The Satanic Confectioner


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Satanism has faced controversy and also received a cult-following in the USA. Roman Polanski's two incendiary films Rosemary's Baby and The Ninth Gate have explored mainstream cultural perceptions of the offbeat quality and Occultism-orientation of Satanism 'theosophy' and have made people more comfortable about general free-speech issues regarding religious pluralism and also 'other-worldly' belief-systems.

A confectioner is a candy-maker and seller.

The American horror film Candyman presents the story of a ghoulish ghost haunting vulnerable people and armed with a deadly hook-like weapon and enticing people with a devastating but alluring/intriguing incantation --- a 'metaphysical horror-candy.'

The modern world is gauged by mercantilism-gauged politics and 'culture' (e.g., European Union, Wall Street, etc.), and Hollywood (USA) has made reflective 'spiritual-candy' themed films such as The Wolf of Wall Street and Money Monster.

Americans like visual-learning and sensory-based stimulation (e.g., amusement parks, drive-in theaters, MTV, etc.). We can therefore explore religious pluralism issues regarding Satanism as they relate to modern age media-based free-speech.

Here is a 'media-friendly' mock dialogue I cooked up about Occultism 'academic-candy' between Vishnu (Hindu god of protection) and Shiva (Hindu god of destruction). I think it represents new age pluralism consciousness, which stirs my interest, since I follow the beliefs/practices of Catholicism which has been known to embrace 'media-based free-speech' issues.


VISHNU: Americans have made many films about the Occult.
SHIVA: Roman Polanski's are the most respected, but there are others.
VISHNU: Yes, such as Halloween III: Season of the Witch.
SHIVA: Halloween itself has important Occultism overtones for mainstream society.
VISHNU: The Christian Devil likes to disguise himself, so maybe he favors Halloween!
SHIVA: Kids go trick-or-treating on Halloween in costumes/masks, hoping for sweet candy.
VISHNU: That's the general 'mainstream optimism' "towards" Occultism every Halloween.
SHIVA: It's surprising Halloween has not seen censorship/persecution issues from mainstream religions.
VISHNU: Halloween as it is today may have been censored by old-world Christians.
SHIVA: Perhaps, but old-world Christians may have also sought to censor MTV.
VISHNU: Treating Occultism stimuli in the modern world as 'brain-candy' may be a neutralizing approach.
SHIVA: It would surely drop some cooling cold water on the incendiary modern problem of pluralism.
VISHNU: It's hard to embrace free-speech when belief-systems seem very unusual.
SHIVA: Because Satanism has been linked to bizarre notions such as cannibalism, it is not mainstream.
VISHNU: Even today.
SHIVA: Even today.
VISHNU: Maybe movies serve as a 'soap-box' for mainstream society-dialogue in the modern age.
SHIVA: Yes, the modern world is, after all, the age of media (e.g., CNN, Facebook, etc.).
VISHNU: We should consider Occultism-oriented horror-films as symbols of 'talk-show candy'!
SHIVA: There must be a line between unreserved chatter and 'pluralism-showmen'!



The Event

I like how that turned out, and I got a positive response, so I'm adding this 'party-event' addendum to see just how much modern media (e.g., Internet) can be used to 'crank out' general social chatter about pluralism open-mindedness and yes stimulating debate.

Hey, I'm scared of witches and Satanists, but when I think about the notion that a beautiful woman (such as Kate Hudson) or a cool movie-superstar (such as Tom Berenger) may be a secret Satanist or invested in Occultism-culture research, I start to think about alternative representations of non-mainstream religions. As a Catholic, I feel somewhat obligated to be more 'open-minded' than my Protestant brethren.

It's not a challenge, only a little 'sweet little conversation.' Let's let President Trump deal with the bureaucratic anarchy...


Kate Hudson hosted a beautiful event in her lavish mansion for celebrities and social luminaries interested in religious pluralism as it applied to non-mainstream religions such as Scientology and Satanism. All proceeds went to charities. A stranger walked in, claiming he was on the invite-list and introduced himself as 'The Scarecrow.'

HUDSON: I wish Tom Hanks showed up...
SCARECROW: Well, Tom Berenger is here...
HUDSON: You think it's shallow for a celebrity to host a pluralism-consciousness event?
SCARECROW: Why not? Celebrities are always criticized for being 'out of touch.'
HUDSON: I don't want to just sell Pepsi cans.
SCARECROW: Let's distribute some Pepsi cans with Vodka in them.
HUDSON: Hey, remember this is an important 'pseudo-political' event.
SCARECROW: Let's hope President Trump agrees with you --- a real capitalism-baron.
HUDSON: I've ordered a catering bakery-service to deliver gourmet pumpkin pies.
SCARECROW: Oh, a "Halloween flavor."
HUDSON: Why are you dressed as a Scarecrow?
SCARECROW: I have my reasons.
HUDSON: Are you wary of social gatherings that are 'politically-toned'?
SCARECROW: No, I like modern chatter.
HUDSON: I suppose you brought condiments.
SCARECROW: Oh yes...a marijuana alternative!
HUDSON: Thank you.
SCARECROW: May good little witches everywhere bless this little party...



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