supreme Court held that the right of an individual to keep and bear arms protected by the Second Amendment is incorporated by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and applies to the states. That American citizens have a right to own firearms is conclusive and irrefutable.


We must resist the temptation to abrogate the rights of many due to the illegal actions of a very few.

The Second Amendment Is Not Negotiable
No, it isn't - because it will most definitely eventually be changed. If the founding fathers could see the world we live in, they would be dumbfounded that it hasn't already been changed.
Oh, I can assure you it will eventually be ON the table. And you radical never-give-an-inch unyielding gun nuts will hasten that day.
Oh, I can assure you it will eventually be ON the table. And you radical never-give-an-inch unyielding gun nuts will hasten that day.
I can guarantee you that it will never be on the table. You extremists can cry all you want. It is already a lost cause for the left.

America will never be disarmed.
Nobody is threatening to take away the 2nd Amendment. The most radical suggestion on the Left is to increase the percentage of background checks by removing the "Gun Show Loophole". The second most radical suggestion is to revisit the ban on automatic weapons.

The only thing Obama has done on gun law is to sign a law making it legal to take a gun on Amtrak.

By suggesting that the Left wants to get rid of the 2nd Amendment you are doing something perfected by communist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, namely lying to achieve your political goals.

Obama won't end up passing anything as radical as the Brady Bill, which was endorsed wholeheartedly by Ronald Reagan.
Why I'm for the Brady Bill -
Nobody is threatening to take away the 2nd Amendment. The most radical suggestion on the Left is to increase the percentage of background checks by removing the "Gun Show Loophole". The second most radical suggestion is to revisit the ban on automatic weapons.

The only thing Obama has done on gun law is to sign a law making it legal to take a gun on Amtrak.

By suggesting that the Left wants to get rid of the 2nd Amendment you are doing something perfected by communist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, namely lying to achieve your political goals.

Obama won't end up passing anything as radical as the Brady Bill, which was endorsed wholeheartedly by Ronald Reagan.
Why I'm for the Brady Bill -
Perhaps you should actually READ what the left is saying.

The 2nd Amendment will not be negotiated. If anything, existing gun laws need to be repealed and taken off the table as well.
Oh, I can assure you it will eventually be ON the table. And you radical never-give-an-inch unyielding gun nuts will hasten that day.

"IF" you did change the Constitution you still have over 300 million plus guns in America, good luck, hell you might even start that revolution you lefties wanted to lose...:D
Nobody is threatening to take away the 2nd Amendment. The most radical suggestion on the Left is to increase the percentage of background checks by removing the "Gun Show Loophole". The second most radical suggestion is to revisit the ban on automatic weapons.

The only thing Obama has done on gun law is to sign a law making it legal to take a gun on Amtrak.

By suggesting that the Left wants to get rid of the 2nd Amendment you are doing something perfected by communist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, namely lying to achieve your political goals.

Obama won't end up passing anything as radical as the Brady Bill, which was endorsed wholeheartedly by Ronald Reagan.
Why I'm for the Brady Bill -
Perhaps you should actually READ what the left is saying.

The 2nd Amendment will not be negotiated. If anything, existing gun laws need to be repealed and taken off the table as well.

That's both crazy and funny. Nuts like you will hasten the day the Second Amendment is ON the table.
Nobody is threatening to take away the 2nd Amendment. The most radical suggestion on the Left is to increase the percentage of background checks by removing the "Gun Show Loophole". The second most radical suggestion is to revisit the ban on automatic weapons.

The only thing Obama has done on gun law is to sign a law making it legal to take a gun on Amtrak.

By suggesting that the Left wants to get rid of the 2nd Amendment you are doing something perfected by communist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, namely lying to achieve your political goals.

Obama won't end up passing anything as radical as the Brady Bill, which was endorsed wholeheartedly by Ronald Reagan.
Why I'm for the Brady Bill -
Perhaps you should actually READ what the left is saying.

The 2nd Amendment will not be negotiated. If anything, existing gun laws need to be repealed and taken off the table as well.

