The Scandal That Matters

Yawn, fun to watch the Trumpkins panic...

Panic? Retards like you all but guarantee a second term for Donald J Trump. His base is rabid, and normal people are disgusted by all the whinging and conspiracy theories. The DNC is the new infowars

Well, I'll agree Trump's base is "rabid"

Joe, is that why Trump supporters were peaceful while mobs of Trump haters and Hillary Supporters marched, rioted, protested, started fights and damaged property?
Doesn't matter, now that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has impaneled a Grand Jury to begin issuing subpoenas...

Your side is not going to be allowed to start or focus public attention upon any additional major investigation until the Mueller Investigation has concluded.


Translation: Your side is not going to be allowed to dangle any distracting and deflecting shiny baubles in front of the American Public until Mueller's work is done.


You can have all the investigations you want, the very minute that Mueller's Final Report has been issued and decisions have been made as to indictments.

For now, rejoice in all the Grand Jury subpoenas of both personal testimony under oath and of records (including tax returns; both now and in the months to come.

Gives ya a case of the 'warm and fuzzies', doesn't it?

Great fun.

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Yawn, fun to watch the Trumpkins panic...

Panic? Retards like you all but guarantee a second term for Donald J Trump. His base is rabid, and normal people are disgusted by all the whinging and conspiracy theories. The DNC is the new infowars

Well, I'll agree Trump's base is "rabid"

Joe, is that why Trump supporters were peaceful while mobs of Trump haters and Hillary Supporters marched, rioted, protested, started fights and damaged property?
Doesn't matter, now that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has impaneled a Grand Jury to begin issuing subpoenas...

Just remember, those subpoenas can go ANYWHERE. Up! Down! Left or Right. Be careful of what you ask for.
No problem.

You can investigate the hell out of anyone you like.

Trump first, though.
Lol, ya. Thing is, no matter how bad Rachael Maddow tells you it is, no matter how much Larry O'Donnell tells you how pissed off to be the fact is that avrage people are more up beat about their futures. Stock markets been up since the campaign. Wet backs are getting shipped back to Mexico. It's a fct Jose/Camp, it's going to be Teump 2020. All your democrat candidates have failed in about every election. DNC has been on a losing streak since Barry O began his presidency. I kind of feel bad for you little fellas.

The white voters that helped elect Trump now support him a lot less

The voters who launched President Donald Trump into the White House appear to be growing tired with his administration just six months through his tenure.

A new poll this week from Quinnipiac University found that not only had Trump's approval rating sunk to a new low, but support among key demographics Trump won during the 2016 election—most notably white voters without a college degree—had also dropped off.

There is no word yet about how he is doing with white people with a "collage" degree, though.
He misses the point. He like all libs and republicans just don't get it. Trump is punishment on both parties from voters. That's republicans to.

Oh, I agree, Trump is the manifestation of the anger and frustration of the voters.

The problem is, he was the wrong answer. His inability to get anything done means that these angry voters will turn on him just as quickly.

But here's the biggest problem that Trump has. 54% of the voters voted against him. a lot of the people who voted for him probably never expected him to win (steal the election).
And there we have it, every liberal's wet dream.

We are overdue for a recession and stock market correction. They always happen. Inevitable as gravity, stupid.

So if Trump can't top 33% when times are good, what's going to happen when they aren't so good?
OK so a stock market correction, if it happens, or a recession will not be Trump's fault.
OK so a stock market correction, if it happens, or a recession will not be Trump's fault.

doesn't matter if it is or isn't. Point is, he will get the blame for it. And all the shitheads who are supporting him now because, "Hey, the guy is a national embarrassment, but the stock market is good" will be left with "The guy is a national embarrassment!"
Lol, ya. Thing is, no matter how bad Rachael Maddow tells you it is, no matter how much Larry O'Donnell tells you how pissed off to be the fact is that avrage people are more up beat about their futures. Stock markets been up since the campaign. Wet backs are getting shipped back to Mexico. It's a fct Jose/Camp, it's going to be Teump 2020. All your democrat candidates have failed in about every election. DNC has been on a losing streak since Barry O began his presidency. I kind of feel bad for you little fellas.

The white voters that helped elect Trump now support him a lot less

The voters who launched President Donald Trump into the White House appear to be growing tired with his administration just six months through his tenure.

A new poll this week from Quinnipiac University found that not only had Trump's approval rating sunk to a new low, but support among key demographics Trump won during the 2016 election—most notably white voters without a college degree—had also dropped off.

There is no word yet about how he is doing with white people with a "collage" degree, though.

Blah, blah, spelling sucks. You are more interesting when you stick with the salty war hero BS.
Blah, blah, spelling sucks. You are more interesting when you stick with the salty war hero BS.

Buddy, it's not just your spelling, it's your reasoning skills that are the problem.
Blah, blah, spelling sucks. You are more interesting when you stick with the salty war hero BS.

Buddy, it's not just your spelling, it's your reasoning skills that are the problem.

Reasoning skills, your first post on this board was about mormons raping you after you single handely won the Vietnam war until people made fun of you to much then you quit and only did it with your extra accounts. Far as my reasoning go's, a person who lies as much as you do really can't say much about another persons reasoning abilities. Espresso since you get all your drivel from TV.
Reasoning skills, your first post on this board was about mormons raping you after you single handely won the Vietnam war until people made fun of you to much then you quit and only did it with your extra accounts.

Sorry, dude, only have the one account, and clearly your reading comprehension skills are lacking if that's what you got out of my previous posts.

Then again, if you can't spell words even with a spell-checker, we really shouldn't be surprised if you don't understand them.

Far as my reasoning go's, a person who lies as much as you do really can't say much about another persons reasoning abilities. Espresso since you get all your drivel from TV.

"Espresso"? Seriously? Dude, you need to learn. Spell Check is not always your friend.

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