The Scepter Is Not Jesus-the lie reveals the actual Shiloh


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
In the sefer Bamidbar it is written, " kochav mi'Yaachov v'kom shevet mi"Yisrael"

"there shall step forth a star out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel."

Sceptre and 'Staff' (HaShevet) Mean The same and written the same as SHEVET then there can be said there is a name in the verse, but Jesus is not and that name makes our legendary forum poster Jeremiah who placed the idol as the scepter cringe over the revealed name.
Also note Pslams where it says:
"Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: the sceptre of thy kingdom is a
right sceptre.
The dead Sea War Scroll (4Q471) said the Kingdom was of Michael's Not Jesus' therefore the Scepter (Shevet) of THY (MICHAEL's) Kingdom also shows the First and Last name in these verses (just as in the Torah Portions, Temple Bread&Wine etc) none of which are about Jesus.
Thou lovest righteousness and hatest wickedness: therefore
God, thy God, hath ANOINTED thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows
(Psalm 45:6-7)."

So Why did their sceptre love wickedness and hate righteousness opposite Psalms?
Loved wickedness:
Pope protecting and buddying up to Castro, Saddam, ARAFAT,
AND Batista Noreiga, and Marcos WHICH MOST DON'T KNOW last 2 WERE Roman Catholic Dictators. Hid the abuse of Nuns and children and revictimized some victims in how they handled those cases.
Supported the Mafia fathers or were very tight with them, where friends, confedantes, did their wedddings and funerals and took their confesions and went to their parties.
Hated when mother Theresa was helping India, once told her to stop. Hated people like Ghandi who look better then Jesus in their works...Hated technology advances to save lives and cure illnesses.... hated our president's action to remove terror and unstable abusive regimes....
hated the movement to bring the Third temple to bring righteousness in teaching through the Temple to the entire world.... hated the Bible and the Hebrew G0d thus reinvented it....hated me and my sacrifice in purging of their transgressions and sins... etc etc..

In Bilaam's prophetic vision, he states, "There steps forth a star from Jacob and there arises a scepter out of Israel." Targum Onkelos notes that this "star" alludes to Moshiach.
That rising star ‘Michael’ which redeems Israel Dan 12:1-4 is symbolized by the Evening Star (Shalem).
The Poster Jeremiah claimed the scepter is about Jesus yet Jesus claimed to be the nemesis Morning Star (fallen arch)-Rev 22:16, who fell and is not the one to arise per Dan 12:1-4 the verses your pastors skip over when reading Dan 12 because they fear THE NAME.
They did the opposite their fallacious attempt to place him thus proving you always need to thief from the Night. (Evening Star).

Notice that everytime they attempt to place Lucifer at the throne, they inadvertantly reveal the Shiloh Michael.
The scepter (SHEVET)shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh (“he whose right it is")come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be" (Genesis 49:10).

"And thou, profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when iniquity shall have an end, Thus saith the Lord God: Remove the diadem, and take off the crown; this shall not be the same; exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high. I will overturn, overturn, overturn it, and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him" (Ezekiel 21:25-27).

Fact the Overturner is Michael. There is no Shiloh if Jesus is Messiah because there would be no "one who's right it is" situation needing overturning, which is what Shiloh means, it's not a name it's a term. Only if Jesus is the imposter is there a need for overturning by the one who's right it was stolen from hence Jesus saying he is the thief in (of) the Night (Michael).
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Yah people miss the obvious....if jesus is so well loved and respected by one third of mankind and is accepted as a real person( because usually if a lie is repeated enough people accept it as fact) by most of the other 2 thirds... And he is popular beyond belief(leaf of lies..too cover up the naked truth) then why would this be overturned And who would do the overturning.... Well duh..isnt it obvious..... Look hard enough and deep enough and see the face of rome hiding behind the mask of jesus still enslaving the people....the chains are not out in the open and obvious but are hidden and cover most peoples hearts and is like that elephant chained to the post as a baby it was not strong enough to break free but as an adult it could easily but because its mind is as chained as its foot it never makes an attempt to take that first step to break free of its bonds and run free and clear f the one chaining and tormenting it....
Jesus is the Sun(Son) of Righteousness, with us since the beginning of time. Howl at the moon while we bask in the light.
The Messenger of Righteousness was Michael, you can look it up, even the scrolls verifies that fact.
So Penelipe proved my points, they are always placing
Jesus into everything, stealing the terms/roles and thus is why JW's , Adventist, Coptics, some Mormons, some orders of Priests & Nuns confuse Jesus as being the Biblical Moshiach Michael.
Penelope: there is a big difference between using planetary bodies as symbolism and using them as anthropromorphised deification. Since the Judaic understsnding is not to anthropromorphise these things then it's quite clear, thus your comments are showing ignorance of teachings and usages and even dishonesty.
If you were right or had truth you would not need purposeful dishonesty therefore your motives as a destructive and spiritually dark personality are exposed.
So what made you this way and why do you fight making yourself better?
Penelope is only interested in trying to paint jewish people in a bad light many of her posts are in that vain...if jesus exsisted which he did not and if he was jewish which they claim then penelope would have alot of explaning to do to her idol... So she must not really believe in him very much because she insults his people everytime she posts... Not a personal attack just an observation...

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