That's both crazy and funny. Nuts like you will hasten the day the Second Amendment is ON the table.
The only nut I see is you and your unhinged campaign against America.
Nobody is threatening to take away the 2nd Amendment. The most radical suggestion on the Left is to increase the percentage of background checks by removing the "Gun Show Loophole". The second most radical suggestion is to revisit the ban on automatic weapons.

The only thing Obama has done on gun law is to sign a law making it legal to take a gun on Amtrak.

By suggesting that the Left wants to get rid of the 2nd Amendment you are doing something perfected by communist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, namely lying to achieve your political goals.

Obama won't end up passing anything as radical as the Brady Bill, which was endorsed wholeheartedly by Ronald Reagan.
Why I'm for the Brady Bill -

You should watch msnbc more often or are you just using an saul alunski tactic/liberal spin...:D
As a hunter and avid gun enthusiast, I've known for several years that it would be the hardcore NRA nuts that would eventually cause major legislative backlash/blowback and restrict my gun rights. Such unyielding nuts are the worst enemy of responsible gun owners.

Anyone who knows their ass from a hole in the ground knows the Second Amendment is dangerously outdated.
Perhaps you should actually READ what the left is saying.

The 2nd Amendment will not be negotiated. If anything, existing gun laws need to be repealed and taken off the table as well.

That's both crazy and funny. Nuts like you will hasten the day the Second Amendment is ON the table.
The only nut I see is you and your unhinged campaign against America.

It's the fire/water, she/sq can't Handel it...:D
The 2nd Amendment will not be negotiated.

We agree. Obama does not have the courage to stand up to the NRA. What is likely to happen is that he and the Left will make a lot of noise, but they will do nothing. And of course the Right will convince their moronic voters that he is coming after their guns. These people are hermetically sealed inside Rightwing information streams that pump propaganda down their throats about gays, terrorists, illegals, and guns. They don't understand. It's all political theater. On both sides. Nothing will change. The NRA isn't an outsider to Washington; rather, it is a very powerful special interest which owns government. If a congressman votes the wrong way, the NRA will fund a primary. The NRA staffs congress. The fix is already in. This is why the Rightwing voter should stop being so hysterical about the 2nd Amendment. As you say - it will not be negotiated. The Left will not change anything BUT the poor Rightwing voter will be manipulated to believe that demons are at the door, Obama is coming for his guns and grandma... terrorists are hiding under the bed ... illegal aliens are in the closet ... and a homosexual gym teacher is making their son gay.
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As a hunter and avid gun enthusiast, I've known for several years that it would be the hardcore NRA nuts that would eventually cause major legislative backlash/blowback and restrict my gun rights. Such unyielding nuts are the worst enemy of responsible gun owners.

Anyone who knows their ass from a hole in the ground knows the Second Amendment is dangerously outdated.

That's only a progressive/liberal point of view, and their a minority, good luck...:D
I have no doubt that the Second Amendment will eventually be changed. However, even before it is changed, I expect a future SCOTUS to totally reinterpret it.
The 2nd Amendment will not be negotiated.

We agree. Obama does not have the courage to stand up to the NRA. What is likely to happen is that he and the Left will make a lot of noise, but they will do nothing. And of course the Right will convince their moronic voters that he is coming after their guns. These people are hermetically sealed inside Rightwing information streams that pump propaganda down their throats about gays, terrorists, illegals, and guns. They don't understand. It's all political theater. On both sides. Nothing will change. The NRA isn't an outsider to Washington; rather, it is a very powerful special interest which owns government. If a congressman votes the wrong way, the NRA will fund a primary. The NRA staffs congress. The fix is already in. This is why the Rightwing voter should stop being so hysterical about the 2nd Amendment. As you say - it will not be negotiated. The Left will not change anything BUT the poor Rightwing voter will be manipulated to believe that demons are at the door, Obama is coming for his guns and grandma... terrorists are hiding under the bed ... illegal aliens are in the closet ... and a homosexual gym teacher is making their son gay.

Oh snap lol, more typical plwl spin, YAWN, cya tomorrow you bored me to bed...:eusa_shhh:

Second Amendment: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

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