Will Obama sell out middle class, elderly on taxes, Social Security and Medicare?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama, with his latest fiscal cliff offer, proposes extending the Bush tax cuts for everyone earning less than $400,000 a year, and paying for it by increasing taxes on the middle class and cutting Social Security and Medicare.

Obama's offer would allow the payroll tax holiday to expire, meaning middle class workers will see smaller paychecks in 2013. Economists have warned that the recovery is too fragile to risk a broad tax hike on workers. It would also gradually reduce Social Security, pension and disability benefits seniors are due to receive, taking a small bite up front, but building up to much larger cuts over time.

Obama's concession to Republicans is opposed by a majority of Americans, according to a HuffPost/YouGov poll.

More: Obama Hits Social Security In Fiscal Cliff Offer Friendlier To The Wealthy
LMAO Hope the Reps give him everything he wants. Raising taxes in this economy is idiotic but then the fuck is a fiscal idiot.

If anyone thinks that fucks give a shit about them then they are living in la la land. He got his second term and he will push his bs as far as he can.

That fiscal cliff is looming large and the fuck will be at the helm when it goes over.
We need to cut welfare and medicaid but that would hit blacks so obozo says no way.

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